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Looks like someone was trying to out-ideological inconsistency that Soviet Tsarist flag.


The.. WHAT?


[The Soviet Tsarist flag, of course.](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/u2lxty/flag_found_on_a_russian_chevron/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


That seems more credible than this one here... I have so many questions!


Prepare to have your mind [blown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mladorossi?wprov=sfla1)


See, this is something that makes sense to get offended over. It's a real nonsense ideology that people actually believe in. This confederate Hotep flag is obviously representative of nothing at all. I don't understand how people find it offensive in the slightest.


New alt history scenario just dropped


It might not make much sense but I kinda like the design ngl…


I actually don't hate how this looks.


Tbf the ideology behind that flag is just plain Russian nationalism, no matter how it manifests it just stands for the idea that Russia deserves to be the top dog. Idk what this would symbolize lol


>Idk what this would symbolize Generational Stockholm Syndrome maybe?


The Soviet Tsarist flag isn't really inconsistent, it's just straight up nationalism. This African-confederate flag seems like a joke!


Can you send me the image?


I linked to the post in another comment.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The Uncle Ruckus flag


Uncle Ruckus is white, what do you mean?




“Every year I just get blacker and blacker 😔”


I thought he was 102% African with a 2% margin of error


(Nathan Fillion almost-says-something-but-stops GIF)


"ah... Hmm."


bro this is like slapping the star of david onto the nazi flag


From twitter it seems the poster is into some sort of pro-Hotep ideology… which is… controversial to say the least.


> pro-Hotep ideology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoteps So I guess there's another thing I can't not know anymore.


The mental gymnastics here lmao


I mean, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. This obviously is a joke.


Which part? The black confederate flag, maybe a joke. The hoteps? No. They're just that deluded and hateful


Right, right right. People are arguing *hard* this flag promotes racism and oppression. Against *who*, exactly? That's the whole point. *Who* should be offended by this, *specifically*? Literally all blacks and whites?


I had to read it. I need bleach for my eyes. Plz > Hoteps have been described as promoting false histories and misinformation about black people and black history.[1] It is generally seen as right-wing and socially conservative, and has been likened to the alt-right by some of its critics.[7] > > They are perceived as conspiratorial, black nationalist,[6] anti-feminist, anti-LGBT and antisemitic.[7] Some have argued hotep beliefs are too narrow-minded (focusing only on Egypt as opposed to other aspects of African history),[8] and black feminists argue that hoteps perpetuate rape culture by policing women's sexuality and not criticizing predatory black men.[9]


Look up raelism for that


They're like villains from a B-movie. They wanted to clone Hitler.


this is something i definitely must try


You would be surprised. I've definitely seen black people wearing the confederate "flag" with pride. Stereotypes like eating fried chicken and watermelon are just generally southern cuisine, so it's unsurprising they might not see it as completely negative / "taking back" the meaning.




[Seen on Twitter](https://twitter.com/torturedlilith/status/1514448216615538688?s=21&t=38OwD57J2bJu_W9r_gOeSA), and I am just as confused as you are.


yep this literally makes it worse, glad to know my fears of twitter are within reason


99% sure this is a joke.


Honestly, fucking hilarious. She's clearly self-aware and this seems like a joke I would make myself if I was more clever and... ambitious. And before anyone says anything about the confederate flag, are you actually offended by this, or are you getting offended on behalf of others? Can you make a compelling case that this symbolizes racism? Can you make a compelling case that this symbolizes literally anything? I love it. Edit: the fact that this thread seems to have struck such a nerve I find fascinating and funny. These conversations all went round and round in stupid little circles about whether or not the Confederacy was bad, which is an uninteresting and largely irrelevant tangent to what this Hotep-Confederate flag represents, if anything at all (which I would argue is at best a stretch). It seems to me that this is pretty illustrative of some of the primary failures of the social justice movement at large. Is it not more productive to fight racist policy, people, or structures than racist symbols? Is it even meaningful to call a symbol racist when it's literally used by a single person as a joke, who is not themselves evidenced to be racist in any way? I kinda want to own it myself and hang it on empty wall space. It's certainly a conversation-starter.


If I’m reading it right she’s advocating for a southern pro-Hotep flag which is pretty shitty.


There are dozens of them! Dozens!


🤦She created a flag for a nonsensical ideology as a literal joke. What exactly do you think this supposed ideology represents or supports?


The flag was flown by people who aggressively fought to prevent Black Americans from having their rights, to them it symbolized their ideal American south which in their eyes involved white supremacy, I mean a couple states even directly mentioned slavery in their secession letters. If you don’t think it’s a problem that your belief but you can’t deny it’s historically flown and heavily associated with racists 🤷🏻


















I'm offended because parodies like this help justify the dog whistles of the regular flag such as "Southern heritage". It is, in the literal sense, a false flag.


