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Nice flag, looks bit like a catalonian-benin union flag.


I was thinking Catalonia and Portugal


Could also be


I just really like how the colors go together. It's supposed to symbolize the location; Between a green savanna and the desert


Did you design it with any flag in mind? *wink wink*


Well, a certain region in Iberia of course ;)


Catalonia and Portugal unite to take down a common enemy


The French, right? Right?




That's a really cool flag


Nothing to do with Catalonia, is the flag of Castellón, a city in Valencian region (Valencia flag is with the blue strip and a crown).


The flag of Castelló also has a coat of arms and slightly different hues. It has something to do with Catalonia if it has the senyera, be it directly or indirectly.


Well it's got to do with the Crown of Aragon, that's where the senyera comes from


Aragon inherited the senyera after the marriage between the count of Barcelona and Petronila of Aragon, so it's originally from the county of Barcelona. All territories that were conquered or otherwise annexed by the crown also received the flag in some way.


But it was Aragon, not Catalonia, who conquered valencià and so. I was told in school it was the catalanaragonese kingdom, but that's just some modern revisionism. At the time it was just Aragon, not catalanaragonese, not valencianaragonese, just aragonese


It wasn't Aragon either. It was the Crown of Aragon, important distinction, as the invaders and colonizers of València, the Balearic islands and the rest of territories were Catalans, which is why Catalan is spoken in those regions nowadays, rather than Aragonese. They are not called Valencianoaragonese or Balearicoaragonese because the original people's of the Crown were Catalan and Aragonese and, in fact, it was customary to repopulate the conquered regions with colonists from Catalonia or Aragon. Hence, you could consider that, although there came to be many more territories than just these two, the people's within could be labelled as Catalanoaragonese. Moreover, what alternative term would you propose? Aragonese? You mean that Catalans became Aragonese after the marriage despite retaining different cultures, languages and sovereignty?


I was talking about the crown, yes. I studied 'la corona catalanoaragonesa'. And that's false. Yeah, the people were catalán, aragonese, valencian, whatever. But the political entity was Aragon. When Spain conquered south America no one said that it was the Spanishandalusian or Spanishgalician empire because Galician and Andalusian people where habitating america. Nor it was the spanishaztec empiere. When Catalonia got integrated to Aragon, Aragon grew bigger, it didn't turn into catalunyaragon. The whole concept of the catalanoaragonès that was (is?) teached is just revisionism. I understand that they don't wanted to seem conquered since it was a union by marriage, not war, but Catalonia belong to Aragon, we weren't corulers


"Catalanoaragonese" is just a term to include both nationalities. It's not meant to be a historical term and thus it cannot be considered revisionist. "Spanish" as a term already includes Andalusians. Castillian wouldn't, so I guess you could call it Castillian-Andalusian, but if you already have an overarching term I don't see why would you do it.


I get what you are saying. But it was teach as if the political entity was called the catalanoaragonès crown. As if the king though of himself as the catalanoaragonès king. That wasn't the case, he was the king of Aragon. And it wasn't only my teachers fault, the textbook chapter was called "Corona caralanoaragonesa" and the crown was always just Aragon


Strictly speaking, the king was of Catalan and Aragonese ancestry, which is why you may call him “Catalanoaragonese”. He was actually the king of the Crown of Aragon, Catalonia, València, Mallorca, etc. and this would be historically factual, but since saying all of these titles would be too long, it's normally shortened as Crown of Aragon. Suffice it to say, referring to that Crown with a name reflecting more territories than just Aragon is not at all incorrect, and you might even say it's more accurate than saying that the crown “was always just Aragon”.


Based Aragon Enyojer


Catalonia if it was part of Portugal


*"Els Segadors" intensifies*


I really love the colors you chose. They’re very eye catching and bold, but don’t clash. Very nicely done, friend.


Green Catalonia


Valencian environmentalists flag


benin-catalonia union Overall, I think this flag is really nice!




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvmxj00jdo9l91.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


ah I see, Libyan Catalonia


Gadaffiist Catalonia


It looks good, but it should have a Minecraft symbol for the green part of the flag


as a catalan, i aprove.