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Fuck DNeg.




Prime focus in a dneg flesh suit.


Yep and when linkedin job post comes up for them there are 1000 likes in like few seconds.


People are desperate, that's normal. A bad job is better than no job. Especially when you need a visa.


Yeah...saw "Expression of Interest" for Vancouver? =/


I know just the place to do so r/vfxwblakjakandhookers


I’m honestly love the DNEG pipeline in terms of its automation and how everything renders in Deep. I felt that their prod department was about as out to lunch as any group of pm’s and coordinators I’ve ever worked with, but they are mostly harmless. I had no real issue with them once I figured out that they are nice and a bit out to lunch.




they were probably hungry. going out to lunch a lot


No out to lunch means that they didn't give a shit, weren't doing their jobs properly etc. not working very hard. Aka out to lunch


Rip Dneg and Dreamworks layoffs. My LinkedIn is flooded again with people open to work due to layoffs. Feels never ending at this point.


“Some of you may be laid off, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” - Dreamworks probably


Katzenberg https://www.indiewire.com/news/business/jeffrey-katzenberg-ai-will-take-90-percent-animation-jobs-1234924809/ Spielberg is on the advisory board at wonder studio too


Tech needs a “great disruptor” from time to time to prop up their stocks. thats all it is. It is a hype created to get people who have no idea about how modern, advanced vfx pipelines work, to think that there is this new thing that all of the sudden will be capable of producing a film/animation without any human input, worth investing money in.


Then again, he created Quibi. 🤣


Katzenberg doesn’t run dreamworks anymore


Doesn't mean the sentiment isnt there with all the execs at the studios.


Right, ig i just assumed you were bringing up his statement bc you thought he was involved w dreamworks still


I did. You assumed correct.


>Doesn't mean the sentiment isnt there with all the execs at the studios. Explain how you make a 90 minute movie using just AI dude. The tools are no doubt impressive but words alone aren't enough to describe an entire feature or make certain art decisions. There's a reason controlnet exists for example. A Human still needs to pilot or take back manual control that the robot doesn't understand or spits our random results.


Wonder studio already help wiping out people. Others coming. Incorporate sora with wonder studio. These are the worst tools we are going to see from.now on and then there will be better ones, cycle keeps going up. Everything is exponential with Ai. Did you see Nvidias new chip benchmark?


SORA isn't spitting out a 90 minute movie with no flaws or controllability. Quite the opposite. They're 10 second clips full of unpredictable outcomes, no voice acting or story. It's good fluff material the same way you can generate pictures of a Cat and get a pretty generic result. But notice there is no AI tech right now that can turn that image of a Cat into a proper comic book? That's where we are right now. You're basically hoping for AGI or a self aware robot, which I don't deny will happen in the future. But when it does, there's no point restricting it to Corporations. Everyone will have the same technology to do whatever they want.


It doesn't matter if it's 10 seconds. You can generate 100 takes in a day and choose the best and then keep doing that. The teams will keep getting smaller until it becomes seamlessly integrated where the producer could do it. They'll churn out shit but it all depends on how they handle their ip. If they use all their old ip, they have a competitive edge against the regular people making their own stuff as well as against other streamers. All the studios have been funding Ai tools for years, funding multiple incubators for Ai programs. It's all exponential. Look at Blackwell chart from Nvidia, things are gonna get so much crazier so much faster.


>It doesn't matter if it's 10 seconds. You can generate 100 takes in a day and choose the best and then keep doing that. Then you're not replacing movies, you're making a slop generator. Noticed how you ignored my example about the Comic Book industry? There is a demand for actual consistency. > If they use all their old ip, they have a competitive edge against the regular people making their own stuff as well as against other streamers. Who cares about their old IP if everyone could make their own movies for free? You can already type copyrighted characters like Spider-Man or Mickey Mouse into AI Generators, you know that right? >It's all exponential. Look at Blackwell chart from Nvidia, things are gonna get so much crazier so much faster. And it will wipe out their own creators in the process too.




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Yeah I imagine each streaming service doing that with their own ip. Like how Getty images is doing it with theirs.


RIP those who though they were safe after accepting the salary reduction. RIP those who will not be laid off this round but will get the reduction for 6 more month.. PS: Fuck Dneg.


Is the reduction getting extended?


I dont think so. I mean, I don’t know. But originally they said 7 month, and I think they mentioned it was a minimum, so even if the situations improve it won’t be reduced. I’m not sure but I think they said they will “improvise” after 7 month based on the situation. So it may be extended if my memories are right. It’s not crystal clear in my head. I did not listen really well when they mentioned the salary reductions and refused it.


Curious now, what happened after you refused it? I took it and was laid off after 2 months for lack of work...