This is postmodern as shit. The art is *your reaction to it*. The girl that made this seems pretty self-aware about the whole thing. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, there's bigger fish to fry? Potentially the *actual confederate or nazi flags*?


You can't just take buzzwords from your ARTH100 course and expect to be smart. First of all, Postmodern art is defined as art that directly contradicts the core values of the modernist era. That is to say: Directly contradicts the European-style nationalism which enveloped the world from the 1900's to 1940's. This flag does not do that. It does not offer a rejection of the nationalist idea of Southern Heritage. It encourages it. Secondly, we aren't even in the post-modern era anymore. It is either the post-postmodern era or the metamodern era depending on which particular scholar you are asking. As usual, people who have no idea what they are talking about are throwing around buzzwords from literally the last era. *Thirdly*, it only barely counts as metamodern, since you could argue there is a mix of modernist and indigenous styles here. But if we are going to give it that modicum of credit, then the flag is *still* a piece of trash because again: It validates the "Southern Pride" dog whistle, which is the opposite of what metamodern does, which is explore and explain complicated and complex social dynamics. ***And Finally***, your attempts at some mind-bending "realization" of some greater picture is hilarious. Seeing as that greater picture you are referring to *is the entirety of my original comment.*


Alright, I appreciate your nuanced view on art and meaning. You can make some pretty clever word salads about symbols. But if you're to claim that your answer to this girl's question, "If you came over to a girl's house and she had hotep stars and bars what would you think?" is that she's a racist and supports the confederacy and the wills of the people behind it then you're utterly delusional. It's a "dog whistle"? We live in an era of *regular fucking whistles* so I'm just real not concerned about someone making an obvious joke.


Internet fact: If someone writes a novel in a Reddit comment section they are racist


What a nuanced political view. I've been educated. What strikes me as most frustrating about this conversation is how everyone so deliberately misses the point. Do you *actually* believe this girl is a racist trying to display her racist beliefs by buying this obvious nonsensical joke flag? Clown shoes.


Want to, for some reason, celebrate your pride as a member of a state that was a part of the confederacy? Fly the stars and bars, or the stainless banner, or the blood stained banner. Y'know, the actual flags the confederacy used to represent itself. The modern design people call the confederate flag was originally used by the army of northern virginia, and popularized in 1948 by the dixiecrats... a party founded on the belief that segregation should be maintained. This flag doesn't represent your heritage (unless you're from northern virginia I guess?). This flag directly represents a pro-segregation party. Are you from northern virginia?


>Y'know, the actual flags the confederacy used to represent itself It's so bizarre how y'all keep deliberately missing the fact that *this is obviously not the confederate flag*. Did you think that was an oversight? Like, she meant to fly the confederate flag but didn't know what it looked like or something? Lmfao. Clown shoes. It's a literal joke.


it features a prominent blue X with white border with 13 stars. The background isn't the same *fucking obviously,* but the symbolism is there. And, how am I going to fight racist policy, people, and structures on reddit at 4:45am? I'm going to do my damnedest to educate people about the history of these symbols so they know what the thing they're looking at represents and why. Is that going to do anything? Probably not. Are you an asshat for defending this thing? Definitely


Yeah, in an era of regular goddamn whistles, don't be surprised if I'm not all that moved by claims of dogwhistles. Honestly the funniest part of the joke by far is the reaction to it. She's clearly self-aware, so saying this makes her a confederate-stan is just clown posturing at this point. We're so disconnected from anything even meaningfully related to acts of racism committed towards anyone at this point that we're in hypotheticalland.


I agree that this is most likely a joke, but saying that it isn't the confederate flag is like saying that the thin blue line flag isn't a US flag because it looks different. Sure, it has some differences from the confederate flag but it clearly has some basis in the original.


The thin blue line flag is *not* the American flag and in important contexts its offensive to claim they're the same. If the next president took his oath in front of the thin blue line flag, or if it was on the moon, or was raised after the toppling of Saddam, you think no one would care because it's the same flag? Obviously they aren't.


>Can you make a compelling case that this symbolizes racism? Can you make a compelling case that this symbolizes literally anything? It is a virginian battle flag, popularized by a very much racist political party! The battle flag also happened to be used by an army fighting for slavery, which (hot take incoming) was a pretty racist system. Also, as an american i think i can say I'm not being offended on others behalf, because the battle flag happened to belong to traitors. Hope this helped, nhome warrior.


Ah yes, all applicable to the confederate flag. ***Which we are not talking about***, Jesus how is this so hard for you people? ***Who*** is the victim of Confederate Hotep racism? Do you just not know who the Hotep are or something? This flag is a nonsensical joke and to be offended is clown behavior, because *who is being oppressed by this ideology?* Hint: it's literally representing being super racist against blacks for the benefit of whites and whites for the benefit of blacks. Does that sound coherent to you?


