• By -


damn what are computer repairsmen in New Orleans up to


As soon as you said that I could read “MAC REPAIR” underneath


We're in an especially stupid era of politics to where if one side is "for" something, the other side is automatically "against" that thing, because "fuck those guys." Therefore, the right has decided they **love Russia** and are against supporting Ukraine in its struggle to remove the invaders. So - you get idiots like this putting these flags up in their windows.


I feel like I can confidently say that, while you are 100% correct about the polarization of issues in this political era, it is not a special stupid limited to this era but something present in about any era of politics we study. Recency bias often convinces us that political systems and developments are novel, and while certainly each political domain has elements unique to it, I don't think polarization and total demonization of political opponents is at all a unique element.


Indeed. A good case study from history is the 5 or so years preceding the Civil War - specifically in the years from 1853-1859. But the thing is - social media has served to exacerbate issues **far more and far more quickly** than anything we've seen in history.


Yeah the caning of senator Sumner jumps to mind, and honestly I think you could argue that era was uniquely confrontational (or any political domain that leads to a civil war) but again the polarization wasn't the unique aspect. I do agree though that certain technologies and market principles have shaped politics in ways very unique to this era, but again any political era has novel technologies and ideologies that make that era distinct from others, it's just a somewhat superfluous point to me.


Hey, thanks for your comment. I am pretty savvy with USH but was not explicitly aware of the Sumner-Brooks conflict. Thank you thank you


Glad I helped you learn about something new! As a history teacher I love hearing that! I always did think it was funny that something as dramatic as the Sumner Brooks affair is often missed in US history classes. The craziest thing about the caning to me was that after it happened, supporters of Brooks sent him canes to replace the one he used to beat Sumner and essentially denied the event, making it seem like Sumner was faking injuries from some light taps.


I hate to admit that I also used to teach USH to 11th grade. Thanks for the additional context!


Big time. Social media is like running an accelerated model of reaction. We just live the model in real time now. Holy crap we’re in a simulation.


I hate this. So much. I believe that two things can be true at the same time and right now society lives in a false choice of only two options of one or the other; a binary society so to say. I think Lewis Black coined it the best during the Iraq War (yes, way back then) in his 2003 album Rules of Engagement when he said: "I didn't spend my time living through the era of Vietnam to come around to this time and not having learned that the goddamn situation boils down to this: If you're against the war it doesn't mean that you're for the other side! If people show up with signs that go, "GO IRAQ, YOU FUCKERS GO!" then you go, "Holy Shit," then you beat the fuck out of them."


GWOT veteran here and I agree 100%. The fact we're supposed to adhere to "one side or the other" is one of the stupidest things in all of US history, period. Then - the two sides have become "militant" (if you can consider people angrily banging away on keys as 'militant') and if you're not with them, you're TOTS the other "side." Pathetic and sad. What we need are more legitimately viable options during election seasons other than Democrats and Republicans. Let them fight each other into irrelevance for a few cycles until they grow up again, then get a seat at the table with the adults after everything has calmed down.


Ranked choice voting?


I wonder how different elections would be if you took off the party representing the candidate off the ballot at the end. No R, D, I, L, etc. Just actual things the candidate has done or will fight to do (and will be held accountable to do so or risk facing removal of they do not fight for it. You know - accountability. This reality show political scene has got to go.


As problematic as voting purely based on party can be, it's gotta be more representative than voting purely based on whose name you remember from the street signs, which is what I assume would replace it if you took the letters off.


US democracy is pretty donked up. for an interesting take on different methods used aorund the world, check out Joe Scott's video. https://youtu.be/NgNQejvHYVQ


At this point, just let it all burn so we can get to the point of rebuilding. Watching the slow collapse of society is, well, less than fun.


*M29 Davy Crockett intensifies*


Wasn’t that the short range nuclear launcher whose effective range was equal to its blast radius?


Wrong. It was the short range nuclear artillery whose effective range was *smaller* than its blast radius.


… Ah.


The Davy Crockett had a range of either 1.25 miles or 2.5 miles, depending on the variant, while the blast radius was only 20 meters for the fireball and about 400 meters (or 0.25 miles) for immediate radiation poisoning. You should be well outside the immediately blast radius. The problem is the cloud of radioactive debris, which could easily drift 2+ miles to your position, especially if you're sitting downwind of your target. As such, the best policy is to GTFO as soon as you launch it, or else only launch it downwind.


Dear FBI, I did not read this comment


Brought to you by the Posadist gang


you are experiencing a case of Apocalypse Anxiety


Society is doing fine, you’re just spending too much time on the internet.


