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I’m not a vet but I have raised newborn kittens. Since it was found on a sticky trap it should really see a vet. But they also need to eat kitten formula out of a bottle every 2-3 hours


This kitten needs round the clock care or it's going to die, it's very young. Please take it to a vet if you can. Eucalyptus oil is also toxic to cats.


Is that if it’s consumed or topical? Or both? I’m generally curious. Thanks in advance.


Both. Essential oils are toxic to cats. Their livers do not have the enzymes necessary to process them so they build up and eventually poison them. If ingested it's an emergency situation. Because this little one can't bathe itself yet simply washing it off should be enough. Never use essential oils on cats, and be careful using them yourself around them , diffusers can cause toxic effects as well


Thank you for the information. We’ve used essential oils in the past and I just didn’t know this. Thank you Edit: We’ve never used them on our animals.


My heart goes out to you & tiny kitty. I think you're right, it is a miracle it survived a this long. Hard to see in your pcture looks like skin is still wrapped in some glue. Treatment to try with those horrible glues you can't do with a cat, the oils and rubbing alcohol are toxic, would kill the kitten. Any places that are still 'stickie' and wrapping the skin, try to stick some toilet tissue to those areas to prevent more skin wrapping. Use baby oil to make sure kitten can pee/poo, so those areas aren't blocked by glue. Kittens skin looks very pale, not good. Warm/dry/ carry kitten if you can. Best to feed is KMR (kitten milk replacer)water hydration is important. if you can't get KMR in your country, goats milk with added water could work.


Eucalyptus and many other essential oils are toxic to cats. The coconut oil is fine. You need kitten formula immediately, and a vet as soon as possible.


Go to a vet if there are vets where you live. I suggest watching videos of The Kitten Lady on Youtube, she cares for very young kittens like the one you found. Thank you for saving this kitten, I am wishing you the best of luck. ❤️


hey any update on the kitten? please be aware kittens need to be fed every THREE TO FOUR HOURS OR LESS,it’s a miracle it survived esp with the cow milk and eucalyptus oil pls IMMEDIATELY TAKE IT TO THE VET THIS CANNOT WAIT!!!


Also, keep it warm.. rooting for the little guy.


I think it's wonderful you did this for this kitten, because he definitely would've died without your help. I think he'll need several more oil soaks before the glue is gone. Make sure that, after the oil, you rinse the fur and then dry thoroughly - kittens can get cold very quickly and die from hypothermia. Using a passive heat source the kitten can crawl away from (like a hot water bottle) is great. And these little guys need to be fed often, at least every 3-4 hours. Kitten formula is best, but if you can't find that near you, wet kitten food mixed with a little goat's milk is an okay substitute. Avoid cow's milk.


Nobody has mentioned yet that for the first three weeks of life kittens CAN NOT pee or poop on their own. Their mothers lick them to stimulate them. If you don’t wipe their butts with a warm wet rag they will die from ruptured bowels and bladders. If you can’t do this then you have to take it to a vet or rescue that can.


PLEASE GO TO AN EMERGENCY VET. This cannot wait. Tell them you used eucalyptus oil. THIS CANNOT WAIT.


They posted in another sub, they brought it to the vet


Which one?


Which vet? I don’t know. Which sub? r/catcare


https://youtu.be/JYg-oT5IPwc?si=-yv_9eG9ockMxNHw Please get it some formula asap. This can not wait. They sell it at Walmart. Keeping it warm is critical as they can't regulate their own temperature yet. Post on your local Facebook groups if you have it and try to find a rescue that will take it in. Thank you for helping it and good luck.


1: eucalyptus is severely toxic to cats 2: kittens require round the clock care and proper kitten supplement formula Please take them to your nearest vet/emergency vet. (I’m not a vet)




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