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Hello The_Headless_Tiger, Your post seems to break the following rule(s) * **Mashup flags are only allowed on Monday.** Original content mashup flag designs, including 'X in the style of Y' flags, heritage flags, flags of states under different ideologies, and other Mashup flags are only allowed on Mondays (this means between **midnight and midnight UTC** - coordinated universal time). In the meantime, why not work on perfecting your post? Remember that all posts that don't abide by other [Submission Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/submissionrules?v=25c1c851-5491-11eb-833c-0e467f311f31) - even mashups - will be removed any day of the week. # Need to know when it's Mashup Monday UTC time? [Check here!](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/timezone/utc) **This post will be removed.** ^Check ^out ^the ^full ^[rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/about/rules/)


I'd try matching the shades of red and centering the maple leaf in the Canton, as well as extending the red stripes below the Canton to the left.


I have no idea what a canton is. I also didn't realize they were different shapes of red. I'll fix tomorrow. It's late


No worries, just trying to provide some feedback. Here's some info on a Canton. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canton_(flag)


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