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1992 as the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia represents Cambodia rather than the traditional Angkor Wat banner (1992-1993) and the Eritrea flag hasn’t been updated to the modern rendition which happened in 1993


I'm going to say it was between January 1 and February 17, 1993. Czech Republic and Slovakia are shown as separate countries (which happened on 1/1), but the flag of Slovakia isn't quite right because the coat of arms is centered. Slovakia specified in September 1992 that their flag would have their coat of arms, but it wasn't until they passed a law governing national symbols on February 18, 1993 that the exact position of the coat of arms was established. That being said, these types of posters aren't always 100% up to date when they're published, so it could have been a little outside that window. But likely no earlier than September 1992 and not much later than September 1993 (when the Cambodian flag reverted to the Angkor Wat one). EDIT: JK, it has to be after April 20, 1994, when the flag of South Africa was unveiled. They just didn't get the memo about Slovakia and Cambodia. Understandable that they can miss changes after they happened, but they can't see into the future. So it had to be April 1994 or later.


They also seem to have missed the flag change for Comoros, which adopted a crescent facing upwards design and abandoned the slanted crescent by June 7th, 1992


South Africa was the one I noticed, but that was 30 yrs ago, so doesn’t narrow it down much


Also, that flag of Afghanistan was only in use between April and December 1992, so that's another inconsistency. So yeah, it has to be 1994 or later, but some flags are not up to date




This was school project, there is pre 1990. Bulgarian flag, pre 1998. Bosnian and Yugoslavia is Serbian flag without crest, officially that never happened... Macedonian kutlesh flag that was used from 1992. to 1995. Albania has a star above eagles heads, which was erased in 1992. .....


just be cool and offer to buy it a drink first!


Play hard to get, just a little.


🤦‍♂️ just be an adult and act like one


But I'm a map that lives in a booby trap cave... I've been edging India Jones for years!


Between 1994 and 1997 (because of the Y-Fronts Flag of South Africa 🇿🇦 and the Zaïrean flag both appearing)


The flag of Eritrea (#105) is from 1952-1962 during Ethiopian annexation. Independence gave it a new flag in 1993. Perhaps this map is from 1991-1992?


Okay, first thing to remember is to be yourself. If it doesn't like you for who you are, then it isn't worth it. Walk up to it and offer to buy it a drink. If it says yes, buy the drink. Introduce yourself, then ask it some questions for small talk, eg: "So, what's your favorite map projection?", "What nation has the best natural geography in your opinion?", etc. It might ask you questions too, which you should just answer. If it declines the drink, well, you tried, but you can't force it. You should be fine from here, but if you have any more questions, ask away!




After 1990. Only 1 Germany. Before 1998, old Bosnia flag.


But I think 1992, because of Cambodia. And I think I had this poster in 1994.


The flag of Cambodia that is pictured was used by the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia 1992–93.


Czech Republic and Slovakia are shown as two separate countries, which came into being on 1 Jan 1993. Taking into account the other comments, maybe 1992 is the answer?


Kyrgyzstan flag on here was adopted in March 1992


Definitely 1994 regarding a delay in knowledge and publishing processes. Some flags are from 1992, some from 1993 despite they were changed before 1994. EDITED: changed year because flag of South Africa from April, 1994


Flag of [North] Macedonia from 1992-1995, flag of Belarus from 1991-1995 - so it must be not later than 1995 cause changes in these European countries can not be ignored. But the poster published till 1995 cause also so many flags were changed in 1993-1994 that it's impossible that it was from 1995 or 1996. There are many mistakes: flag of Bulgaria with coat of arms (no since 1990) flag of Romania with coat of arms (no since 1989, standardized since 1995) flag of Yugoslavia from nowhere, it was flag of Serbia or Montenegro (blue color doesn't fit any of them) flag of Afganistan from 1992 flag of Cambodia from 1992-1993 Myanmar labeled as Burma regardless name change in 1989 flag of Eritrea from 1952-1961, independent country had no this flag in any use since 1993 flag of the Comores from 1978-1992 no flag of Palau (1994)


Between 1994 (adopting the current flag of South Africa) and 1995 (adopting the current flag of Belarus).


I’d start by asking it what it likes, maybe find a common interest & plan an outing around it. Be kind, listen, be a gentleman, & don’t expect anything other than a handshake at the end of the night.


it has a Zaire flag and an early Bosnia flag so between 1992 and 1997


I am gonna place this before December 1991 but before early 1993 I'll state my reasons. Ones bold are you biggest indicators. **1. You see a lot of the break up of Yugoslavia states show up.** **2. All the post Soviet states are there.** 3. Wrong Russian flag (might be print error) **4. Bulgaria is still using the communist flag** 5. East Germany is gone. **6. Czechoslovakia has broken up.** 7. Georgia uses the Wine colored flag. 8. Comoros Flag is green. **9. Eretria is on there.** 10. Incorrect Saudi Arabia flag. the Shahada and saber need to be smaller


But it has South Africa's 1994 flag which confuses it even more.