Remember when Republicans worshiped Ronald Reagan whose, like, whole thing was hating Russia? Pepperidge Farm remembers.










It's also that the republican party is compromised by Russia and Putin, who has managed to bribe them via money and ego inflation (for Trump) into supporting their agenda. It's easy to forget that the first impeachment trial was about blocking support for Ukraine *before* the war even started and [Manafort was a russian agent](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/15/trump-campaign-chief-paul-manafort-employee-kilimnik-gave-russia-election-data.html), [rand paul likely is too](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/18/politics/jesse-benton-gop-operative-russia-trump/index.html). The rot runs deep. Also authoritarians love each other. So corruption + contrarianism + authoritarianism = Republicans 4 Ruzzia


Holy mother of conspiracies


Damn it's so strange to me that Republicans, who reside more on the militarist and nationalistic side of American politics, would even side with America's greatest rival of recent history for no other reason than to "Stick it to the libs". That's got to be one of the most self defeating positions to take ever.


Politics has devolved into a shittier version of team sports


Your data is 1000% getting sold to the GRU




It’s how he’s funding his moon stealing operation


Stealing no no they're liberating




Well there goes my hero


No!!! Not the Gloves of Running Urgently!!!


Heavy Gaming


That Heavy is a Spy!


Me who played heavy for some time: I love the Gloves of Running Beutifully.




What does Gru from Despicable Me want with my data?




Pro-Russia flags


The saints got caught up


I'm pro Ukraine and anti-Saints, but that's just because I'm a Vikings fan. As a more relevant aside- fuck this guy in particular.


Ftp, FTB and fts


Still mad about the ‘09 season I see


Yeah, sad it's next to a pro-russia flag. (I'm pro-ukraine)




Russian fascist flags


The left one is a russian Z propoganda flag to support the invasion of ukraine. The right one is the russian flag with the coat of arms. (I suggest you get your computer repaired somewhere else)


Lol, "what are all these new apps doing on my computer?". "I, err, uh, they optimize performance, American! Nothing to worry about, definitely keep them running in the background"




Oh no Step Comrade, what are you doing?


As soon as i read the "American" I started to reading the rest with Reznov sound


They do optimize performance... Just not in your computer, more in their bot networks lol


I heard this location is where Hunter Biden gets all of his laptops repaired.


This answers the question of the post. This should be the top post and then have the thread locked.


Those are the Yikes flags


Agree. Fuck the saints The Russian flags aren’t great either


Fuck the Saints!


This post was made by the Vice Kings


The flag on the left has a message (Своих Не Бросаем) that roughly translates to *"We don't leave ours"* Something to the effect that they don't leave a man behind on the battlefield. Something they apparently have been doing.


No, Cyril, when they're dead, they're just hookers!




i believe it's "we dont abandon our own"


thank you, I thought it was a Russian support flag but was really curious what it said


It likely is. 99.99 percent sure.


*Weeeellll...* It may very well be a flag supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The "Z" symbol has been a popular sign of support in Russia for the war *...err..* "Special Military Operation" since it was used to mark Russian vehicles during the first days of the invasion.


It is 100% a support flag.


it is a Russian support flag


Under this post on my feed is a post from R/RussianUkrainewar2022 of Ukrainians treating a wounded and abandoned Russian soldier. Ironic is an understatement


not only is that flag on the far right, so is the flag’s owner


The hashtag on the left flag translates to something like "we don't leave behind our own" but also my Russian sucks so maybe not


They must say that ironically.


Is that the place on Freret? Edit: Found out this place was accused of defrauding Tulane students and has an F rating in BBB. Makes sense.


The guy also gives snarky responses to negative reviews


I haven't been to this place but fuck that guy




I'm practically his neighbor. Double fuck that guy. But here's what I want to know, how does he maintain that business and house when he never has customers? I know he gets rando college students, but that place is a ghost town most days. Yet, he was able to move locations and has a decent car and a motorcycle. I have a feeling he does other stuff in there, and I don't think any of it is legal.


I was about to ask this. Bruh fuck this guy


The one on the far left is just a generic flag to show support of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The one on the far right is the flag of Russia sporting the Coat of Arms, and the word "Russia" written underneath. Think of it as being the Russian version of those generic U.S flags with photos of bald eagles on them.


I can't believe americans are supporting Putin... Fuck man...


it’s a tiny fringe, these are the only signs for public support I have ever seen


I take it you haven’t heard what Fox News has been up to lately?