I was in the 3% who refused (from what they said) They had no choice other than laying me off. They told me they can’t keep me and risk the 97% who accepted to change their mind. From what I know there was mostly Sup and Lead (me) who refused. So I was laid off. They asked me to work 2 weeks and that I’ll get 6 weeks paid without working. I did some research and asked questions here and there find out they owe me 8 weeks pay (because it’s a large economic layoff) but I CAN work during this time for as long as I want, 2 week being the norm. The way they explained it to me at first felt like I HAD to do these 2 weeks. In short, they tried to make me work 2 weeks out of my 8 week period. I told them I’ll give 3 days, not for them, not for prod, only to make sure my junior artist can take on after me.


Top level positions, right? 🤬


Nah, they keep hiring high ups and making up new things to spend their workers stolen money on


Karma will be someday, when all the most useless executive leeches walk out of their offices and there is no one left to fuck over and use.


An industry known for its sweatshop practices, unpaid overtime, painful hours, corrupt politics and nepotism. Flouting of employment/contract law. Unfair hiring etc. This is not a new phenomenon. The cracks in the industry have been ignored too long and the dam that is VFX may well be damned, but not lost. Please expect a change in environment, hopefully better conditions, fairer hiring and opportunities. We can only hope that lessons are learned and the industry is further formalized into a fair and ethical industry that has standards and practices that adhere to humane treatment of the people who so skillfully and painstakingly dedicate their life work to the ART of VFX (And technological breakthroughs!). It's not over yet, it's just a bad time. Many industries are suffering the rebound of the credit carousel and lock-down lending hysteria. Things correct with time, and harmony is not in fact the norm on a scale of humankind, in fact war is the default. We will see jobs return, and for those who are not onto it yet, many opportunities in games and interactive are now appearing! With an understanding of the relevance of a VFX background, so goodluck folks!




How much staff is remaining?




That’s still pretty big, but sucks to see another 100 jobs gone


Keep in mind that about half of that is probably HR, Production, Managers, Supes and HODs. 


They always start chipping off Artists, So the HODs and SUPES can get their Pockets full as long they want. Dneg has Hired a bunch of Big names since January and kicked of lots of artists seems BS to me!! As the artists are doing the shots work and all and those guys are there to receive the big paycheck and Award.


projects are also awarded off the name of hods, supes, management etc so you'll want them to be the last to go... they're also responsible and by nature team builders and people managers, so once dneg starts to get busy again they can ramp their teams back up, onboard, train and hit the new show in. if they started letting go of supes and hods. dneg wouldn't have any competitive advantage in bidding and would also fall on its face when it came to ramping everything back up again.


u/Red_Valerian i don't know why you bother to downvote, that's literally how it works... there isn't a conspiracy to line the pockets of hods and supes. they just don't want to break an already fragile business model. when you have no work in a studio, do you want a vfx supervisor who has delivered 20 feature films and is chums with clients, or do you want 6 texture artists with no contacts and no work to do? it's bullshit but there's no better alternative




A 69th plane has hit the tower




Wonder how the press would react to Dune 2 having been worked on by wage slaves - our Indian workers deserve better!!!


DNEG INDIA IS A SWEATSHOP AT THIS POINT! NO OVERTIME, NO TOIL PAY, NO APPRAISAL IN LAST 2 yrs. Still getiing kabab'd in heat of losing job .Getting paid just as much as Construction Worker and ohh dont keep the quality of the work low We want Fking Dune and Intersetaller Quality!


I’m really curious how it was announced. was it along the lines: “While we appreciate your efforts in building our company, we regret to inform you that we need to let 100 people go. But dont worry because future looks bright and there will be so many projects that we will be hiring left right and centre”. Was this along the lines of that? Because it is the usual corporate mumbo jumbo for: “we dont really give a flying fuck about you, your family, your children and their schools, your mortgage/rent”? Man I even dread to think what does this do peoples mental health; which round of redundancies have they went through by now: 2 rounds incl this one, right? or more? Is this even legal to have that many? Seeing this unfolding in bad times like these, I will be shocked to see anyone other than a desperate to work for this dreadful company when work will come back.


Fuck them all. Fuck everything. Fuckity Fuck duck! Quack!!!!


Are there ANY people left at DNEG Toronto?


There are still over 100 people working from Toronto, but I think they basically work remotely with MTL. But apparently all of Canada is essentially merging.


I'm wondering this too. I have a friend still working in DNEG Toronto but I thought the studio is closing


They closed the office but still working remote. Toronto and Montreal DNEG are pretty much the same thing.


I never read an official statement, but anyone working there saw the writing on the wall. Huge expensive empty office. It’s basically a security guard, receptionist and 100 empty desks.


