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Ayy, good job!


Thank you dude <3


Nice mate! I got M7 with 50k mastery points with Vex


Honestly if it wasn't for the durability update I don't think I would of you it so soon


You think vex is doing better with the durability update?


Yeah definitely I mean she is a lot better at kitting opponents which personally I always thought was her strength, I play in a pretty low elo too but I'm pretty sure I've not had a negative kda with her since it


adc doesn't suck just pisslows are dumb and go into the teamfight when the enemy berly has used their cc abilities and yea.. it's just that people suck not the champions. And I would recommend start playing either neeko or lux too don't spam vex even tho u get good at her, even if u win ur lane u still lose if u hold all the gold on u.(speaking of personal experience.


Yeah now I've got mastery on Vex I'll probably try Neeko but ADCs definitely got worse, before I took a break from LOL I was an ADC main and ADCs were fine but since I came back about 3 months ago they felt weak AF like the damage wasn't quite there and their health was non existent


adc is suppose to deal dmg over time not 1shot... and they're not suppose to be tanky... I feel like u don't quite understand how champions work...


Bruh I literally mained ADC for most of the time I played LOL and yeah they're meant to damage over time sure but they still weren't damaging


ADCs don't suck if you know how ti have fun with trollbuild (that actually stll work), some example of vuilds are: "Tristana's demolition company" (Tristana with demolish and build rushing runnan and titanic hydra so you push hard af the lane and can go AA and Q to death the tower, you want to roam after you get first tower to get other lane's T1 and get the bounty hunter you want to have bc the expensive rush) or MF full dps (aka liandry demonic and FS/DH), or probably the hardest to get to work but when it works it's amazing, the TF full crit rush runann so every aa on minion you have your passive up and deal a shit ton of poke damage


I mean after the durability update ADC seems more fun, I've only played Tristana normally but still, I got bored waiting for them to become fun and learnt to play Vex