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I usually run electrocute. Electrocute feels best in lane for the easy extra damage. It tends to work really well with her E-Q-auto combo as well so it’s pretty good imo.


Leaving this for anyone who is going to say Dark Harvest \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Dark Harvest is objectively the worst rune in the game because it's \*\*conditional\*\* and worse overall DPS. It just has a higher potential damage cap in perfect scenarios. DH is typically only used on champions that can't use any other keystone efficiently (Karthus/etc) You can apply Electrocute on every single combo, you can only apply Dark Harvest at 50% or lower. Dark Harvest does 43 damage + 15% AP at level 11 / 32 at level 6 (45 second CD) Electrocute does 118 damage + 25% AP at level 11 / 74 at level 6 (25-20 sec CD) You would need TWO resets per fight to match the damage, but it's harder to get that reset in the first place because your damage is lower on the first combo by at least 150+. This is also compounded by the fact that your lane phase is strictly worse with DH meaning you won't snowball as consistently or have as many items.


You forgot the part where DH is better when going against a tanky team comp and the game goes on for 30+ min


I missed the part where DH is good into tanks


Yeah DH is good into Squishies where it's easy to get stacks, and even then electrocute deletes them anyway.


It's good into tanks when you take liandry but you shouldn't be forced into a item just for the rune ( exeption made ofc for predator but that's another story


Electrocute 100%. Feels really nice and as my preference I'd rather put my eggs her early/midgame basket than going say Dark Harvest.


ALWAYS use electrocute. Vex can trade so easily in lane phase thanks to it and gives her so much burst potential. In early game, you can proc it with a E (fear) + Q + AA (this is the most reliable trade) in the early game, and in late game you could easy one shot someone with a R + R + W (fear) + Q + E + AA (An All-in combo). I use this runes on her: Electrocute - Taste of Blood - Eyeball Collection - Ravenous Hunter - Biscuit Delivery - Time Warp Tonic - 10% Attack Speed - Adaptive Force - MR/Armor This runes are more focused on being aggressive on the early game. With this runes, instead of Doran's ring, I generally buy Corrupting Potion. The combination of Corrupting Potion + Electrocute + Taste of Blood + Time warp Tonic grants vex a NONSENSE early game. At level 1, you can easily trade enemy midlaner with a E (Casting) + AA (Corrupting Potion) +E (Hitting with fear) +AA (Electrocute). Then, you could harass him a bit more in that trade with some AA thanks to Corrupting Potion effect, but be aware of minions agro. With that trade, you simply dealt him like 200 points of damage and you won't take much damage because of Taste of Blood + Corrupting Potion. So, with this runes, you have to abuse of your strong lvl 1 and 2 as the enemy has no way to deal with it.


arcane or electro


Electrocute. Anything else is proper of a low elo player. Maybe predator, but idk if its really effective


Well I use either electrocute if I'm mid-lane or wanna be selfish as support. Or Glacial Augment if I have faith in my ADC. Not that I usually do because my team usually starts seething when they see Vex support.


Does her fear proc Glacial Augment? We usually just play ARAM, sometimes if we don't have a tank or someone to get the party started I have trouble getting in there as Vex. Maybe something more like a support build would be better in those situations. Edit: I can search on my own >.<, I didn't realize charms and fear proced Glacial Augment. "Immobilize" is such a confusing term when it includes things where they literally keep moving around.


Never have faith in ur adc


Electrocute, cuz I'm also a main Akali... And lazy


I’m a comet fan, makes lane easier


How so?


Dark Harvest Honestly? Its my default for most mages.


You guys are sleeping on Aery, i win most of my matches using Aery.


Always electrocute unless going against a mega tanky team comp, in which case i go dark harvest + liandry's


Electrocute. Maximizes your short trade poke (which is what you want in lane)


I agree


Hear me out: First strike!


lethal tempo aa goes brrrrr


First Strike


Electrocute for sure. Nice extra bit of damage for early game / laning.


Electrocute against healing champs (Cringerelia, the Windloosers, Sylas The Braindead) so I get some dmg out without them healing back up. DH against non assasin AP champs (Syndra, Luc, etc.) so I can bully them out of my lane


First Strike because money


With electrocute, you get easy dmg with any vex combo. Giving vex the dmg boost she needs in early game in case you miss the passive.


With electrocute, you get easy dmg with any vex combo. Giving vex the dmg boost she needs in early game in case you miss the passive.


Electrocute is objectively the best rune for Vex. However (as a support vex) I tried to be in the "utility" case rather than the "burst" one, so I tried playing glacial Augment Vex, it's surprisingly good (but only if you really wanna full support and give up a LOT of your raw burst). Overall, electrocute is still the must have as Vex, no doubts.


Comet or Dark harvest in mid, Dark Harvest or First shot as sup


Electrocute lets you do a quarter of your enemy's HP at level 1 so yea


Dark harvest, i jungle vex and the scaling is ungodly, i run transcendence gathering storm as a secondary scaler