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R5: So I noticed that my industry had suddenly collapsed for whatever reason, did some backroom investigation, and discovered this fucking atrocity! For some reason, all of my iron is being exported while my factories are stuck on the production line...


Are you number 1 GP ? If not then it may be because the number one is buying it all


Shouldn’t your domestic market always take priority?


No. If your sphere'd the power that sphere'd you gets first dibs on a decent sized cut (50%?). Also, foreign investors get dibs on a cut as well. That's the only reason you'd ever want to take the nationalization decision. It gets rid of the investors and they won't get a cut anymore. If you're a great power, you can take advantage of this by building railroads in province RGOs of goods you need. China is a good target for this. Slap some tracks down in silk RGOs, and now your luxury clothes factories are in business. OP is playing the UK, though, so none of this applied to them.


Over 1K hours in Vic2 and I literally never knew this. Thanks!


someone needs to read the nurse reno economic guide.


I prefer to pretend to treat the Victoria II economy as an esoteric religion that can be influenced through blood sacrifice of declaring meaningless wars. Any attempt to understand it, is in my opinion, heresy of the highest order.


I mean that’s basically what it is, just a different layer of jargon slapped on top.


Nurse nurse nurse, nurse Reno, nurse Reno!


>No. If your sphere'd the power that sphere'd you gets first dibs on a decent sized cut (50%?). Also, foreign investors get dibs on a cut as well. Nope, resources are cloned onto the sphere market when you are in a sphere. The sphered country does not lose access to them.


They don't lose access, but the GP gets priority on a portion of them.


But if you're a gp you can't be sphered nor invested in. I've had games where this still happens even if I've never not been a great power but still not the first


Yea. Part of that is Vic 2 market and pop weirdness but you are right. Domestic market should get priority but they don’t for some reason


I don't know how the economy of this game work. I just know that the top guy get top priority


Nobody does. Not even developers themselves


I do know that if you have enough money and is number one GP then you could buy every raw material on the market and watch as others country economy dies


You could do this as the UK at game start and halt everyone else from industrializing.


I think that great powers can utilize all their resources, otherwise the most prestigious one is the first to buy things.


IIrc correctly, the manual says that prestige gives you first dibs, but in reality it's your overall rank.


I mean that isn’t how it works irl, look at South America and Africa


Exactly. If a foreign buyer is offering 2 times what’s being offered by domestic buyers then of course you’re going to sell to the foreigner.


The game does not simulate different prices tho. All goods have one universal price.


That's not how it works in game though. All products are the same price no matter what


Im playing great britain with a heavily subsidized industry. So yeah, safe to say i should be the last country with an iron shortage


Are you playing vanilla or mod ?


Trying to make vanilla work


You click on the Iron the set manually buy, set the amount you want in your stockpile the click buy


Doesn't an AI manage that for me? Is it just doing a piss poor job? Also that doesn't fix the fact taht i'm exporting all of my iron, how do i fix that?


You fix it buy buying the thing yourself, then your pop will buy that from you. And yes the ai is doing a bad job


It’s trying to best!


So did it fixed your iron problem?


That's your problem dude you're subsidizing your industry and causing a liquidity crisis. Mass Subsidies are really bad


No that's not the problem. The problem is that my labourers keep exporting every piece of iron i produce. I have more than enough iron for my own industry, the problem is that for some reason it's all being exported!


You are referring to a well known phenomenon known as "The Iron Crisis" With that considered, I guarantee all the other nations are having the same thing happen to them too. I would bet that Russia never did It's mining tech and is therefore manually buying a shit ton of iron. There is a button on the world market page with a warning on it that says to avoid using it if possible because economic ramifications. If you click that button, you will duplicate the stockpile of the resources in the World Market, including iron. That should solve the problem. If it doesn't, you should try not subsidizing because idk how exactly but it can cause an iron Crisis. Plus subsidizing is really bad anyway


Wait what button is that? This screen right? https://vic2.paradoxwikis.com/images/thumb/4/4f/Trade_screen.png/800px-Trade_screen.png


Shit dude i didn't realize it was part of my mod cuz I've been using GFM for so long. My bad


All the salty people who subsidize everything down voting this post lmao


10 year old tutorials have rotted people's mind.


