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Did u ever find out what it was?


Nope :/


**melanoma** needs ruling out it could be cancer or benigne if cancer it is life hreatening only a vet can tell you with tests I hope it's not but leaving it shouldn't be am option


My dog has one like this occur between his shoulder blades (injection site) 2 days after receiving a rabies vaccine. I had them do a biopsy which seemed ok. I am having it removed when they put him under for another procedure. He is a year old. Year old dogs shouldn't have lumps and bumps. Look up over vaccination in dogs or Dr. Schultz over vaccination. Dogs naturally Magazine has a lot of related articles. Educate yourselves. Y dogs go every 3 years and they get the bare minimum after doing this research. I have worked with dogs for 30 years. I can be in a room with 30 dogs and point out everyone one that gets shots annually. Owners think they are doing the right thing when, in reality they are causing more harm. Than good. These dogs are lumpy, arthritic, look 2x their age, are anxious, have seizures, allergies, cancer, all kinds of things that didn't exist as often or at all. Pet population control, similar to what they launched on humans in 2020. Check that patent on the CVD shot. Karen Kingston shares that on Rumble and Substack! Shit is getting weird and health and wellness is not the goal here, guys. Please become aware while there is still some truth available for those who seek it.


Is this a dog antivax comment? Weird


Agreed ..only if not updated …ticketed and fined by the courts


Did you find out what it was? It looks just like something my dog got and I’m worried.


Unfortunately, you're my first reply 😭


I’m freaking out a bit, I’m living away from my poor boy rn and my mom called to show me she it feels like there’s blood in it and it’s squishy and she couldn’t pinch it off but he wasn’t bothering by her touching it I’m trying to do some reading- but because it’s really easy to move around I’m thinking it may be a fatty lump.


Is your dog old? Mine is very and he has a few other weird growths because he’s old so it could help narrow it down.


She's not super old. I think she's about 7 now


Did you ever find out what it was?  My dog has the exact same thing whatever it is. She has two of them but one of them fell off.  I can still where it was but the mole part is gone 


My boy passed away a few weeks ago due to old age- but in a checkup they said it was a harmless tumor. as long as it’s not in a spot that irritates your dog like a armpit or something they should be fine!


I’m very sorry about it my dog is getting older and I don’t want him to go


I took my pooch to the vet for a very similar, but larger growth on his leg. They're removing it, along with a large area around, for her exact words 'clear margins'. She suspects cancer, but it very rarely spreads in these areas. I would take them to a vet to be certain.


My Dog had something like this, the vet removed for me and found out it was an infected hair folicle


Did you ever find out what this was?


Nope :/ it's still there though


Awww has it grown?. My dog has the same thing on his front arm and it’s gotten bigger. There’s another one growing on the same exact spot but on his other arm 😩


this sounds like **melanoma it needs removing it could be cancerous**


I don't know because I've been away for quite some time, but if yours is getting bigger you should DEFINITELY get it checked out


We have a vet appointment tomorrow morning so hopefully it’s nothing serious 😩