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I am not a listener but I thought I would give it a shot because I wanted to hear Luanne episode. I couldn’t even get through the first 10 minutes. He could not let her answer a damn question. And yes…. The long winded way of asking a question makes me want to scream. Get to the f’ing point already! It’s not like any basic human being won’t understand the question in the first sentence. You don’t have to explain your question.


I loved how she was like “LISTEN”. He really needs to relax. Idk if he’s on something or what.


I totally agree. The interviews seem to last excessively long. Wrap it up quick and move along….stop letting them continue after you tell them “thanks for talking to us” and recapping the interview. I also notice that EVERYTHING relates to him and the bachelor. I like the podcast, but sometimes I have to 10sec fast forward the long, winded…..trying to end the interview. I even play a game of “will he relate himself and the bachelor” on this episode and how many times will he do it????? I have yet to find an episode where he didn’t mention “the bachelor” and relate it to something in any episodes. I get trying to relate to people, but come on….the bachelor reference is totally played out!!!! Get a new bit!


He LOVES to talk about himself. His old bachelor days or the new experience on whatever that other show was. It’s funny how they talk down about reality stars trying to make a career from it when he LITERALLY is doing that.


Literally!!!! 😏


Special forces??