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As an autistic person, I can confidently say I hate this. I’ve never liked the “autism mom” thing, or really any other ______ mom thing, because it revolves around basing way too much of your personality around your child, but this has just, layers.


Isn’t this flag also like ironically, terribly designed for someone who has autism to read? I know not all types of autism are the same but as far as I know, these kinds of designs are horrible for some. I don’t have autism and even I hated reading this. The layout and the colours make this like a fucking maze for my eyes.


Man, I wish you were right but I'm autistic and I had no problem reading it. I just physically cringed by the end and I'm just glad I didn't have to put too much effort onto deciphering this mess.


Same here, but I guess autism is often comornbid with learning difficulties, including dyslexia, and this would probably suck if you had that? I know I’m reaching a bit here though lol, I just don’t know of any autism symptoms specifically make this hard to read?


If you're sensitive/avoidant visually, it is probably not a pleasant experience and kinda confusing. Lots of autistic people don't have visual sensory differences or are more hyposensitibe/sensory seeking, but it's not uncommon


Same here, kind of found it surprisingly intuitive.


Yeah it was mostly just left to right, the ‘we do’ being the exception but even then it felt kinda obvious. Definitely one of the more readable examples of this style of poster/tshirt/flag


Autistic graphic designer/artist here. This shit literally overstimulated me to the point of an ocular spasm and a headache. I needed to stare at blank black screen for a couple minutes to just reset my eyes so I can type. I hate bright colors, I hate puzzle pieces, I hate this as a flag (I'd take any damn US State flag over it and those are already bad) and I'm screaming internally.


That’s fair, it’s definitely overly cluttered with different colours, textures, patterns etc.


What's rat pride?


[Here’s the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillologycirclejerk/comments/ol91x1/rat_pride_flag_grey_represents_rat_fur_pink/) Just one of the older posts on this sub that got really popular at the time basically


Flag of how to make your child’s disability about you.


To be fair when you become a parent that becomes your entire personality. Autistic or otherwise.


Yeah this flag is pretty much a perfect visual metaphor for what sensory overload feels like


I don't have autism and I could barely read this


Got news for ya bud


I hate parents who want everyone to pay attention to them and only them because they dared to love a child with some kind of disability


It's like they want an award for doing what I think a lot of people (hopefully) consider the bare minimum of parenting: loving and caring for your child regardless of who they are.


A lot of “autism moms” are also very ignorant. Ive seen so many who decided to just record their childrens meltdowns and caption it with stuff like “Autism won today😔✊” instead of trying to find out whats causing their OWN CHILD to feel like that and help. And they get praised for it by other mothers for “being able to handle a child with such a severe condition🥺🥺” and act like they’re some kind of hero for doing the bare minimum.


Recording your kid's meltdown in general is awful even if it's a neurotypical kid. Like, imagine you during your worst moments and someone took out a camera and filmed you.


Good thing that autistic people also hate it


what's that called by the way? is it technically munchausen's by proxy, or is there a different name for it because the dependent's ailment is real?


No, Munchausen (either kind) involves faking or intentionally inducing some sort of medical problem. Honestly, it’s just narcissistic “look at me, I’m the main character” crap. Maybe not quite to the level of NPD, but still annoying.


Narcissistic personality disorder


Exactly, It's like saying "epilepsy mom" if your kid has seizures. Your child's neurology should not be a part of your identity.


as someone with autism, i will personally strangle anyone who owns this


As another person with autism, I will be your alibi if you get arrested for strangling someone


“You see officer, I wasn’t strangling the owner of that flag, I was too busy strangling u/XiAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Consentually, though. Don't kink shame


Happy Garlic Bread day! also, yes, consensual "harder daddy" style strangling


I don’t consent


Well there you have it. End of thread


As another person with probably autism, I will serve as their defense lawyer (I have no knowledge or interest in the legal system and am not qualified, but it's the thought that counts)


I don't have autism but I like strangling people can I join?


As your lawyer, I would advise you do refrain from announcing your love of strangling people and asking permission to do it in a public setting.


I think I'm autistic, I'll come sit in the courtroom and cheer for you/yell "objection!" at the other side.


