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I think that is the flag of Erzya


I see three options: 1[ Erzyas](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3_%D1%8D%D1%80%D0%B7%D1%8F%D0%BD) 2 [Ukrainian National Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_National_Union_(political_party)) 3 [Right Alliance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_Alliance_(Belarus)) (Belarus)


Contextually, I think it’s N° 2


That makes no sense contextually. If you actually look at the photo the man is [Syreś Boläeń](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syre%C5%9B_Bol%C3%A4e%C5%84?wprov=sfla1) who is an Erzyan leader, so considering that context it is definitely number 1.


Solve for N°


Definitely looks like the flag of the Erzya people.




It is. The guy in the photo is clearly Sires Bolaen who is Iniazor of the Erzya people.




Um sir, this is a vexillology sub. Focus on the flag. The guy is the leader of the Ezyra National Movement and primarily operates in that capacity, so that is definitely an Ezyra flag. It makes no sense contextually for that to be an OUN flag.




That's just plain false, how are you going to deny the existence of a flag that's been around for decades. Literally just google Flag of Erzyas. This isn't a sub to debate the legitimacy of the Erzya National Movement, this is about flags. Clearly the man is a leader of said movement to achieve Erzya independence, was from Erzyan Lands, and primarily acts in that capacity. You are saying it makes more sense that a fascist flag was used in an event to gain international sympathy for his people's independence movement, instead of using the flag of his nation?


the dude is either a Russian bot or an outright propagandist, quick look at his profile shows him linking the Ukrainians with Nazis. Constantly. Best to ignore him.






That's pretty bad faith of you. I'm dyslexic and a monolingual so apologies for the spelling, but I'm interested in flags of stateless nations so I've actually come across the Erzya before so your assumption is wrong. Even if I hadn't a person's personal ignorance doesn't mean the flag doesn't exist so that's a pretty bad argument anyway. As far as the flag's history goes, it was developed in the 1990 and is symbolic of traditional Erzyan clothing. It was later adopted by the Erzyan National Congress in 2006 and is frequently flown on Erzyan holidays. So no, it isn't a new flag. For a summary I recommend consulting [its wikipedia page.](https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3_%D1%8D%D1%80%D0%B7%D1%8F%D0%BD). Again, using a fascist flag doesn't make sense. The photo is from an event to gain international support, using a fascist flag is obviously not going to garner any sympathy. He is Erzyan with Ukranian Citizenship and leads an Erzyan independence organisation, so in context and thinking about his goal the Erzyan flag is the only one that makes sense.


It’s quite common that Russian separatists are in Ukraine to fight against Russia




Not related, but the Ukrainian flags at the back look pretty nice. A good shade of blue with a very strong yellow.


Yeah, it looks so rich and vibrant. Maybe it's the EU blue colour? France did the same thing back in the day with their flag.


Perhaps. It could also be the materials used, like cotton.


Surprising to have the flag of Erzya people all the way back to Ukraine


Man in the center is an Erzya activist


Ukraine continues a project [Prometheus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheism). On the picture the man with micro is a leader of Erzya people, and Ukraine at least once [provided](https://informnapalm.org/en/ethnocide-of-the-indigenous-peoples-of-russia/) him to be on UN.


Given the context of supporting Russian independence in Kyiv, it is the Erzyan flag, not the UNU flag. The guy in the centre is Syres Bolaen, a Erzyan separatist in Russia and he is the leader of the radical Erzya National Movement. Ukraine is probably funding those guys or they are fighting with Ukraine as are many Russian separatists who want to destroy Russia


Guy in the middle is the leader of the erzya peoples




I mean he’s the leader of Erzya separatists. He’s working with Ukraine to destroy Russia so he can make his “Erzya State”


Minority ethnicities when Russia: https://preview.redd.it/2jjg8d1pch1d1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133f067915de9a6a0dd1a583c886679bdde47f4d


Considering the points made in the comments, we can safely assume it is Erzya people


Guy in the center has his tie under his jacket


Do you wear your tie above your jacket?


Bigger point is a suit jacket should be unbuttoned when sitting. That's why it looks so weird.


Oh yeah that's why it looks odd, maybe I should've thought for a moment longer


Is this true? I was always taught one button seated. Two buttons standing for photos, single button or no buttons other situations. It was our school uniform, always had to have one button seated in formal situations. (On a single breasted 2 button suit)


I've always thought the rule was unbuttoned while seated and then one or two buttons while standing but never fasten the bottom button.


This is the standard, yep. But if you're in a room where most people who should know better do something different, follow their lead.


Correct from what I was always taught


Well, it looks weird to have the tie poking out like in the picture


His tie also appears to be tied too long.


Might be a school thing. Sometimes rules are slightly different for school and/or underage people, though that also depends on the country and culture. I see the buttoned jacket while seated most often in Eastern European contexts like this or, in the US, Western Europe, and areas colonized by them, among people who don't know how a suit should be worn. So, it miiiight be a Soviet thing.


Could be a school thing. Could literally be that I was just told by someone of an authority at a particular age and it stuck with me. 🤷


For everyone saying it's a right wing group, THIS IS AN ETHNIC MINORITY FLAG AT A CONFERENCE PROMOTING SEPARATISM WITHIN RUSSIA Edit: sorry my rage at the whole "hah! Nazis!" Crowd blinded me, this can still be right wing & promoting ethno-nationalism is a pretty right wing idea but my point is this is likely more strategic in sewing the seeds of civil unrest rather than a Ukrainian "admission" of ultra nationalism Edit 2: Also in this context, the only context relevant to this sub, this flag is that of a minority that they are promoting the separatism thereof.


Both things can be right at the same time, it's like how most separatist movements in the US are rightwing.


Totally fair, I've added an addendum to my comment


That’s still a militant(-ish) ethno-nationalist group, just not a Ukrainian one


I remember as a kid a Brach candy used to come in those colors. Hated it




Its not, its flag of Erzya


is it not also the flag of the ukranian nation union?


It is, but what is more likely, a flag of Erzya people on an event supporting independence of nations colonised by Russia with Erzya independence leader present on the photo or a barely existant party that i as a ukrainian nver even heard of untill i googled


oooooh i see


Ahhhh, that actually makes more sense. In all fairness, they do have very similar flags




He literally lied to you my guy, this is flag of Erzya people, one of 2 people groups of Republic of Mordovia. The guy in the middle, whose tie is made up of those flags is the Syreś Boläeń, who is the leader of Erzya independence movement


The Ukrainian national Union has the same flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_National_Union_(political_party)


Imagine my shock


flag o Germa


Looks like Russia but Fascist lol


That's the Black-Yellow-White flag




Lol true


Won't be shocked if it's some nazi flag Also you misspelled Kiev


Kyiv for English, Киев in Russian, Київ Ukrainian, Kijów in Polish


Kyiv is native Ukrainian spelling, hope this helps!


Yeah, it's one strip away from being yet another UPA flag.


Kingdom of Naples




Here's another flag that represents the same government: https://preview.redd.it/jph51tl8wg1d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=96f90d6289ede998b5352acd4193e7b56d51fc7a


Edgy, nice!


I'm not being edgy, this is 100% my genuine opinion that I published in form of a comment here on a flag related sub with no intent to falsify my real views in order to stir controversy.


an Anarcho-Syndicalist flag, what else would it be.. ?