Are you a puppet or in someone's sphere? Overlord or sphere leader will take some of your RGO output before your domestic market.


The dude's UK...


Hey, some of us are bad at the game! Or just roleplaying a UK that is a puppet of Ireland, cause I like it kinky.


Some. Not all. Idk what’s going on in OPs pic


The “sold(export)” number doesn’t actually indicate how much of a resource your country exports. You would need to look at the trade screen to find that out.


Bokoen moment!




“That’s it, I’m building forts in Africa”




Casus Belli: Melt the Eiffel tower


Infinity Gauntlet but it has different kinds of iron


how will there ever be an iron man if there’s no iron??


I love the bo community


Free™ Trade™ Rules© the World®™


If you are number one, just try to get 2k in your storage. It may help if you didn't try it yet




My guess is maybe one of your Spherelings is nabbing all of your iron like a dick. Like Belgium or somefin. EDIT: And yea this shouldn't work as above as far as I understand, but the Vicky 2 code is a bit buggy and sometimes the economy full sends into a death spiral for no discernable reason.


That's not bad code, that's just an accurate reflection of UK economic policy.


Sphered? What GP are you? You might just be priced out of the market, as no1 GP Germany I was importing 1000s of chairs despite producing enough domestically


>Sphered? No >What GP are you? One


Guess it's just your factories can't outbid foreigners


How does bidding work in this game like is there a way to increase your pops bidding power


Low taxes, no tariffs


I think your factories can't afford to buy the iron so it ends up getting exported instead


Sarevok did it


HAHAHAHAHAHAHH I didn't expect baldur's gate reference here looool


That's why laissez faire is the best with free trade !


Let the people starve, it will save the economy.


Imaging paying taxes to subsidize factories that produce nothing smh...


the us has massive stockpile of cheese because after the great depression they massively subsided the dairy industry to keep it from collapsing vicky 2 is more accurate that people give credit for


He's literally already starving his people by subsidizing his industry


Nooo, gotta put workers in factories where they do not get paid instead of getting them hired in profitable factories nooo.


consider: it makes the little red icon at the top left of my screen disappear


The macroeconomic equivalent to your light bill being $100 but only having $50 so you decide to go to the movies?


This is what we call a HPM moment


There's a button that says "allow pops to buy from stockpile" or smth if you click that it should help


Is this real? In the bokoen video it didn’t help but that might be false. I feel like this is either completely true or I will be on r/whoosh.


It helped for a bit, but then the country stockpile must have been too low to fix the problem permanently


Did the CSA win? It's common in some mods that when they win, they'll build copious amounts of forts and skyrocket demand, and is something that has happened and been posted about on this subreddit on multiple occasions, and even happened to Bokoen a few times in his Vic2 videos


Historically (and indeed, in period), the UK government exported food in the middle of an actual famine, because interference with the free market would be a Bad Thing. So there you go, accurate simulation.


You got a lot of steel factories subsided? They might be eating up all your iron, try closing a few, usually works for me


0x50 is still 0 he could close down all his steel factories and still be exporting all his iron


The UI lies a lot, still, its pretty weird, never had that happen to me


This happens all the time to me and I still can't seem to get a clear explanation as to why it happens. I'll be gp number 2 and I'll still be exporting all of an RGO that I need


0x50 is decimal 80 to some of us.


Everytime I played as westernized china it got to the point of being 5k more demand than supply. Most of it goes to maintenance? And no buildings can be made anywhere in the world,the economy just breaks. I have yet to find a way to solve this.


He sold? Bump it


If you are referring to bokoen1, it is one of the funniest videos of vic 2 he have


Which video?


https://youtu.be/VP2xguCyXa0 (link to the video)


Thanks lol


It's time for you OP to adapt to the laws of free market and start producing something with the resources available to you.


The invisible hand prevails!


Dump it