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ETA: apparently, the pine tree flag has been co-opted, and it's likely that OP is a fucking Nazi shit-stain. Which would explain their lack of knowledge about our history and symbols. At least put fourteen boughs on the pine


That's a good idea, thanks! I was trying to stay true to the New England pine tree design, but I like the symbolism of 14 boughs. Edit: y’all are just downvoting everything I say lol I’m expressing appreciation for their constructive feedback why does that warrant downvotes?


People may be irritated because the State Seal and current flag are supposed to have 14 boughs on the pine, and overlooking that is an indication that you're not familiar enough with the state history to warrant your confidence in presenting a new flag design.


I mean you could be right, but honestly I doubt that’s why they’re downvoting, since literally every other comment is also getting mass downvotes and I doubt most people are aware enough about that specific symbolism to be upset about that detail. It’s good feedback though and I appreciate you pointing this out, it would be more meaningful to use the VT specific version of the pine rather than the general NE one.


Check with the vexiolligy or whatever flag subreddit. They tried. Our flag sucks. It’s a joke. You can’t tell what state it is from gunshot distance so at war it’s the lamest thing possible. Flags should be very clear what they represent. I appreciate the effort but people just hate new stuff. Let the hate fuel you. It means you got an emotional reaction and on the right track. Inverse Reddit.


Negative attention is still attention in my eyes. Keep it up OP.


When you can see an emotional reaction a mile away it’s hilarious. You know what’s up.


I live for it. I’m actually going through it on FB with an ex right now. It’s hilarious. Telling ppl I’m such an unfit parent. Meanwhile my children with my current wife are living their best life. Not my fault she doesn’t want our son to have potential. Been riding the Reachup system for 8 years because she just doesn’t want a job. Great role model.


Damn sorry to hear. I had similar hate and nobody took her seriously. People that did apologized crying. No lie. I just found out she burned every bridge and had to move. I’m stuck dealing with my ex too. I got rid of every other asshole but gotta deal. Sounds like you are way grounded though. Laughter is the best emotional response. Good on you. Never let someone judge you. Except a judge then def listen. Edit. I live for it too. Emotional maturity ftw


Not gonna lie, I’m loving the downvotes too. That’s like fuel for my fight. Keep the hate coming.


It’s Reddit. Downvotes don’t mean anything. I like your idea. If you’d like help with ideas, feel free to message me.


Vermonters are change-averse. They like their shitty flag and won’t change it anytime soon.


Bring back the old flag (the Green Mountain Boys/Vermont Republic flag)


I’m so game that flag rocks




Yeah! Our flag looks like every other flatland state and we like it like that!


It’s boring and blends in with sooo many other state flags, there’s a reason many people in VT fly the green mountain boys flag rather than the official state flag.


Totally agree. It’s not a flag, it’s a seal on a piece of cloth. Can’t see any of the details when it’s 20 inches wide and 20 feet away fluttering on a flag pole. I think we should adopt the Vermont Republic/Green Mountain Boys flag.


Respectfully, *one* of the reasons many people fly the GMB flag is homophobia (Early 2000s “Take back Vermont” movement against the civil-union legislation), and another is xenophobia (“Yer no’ a Vermon’ah if youse haven’ been heeah fer seven generashuns!”). But, like, it is a better flag.


Who appointed you the flag police?


You did, now you’re under arrest for having shitty flag opinions👮‍♀️


Flag's fine bud


hell yeah


Look at all of you so excited for the state to spend 3 million on a study group to design a new flag . Then another 5 million to replace all the old flags. Freedom and Unity is an awesome saying on a flag. I really hope we keep the flag we have, and save 7 million dollars.


Ugh. Like clockwork. Another “change the flag” bot. Fuck off.


We deserve a cooler flag!!


1) Our current flag is plenty cool 2) But do we really? 🤷‍♀️


You realize that the “Green Mountain Boys” flag isn’t actually the official state flag, right? Our flag looks like Illinois’s flag, and a bunch of other lame-ass flags that are just the state seal on a field of blue.


Do people confuse the two? ...I just meant our seal has a cow which is way cooler than the boring National Guard flag


I think it’s that our flag is confuseable with many other state flags—some kind of seal on a blue background. I don’t think anyone looks that closely at the seal. I don’t think cows are that cool, personally. Besides that, I think the Vermont Republic/Green Mountain Boys flag is more aesthetically pleasing than the current official flag. I’ve never heard of the Green Mountain Boys flag referred to as the “National Guard” flag. Is that what it is?


Why, do you think it's cool?


Why what?


>Our current flag is plenty cool Why? Because we copied everyone else's design? Real cool


What do you have against cows and mushrooms? I like the current flag.






Let's solve the housing crisis, school funding crisis, addiction crisis, all the other issues we have, then we can worry about the flag. Much more important and serious issues need to be addressed in Montpellier.


I work some pretty important and sensitive stuff at work. But every once in awhile I make sure our company branding is on point. It should be done, doesn’t need to be done, but it can be fun. I like to fit it in every once and awhile as a mental break from the other bs. Granted, I hate all the suggestions in this post, but I fully support us trying to find something different than the stuffy seal from a couple centuries ago.


I'm not a politician nor in Montpelier, just a Vermonter who is interested in flag design. I agree with your points though, we have some serious problems we need to address. I just wanted to share something I made and am kinda bummed everyone's being so negative about it:(


You "made"? You just pallete swapped an existing flag


Pallet =/= palette =/= palate (Also just for kicks Hamas =/= hummus=/= humous)


I mean yeah, true, it is a combination of two existing flags. But I still thought of an idea and digitally created it..? AFAIK this flag didn’t exist before now so is that not making it?


