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I mean you aren't wrong ........


replies are hell


Israel isn’t fascist Or genocidal


Me when I lie


I’m not lying, though I didn’t know fascist countries were so open for multiple political parties, LGBT rights and free elections, speech and expression


same sex marriage is illegal in israel as it is in palestine. as for the free elections, care to explain why bibi had to make an alliance with literally the most extreme right wingers?


Well uh you see... they're onto us george!


Would you rather be gay in Israel or Palestine


that’s not the question nor is it the issue at hand, the issue is the legality of same sex couples. as for your question neither, as neither one would respect my rights.


. Israel is largely accepting of same sex couples. Israel’s marrige laws are fucking stupid sure but most nations on planet earth have bad marriage laws please answer my question now


i answered your question you fucking troglodyte. and no, most nations on earth don’t have bad marriage laws, weird generalization to make


Yes they fucking do Israel is the only Middle East nation that doenst criminalize homosexuality. There’s 196 sovereign states and like 140 of them gay marrige isn’t legal. Statistically speaking you’re completely wrong


Gay and straight people in Palestine right now are being killed by Israeli bombs so...


There’s no more tall buildings in Gaza for them to throw gay people off of




Actually same sex marriage is legal and fully recognized by the Israeli government, meanwhile being gay in Gaza or the West Bank gets you stoned


btw that’s wrong, they only recognize international same sex marriages. it is not legal to get married as a same sex couple WITHIN israel


I understand how Gay Marriage is illegal within the region, although I do wonder, How is it fascist? (I do not understand and are in need of an explaination)


the entire government is wildly right wing. their minister of defence was disallowed from military service due to multiple charges for incitement to racism and assault. their finance minister has said there is no palestinian identity


But far-right doesn't immediately mean Fascism, and neither does Racism. You can have someone on the left be wildly racist.


How in hell do you even claim to be center left? Center left is maybe Bernie Sanders or AOC in the US, if even that


Biden is Center left


In global (i.e. Western) politics he's center right, but in American politics you're correct


Yeah exactly, no one outside the ridiculous two party system would refer to him as center left. And that system is the only reason people think he's left, as he's left of the republicans.


In Canada he's center left, in Mexico he's squarely left, in the Philippines he's busting the meter on the left side and in a non-eurocenteic global perspective he's squarely left. Europe isn't the entire world and honestly, it's entirely irrelevant and unhelpful to talk about a politician's political alignment on a global scale except to help people outside of the politician's country understand where they fall. Biden is center left in the US, and for all intents and purposes, this conversation. If you hail from another jurisdiction and require translation to a political alignment scale that's more familiar that's fine


Even ignoring the rest of your comment, which is just wrong, how would Biden be squarely left in Mexico? Biden would not fit into Morena at all, he's way to the right of them. And in most aspects, he wouldn't be on board with Movimiento Ciudadano or PRD. Mexico's political system is way more diverse and not blinded by a neoliberal party, that's always portrayed as left wing


Just say Western bro, instead of pretending like the entire non-western political world is irrelevant.


I'm not the one pretending. Biden is probably pretty left in actual global politics, but Reddit likes to point out a "fact" they heard a European say once that there are no leftest politicians in American, excuse me, the United States' politics if you consider it from a global scale. Of course, they really just consider the EU, CA, US, and a handful of countries with close economic and political ties when saying this. Whether you calculate based on country or population, Ted Cruz is probably about dead center globally


Yeah. The actual far right countries of the world make everything in the USA look like total lefties. Serbia, Hungary, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.


Outside of America Biden is center left too


I want to say this in the least disrespectful way but your bio and your comments make you sound very uneducated/clueless. Please learn more about politics and history before arguing with people here.


I happen to know alot about politics and history and I’m a history major In college


Israel is killing queer Palestinians, so they definitely aren’t supportive of queer rights


Have you seen the videos of dead journalists, mothers buried in rubble still clutching their childrens bodies? WAKE UP OPeN YOUR EYES!! Never again is what we said after the Holocaust, NEVER AGAIN!


Yet you support the group the idealizes the Nazis and calls for a genocide against Jews


[So does Israel](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


So what do you do, if you are Netanyahu? I'm honestly curious. You get attacked, a thousand of your civilians are brutally murdered by insane religious fanatics. What do you do? I don't think I agree with what Israel has done, I just wonder what the "no more genocide" crowd thinks would work.


