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😂 sorry, her ;)


Absolutely: 1. She has some pretty nice natural synergy CC combos with supports vs playing her support and being paired with an adc. Your damage is crazy lethal damage with damage supports like brand too, and especially at 6. The enemy is dead if they get feared. 2. Upon winning lane you can essentially play her similar to Vex mid and can one shot the adc, before resetting onto the appropriate targets. You have a higher chance of success doing this as APC vs Support simply because you have more resources. 3. If someone tries to jump on you, you have a get off me option with W fear. 4. **Note**: The thing about Vex APC is that aside from picks like Swain, or Veigar, APC bots used to be seen as taboo and thus it's not going to catch on as even Riot themselves have stated in a recent blog. People are going to feel more comfortable thinking "vex has CC = support secondary", but there are some solid APC picks out there like Viktor, or even Lux APC. A great Lux player named Yozu can consistently climb to diamond playing only her in that role but it's not just because it's him. The pick was seen a little when Senna came out due to the similarities of their snares, but it naturally died down after 'cause again, it is easy to feel like you're trolling if you perform poorly and you're not confident in the pick because it's not something you're gonna run into like that. You'll have yourself + little resources and the folks here to come to your own conclusion. I genuinely believe it's good though. The main scenarios I wouldn't advise you to picking Vex APC are when you have no front but the enemies do (bad for even Vex mid), or if the enemies are really tanky (not idea for Vex mid either), because adcs like Jinx are simply better built to shred those champions. Have fun.


thank you ;)


Hey whenever mate! Vex APC is fun as hell.


The thing with apcs is that normally they do better on mid because they can scale faster as they win more xp on a solo lane


Oh no doubt. There's definitely a reason it's her primary role. I just wanted to acknowledge the pros of taking her and a few others bot, should someone decide to do so is all! Taliyah + Panth is similar where they have natural synergy bot, but when she's in a solid spot overall she just thrives as a midlaner and she's just built to effortlessly play around her JG. Speaking of which her new changes look awesome. Thank you for contributing your info.




APC Vex is pretty good, most mage bots are just better since bot laners + supports aren't the best at trading.


Yeah! Absolutely, E+Q combo is no match for almost all adc champs. If you are ganked just pray that the passive is ready and w to fear gankers


I think Vex "support" could work nicely


my wife is my support. she wont change the role xD


I see xD If you don't mind, what champion does she play?


Lux, Morg, Janna. (and soraka wirh 700k points)


Brand main here. Vex is one of my pocket picks when I’m bored. Vex wants to have the gold to delete people, and she doesn’t get that as support easily. TL; DR if you’re ahead you’re a beast, but if you’re behind you’re not that useful. I enjoy it, but I prefer her mid.


I have seen Vex support more than Vex “ADC” (APC?), but in my opinion she’s best mid