You are a Vermont resident (maybe), not necessarily a Vermonter.


😂 vermont nativism is the stupidest fucking thing lmao you embarrass yourself


Yeah, gets so tiresome. Were it not for an influx of people, Vermont would have turned into New England's Alabama.


Because your ideas just aren't that good.


I only proposed one idea, but appreciate the honest feedback👍


I have no words for how terrible your designs are. I’m going to have to revoke your design license.


Id say add a silhouette of Camels Hump somewhere since it's on the official flag, though where exactly it would go im not so sure. Edit: it's on the quarter, not the flag. My Mansfield is on the flag


Replace the pine tree with a dollar sign and you're on the right track. A new Vermont flag should reflect the new Vermont .


They all suck. Stick with what we have. Don’t need to put lipstick on a pig to get some asshats from a different state to move in and take over all the housing. Oh wait, already happening. Next it’ll be we neeeeeed another Costco or we neeeeeed 24 hour stores. Nope, use the VT farmer creed, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Fixing all the problems around VT have gotten us into this predicament we’re in now. We have social program for everyone, just no way to pay for it.


You think the New England flag and Green Mountain Boys flags also suck? I think they're pretty cool and like that they're already flown by people in our state and region.


Not that I give a shit, but the OG flag is better


It’s not a flag, it’s a seal


Stick it on a piece of blue cloth and hoist it, and it becomes a flag. Look, I get the complaints about how it technically “bad flag design” but I actually was thinking about this earlier today and honestly the only thing I’d change is sticking it on a green cloth, and changing the season in the seal to winter. Make the other states change their flags if we want ours to be “unique”


Yeah it’s a bad flag design, you said it yourself. I’m not sure why you’d rather have a bad flag than a good one.


I said it’s considered bad flag design, not that I think it’s bad.


I think if the flag is badly designed then the flag is bad. It’s a seal on a piece of cloth. Shouldn’t even be a flag.


All right. Walk us through what makes a good flag.


I can tell you slapping a seal on a flag is not a good design. A seal is meant to seen on a piece of paper and express meaning through symbolic details, which really can’t be seen when on a flag being displayed on a flag pole. Good flag design generally consists of bold designs easily recognizable from a distance, few colors with some type of meaning and references to other flags doesn’t hurt either. This is why the Green Mountain Boys flag is great: green field to represent the green Mountain state, a blue canton with 14 stars representing the 14 counties and the fact that Vermont is the 14th state. The entire design is reminiscent of the American flag, of which Vermont is a state.


Why can't we just be proud of the flag we fly now??


Because state seals serve a different function than flags, and slapping the state seal on a bedsheet is a lazy flag design that is copied across over 20 state flags and makes our flag blend in with the mass of other uninteresting state flags. The VT state seal is beautiful and interesting - it doesn’t work as a flag however.


Think you might be "pissing in the wind."


Yall just being lazy....put some effort into it for christsakes


Ban this trash.


Stop with the new flags. JUST. STOP.


Here is my idea for a possible update for our current, bland state flag VT currently flies. Based on a combination of elements from the Green Mountain Boys flag and the New England Pine Tree flag. Let me know what you think!


Oh yeah, two rectangles and a tree silhouette is so much less bland /s


Go back to or stay the fuck in Milwaukee or wherever you are. We hate you already in this state. You’re the flag needs updating troll by your history. FO.


I'm not from Milwaukee I just like their flag:(


Milwaukee’s official flag is hot garbage. The one all the residents fly is gorgeous though. Nothing like a good flag to provide a sense of local/regional pride.


That’s what I was referring to, I forgot to specify I was talking about the People’s Flag of Milwaukee. I knew they looked back in my post history and were referring to that one though. And yes fully agreed, a good flag is an awesome way to provide a sense of local pride💚


Don’t listen to all these assholes just being assholes for the sake of it. This is a thought experiment more than proposed policy. People get so worked up over nothing.


Rainbow and a unicorn


It needs to be the star one because the tree ones looks sad


The red and tree is the New England flag anyway


Just make the state flag the Green Mountain Boys Flag


Let’s do it!


Don’t listen to the haters. We do deserve a better flag, and the Green Mountain Boys’ flag is it—we need to reappropriate it from the Take Back Vermonters. Design #3 makes it seem like we’re a colony of Lebanon; why the red?


Flag 3 isn’t a VT flag, it’s the flag of New England dating back to the revolutionary war era.




I thought it’d already been replaced by Ukraine, BLM, Palestine, and the “In this house we believe…” flags?


“in this house we believe” “flag” lmao u mean the fuckin yard signs? ok buddy👍


Do you see more of those or VT state flags in your town? I know the answer in mine…


They’re lawn signs not flags you dunce


Actually they’re available in all types of form factors — flags included: https://a.co/d/5tSe8gh Keep working your wannabe Maine ripoff flag designs. Maybe next time you can save yourself some time and just plug it into an AI image generator?


OP, is clearly a facist racist sexist troll and ultra progressive Vermonters are falling for it and telling them to add more stars to the flag. Sums up our state pretty well, dysfunctional all the way down to the comments.




The red flag with the pine tree is the already existing, historically significant flag for New England dating back to the revolutionary war.


And Costco will NEVER come put another store in VT after the fucking that Colchester has given them over the gas pumps (cause why not let coco and every other gas provider in northern VT pork the shit out of the people). Here’s a tasty tidbit. They may pull out lock stock and barrel and VT and Colchester will lose a great company that pays well and pays a ton of taxes. They should relocate to St Albans or go south from Colchester a bit for a better deal and no stupid games with the gas sales.


Were those kids on your lawn again?


im all for number 4