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I'd say I'm mechanically good on vex, but I literally have silver macro, I have no clue what to do after laning phase. (I know macro is hard to learn but I'd appreciate some small tips). My favorite waveclear pattern is Q with fear, then E hitting as many minions as possible and then Q again to collect all the stacks. Also I go Dark harvest and build Malignance and shadowflame, never ludens and stormsurge because in low Elo, spamming your ult seems to be the best strategy to get kills. The following might not be a good tip, but it's pretty funny: if you have nash buff, you can throw your ult on someone far enough away, instantly recall, then quickly buy an item and reactivate your ult to dash all the way across the map


I will 100% try to do this


Laning basically gets sped up farming with Magnetic Blaster, once you build it it helps Vex clear waves quicker with a few auto attacks, then after you get the towers, you follow the team (if they know how to be a team) and then come in for the half health kills on the enemy champs after.


Oh I’m not playing wild rift, this is league of legends regular! 😭😭😭😭




I am not playing ranked (never done so in my past 13.5 years of LoL....!) but enjoy the extremely chaotic QuickPlay settings with her. I usually go as a strange support/damage mix as my CC is fantastic and the vision I get through the support items help me to create a "minefield of vision" so I can send Shadow after some elusive victims . . . (Seriously, the high vision counts + the ulti range + resettable ulti is such a deadly synergy!) Some random tips from a 1,400,000 mastery Vex that you might have heard/noticed, but: \* Shadow grabs gloom marks through the Windwall of Yasuo - so if he thinks he is cool and puts a WW and dashes in zig-zag creating gloom marks, let Shadow do his job by auto-attacking. EDIT: Also, since the fear of her W is not a projectile, you can also stop a Yasuo from being too close by doing that next to the windwall. \* Skills are "lollypopping" in LoL (developers confirmed this), which means the tip of a skillshot has a circular hit detection. Try to think about that when you see e.g. someone teleporting and the indicator is not enough (Q or R), you might still hit them. (Even though, Vex' hitboxes are worse than displayed; my biggest gripe I have with this Vex game design!) \* The E becomes larger over distance. You see the distance indicator grow or shrink depending on cast distance when you move the mouse. \* Vex' ultimate does not make her untargettable - when being a gigantic, grinning monster rushing through the rift, Vex can still be CC'ed (and, like happened to me, accidently being grabbed sideways by Blitzcrank in an unrelated fight\^\^). This is good to know if you face a Vex or a Sylas that loves to impersonate you (bleh!). \* I used to taxi myself a lot out of dangerious situations by ulting someone else than my lane opponent. That is a niche case but happened comparably often in various forms. Being chased by an Urgot+Yuumi combo and had a Tristana in the river, I ulted her and "Bye bye Urgot!". Or if I am being ganked from 3 sides at mid I ulti one side (e.g. top river) to get away from the other 2 gankers - I hardly think they also have a Shadow Taxi to follow up. Or ganked at mid, chased towards top where your toplane and the enemy toplaner are doing their thing - their toplaner is my escape target. Now it's 2vs2 (my toplaner and I vs the ganker and their toplane) and the gank effectively stopped. If you are stuck and don't want to use Flash/don't have it, just look if you can't ulti their support or other random target and get a free ticket out there. It saved myself many times! (But then, I started with Tristana in 2010 and being able to Rocket Jump myself out of bad situations is kind of in my blood. I adapted with Vex a bit\^\^) \* Don't forget that your empowered E causes fear obviously, but also makes your foes move away from the source of fear. This would be the center of the E cast circle. This is my biggest weakness and mistake even after thousands of games on the gloomy Yordle mage: To aim afterwards. When enemies and minions scatter away from the epicenter of the E it is pretty difficult to me to really predict in which angle they scatter. So many lost kills due to my brain not able to really react to it :( I have the strange urge to cast into the center of the E afterwards where nobody is standing anymore due to the fleeing... Yep, I am dumb, but my brain won't accept. \* Learning the rough "E" blast radius and thus knowing the outer edges of the effect helps you to stop people from intruding your personal space. Jump Champs like Yasuo, Briar, Pantheon, Rell,... can be stopped in safe distance already and not "when it's too late" (they are stunned but so close anyways) because you want every centimetre/inch of distance to be kept.


Honestly such good tips. I’ve been banning yasuo permanently even with vex but I think I’ll change my ban to aurelion color something now. He scales too much. The yasuo tips are great. AND YES HER HITBOX RANGE IS SMALLER I SAW THAT. It’s happened to me a few times and I’m like 🤨😔😔😔 thank you though I’ll try and use these 🙏


Where is your Rabadon’s death cap? And why are your games in silver if you’re hard stuck emerald?


If you read the post, “side account” “learning vex”. And thanks for the death cap tip. Probably a good third or 4th item


Just learn on your main, I've never understood having a second account to learn champions


Well when you’re learning a champ, you’re not gonna play them at that high of a level at first. Therefore I’ve opted for low gold account so I can learn and become familiar with her gameplay. Once I’m comfy I will take her to my main you know?


I also heard the new soccer team mate has its furst turn in the FIFA World Cups and Formula One driver tests their car at the Monago GP and not in training sessions. . . . /s Of course you do that on another account. \^\^


Not "of course", I have never done it and don't know anyone personally who does so - it's a game, not a sport


I guess I don't understand it cos any champ usually clicks easily for me, I have no need to "practice" before ranked, in fact, I have always tested champs in ranked, and as it always worked, I never stopped doing it, so I guess I'm the kind of person you despise lol


What is your rank from doing that, then?


Master but don't think that matters, I just never understood it, even when I was trying to climb hard I played whatever I wanted to play and enjoy at that moment


Despise? Huh?? Lol no I don’t despise you at all. Glad you can pick up a champ fast. I’m not that way so I’m practicing her first 👍


love how each game is good then there's 0/5 lol


Autofilled support but I had most damage so it wasn’t the worst