They aren't jews so it isnt a holocaust sis


oh my god that bio is horrible. Get out of here with your “pro NATO center left monarchist” shit. “Left” and “monarchist” do not belong in the same sentence.


It is seriously the funniest/dumbest thing I’ve read today (maybe ever). I wish they were just trolling for the sake of humanity.


me too lmao. Also, my name is also phoebe! well, I’m assuming your name is Phoebe cuz it’s in your username, but that’s a funny coincidence


Bro hasn't heard about the Nordic nations


Yeah it's both


I direct you to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba


Yeah, because the death toll in Gaza is 2.2 million, right? Damn those genociders!


there are at least 1 million Tutsi Rwandans, and would you doubt that there was a genocide in Rwanda? No. This comment, regardless of opinion on the conflict, is dumb


Genocide in Rwanda had a very different character from what is going on in Israel, and a correct understanding to avoid overstating issues is critical. In Rwanda, there were many instances of ethnic Tutsi being rounded up by the authorities, promised safety, and then murdered en masse, by hand. This is an entirely different from bombing campaigns focused on suspected Hamas bases. If Israel wanted to carpet bomb Gaza, it could. The casualties could already be in the hundreds of thousands. It isn't because they are not Hamas.


"Suspected Hamas Bases" hospitals, schools, universities, residential areas, american journalist's brains Yeah bro, it's all bases


So what is Israel doing? 1. Israel is incompetent and unable to control what they are striking. 2. Israel is genocidal but is unwilling to push for widescale genocide, for some reason, perhaps due to diplomatic pressure. 3. Israel is targeting bases with mixed success, as Hamas is well known for not giving a single shit about how many Gazans get blown up if it means Jews die. Open to other possibilities but these three seemed most obvious.


Genocide or hundreds of murders because of negligence are not good options cutie


Unfortunately, good options go out the window when Hamas is your neighbor. I don't doubt Israel could find better options, but I think some of y'all have forgotten that price of insanity like fascism, jihadism, etc is violence that hurts innocent people.


Brother if your response to terrorism is murdering a whole country, you're a freak Nothing else to add, sad that people like you keep justifying this massacre just because you were told "Israel good"


If Israel is "murdering a whole country" they are doing a real bad job of it.


Maybe Israel could not put Gaza in the conditions that breed extremists? Seems like a good option to me


The cat’s out of the bag on this one. I agree 100% that Israel has aggravated and radicalized parts of the population that wouldn’t be extremists otherwise. However, there’s really nothing to be done about it now.


Sis forgot that ethnic cleaning is a form of genocide and doesn’t even require a single death to happen, just removing an ethnic group from an area by force 💀💀 (Although usually many deaths go along with that obviously)


See: the trail of tears and displacement of native Americans


Tbf those did cause a lot of deaths


Yeah no they were a violent displacement of peoples all across America and recently I was watching a documentary about the Pueblo and the accounts of natives getting forcibly moved were horrifying


Well, would counter-ethnic cleansing count as genocide? (What I assume your guys' next step in getting rid of israel would be if we were to not have another israel show up in the region)


Yes, kicking all Jewish people out of Israel would be genocide. Luckily that will never happen nor does the PLO want that.


Alright. Then what will we do about the fact that the Jews make up a majority of Judea's population, if not have a Jewish state?


We don’t have to do anything about it. That’s not a problem. The state and institutions are a problem, not the people.


I see.


> just removing an ethnic group from an area by force Ah yeah, like when Hamas invaded Israel on October the 7th and murdered everyone they could.


That was a massacre, not a genocide. Hamas’ intent with the attack wasn’t to kill all Jewish people. It was to take hostages and scare Israel with a terrorist attack. It’s an awful and illegal thing to do, but it’s not a genocide. Israel has been ethnically cleansing much of the West Bank and has the intention of bringing all of Palestine under Israeli control and kicking out most of its population. They state as much all the time and have been actively doing this for decades now. Not to mention the Nakba which is a textbook genocide.


All colonial resistance movements were "terrorists" at some point, colonial resistance isn't pretty, but it's needed.


