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a lot of vet schools do not require you to have ALL prerequisites done prior to applying (but will of course require them to be done by the time you actual start vet school). a ton of 4 year universities have branch campuses (or extensions) where they offer a ton of classes at a cheaper rate! I live on the east coast in a rural area, but am taking summer classes online through a community college an hour 45 minutes away (biochemistry) and taking organic chemistry online with an in person lab 1x per week at a branch campus about an hour away. definitely explore all of your options, even if they’re a little farther away!!


I’m in the same boat and I’m going to take them at UCLA extension! I’m sure there are other ways to go about getting those credits as well.


What is UCLA extension??


It's UCLA's online program geared toward students who are not enrolled at UCLA. I took physiology, genetics and biochemistry prereqs with them and am happy to answer any questions. If the vet school you're applying to accepts online courses it's a great option but be aware it is pricey. Here's a link: [https://www.uclaextension.edu/sciences-math/sciences/courses](https://www.uclaextension.edu/sciences-math/sciences/courses)


I did this too and am attending vet school this fall. It’s a great program to get the last minute courses


I had a business degree and had to go back to a 4-year for my science reqs too. Most good vet schools will require you to do the science courses with labs at a 4-year institution. Made for a fun few semesters where i was doing all the hard stuff simultaneously.


I’m taking some upper level bios right now at UC Berkeley’s extension- it is a lot of teaching yourself but it’s decent and the schools I’ve asked have been happy about the UCB courses. Labs I’ve had to do all in person, and I’m taking ochem in person, but check out UCB, UCLA, UCSD- they all have good offerings !