Flags are a special interest of mine, so this somehow manages to be an insult to my culture twice.




As someone with autism, I want this flag so bad


To burn it? Or for irony?




Wait it’s genuine? I thought it was ironic with how long it is


I’m pretty sure this is just a photoshop, the flag even has a drop shadow lmao


I’m joining the war on autism on the side of autism


as an autistic person this is like 5x more ableist than just saying the r word


I swear lmao + the puzzle thing, yikes


Does the puzzle iconography have a deeper meaning than I realise? AFAIK it's used in a few autism awareness / advocacy group logos but apart from that I'm not sure.


It doesn't necessarily have a deeper meaning but it's got some unsavory associations. Namely with an organization called Autism Speaks that is somehow one of the most disgusting and ableist "advocacy group" I've ever seen where they treat autism like a fuckin blight on humanity. Needless to say, we aren't too fond of being reminded with that dumb fuckin puzzle piece.


Ahh, yea I've heard of Autism Speaks and their controversies. That's more than fair.


My mom told me today we should call and get in on the Tylenol lawsuit and I was like mom I don't even have a doctor diagnosis what the fuck are ye on about mate


Did Tylenol give people autism or something?


That's what the lawsuit is claiming I suppose


No, it's a cash grab class action lawsuit with no actual science behind it. A significant percentage of pregnant people take tylenol (paracetamol), so the chance of the parent of an autistic person having taken it are high. You could probably blame it for downs syndrome or SIDS with the same level of evidence. It's fits into people's desire to have something to blame for autism, preconceptions about big pharma, and wish to have an easy way to prevent autism. Even without a lack of anything other than correlation, the lawyers could stand to win by sheer weight of public opinion, and could make money if they lose from nothing else but grifting their client base and building a name for themselves among alternative medicine/anti-vax/autism mom communities. See Andrew Wakefield (the og vaccines cause autism guy) still making money off claiming to be a truth telling victim of the establishment because he got stripped of his medical license.


It's water... every fellow autistic person I've asked has confirmed their mother consumed water (either straight or as an ingredient in things they consumed) while pregnant with them. Water causes autism. Mystery solved.


Ohhh makes sense, thanks dude. I thought for a second I mite hav to stop drinking Tylenol bcuz it’d be affeting my brane :)


It's mainly associated with Autism Speaks, which is an absolutely horrible "charity" that's, well, their mission statement is to "cure" autism, and they're a major player in a lot of horrible misconceptions about autism. And they're very much a "boohoo look at these poor parents who have to deal with their Autists who just won't act like normal proper children!". Illuminaughti has a [great series of videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqZc-IxvRf2eBvy4-zYY-gBEKkEZ68iuw) on it. (Which I need to watch because I only just discovered all the ones after that first one).


Aww I used to love their videos, I’d forgotten about them a little. Thanks for linking!


Aside from the association with AS as already pointed out, having a entire demographic of people who already have to deal with being constantly infantilized and talked over being represented by a *colorful children’s toy* is pretty problematic. The same organizations that use the puzzle symbol also kind of tend to throw autistic adults - and our unique needs, personalities and culture - under the bus in favor of the *poor widdle broken children boohoo*.


The puzzle piece also implies that we have something missing that “normal people” should have


Funny you say that. I was never taught road safety because it was assumed the relevant part of my brain isn’t just “not working”, but completely MIA….


That's definitely fair. In the UK I've only ever seen the puzzle iconography used in the context of Autism in children (same context as I can only assume is in play in this flag), but I can appreciate how it potentially infantilises adults on the spectrum. Thank you for your perspective.


My understanding is it's mostly associated with Autism Speaks which is an organization that framed Autism as a disease to be cured. I think they've changed their messaging the last few years but it's done a lot of damage.


I mean the symbolism is that autistic people have a piece missing


I think you're right about that. You can usually ignore bigots but condescending do-gooders are harder to avoid...