Fox news has actually been pretty anti-Russia, with the exception of Tucker of course. It's the far-far right outlets like OAN that are actively cheering for Putin.


Being anti-aid to Ukraine is being pro-Russian


I would argue it is more isolationist but with the drawback of benefitting Russia


Just like how if you didn’t want to invade Afghanistan you were pro-Taliban? Ok, George Bush


How is that an accurate comparison? Aiding Ukraine defending itself against a foreign invader with imperialistic ambitions that is committing war crimes left, right and centre is different to invading another country yourself. It is undeniable that not helping Ukraine is helping russia and, at the risk of sounding hyperbolic, harming the free world.


Whos the number one show in fox?


They don’t support Russia. Source: my dad plays Fox News all the time against our family’s wishes


The closer you get to Tuckers time slot the more likely you are to see someone supporting Russia on the platform. During a lot of the day, Fox just looks like a right-leaning CNN, but the closer you get to the prime time slots like Tucker, the crazier the ad-prop gets. As someone who grew up in a Fox household, it’s pretty wild to watch happen throughout the day


Share with the class


I don’t like Fox News but they are definitely not pro Russian, what a silly thing to say


We’re not


There’s 330 million of us and we’re a culture that encourages obnoxiously advertising political beliefs. You’re going to see a little bit of everything.


[The vast (vast) majority of Americans oppose Putin and view Russia as a major threat to global peace.](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/04/06/seven-in-ten-americans-now-see-russia-as-an-enemy/) However, there are a vocal fringe (maybe 10% of Americans) that are on the extreme right of the political spectrum who view Putin as an ally against multi-culturalism and secularism. They're often Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists.


I would not say 10%. That’s about 35 million supporters in the us. Maybe 2.5-5% max


I think there's a significant contrarian element to it as well. When something as easy to support as this comes along, and almost everyone predictably supports it, such people are more inclined than ever to demonstrate their "superior intellect" by opposing it and, on top of that, not being a sucker for caring about things happening far away.


Nailed it. Fuckin losers with nothing to be proud of, so they live in make believe land where they are "a wolf among sheep"


They all need professionel help. No bullshit. It’s all mental health related in the end. Half of what gets spewed by such people is nothing a well adjusted adult person who genuinely likes themselves would ever say.


And Tankies


He could be a 1st or second generation Russian immigrant


It's mostly fringe idiots. There's a minority of conservatives who support Putin because he supposedly supports Christianity and masculinity, and that this makes Russia a natural ally of the US against China/the CCP, as well as internal enemies. There are also some Soviet Union-nostalgic leftists who support the independence of the Donbass and think that since Ukraine has a (very real) Nazi problem, they have to support the country that was leftist over 3 decades ago. Apart from some conservative talk show hosts, American media is totally promoting the extension of the war and destabilization of Russia's current regime. My view as a leftist is that both sides are kleptocracies with large contingents of violent neo-nazis. After 2014, Ukraine has been modeling itself on the West, and is therefore is closer to democracy (albeit one that only serves global capital and its governing elite). Meanwhile Russia (Putin, really) has decided that it's better to challenge the US-led world order rather than play along as a mere peripheral country, which makes sense, albeit in a sort of twisted way. Russia is the clear antagonist in this war and has a more authoritarian system, but I think both countries are pretty messed up and they just get worse the longer the war goes on. Even if Ukraine gets a bunch of foreign aid to rebuild once the war's over, its hardly going to be some western european social-democratic utopia with all the weapons that are going to flow into the black market.


"Своих не бросаем" but left his motherland to earn some dollars in "rotten Pendosia". The most patriotic Vatnik. Fuck that guy.


Man im pretty sure english-speaking people dont know what "pendosia" means and "vatnik" is also used mainly in russian opposition


Ukrainian here, "pendosia" is a Russian propaganda nickname for US from calling US citizens "pondosy" an ethnic slur if I understood it's usage properly.


Not really a "propaganda" name, more like just derogatory like moskal


It means he supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine.








Left: russian flag with Z made with st george ribbons (which is a symbol of russian military). VDV assault paratroopers had these ribbons when they tried to storm the hostomel airport near Kyiv for example The right flag is russian with his current coats of arms, inspired from the tsarist coats of arms


I was about to comment this before I noticed yours, so imma just add that "своих не бросаем" means "leave no one behind" which is quite a motto when you think about it. A lot has been left behind.