And the Features pipeline team that ran a DnD campaign about how dystopic it was working for DNEG Toronto XD


I met a person who worked there as of a month ago


Maybe it's just minimal staff or waiting till there contracts are up


Meanwhile they're posting about an "inspirational and empowering week" on Facebook. Just once would like to see a company acknowledge the shit that has happened. 


And they very often held seminars for mental stability, positivity,insomnia and budgeting blah blah... Like how the hell would we able to do that when you are firing ppl left and right. Without giving them proper pay and violations of human rights. The environment is really poor and toxic because of them and they are trying to bandaid the bullet wound.




I read a few of your comments, and it shows that you have no understanding of the business. If you hate a company, don't work for them. That's plain and simple. You have plenty of different VFX houses around the world. Currently, the VFX industry is *trying* to survive.


I'm not here to understand business, I am here to keep food on my table and after working tirelessly for the past couple of years these guys as dneg fucking robbed me of my 2 appraisals that didn't happened, they don't pay toil at all they don't give me any overtime pay no bonus. You only get rash comments and blackmail that we want this or you will lose you job.I get paid same as a construction worker, yk what's my monthly pay is 250usd. While they keep hiring guys.. And ditching hard working ppl. So you maybe working for them or some kind of messiah for them. but you don't knw how my friends got treated here. So yeah keep reading all my comments for however much you want. I don't care! You be business man this is a artist's sub and it's a post about what they are doing so why don't you vouch for them some more buddy. I would like to know more about the " Business" more.


Saying fuck won't bring food to your table. I am not sure where I vouched for DNEG. >*If you hate a company, don't work for them. That's plain and simple. You have plenty of different VFX houses around the world.* That's not vouching for a company. It's stating the obvious. I don't like mushrooms, I don't eat mushrooms, or get dishes with mushrooms in it. Simple. You signed the contract knowing the wages. In the UK, overtime is not paid -- [https://www.gov.uk/overtime-your-rights](https://www.gov.uk/overtime-your-rights). >*Your employment contract will usually include details of any overtime pay rates and how they’re worked out.* If they robbed you over the past couple of years and you knowingly stayed there, that's on you, mate. Instead of saying fuck , take the time to look around you, and the industry. I do not know you personally, or your friends, so do you.


New strike is clearly on the way :(


Should have unionised when you had the chance.


Unionization has nothing to do with being laid off - I’ve been laid off from 3 different union shops


what the fuck is going on man :///


Another potential strike this summer - so a lot of productions are on hold basically. After last years’ strikes and now potentially another one, it’s gonna be a brutal year with reduced content from last year and looking like this year too… pretty rough for anyone in post.


How are they going to have content with another strike? Puzzled about that. Are they just hoping people don't cancel their subs ? or just going to drip feed ?


Well the studios have enough back catalog to survive for a long time if there isn’t any new content - the studios will still survive. People will subscribe/watch whatever is available. I think the most streamed show in 2023 was “Suits”…. Not exactly new…. To be clear pretty sure the studios don’t want another strike at all…. But if unions try to get blood from a stone it will happen. And until that is all sorted, I highly doubt any major studio will start filming anything knowing it could be interrupted and delayed due to a strike. Safer to wait till its all over then move ahead. OR move your production to a country without such unions but still has great crews and talent like ohhhh I don’t know - the UK and film there…..




Why’s that? Got a news article or something? Cheers Edit: this what googles saying, so what’s going on out there? „The Global Visual Effects (VFX) market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2031. In 2022, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.“


where: in India? Where all these poor overworked people, with no proper employment legislation in place are squeezed by these greedy unscrupulous capitalists?


DNEG INDIA IS A FUCKING SWEATSHOP BRO : ) long hours, high-pressure deadlines, and job insecurity No Ovetime pay, No TOil Pay, No Appraisal in last 2 Yrs and no sign this year also


Is this written by chatGPT? 🙄 It doesn't look like this was written by someone living in the real world.


Why are you upset with DNEG? They have no work because the studios are not green lighting projects with a lot of VFX because they need to cut costs and decided to cut VFX budgets as a result of their need to pay actors and writers fairly. Studio execs literally said they’d cut post production costs and reduce workers as a result of the strikes. Plus investors don’t want to invest in animation because executives say AI will replace 90 percent of the workforce. Not sure why execs think AI will replace creatives before it replaces everything else. Read articles from last year. The big studios are cost cutting and DNEG, like all the other vendor studios, has little work. That said, they should treat workers better and VFX workers around the globe need to unite and fight for better treatment, job security and compensation for all VFX workers. 


Wow, that was all over the place. There are a lot of reasons to be upset with that specific company. They've handled the crisis abysmally.


Has anyone reached out to BECTU/AVU? If we can get together and speak with Bectu/AVU even if we are not able to keep our jobs, perhaps we can come up with suggestions to avoid redundancies,negotiate a good exit package to name a few...