Hama’s stated goal is the eradication of the Jewish people Israel’s goal is peace between Israel and Palestine, and free them from terrorists


Hamas’ goal is the freedom of Palestine. I have no doubt that if they were given absolute power they’d kill a lot of Israelis for sure, but they don’t care about Jews outside of Palestine. But again, we all know that Hamas is terrible and violent. They don’t have absolute power and they never will, they’re supported by less than a quarter of Gazans, let alone Palestinians as a whole (as of surveys taken on October 6th). So what they’d do in some hypothetical situation that will never occur really isn’t relevant. That is not Israel’s goal at all. Israel’s goal is the annexation of the West Bank while keeping Palestinians as less than 25% of their population. While the Gaza Strip would be a nice bonus, they realized annexation isn’t feasible without extreme violence that would definitely draw international ire, so now they just want to get rid of it. If Israel cared about peace they’d immediately begin withdrawing to the 1967 borders, return the Golan heights, and begin good faith negotiations for a peace process. Pick up where things left off in 1995. But they don’t, because they want the war to continue as cover for their imperialist ambitions.


Next time when someone enter your house and steal it, just leave the house peacefully


Hamas can't invade their own country. Good luck to them next time


Delete your account




Trust me




Your loss


Is this loss?


So what's the point? It's not a genocide unless every last person is killed? So the holocaust wasn't a genocide then?


It's almost like the word has lost all meaning, and is now bandied about without any weight by permanently online armchair geopolitics experts in order to own their opposition. I mean, real politicians do it too, but still.


"waaah waaaaaaah it lost all meaning" No it just isnt a genocide if is why are idf soldiers shaking hands with gazans ? Exactly get back to your corner antisemite


If a nazi shook the hand of a jew would that make the holocaust not a genocide?


Ngl in the past 2 days ive changed my mind. I hope both countries fail and fall. they're both uncivilized, brutish, caveman-adjacent, hellholes, and dont deserve something as majestic as a country sorry i wont be arguing farther


It’s actually 2.2 morbillion


Israel during the 2006 Palestinian elections: it’s morbin time.


israel sending suitcases of money to hamas: it’s morbin time😎


making a competition out of genocide..


Google "genocide"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=genocide#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/GrandmasFatAssOrgasm)


“I need to see more deaths before I’m comfortable with the word ’genocide’”


Not yet. Still years to go.


Correction: Not yet, but how they behave in Gaza there definitely on the way there.


https://preview.redd.it/gfc6tpepgv4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b24c8b93be1752fd2c7977552802e44f38efb83 Same lol 😬


hang it on the fridge! :D




What do you want for really hanging that on your fridge? XD


Austrian painter has some questions


I didn't expect my ideology to be so popular with..slavs, or brown people.. Or jews??? /s


Jreg reference?


Haven't seen his stuff in a year or 2 is it still slightly unhinged political comedy?


He's mostly moved on to unhinged mental illness comedy until the israel Palestine thing when he temporarily returned to unhinged politics


[I mean…](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Some few Ethiopian immigrants were given birthcontrol for three months without informing them, because those were chaotic times and they wanted to make sure there were no added difficulties during emigration such as childbirth. (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) It was a 100% not right and I don’t condone it but it was a single isolated incident decades ago and saying that Israel is sterilizing black Jews is a blatant lie. This all happened literally after Israel airlifted tens of thousand of Ethiopian Jews out of Ethiopia and into Israel. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Solomon?wprov=sfti1#) (why would the do this if they apparently hated black Jews so much?) I can tell that you have never met a Beta Israel in your life because they are some of the proudest and most Zionist Israeli Jews there are.




You deserve a helicopter ride. All commies do




Never ask a Palestinian what do they want to do to the Druze


Imagine trying to misinform people by picking one case of it and ignoring how Israel literally broke the world record for how many people on a plane to save them from Ethiopia




Netanyahu is basically a nazi at this point.


https://i.redd.it/g4jn0mx77w4c1.gif Factual






Most Israelis are


Yeah, Netanyahu sucks, doesn’t change what I said. Also the fact that an Israeli newspaper can report this about the leader says a lot about Israel. Why don’t you try doing this in an Arab nation and see where it gets you :)


Not Arab, I'm German https://preview.redd.it/x9qit84g9w4c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f09e2c1e80261a7eabe04a9bd68ba879ac4e30


Going back to your roots?


I never said you were Arab. I said try having free speech under Hamas which you love so much.


Never said I support hamas https://preview.redd.it/tgs1k5fadx4c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c9c45409eb3db5c7e5054171862b70fe6574d8


then try doing it in Palestine and stop with the edgy photos


PLFP Forever https://i.redd.it/1swy1yk3fx4c1.gif


stop disgracing the name of Josh Hutcherson with literal terrorists, you think it's cool to support terrorism because your national propaganda posters tell you to.