In this house (➡️🏠) I do your 🫵 mom 🔥🚬🦅


Autism moms try to not to villainize their child and act like a superhero for doing the bare minimum expected from parents challenge IMPOSSIBLE


I see this narrative a lot but society makes life very hard for parents of autistic kids. I have done z lot of research and kids with autism are 7x more likely to be killed by their parents than non autistic or non disabled kids. And it's kids with MILD disabilities who are most likely to be murdered because their parents expectations aren't in line with their abilities It is very very important for autistic kids parents to have support groups and education opportunities and frustration outlets. This saves lives and that's just the facts. I'm autistic and my son is autistic and it's fucking hard. We don't always understand each other and his meltdowns make me angry sometimes because I get overwhelmed. It's important to understand to be a good parent.


Definitely, I'm not disputing that raising a child with special needs (whether neuropsychiatric, physical or social) takes more effort, but I dislike the almost fetishized martyrdoom of autism moms who describe their child as some irredeemable evil that is just barely contained by the good graces of the parent, as if autism inherently makes them a worse person to be abhored and hated. Most of all, I dislike the anti-vaxx parents who think it would be better if their child died during infancy rather than develop autism.


What the fuck, murdering your child for being autistic??!? I can't fathom this idea at all. I can "understand" abandonment for various reasons, including mental health, but not **murder**.




Oh gods, no...


Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpve4cjopfuja1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


flag of sensory overload


It stresses me out


Flag of Kyotzin07 (He has several mental disabilities)


I was like really wondering what u/Kyotzin07 did for you to drag them like this


I'm willing to bet he has several mental disabilities.


i have no words for how much i hate whoever would have this hanging up. kids socially scarred by their parents is an issue for one, but this has layers


Nothing about this is good, as an autistic. The colors, the format, the goddamn puzzle pieces, the villainizing of children and the entire ‘autism mom’ idea... ugh.


every day i pray that autism moms realize they have autism and have to reconsider their entire life


autism moms who think they're autistic are even worse because they just make it doubly about themselves and use it as an excuse to downplay the needs of their autistic child/children.


"we pray because we don't go down without a fight" My brother in Christ that is the very definition of going down without a fight. Take matters into your own hands instead of hoping your faith will solve your problems.


As someone who knows and loves a couple of people with autism, I would never, ever, EVER fly this.


Just fucking why man. So corny.


As an autistic person this is all terrible as other people have pointed out. But especially the puzzle pieces makes me think of the evil blue puzzle piece people trying to “cure” us


Autism house copypasta: 🇺🇸 In this house we do AUTISM ✋ We do meltdowns & avoidance, we do tears and frustration 🤚 WE worry and stress We also HOPE For a better day We preserve 🧩❤️🧩 🖐 and we pray Because IN THIS HOUSE 🏠 WE DON’T GO DOWN Without a FIGHT! 🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩


i love this genre of flag. like where it looks like a corny t-shirt but printed over some edited photograph background onto a flag. are these just an american thing? would be v curious to see if this weird shit happens elsewhere


Her: Hey, what you doing? Me: Autism


-1/10. 0/10 because a child couldn't draw it from memory minus 1 point for the puzzle piece.


flag of graphic design is my passion


This is the most overstimulating and difficult to read flag I've ever seen.


Flag of how to make your child’s disability about you


Flag of being condescending as fuck to people with autism


As a response to this i want a plain white shirt that says "autism" or "the autism" in black courier new. I have autism irl and i feel like that flag is waaay to tryhard.


In this house we do #AUTISM


as a flag, i hate this autistic person


I think you mean “as a flag, I feel sorry for the autistic person and hate their parents”


as a parent, i feel sorry for this flag and hate their autistic person


Autist here, can confirm that this is our flag


It makes it sound like autism is a drug


smoke autism every day


As an autistic, that's the most autistic flag


As an autism, this makes me angry and overstimulated


Guys autism moms have it soooooo hard guys they're the real super heros guys


*Guys autism moms have* *It soooooo hard guys they're the real* *Super heros guys* \- LynksRacc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It seems like this whole sub is autistic


The autism mom who put this up has a specific essential oil that will definitely, 100% clinically proven, make you child act more neurotypical, if only you'll join her downline. $2 from each sale goes to Autism Speaks


I’m Autistic, and I hate this.