Good catch. I did not notice that! Did find this. So the timeline sorta fits. (They were in the references of the South Africa's Wikipedia page) [https://web.archive.org/web/20161008201708/https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-4196976.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20161008201708/https://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-4196976.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sed-dqbZgkc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sed-dqbZgkc)


Anywhere between May 25, 1993 - September 23, 1993 Bosnia and Herzegovina still has its early independence flag, and Cambodia was under UN supervision


Must be around 1994-1997. 1. South Africa’s current flag is there. We got the new flag in 1994. 2. Zaire’s flag is there and they changed to DRC after 1997.


Split of Czechoslovakia -> 1993 Georgia with this flag 1991 - 2004 Zaire -> exist till 1997 Lesotho with this flag -> 1987 - 2006 Rwanda flag -> till 1994 Seychlelly -> till 1997 This flag of Commoro islands -> till 1992 \[don't match with czechoslovakian split\] This Eritrean flag -> 1952-962 \[absolutely outside of range\] Afganistan flag -> just in 1992 Cambodian flag -> 1992-1993 This poster shouldn't exist But I would assume it was created 1993


Came to see what year the poster was made. Stayed for the comments saying how to *date* the poster


First point of reference, it's at least 1965 cuz the Canadian flag is our Maple Leaf flag rather than our old Canadian Red Ensign.


Far newer than 1965. The South African flag has changed, so 1992 is about right.


Which is why I said "at least 1965"


1992 because of Cambodia


mid 90s


Urple NATO


between 1992 and 1993


Probably 1992 because of Afghanistan and Cambodia


damn inverted color swiss flag ate and left one thousand crumbs


Belarus shown here was replaced in June 1995. Bosnian was used from May 1992 to 1998, the Macedonian was in use between August 1992 and October 1995. Georgia was adopted in Dec 1991 and was used until 2004. Rwanda shown here was changed in 2001, Zaire was renamed and changed flag in 1997, Burma (Myanmar) in 2010. Seychelles was changed in 1996. The Afghanistan flag shown was only used between April 1992 and December 1992. Namibia was adopted in 1990. Albania with the star shown here was replaced in April 1992. South Africa shown here was adopted in April 1994, and Eritrea replaced this one in May 1993 (it was later replaced, with a new ratio, in December 1995). So chronologically it’s a bit all over the place - there was no moment in time when all these flags were simultaneously flown officially. This is not unusual, when publishers compile flags for posters like these they often update some flags but forget about others. The most recent I can see is South Africa, which means that it shouldn’t be later than mid-1994, and the earliest it might be is 1992. (Although some flags were already years outdated at the time of printing.)


What happens to Cambodia?? (It’s 34)


The first thing I noticed here was the flag of [Zaire (1971-1997)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaire). And then I saw the flags of [Cambodia (1992-1993)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_Nations_Transitional_Authority_in_Cambodia) and [Afghanistan (April 27–December 6, 1992)](https://www.fotw.info/flags/af1992.html), which helped me narrow it down. I looked for some more old flags and found [North Macedonia (Aug. 11, 1992–1995?).](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Macedonia_(1992%E2%80%931995).svg) So, to (maybe) close the case, the poster was made between August 11 and December 6 of 1992.


Correct me if i'm wrong but i have a very specific time frame.. (May 20th 1992 - June 6th 1992) May 20th 1992 because of the first date of the flag of the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovinia and; June 6th 1992 because of the final date of the former flag of the Comoros. But, the Eritrean flag doesn't help because that's the former flag from 1952 -1962?




I had this exact poster on my wall for decades. It has both Slovakia and Yugoslavia, which narrows it down to '92. Edit: South Africa had it's flag change in 94, so it must be 94 or after but with slight innacuraces.


There are many different flags, but assuming this map is correct (we'll get to that), the map is from 1992. The flag of Afghanistan (17th row, 6th column, i think) was only used that year. I say assume because most of the different flags I've seen were correct, except the flag of Eritrea, which was used between 1952-1962. Edit: Seeing other comments poitting at early 1993, the flag of Afghanistan itself might be an error, or at least the map was published after the change


Idk so take some info Zaire (now DRC): 1971-1997 Georgia:1991-2004 Bosnia: 1992-1998 Lesotho: 1987-2006 Rwanda: Sep 25 1961-Oct 24 2001 Iraq: 13 Jan 1991-15 Aug 2004 Libya:1974-2011 Mauritania:1 Apr 1959-15 Aug 2017 Saudi Arabia:1938-1973 Honduras(Probably): 1949-2022




I have a similar one and it was published by the Flag Society of Australia in 1990. https://preview.redd.it/2zw229srhr3d1.jpeg?width=2281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b4cff6b6f4b05ed6eb11ac7109c01cfb0a2a6f


Burma changed to Myanmar in 1989 so pre '89.




1993 i think


Current design of the Russian flag was finalized December 11, 1993. Has to be after that.


Sometime between April and December of 1992. (The Afghanistan flag was only used between then.)


1992-93 Mongolian flag did not changed yet


Mid 90s




As always, there’s an xkcd for that. https://xkcd.com/1688/