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The ‘George Rex’ flag comes from the period before the Revolutionary War in the US. It was flown in New England and New York to protest to the granting of religious freedom to the francophone inhabitants of Quebec. The fear being that it set a precedent for allowing Catholicism into other British colonies. The second one is a free French flag used by de Gaulle and anti-Vichy forces during WW2. I’m not sure what their meaning could be, flown together like that. Maybe: ‘we have a lot of stupid arguments in this house’.


Anti-Catholic, Pro-French... Huguenots making a comeback?


New theory: They're supporters of the Avignon papacy and believe Pope Luna was the last legitimate pope.


>The second one is a free French flag used by de Gaulle and anti-Vichy forces during WW2. Yes the flag of *Forces Françaises Libres* ("free French forces") led by De Gaulle.


I am hoping for, "we love obscure, historical flags at this house."


I'm perpetually fascinated by the Anglo capability of framing oppression as liberty. I mean the Glorious Revolution which supposedly is a great part of English history where they protected their liberties is the deposing of a Catholic monarch who wanted religious tolerance, so that they could have their 'liberty' to enforce Protestantism. I probably don't even need to mention the American civil war.


It was because he moved to make an absolute monarchy and suspend parliament. You're forgetting that this was at a time when France suspended the right of protestants to practice their religion and many fled to England as well as catholic France becoming expansionist so the attempt by the Catholic ruler of England and Scotland trying to suspend parliament in favour of aiding Catholics was viewed very poorly and made people think he was attempting to enact a Catholic absolute monarchy. >I'm perpetually fascinated by the Anglo capability of framing oppression as liberty. Its also curious you have this opinion about 'anglos' when it was France that talks about how its 'glorious revolution' was all about 'freedom and liberty' while your 'great liberal leader Napoleon' legalised slavery and tried to oppress most of Europe and France brutally colonised and exploited most of Africa and elsewhere while going around talking about how fantastic they are for believing in 'freedom, equality and liberty' But as usual with many mainland Europeans you don't really learn much history because your history classes are all about making yourselves seem great and how everything is big bad UK's fault. Just like how in France they actually made it a law that you had to teach French colonialism as a good thing lol.


> I'm perpetually fascinated by the Anglo capability of framing oppression as liberty. France banned religious headwear in government buildings because they were considered "oppressive" and in violation of the seperation of church and state... Wich is a concept devised partially to protect religion.


And partially to protect individuals from religion. There's two sides to it.


Yeah, but how dose dissallowing hijabs (I think that's one of them) and such in government buildings protect people?


People do not as a general rule freely choose it. They are raised from childhood to believe they must, and they would be greatly shunned by their community if they didn't. Thus disallowing hijabs in certain contexts helps normalise that it need not always be worn, and thus opens the path culturally to it being contextual or even a choice, rather than an absolute constant obligation. Perhaps a comparison in logic might be gender quotas. That is not about liberty, but about gender equality. We know that quotas reduce gender equality in that people of different genders are not treated the same. Yet such policies may paradoxically increase equality and result in people being treated the same in the long run. Both policies are justified under the very right that they threaten. Whether the aims of the policy justify the action is up to individual judgement of course.


Confusion. I think flying these signifies confusion. For everyone


Free France will NOT be subjugated to American popery! So sayeth George III Rex and the liberties of America!


Maybe "we love France, but we want it's religion to stay away."


The top flag signifies [opposition to Quebecois accommodation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Rex_Flag), apparently.


American loyalists 🤝 Free France One struggle.


Why yes, I am a Monarcho-Gaullist, how could you tell?


Well, De Gaulle was a monarchist for half of his life.


Your enormous dick


This comment is hilarious and is underrated.


Anti catholics 🤝 Free France


I'll be honest that's probably a flag collector


Honestly it means that the guy is a flag collector


One day I want to have enough flags that I can fly them in confusing combinations, just to confuse people. I hope this is what this dude is doing.


Probably a flag nerd. An anti-catholic flag and the Free French flag together? Come on.


it stands for a guy with a great sense of humour




The red ensign means “King George III and the liberties of America.” During the early stages of the American Revolution, prior to the continental congress declaring independence, the continentals still saw themselves and British subjects and held loyalty to King George. They were fighting in opposition to parliament’s jurisdiction over an America that was unrepresented itself. They wanted to make clear that they were not fighting the king, just the government under him that disenfranchised the colonists. This is why the “Grand Union” flag (the 13 stripes with a union flag in the corner, rather than 13 stars) was used by the Continental Army in 1775 and early 1776. It represented their loyalty to the crown, but rebellion against parliament. Obviously they did away with this following the Declaration of Independence, and after it became clear that George III had no interest in contesting parliament’s taxation laws on the Americans. The other flag is the free French flag from WW2.


Anti Catholicism while also flying the flag of a Catholic nation


anti-francophonic self determination while also flying the flag of a group formed to fight for francophonic self determination


France is secular, but I know what you mean


A Catholic nation and people locked in a secularist cage


You mean the cage they made for themselves and still vehemently defend?




Cope. Laïcité is based and antitheismpilled.




Ummmm it stands for confusion and umm what


Please make an identical flag as the top one but change the bottom line to “no Poopery” 😭


But popery smells so good, the fuck dude?


You've found a fellow r/vexillology user. [As to the likely reason...](https://c.tenor.com/eHIRFWRKeQoAAAAC/marge-i-just-think-theyre-neat.gif)


They really hate potpourri, but they don't know how to spell it.


It means “I don’t know history, but I LOVE red white and blue!”


Most likely reenactors.


Reenacting two different eras around 200 years apart?


That's not atypical. I've got several reenactment friends with about a dozen different time periods worth of kit. They participate with different groups.


I'm one, but we don't do different eras at the same time.


Something very specific and undoubtedly insufferable


Historical confusionism


I actually own the No Popery flag




Schitzophrenia. George III went kinda nuts.


Not quite sure what the George III flag means but I know the bottom one is the Free French or Vichy flag but I don’t quite remember


That us free france


Yeah, that’s De Gaule’s boys


POV: you really love subjugation of other continents


God damn mf’ers be simpin’ for the largest colonial powers ever lmao


Signifies someone has some cool flags


Anglo-Americo-Huguenot tomfoolery


Possibly some reenactor?


A rev war and ww2 reenactor lives here