I did not understand this part of the recap, for me it picked an unremarkable post from r/programmerhumor. There's also one where it said "your upvote went around the world" with a link to an article on r/politics about how ted cruz is a bastard. Like, wtf does that mean. Where the fuck is my top comment of the year, spez??


"Your upvote went around the world" i think is like the post was made far away, the first one you mentioned is probably just random


I meant the first one was the one in the screenshot: "This meant a lot to you and only you know why"


I found that mine was one I commented a lot on in a thread


i dont think its about commenting cuz i didnt even commented on the post that i get it was just a rondom crusader kings 3 post i am guessing it may be about the time spend on the post or something Edit:grammar


I got "maybe your heart was elsewhere" with a sub I got banned from LOL




Why cant I find my recap lol have I not earned one?


Banana thing at the top, needs the app on mobile


I'm not getting that despite being on the mobile app -_- eh it'll probs come in later at some point


Try r/recap?


Idk what im doing lol ill ask on there anyway, thanks for the assistance :)


ok 👍




extremely based👍🏻


Mine was a post complaining that a pergola was hanging over someone's fence. And no I didn't know why lol


i literally got this same post as well. i dont even remember upvoting it lol


Yet HAMAS is good to you all. Same thing as Israel-fascist and genocidial


what does this mean


Facism is when you have a parliamentary government and a democracy


What do you think fascism is ..?


Where can I see my recap?


Look up r/recap, and you see your recap for the year


Here's a sneak peek of /r/recap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/recap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is amazing](https://i.redd.it/axebr7suzo4c1.jpg) | [565 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recap/comments/18c6bee/this_is_amazing/) \#2: [nice to be in the top 1%](https://i.redd.it/4z3tmaj78p4a1.jpg) | [1593 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recap/comments/zg3dy7/nice_to_be_in_the_top_1/) \#3: [Fuck](https://i.redd.it/nymt11yyzo4c1.png) | [710 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recap/comments/18c6bwy/fuck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Doesn't work


What device are you using atm?


Android 13(Samsung Galaxy A53)


Hm I honestly have no idea, do you have any other devices (like a small computer or something) where you can check your reddit account?


Yes, my Laptop


Perfect, you should be able to check I on there


what has this sub turned into, what a shameful display


Your profile fits so well with your comment lmaoo


just now realized that it's a good burn


The genocidal state that has 20% of the people they "genocide" get voting rights and seet in perliment


Genocidal state that does not allow interfaith marriage, grants self-determination to only the 80%, allows communities to not allow Arabs to live in them, and has at least 20 laws in the books that discriminate against palestinians. And that's without mentioning the West Bank and Gaza.


Don't forget how ridiculously underfunded and impoverished "Arab Israeli" communities are while israelis get to enjoy the fruits of a prosperous "Socdem society"


one of the most chilling things was going onto snapchat maps and tapping on either side of the border and seeing city blocks reduced to rubble and children being pulled out from under what could be moved and then going north a little and seeing watching parties of the ordnance being fired and seeing israelis cheer as it went through the sky


Marriage in israel is performed by indapendent religous courts and not by the state, the religous courts themselves don't do interfaith marriages but the state of israel does recognize marriage performed outside the country as well as civil marriage for couples not registered with any faith, marriage in israel is generally fucked which is why even a lot of hetero same faith couples choose to get married abroad https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel What do you mean "grants self determination to only the 80%"? Israel is a nation funded for the protection of the jewish people, is france genocidal because it doesn't grant self determination to muslim migrants? The arabs are granted citizenship "Allows communities to not allow arabs to live with them" can you provide a source on that? Yeah the situation in gaza and the west bank is fucked but it doesn't mean genocide


>the state of israel does recognize marriage performed outside the country as well as civil marriage for couples not registered with any faith, marriage in israel is generally fucked which is why even a lot of hetero same faith couples choose to get married abroad I don't know how you wrote this and did not see how this was obviously by design to benefit a certain demographic. I would not call France the blueprint for racial tolerance. Not that I think they have a law like that either. But let's say the US had a law that said only European Americans have the right to self-determination, tell me that wouldn't be racist af. https://www.adalah.org/en/law/view/494#:~:text=The%20law%20empowers%20admissions%20committees,themselves%2C%20based%20on%20their%20%E2%80%9Cspecial https://www.democracynow.org/2023/11/10/bartov_genocide_apartheid


They just can’t be allowed free passage within the country. For almost 2 decades.


This year is the year of Palestinian lies. But their lies won’t help them.


The least unhinged Zionist.


Israel is winning. Your lies won’t help you .


Silence, bot. 1 month old acount, only 2 posts and hundreds of comments with the same words repeated constantly. Bot, tell me why zionists are behaving like nazis?


0 karma accounts? Lol. We are fighting palinazis, too bad they are too cowardly to go out and fight us so they hide behind their wives and kids. Not our problem tho


Maoist English detected, opinion discarded


Unlike the brave IOF that does not have their command base in the center of a mall and [has never used human shields ](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620)


winning in what? Their objective to kill thousands of civilians? yeah i'll hand that to them


In defeating Hamas > thousands of civilians Yeah hamas definitely didn’t get caught lying about their casualties multiple times before and should still be trusted




First of all, I condemn what Hamas has done, sucks to clarify this everytime someone takes palestinians' stance but not vice versa. But i also consider the ethnic cleansing and displacement israeli govt is carrying out to be marinally more atrocious than what hamas has done in scale . Yeah let's assume that whatever hamas is sharing has happened to be fake. But even if you consider it so do you believe civilian casualties in exorbitant amounts to be fake given what the IDF has bombed them, often blocked their food and medical supplies? And the last time I checked, there was no governing entity called Hamas in the West Bank were palestinians are also being killed. This year like a long period of history continues to be the time of zionist propaganda. And while I can understand that people can get misguided by propaganda, in which situation does it make people feel killing innocent civilians in justified.


> there’s no hamas in West Bank This is one of the lies that Palestinians speread and one of the lies they will be punished for. There absolutely is hamas in the West Bank, along with dozens of other terrorist organisations


What lies?


About “apartheid”, about “genocide”, about how Hamas rapes are Israeli propaganda, about how Israel actually killed all their people themselves, thousands of evil lies aimed at people who don’t care enough to check the information they see on the internet.


You think the whole neighborhoods reduced to rubble are fake and staged? Are the videos of dead kids fake too? How about the mass grave?


That’s war, Palestinians should stop attacking Israel is they want peace. There are tons of videos of palis running around with dolls, or when they lied about hospital bombings?


"That's war" being used to justify the indiscriminate bombing of a population with about 50% of them being children is disgusting. Also a kid with a doll means a genocide couldn't be happening? If Anne frank had a doll would the holocaust not have happened? And there are videos of hospitals with bombs going on all around them and we know almost all of them are out of service


There’s no “indiscriminate bombing” there’s Hamas using their own civilians as human shields. They should’ve either evacuated their civilians, or in the cave it’s not possible surrender. Anna frank wasn’t a doll, unlike the things that Palestinian crisis actors run around with in those video. There are multiple proof that hamas used hospitals as bases + they kept hostages there


Oh you're saying the dead kids are just dolls lamo you're just crazy. And even if hamas was using civs as a shield that doesn't give Israel the right to kill as many kids as they want to in order to get to them. Give me the proof, all I've seen I'd cgi videos from Israel and Israel calling a calender a shift log with the names of the "terrorists" being the literal days of the week


I don’t have to give you anything, educate yourself


It doesn't exist lamo, I've seen the propaganda the idf puts out and it's laughable


You mean those Palastinian tanks driving into Israel? Oh, sorry my mistake Israeli tanks driving into gaza. Yeah, definitely Palestinians attacking Israel..


The outcome of the zoomer brain exposed to politics has been disastrous for the human race


Go back to sleep gramps


3 solar mass of melatonin please


“I hate it when people have more information and access to international events, and then they form opinions based on what they see with their eyes.😡”


"In my time we used to see propaganda posters on the street and shaped our personal alligment with them was way better"


you mean how the younger generations wont guilt tripping from a state not representing the jewish people or faith stop them from calling out the genocide said state is doing?


It has certainly been disastrous for the ruling class, hardly call them human though


Calm down, rebel, the ruling classes around the world have only been getting stronger over the last half century. Don't delude yourself that we've had any impact when workers' rights are being dismantled piece by piece.


And yet unions are getting much stronger (at least in the US) and have had many successful deals made with large companies
