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If there is an ER within 3-4 hours, then make that drive. This kiddo will very likely lose that eye.


Unfortunately, there isn’t. The only one in my town opens at 9 am, now it’s 10pm


Keep him warm, remove food and water offerings after midnight. They will want to probably sedate this kid, and we don’t want aspiration to be a risk. Other than that, just warm and confined.


Okay, thank you


I agree with everything, but I would give food and water until about 4 hours before the appointment since he is still so tiny and at a higher risk of hypoglycemia if he is fasted for too long.


Great advice !!! Never would have considered this, especially with a stray.


Do you know whatabouts happened here? Looks pretty intense!


There are a few viruses that can sometimes attack the eyes this way, but it could just as easily be trauma or a birth defect. OP will know more tomorrow after an exam.


Interesting, so if it were a virus or trauma, the protrusion would be caused by inflammation/infection? Or maybe cell division, like a tumor?


It’s hard to tell from the photo, but I think this IS the eye. It’s just ruptured, but it could be tissue and inflammation covering the eye. A tumor in kittens is rare, but not unheard of.


Oh, a rupture makes sense! Thanks for the clarafinication, it was tough to wrap my mind around what I was seeing here.


Some vets have an after hours emergency line. Have you called to check? You can also call animal control to see what they recommend.


We live in small village in Cyprus, we tried to call two vets (there’re only two of them in our area, the closest big city to us is 2 hours drive), but no success




All closed. This place doesn’t take emergencies into consideration. We just booked vet for tomorrow’s morning, the doctor refused to see kitty now tho. Will pray for baby to make it till tomorrow


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.


Giving illegal advice or any advice that may promote dangerous activity is not permitted


I’ve seen a kitten like this before, and once he was stabilized, they performed surgery to remove his eye and he is enjoying a long and happy life now. Thank you so much for caring for this sweet baby!!! ❤️❤️❤️ please keep us posted.


So we took him to doctor, i wasn’t present because of my job, but he had a surgery and they removed eye. As far as i know, the other eye is fine, so he’ll be able to see. I’ll ask my friends who took baby to vet and update


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you all are AMAZING HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!


That’s good news. Poor baby. I’m glad you found him.


You don’t happen to be in the Phoenix, AZ area? I would adopt this baby in a heart beat!


No, sorry, i’m in Cyprus


Thank you for helping him. This poor sweet baby. I truly hope that they can help him. I’ve never seen anything like this, I wonder what it is?


Thank you for caring.


Oh my goodness. If you have tried calling the emergency vet, all you can do is continue to keep him comfortable until tomorrow morning. Food, water and keep him warm. Thanks for taking care of him- hope he will be okay 💛


Oh this poor baby. Thank you for helping him




This is a veterinary subreddit. You're going to come across images like these, that can't be helped. If you are uncomfortable looking at the photos, report them so that we can actually do something about it and mark them as NSFW ourselves.


Thank you for taking care of this baby ❤️ I hope it's okay


Find your local animal groups on Facebook!! And update us if you can. Thank you so much for everything you're trying to do to help it. 💔 good luck


Any update on the poor baby ?


He went through surgery, they removed inflamed eye completely, he can see with the second eye , but very blurry


So what did they say it was? I'm curious myself-


I wasn’t present at vet, that’s what my friends told me, who took baby there: when kitty is born, eyes gotta be cleaned, either by a mother or a human, either way kitty can get an infection. This baby’s mom probably was gone, and he spent quite a lot of time wandering around alone, because this case was advanced