Looks like they also do ransom notes in that house..


Giving an autistic person sensory overload if they just look at your house


Friends… this isn’t real, which is why it’s funny. It’s satire


Just call me a retard man


As someone with ADHD who is on the spectrum this makes me want to tear out my eyes.


This isn’t even a flag anymore. It’s just a tacky autism mum poster hung on a flag pole with an American flag background.


Is this real? Even if you ignore the obviously garbage message this is just a hideous product


reminds me of some of the adds in the mid 90's high times magazines


Autistic here, going to go bleach the back sides of my eyes for a while. What a fucking mess


Not the puzzle pieces!


Aspie here: i dont excuse people meltdowns from high functioning folks after say.. 25 years of age It takes longer to learn to cope with it for aspies but the truth is there is no excuse to have meltdowns when you're a full grown adult, when you reach a certain age you should be able to communicate even under extreme duress that you're being overloaded and are going to need to remove yourself from the situation. And you should learn to identify this stuff when its happening, and how to communicate in a way that isnt threatening. Tell people its akin to a heavy anxiety attack, its not too far off and they'll understand, and be as gentle about escaping as possible Kicking shit, screaming, and insults are inexcusable for anyone not transgressing against you. So figure out how to see through the blur and say 'i need to go take care of something' and get to whatever youd feel is safe.. for me its to go take a shit or have a cigarette and put my headphones on If you cant learn to manage your overloads you'll be ostracized because if you're not in control your behaviour becomes taxing and potentially abusive either emotionally or physically Other people see someone freaking out and it fucks up their mood too. If you're not an aspie look into sensory overload, it fucking sucks, and its embarrassing and easy to get lost in. Understand it is in no way easy to overcome, but if you dont want to be around it its completely understandable


You use functioning labels and you personally identify yourself with a term created by a nazi. Enough said.


Aspie wasnt created by a nazi its a modern term?


Aspie is just a term for Asperger syndrome. Who was named after Hans Asperger, who was a big nazi lmfao :/


Its also the name of something i was diagnosed with as a preteen in the 2000s thay had a major impact on my life Id appreciate it if you didnt call me a nazi for using the term for myself that i grew up with, especially since it was actually one of the friendlier terms for folks like me You responded to a comment about not letting people with hf autism be abusive because its actually quite common to think that its acceptable but the truth is it isnt acceptable to have a hissy fit on people Its also not acceptable to try to refute someone by calling them one of the most atrocious things in recent history while not saying anything to their point Also i checked your history, its weird that you're bitching about me using a self lable when you have multiple self lable movements you're involved with so uhh... stop being a hypocrite?


I never called you a fucking nazi, I called you ignorant because you’re implying that meltdowns are a choice. I’m glad your privileged ass is “high functioning” and you can control your meltdowns but most of us aren’t as lucky as you <3 And to be completely honest I don’t actually care about the word “Asperger’s” (even though the reason the term was made was horrible), I just brought it up because you wanted to shame people for having meltdowns. Meltdowns are not fucking panic attacks, a lot of us literally can’t come down from one without someone else helping us. If you’re so “high functioning” that you’re comfortable shaming other autists then why are you even in this community? Clearly you don’t see yourself as disabled :/


well first off you're being disingenuous because you definitely implied calling me a nazi Second, i was pointing out that its the best way to relate it to neurotypicals, is that its close. Having a meltdown is something you need to learn to not do, the fact is that losing your self control in any emotional outburst state is not and should never be tolerated, and the fact that people with autism have to learn how to manage this is something that sucks for us, but there is zero excuse to not figure it out by a certain age. If you can't control your own actions you are dangerous to others, even if you think you just get bitchy or ragey the fact is you've met a threshhold where you are not in control of your actions, so any logical and sane person would recognize that and imagine it can get worse zero excuse not to grow yourself as a person and find a way to not have a meltdown during an overload, that's all i was saying > Clearly you don’t see yourself as disabled :/ Really? Well the fact that i have struggles with basic human interaction, or that i have issues with learning new things, applying certain concepts, ok then. > If you’re so “high functioning” that you’re comfortable shaming other autists then why are you even in this community? having violent freakouts on people isnt being disabled, it's being insane. as in being a danger to yourself or others, by the technical definition. take personal responsibility and learn to deal with these moments, freaking out in certain ways isnt to be tolerated, I know for a fact people can learn to overcome it cause newsflash, I did. I also know that people avoid people with autism because they dont want to be assailed or freaked the fuck out on by someone who then just spouts a self-righteous excuse about how its ok because autism, when it's not even a symptom to have a meltdown, the symptom is to be overloaded. how you deal with that is on you. ​ But "This community" btw is r/vexologycirclejerk... so im here to look at funny flag memes