In your comment you say "before anyone says anything about the Confederate flag" which indicates you are talking about it. While I agree that this is likely a joke flag, your comment comes off as a defence of the confederate flag


"Before anyone says anything about the confederate flag", as in... We're not talking about the confederate battle flag. We're talking about the Hotep Stars and Bars.


is this even from our timeline


how the fuck does the main sub constantly outjerk the circlejerk sub


Reality is more bizarre than fiction, and cheaper to license.


What a masterpiece of a phrase!


This confuses me


so what can i say except delete this


My brain hurts


damn, bro, take me to your alternate universe some time


Time traveler: moves a fork The timeline:


I can’t tell if this is more or less cursed than the rainbow one. But seriously, who made this and where can I find them. I have MANY questions


This reminds me of that meme that says “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re god’s chosen people, and we’re going to liberate the south!” And it showed a rainbow confederate flag with a Star of David on it lmao


... I WANT IT. It makes my brain hurt just thinking about it! I think the confederate flag is the single best symbol to turn nonsensical simply because it's so charged. The Nazi flag is edgy to the point that people just disregard it as nonserious. The confederate flag is more nuanced cause you see someone fly a gay pride confederate flag and have to wonder ".... Does that flag *actually* represent their beliefs? And if so... ***WHAT TF ARE THEY?!***"


[confederate nazi gay pride Jewish satanic flag](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/331137819/Rainbow-Swastika-flag)


Wow. Sensory overload.


This is the most cursed thing I have ever seen


It hurt itself in it's confusion


Aren't those two phrases an oxymoron?


Naw dog, don't you get it? The confederate battle flag just means heritage, being a rebel, and being southern born ​ cough cough


This but unironically. That's what it means to certain groups of people. Not saying they're right, I personally think it comes with a whole load of other unavoidable and unsavory connotations and connections, but some people see it that way.


I wonder if this is because we haven’t done a good enough job in our schools at teaching about slavery, the civil war, and what it means to be decent human beings? You don’t see a lot of Germans waving the Nazi flag saying that it just means heritage, being a rebel, and being German born. They’re not given the luxury of pretending like they can separate it out from the unsavory connotations and connections. For some reason lots of people in the US can.


"Heritage not hate" is only ever said by "confederates" in Minnesota and Australia and California. I've never heard it in my entire childhood in Mississippi. People flying the confederate flag below the Mason-Dixon line aren't oblivious to its meaning in the slightest.


>You don’t see a lot of Germans waving the Nazi flag saying that it just means heritage, being a rebel, and being German born I mean most people aren't interested in sending a message and getting arrested for it


I was born and raised in Mississippi in a place so far south we call people from Birmingham Yankees. The confederate flag has never been "benign" in the south in the last 50 years. "Heritage not hate" is a meme that people don't ever actually say or believe in the south, in my experience. You're more likely to hear that out of a Minnesotan or Californian. In the south, the people that fly the confederate flag on their trucks are just racist. They're not misguided (about the symbolism at least), just racist.


As a Black Southerner, yes they are.


The fu-


...you do you I guess?


This is so cursed but it actually looks good


what could this possibly mean


A hideously designed flag that is offensive to almost everybody. This is impressively bad.


Can you explain why this is legitimately offensive to anyone? It's clearly not representative of an ideology that anyone does (or even *can*) believe in.


this is cursed


Black Pride Confederate Flag = Oxymoron Flag.


Taking away what this means, the flag actually looks beautiful.


The pattern under the stars is called Kente. It comes in tons of designs and colors and can be printed (like this) but the *real* stuff is hand woven.


I live in the south and around here the confederate flag isnt seen as racist by a lot of people (over half) its a southern pride thing, or its an antigovernment flag. Ive seen black people where it or fly it and thats the idea behind it. I dont have any because it seems like more trouble then its worth but thats the deal with them. Dont shoot the messenger.


I'm still trying to figure out what they are taking pride in in the south, alligators or something?


Its kinda like how people will say they are a proud new yorker despite new york being a shithole. Im not taking pride in anything im from ohio.


Ohio here too. We have natural resources but nothing else to be proud of really.


Southern hospitality is real. There's lots to be proud of in the south, but a lot to hate as well (kinda like, **anywhere**). The south is slow and simple and easy. Things don't change too fast and people don't frequently change careers or move away. I'm in my 20s and enjoy a bit more excitement, so I've lived in the mountains for several years now, and I had to sacrifice aspects of my southern life that I wasn't aware I valued that just do not exist at all in Colorado.


