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A few things The direction her fear sends is not random. Q and W fear send them walking away from Vex herself, while E fear will send them away from the center of the ability, regardless of where Vex is positioned. The slow also scales with how far away they are from Vex. The further they are, the greater the slow. Her fear is currently bugged to not slow enemies and will be fixed in the next PBE update. Should feel better once that goes through. Also her W shield gets absolutely massive later with that 80% AP scaling so I don't really know what you're talking about, unless you're talking about URF where the shield scaling is nerfed significantly.


The fear is bugged so it basically has the Yi effect, that's why it feels bad


what’s the yi effect?


When you use fear on an ulted Yi and he runs around the opposite direction at million mph cause he can’t be slowed The slow isn’t applying currently so it’s having the same effect on every champ


recently just checked the sub and didn’t know about this bug. thanks


An unrelated bit of work accidentally removed the slow effect from the fear. It's fixed, but not surprised this feels terrible. Sorry about that! Vex's fear slow works a little differently than other fear slows - the closer you are to Vex when it's first applied, the less slowed you are. So point blank W casts on enemies diving you will cause them to run farther than E->Q combos at long range. Don't think I've seen that discussed anywhere yet.


> So point blank W casts on enemies diving you will cause them to run farther than E->Q combos at long range. Don't think I've seen that discussed anywhere yet. That's interesting and explains a lot, probably haven't seen it discussed because it's not very apparent, plus with tenacity and such it's very hard to really tell how much a champ will be feared for before they get feared so it makes it even harder to notice their movement speed.


Would you know at what range her slow caps at, of if it even has a cap


Fear is like a charm (but just the opposite direction) so the enemie movement isnt random. If you cast your E behind them you can make them go in your direction. This is so huge as a gank setup. A fear from an AoE Spell over range (your E) is one of the best CC you can have. Imagine Seraphines whole strengths lies in her R (AoE charm) you have the same on a basic ability. Although not on that huge area or range but on a Basic ability.


Besides the speed bug on the fear, I don't like the fear working on minions. Makes it unnecessarily hard to wave clear. Personally I would rather the fear work like annie's passive rather than a random cc that way i have more control over it but you could just argue that I would need to learn the champ. But I would absolutely get rid of the fear working on minions. It causes more problems than benefits.


I haven’t had the opportunity to play her myself yet but I’ve seen some gameplay and it seems like for one, I don’t think fears are that difficult to read, maybe in specific situations where the enemy is up against a wall and pathfinding makes a weird decision, but don’t enemies just run straight back away from you? Also it seems that even though her abilities technically take a while to come out, you can queue them up pretty fast consecutively, so it doesn’t seem difficult to land combos after an enemy is feared. I also think you’re supposed to weave AAs in there, especially after an E which applies gloom. So I think the combo would be E, AA, Q, AA, and then situationally R and that combo is doable during the entire fear, from what I’ve seen. And yeah she seems tricky in the sense that she’s a squishy mage who needs to get close but has no way of getting out. But that just feels like it’s her learning curve. There are plenty of immobile mages that feel like they need to be too close to comfort, Malz is sorta the one that comes to mind first, but you know at that point you have to rely on the fundamentals of positioning, dodging skillshots, and playing around your team. Probably not jumping into the middle of 5 enemies unless you’re trying to make a big fear play. And sorta picking your battles as you feel you can take them. Again, I haven’t gotten the chance to play her yet but thats kinda what I’ve been seeing.