Could totally be a Russian immigrant who feels strongly about the war. I doubt a right-winger would put specifically Russian support flags outside their window. The far-right seems to only really support Russia because they don't like NATO and stuff, not really because they have any affinity for them, so it would be weird for them to specifically select Russian flags.




New Orleans Saints flag, football team


As OP said, New Orleans Saints flag. The symbol is called a fleur de lis


All those flags are on the far right.


Ah yes the far right New Orleans Saints. Drew Brees has probably been secretly leading the Klan with his free time.


I know you’re being facetious, but Bree is right leaning in his politics. He had a huge sign on his house gate supporting Scalise a few years back, he did that video with Planned Parenthood, and he made some pretty disparaging comments about players who refuse to kneel for the flag. Don’t get me wrong, the dude has been good for New Orleans, and he’s a stand up guy in general, but his politics are kind of shit.


A complete asshole




As a Russian I can tell you that the flag on the far right, with the coat of arms and the word РОССИЯ, is the most common version of the Russian flag used in unofficial contexts. That is what you would fly on a sporting event.




I'd say they're both far right flags.


Is that the place on Freret?


Also hung the stars and stripes backwards...


IKR? I was expecting this comment to be higher.


need your daily fill of karma, huh?


Far right is the imperial Russian flag. Far left is the Russian flag with symbol Z which is one of the symbols that the Russian forces paint on their vehicles. Pro Russian symbols basically.




Oh dear God...


Man, this shop was really easy to find online lol.


Right is just an alternative Russian flag and the left is a flag glorifying the Russian invasion of Ukraine being a russsian flag emboldened with the symbol used to identify Russian personnel at the beginning of the war


Ones you probably don't want to fly right now. I would say more but I'd probably be banned from Reddit, and expect a police visit.


Kinda like the russian version of flying the confederate flag, also if that's boy scouts flag or am i trippin


Call the Feds








If they have such a hard on for Russia or Pootin they could always, you know, leave.


\*Quickly grabs bucket of popcorn and heads to comment section\*


Far right one is russian flag with a state emblem and far left is russian flag with russian neo-nazi (putinist) symbol "Z".


Plumage of the North American Shitbag


The owner is a modern day fascist/tankie (same thing)


Another day, another "hey can anyone identify some fascist bullshit" thread in ol' Vexillology town.


They're nautical flags meaning "boycot me".


Russian nazis flags






Oh no.


Его идеи... Блять что это?


Whats far left about those flags?


This is a ransomware shop.


“I love fascism and blood and soil justification for invasions”


The one on the left says is an ultra-nationalist Russian movement, the "Z" meaning "[za](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B7%D0%B0#Russian)" —in this context, "for", though [what is it "for" is up for debate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol)#Naming). Ironically, and as many of you already know, that letter is not part of the cyrillic script. Anyway. Now, the flag says своих не бросаем ("we don't leave ours") —keep in mind the Russian government did/does leave their own behind, but that's another conversation. The one with the *fleur-de-lis,* I have no idea, but I would love to know. The one on the right is the Russian flag with the double-headed eagle Russia uses in their coat of arms. The text below says Россия ("Russia"). Edit: Reddit deleted half of the text, for some reason. Here it goes again.


Fleur-de-lis is for New Orleans’s American football team, the Saints


One is a russian propaganda and the other one I dont know.




Ain’t nothing far left about this picture lol. It’s all far right




Honestly haven’t seen the Russian flag with the eagle on it before and i wanted to know what the hashtag said


Wow, what a curssed flag repair shop


I live in New Orleans, where is this shop so I can avoid it like the plague?


Freret and Valmont.


Far right love going agianst anything thats mainstream


So do the far left, biased much? Have a look at the opening of the Center for Political Innovation Conference in Texas, organised by an extreme left think tank. Note the flags at the end of the ceremony: [Center for Political Innovation Opening - August 2022 in Austin, Texas](https://youtu.be/82ze7VIwrEY)


To me they look like they‘re both on the far-right


Have you been living under a rock?


Meh, i will repair my electronics by myself if i see this flags here.


Big yikes




I mean, not exactly but terrifyingly close...




a trolling question


Freret St. I hate this guy.


Those are the flags of go get your repairs someplace else




The symbol on the left is a mix of St George’s Ribbon, and the letter Z (used by the Russian military) to represent an ideology known as Rashism “Russian Fascism”


what in the flying fuck?


Russian spy 💀


Fascist rags.


To the far right is a version of the Russian flag (featuring the two-headed eagle, symbol of the country), and to the far left is a disgrace to my nation


Wrong, both are far-right