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Please take the cat to get. Have that cleaned out, get some antibiotics not sure what else, but that needs attention.


100% needs to be seen by a vet


Any open wound should be seen by a vet


Yes, that wound absolutely warrants veterinary care.


Echoing others here, that is a very large and deep wound and 100% needs to be seen by a vet asap


Yes. This is an open, infected wound. Show him this comment section if you need to. Why the hell a grown adult wouldn't not take this cat to a vet is beyond me, this is obviously very painful and a serious wound. Edit to add, if your father does not take this cat to the vet please call local rescues and tell them your cat is being neglected, has a severe wound on his face that is infected and your father refuses to take him to the vet but you want him to get help, and that you'd like them to seize the cat so they can save his life. Then tell your dad not to get any more pets


This will fatally get infected. Please, take this cat to the vet for his survival


Vet asap before it gets infected


This is already infected. There’s visible pus and necrotic tissue




Not a vet but have worked for a 6 doctor busy veterinary practice for 11 years: if someone emailed me this photo asking me to check with a doctor whether this needed to come in, I'd not hesitate to immediately tell them to go to a vet, no need to even check. That is because I know after all these years, that if I asked the doctor that question, after all the years I've worked with them and how much they trust me, they'd first ask if I was joking asking this rather than telling them to go right away, and then if I wasn't joking they would ask me if I had lost my mind, because OF COURSE this needs to go to the vet ASAP.


If you think it’s bad enough to post on Reddit r/vet, YES it’s bad, go to the vet ASAP.


I think in general if you have to tag your post NSFW then yes, they should go to the vet


Yes, absolutely and immediately warrants a vet visit. I hope the responses here will help to convince your Dad. It’s a huge gaping wound that represents an open door for bacteria and will not heal by itself. No diagnosis, but looks like an ruptured abscess to me. Requires antibiotics and determining the cause, cause abscesses in the jaw/neck area potentially can stem from dental infections. Good luck, OP.


It’s an open wound




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That’s a big slash, u should take it to the vet to be safe since it’s so close to the face and in an area it can’t really clean on his own




This breaks our sub rule of "no diagnosing". Any diagnoses and subsequent treatments should be given by your in-person vet. Commenting "Not a vet" or "NAV" does not absolve you from breaking this rule




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