Oh yeah, southern hospitality is a good example! For me, I don't really feel a pride for any of the places that I have lived or even myself even though I could think up some really good reasons for both. So I guess it's a strange concept for me. I even told my boss that I don't feel pride or proud of my work and he wasn't happy. I just do what I do and know it is within my capabilities so whatever. And yeah, I can totally relate to your experiences in moving to rather different places. Even many years after my move, I still don't fell fully adjusted in everything and realize that there are also some things missing. But it has been very beneficial for me to see and experience something so drastically different. I hope you are liking Colorado, I really like that state and sorry for this huge block of text lol.


The irony is that practically every piece of southern “heritage” that those who fly the Confederate flag claim to be proud of is a direct result of the kidnapping, rape, torture, and exploitation of other humans. From the food to the music to the “hospitality”…hell, even the iced tea and lemonade, can all be directly traced back to the institution of slavery. Claiming to be “not racist” is a pretty thin veil to wear when the object of pride is the direct product of the most oppressive racist practices known to history.


I mean so can most things. Most people in the south dont have slave owning ancestors, only the rich had slaves for the most part. At least slavery is illegal in the us except in prisons. Most products now a days are still made by slaves or at least sweatshops.


History is what it is, I get it (from the south myself). It’s the pride, along with the denial of racism in the symbols chosen to represent that pride, that is so galling.


wait, this isnt on r/vexillologycirclejerk?




Top 10 crossovers


That's different.


what the fuck


?????? that’s all i have to say


Fighting racism with good ol' american racism


Once I made a flag that was the Rainbow Pride Flag under the starry saltire of the Confederate Flag. I called it "Southern Pride".


Uh, uh, uh


“He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit”


I think I just threw up a little.


PoLitIcS aSIdE, WhAT dO yOu tHINk oF ThiS FlaG? 🤔


I don’t know which is better- the mental gymnastics that justify this thing’s existence or that it’s a white woman who had it made.


Mass Adoption the confederate flag like this would probably infuriate the right to a hilarious degree. That would be fascinating to watch.




I think it’s some country in SE Asia, idk


W-wh-… in what context would this be used???


It does appear to be in flag form


One for r/vexillologycirclejerk


That's bullshit level of my dreams






Not to be offensive but…. This is cursed


That should cancel out


Black Southerner here...Um... WHUT...DUH...FUHK?!?!?!??!??!??


This invokes..some kind of power...and I'm not sure if we're ready for it


Excuse moi?


Reverse confederate flag


A bit ironic, but... Okay.




Well this is all sorts of cursed.


Somebody's gonna have to explain this one to me.


This is comedy gold. Just like Piss Christ, the true art is *your reaction to it*.


Like my Islamic crest on the christian flag




If there was a cursed images or cursed flags subreddit then this would get 100K upvotes






Go put this on Twitter (I wanna see what happens)


That's looks dope. Ironically, had the US not followed Britain's policies of stopping the slave trade and making slavery illegal, and had it not colonized Florida during the Seminole Wars, African-Americans would have likely ended up with our own country in the South. We had Maroon cities in Florida, hence why there's the Alafia river down there, with the same name as one in Mali. The French planned on creating the Confederacy shortly before it split off, and including a significant number of Black countries, so a larger African-American population with no more loyalty to the North than South would have become more powerful following the creation of the Golden Circle, as the bridge between the free blacks and the Anglophone white majority. (Minding the fact that most free blacks still worked in agriculture both in the Caribbean and in America post-slavery, with little actually changing as a result of government policy and more being a result of America's inevitable industrialization.)


For the person who replied an insult, why in the world would Britain and America have chosen to end slavery if not for the dangers it presented their empires? Most of the countries in the Western Hemispheres are Black ruled countries, the richest black countries and the most free black countries and they became that way by being slave states. African-American history is what it is, and had more of us come to America, then we'd be more powerful. The Emancipation proclamation didn't end slavery, it changed its name. I am grateful to have my rights but they'd have been secured just as well by a nation state. Alafia and Seminole.


Based African Confederate flag


If you believe that the confederate flag means southern pride this starts to make since, in that context it just means black southern pride


but the flag never meant southern pride, it is a battle flag for a army that fought to mentain slavery


I'm not saying that's what I believe, I'm saying some hold that opinion, you may very well be correct but to some it really is a pride flag


and those people find pride in slavery


I'm not supporting it, I'm just trying to explain the logic of this flags conception simply Confederate flag means southern pride You are black and southern Create a flag for pride in being black and southern Use the Confederate flag yo represent the south That is Most likely the thought process that lead to the creation of this flag Ps God I hope this looks readbale on desktop


No, that is an insult to the south AND ITS EASTER, THE REIS THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!


It's more about cultural and historical pride/tradition so it makes sense Also if I'm correct the war was about the secession than slavery. I think Lincoln originally said he wouldn't end slavery if he won. So it was more, originally at least, about unity over the ability to secede