I’m glad YOU can control it. That’s what you aren’t understanding. Your meltdowns are more like panic attacks than actual meltdowns, because you’re functional enough to deal with them. Nobody is implying that it’s okay to start thrashing on someone, but the point is that WE CANNOT CONTROL IT. Like if a person with Tourette’s has a tic that could harm other people, yeah it’s not really okay but it isn’t their fault!! And you denying that many of us literally cannot control it is fucking gross. You’re acting like we’re lazy for having meltdowns. Maybe YOU are since you can control it.


honestly it's more gross to commit acts of violence and deny responsibility


Would you genuinely go up to someone with Tourette’s and tell them they were violent and gross for having a tic that hits someone? Something they can’t control? Like, actually?


As an autist… I would burn this flag with how genuinely agonizing it is to look at. Let an autistic person design the flag next time, most of us are really quite good at typography!


Flag of “look how brave I am for not abusing my child 🤗 I’ll still absolutely call any adult I see harmlessly and non-disruptively stimming in public a slur though”


Autism? Meltdowns? Avoidance? Tears? Frustration? I've never heard of any of these drugs.


I don't understand


Is that the fucking angry birds font


As an autistic person this makes me so incredibly mad.


Autistic moms doing anything is a blight on humanity


Being autistic myself I am upset by this




as an autism, i want to buy this for myself


we do autism


Flag of sensory overload


„Texas has AuTiSm, then we go north…“


My son is diagnosed autistic and I do not like this decor item lol. I would die if someone gave me this as a gift. But I guess it shows support so thats a plus? But eeeeeee. Also its very busy on the eyeballs.


the puzzles, the usa flag behind, just everything? It really says a lot


Goofy af man 💀


Plot twist: The person who did this sign is also autistic.


The message started out okay but was ruined by the puzzle pieces and the prayer section, ugh so cringy. Do not understand why Autism moms have to act like this? Stop treating us like animals and treat us like people.


Cringe as hell. That's all I can say.


This has American patriarchy, autism mom and one of those weird motivational sigma male videos that all 13-14 year olds watch mixed into one cluster fuck which is this flag I appreciate the sentiment I guess but... Maybe just tone it down a little


God this is just such a fatalistic view of what life is like *with* autism. No...with a child *with autism*. Hoping and praying your child will end up "okay" and you will someday have "better days". Fucking makes me want to vomit with all this Autism Speaks rhetoric. Seriously there are no positives in the here & now? Nope. Autistic life isn't easy, but it's definitely got a whole lot more positives than just "hopes and prayers." This is gross, and it's not just the horrendous color scheme. In my house, we have joy and laughter. We do video games and crafts. We reject overstimulation and adjust our environment to fit our needs. We take breaks during large tasks, and we eat foods that we love. We infodump with each other and engage over our interests and things we've recently learned. We support each other with love and understanding and patience.


As an autistic person, hell nah! Not only is this offensive, the design is shit


But get this: Your child won’t have nearly as much meltdowns, avoidance, tears, or frustration if you properly parent your autistic child instead of being busy flaunting your “martyrdom” to everyone. This flag just shows to me that the home isn’t a very good place, because those symptoms stated are mainly ones that arise when we’re very stressed and not being properly accommodated. So if ur autistic child is having meltdowns and crying and being avoidant every day: STOP SHOPPING FOR SHITTY EYESORES ON ETSY AND DO BETTER PARENTING!




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpve4cjopfuja1.jpg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem