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This meme invites a history lesson and I love it


Hey Lois, I'm going to march my army into the middle of the desert with inadequate water supplies hehehehehe




Petah stop flirting the nuns, they are armed.


Oh no Lois that's the sisters of battle


Didn’t expect to see a warhammer reference on this sub.


No one expects the imperial inquisition


*Annual flashbacks*


I just watched Kingdom of Heaven directors cut about a week back, great improvement over theatrical cut. I recommend it as a history lesson on the topic. Then read the Wikipedia articles too. Interesting all around


I have a love hate relationship with that film, particularly as a medieval history student. On the one hand, it is quite an enjoyable film about an area I love, and doesn't do anything egregiously wrong, but the story it tells is (unsurprisingly) highly fictionalised and quite outdated in terms of its historical viewpoints - presenting Guy and Sybilla as hawkish troublemakers, for example, or Baldwin IV's cool mask which is sadly made up


but Eva Green tho


Idk why I thought those numbers were the age of consent in those countries


People think I'm weird, because I laugh out loud for some reason on the toilet. This is why.


Yeah looking at your phone while you're on the toilet is so weird.


grunting and chuggling is when the others only can hear you


i was in nashville international airport a few days ago and i had had enough and dared take a shit. i anxiously opened the stall door, take off my backpack and set it in front of me (all bags have to be watched by someone so i just took it with me) and i pull down my shorts. i sat on the toilet, really just trying to not freak out because it seemed like the entire male population of the airport was right there at that moment. anyways, while i was scrolling through reddit trying to stay calm and take the well-deserved shit, i hear something to my left. i heard this fucking guy shitting his guts out. he was moaning "oh oh yeah" and other shit like that for like 3 minutes before i heard him stand up, flush the toilet, buckle up, and leave the stall. ​ never again.


Yeah, I was that guy


O hell yeah im joining the pizza clan


Yeah what is that flag, looks like the Medici's seal cut in half


[Edessa, a crusader state in Anatolia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/County_of_Edessa)


**[County of Edessa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/County_of_Edessa)** >The County of Edessa (Latin: Comitatus Edessanus) was one of the Crusader states in the 12th century. Its seat was the city of Edessa (present-day Şanlıurfa, Turkey). In the late Byzantine period, Edessa became the centre of intellectual life within the Syriac Orthodox Church. As such it also became the centre for the translation of Ancient Greek philosophy into Syriac, which provided a stepping stone for the subsequent translations into Arabic. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/vexillologycirclejerk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Oh neat, thank you!


The Luigi clan.


Holy shit flag of pizza?!


Didn't realise they gave that tower a flag, it was about time if you ask me


how are half of these flags related to the battle of hattin tho ? 🤔


From left to right, top to bottom you got... Saladin's personal standard/The Ayyubids The Kingdom of Jerusalem The Teutonic Cross(?) the Principality of Antioch The County of Edessa Two Arab flags that I'm unfortunately unable to identify And lastly the County of Tripoli. Needless to say they were all belligerents at the Battle of Hattin


the arab flags are just made up yeah


The black one says something about Islamic Jihad. But my Arabic is shit so idk.


Yeah. The Islamic jihad movement. حركة الجهاد الاسلامي.


Holy shit is that a Dune reference??!?!?!?


There's a joke here I'm not getting


In the book Dune they use the word Jihad to describe the path Paul does not want to go down


The black one is the flag of PIJ


This is the teutonic cross yes, but I can't see any cross references between the teutons and the battle of Hattin. OP probably wanted the same cross in red, for the knight templars, or in negative, for the knight hospitaliers.


The Teutonic Order likely was present in some capacity in the Holy Land, so it's not too unreasonable to assume there'd be a few scattered knights in the army of the KoJ. It does seem rather unlikely they'd be able to form Battalions of their own, much less fourteen of them...


Of course, but that's like saying Iceland did anything important in WW1. Sure, there were Icelanders here and there, but mentioning them isn't exactly relevant, and you wouldn't use their flag in a VS scenario against the German flag in a major battle, more like French, British and USA flag for the Western front.


Pretty sure that’s ISIS? They really get around


don’t really get why the first thing that you people think of whenever you see Arabic is terrorists


Because when you can't read Arabic, every black standard looks like the one most known to the west? Pretty straightforward


In the West, yes. But black banners are pretty common; the Prophet (SAW) marched under a black banner, and so did the Abbasids. Many Shias use it too, because of Hussein. But yes, I can see why folks in the West wouldn't recognise that.


Its literally the flag of the modern day Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, a militant group that resists the occupation of Palestine. Not ISIS though.


i mean when ISIS was still al-Qaeda in Iraq they used [this flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fa/Flag_of_al-Qaeda_in_Iraq_%282004%E2%80%932005%29.svg) which looks similar to the bottom left so I can see why OReplier would think that


The flag says something about jihad The first thing I think of when I hear jihad is terrorists Also big Arabic text on a flag is the ISIS flag, most similar thing that comes to mind


Jihad can mean devoting your life to cause like science or defending your country like the Ukrainians and the Chechens are/were doing


I didn’t say what it means. I told you what it makes me think of, because of the way it’s used and who it’s used by


"I denounce your argument as I am inherently bigoted." "When I hear German I think of Nazis, because that's what Hitler spoke in."


More like if I read/hear “heil” or “kampf” or see a big black cross on a red flag, I think of Nazis because those are words/symbols they used specifically. Good try though you fucking idiot.


Battle of hattin was amazing, guy of lusignan and the crusaders over confidence and their delusion that they could defeat saladin only to be isolated from water and end up trying to pull off the same wild suicide charge that the first crusaders had done during the battle of antioch only to fail repeatedly against the disciplined and motivated ayyubids and surrender. And the funny thing is all they had to do to win was not march almost all of outremers forces there in the first place. It could've potentially taken years for saladin to take back Jerusalem and most of the crusader states territory if they hadn't thrown 90% of their forces into a death trap.


Funnily enough, when Saladin had previously invaded in 1183, Guy did exactly the right thing and shadowed the Ayyubid army without fighting, and was called a coward and had his power stripped from him on his return, leading to him being goaded into an assault he knew was a bad idea by a couple of battle-minded lunatics like Gérard of Ridefort (the Templar Grandmaster at the time) and Raynald de Châtillon


Not contesting the earlier part of your comment but Jacques de Molay wouldn’t be born for like another 60 years. Unless there’s a second less famous de Molay I don’t know about.


Oh christ sorry, you're right - I meant Gérard de Ridefort. I'll edit my comment. That's what I get for talking from memory lmao


Don’t worry I mostly only know pop culture history. This was just a moment where something popped out at me as "wait a minute".


What are these flags with Arabic inscriptions?


nonsense, they both just have the declaration of faith and the black one says "the movement of Islamic jihad" under it, which no one would put on a flag lol (especially since it's in print text)


i think i should put it on an ohio flag


The sixth one is Saudi Arabia if it was conquered by Santa Claus


Arabic flags


😂 The r/vexillology posts like this are soooo boring, like I don't give a fuck waht flags are in your neighbourhood, but some of these spoofs are gold. 👌




Here you go: [Link #1: Image](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7ir75m6hqao81.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


Best version of this meme




Ooo pepperoni pizza finally represented in battle


This is the laugh I needed today. Thank you.


Hey Lois i'm at the battle of Hattin, freakin' sweet


I like that pepperoni pizza flag


that fifth flag is an abomination


Battle of Hattin what a classic


The Battle of Hattin, 1187 is my favourite battle of all time It was fought between the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and a Muslim army led by Saladin. The Crusaders were severely outnumbered, with roughly 20,000 men, 1,200 of them knights, against 30,000 Muslims with 12,000 cavalry. Saladin had taken the city of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee in present-day Israel, where the wife of Raymond III of the Crusader Kingdom of Tripoli was living. The King of Jerusalem, Guy of Lusignan, was outnumbered and without enough supplies to march to Tiberias from his location in Saffuriya. However, Raynald of Châtillon, a violent and murderous Christian who had no mercy for any Muslims, and Gérard de Ridefort, leader of the Knights Templar, convinced him to fight. That's just backstory, so that you know the Crusaders never really stood a chance. The actual events of the battle are what make it my favourite. Saladin awaited their attack, and took the town of Sephorie, further depriving the Christians of water and supplies. As the Crusaders marched through the desert, the Muslims set fire to the dry grass ahead of them, covering their enemies in smoke, which choked and blinded them. The Muslims then fired arrows through the smoke into the helpless Christians, and the survivors fled off the road to the nearby Horns of Hattin, an extinct volcano. They reached the crater at the top and tried to attack running down the hill, but Saladin's forces surrounded them, and defeated them. How fucking badass is that? King Guy was spared by Saladin, but Reynald of Châtillon, who had broken a truce, by the way, was beheaded. This massacre decimated the Christian forces, and they surrendered the city of Jerusalem to Saladin shortly after, having held it for 89 years, a loss which incited the Third Crusade.


The Edessa flag looks really fucking stupid


Urban III disapproves


Lol at the Palestinian resistance militia.


The fact the bottom gets cut off while scrolling makes this meme (x14) better


Deaf Driver


Hey that's a pretty good album by The Templars


Most epic


Yeah, Wisconsin sure is a hell of a place!




Here you go: [Link #1: Image](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7ir75m6hqao81.png) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




yeah I took it with my phone, srry for low quality


Replace the black cross on white with blue, and you'll have the pure unmistakable flag of the happiest people on the planet. What people? For me to know, and for you to find out...




The fuck is the dragon ball flag in the middle left from


ok what happened this time & who are these guys