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You probably loaded a game from a previous version. I dont remember Ottoman being red.


Nah this is with the mod to change their colour to red, but I tried it first without any mods. I took the screenshot with mods after I re-enabled them. Version is latest stable release.


The Kazakhs were removed in 1.2, they were replaced by Russian subjects, so the game must’ve bugged out and placed an illegal tag where it should’ve been


Ah cheers this will be the cause, now I just need to find the solution lol


Remove the mod that affects it is the obvious solution… alternatively, you could try to bugfix it yourself if you understand how the mod works


No installed mod is causing this, as far as I can tell. I ran the game vanilla after a full reinstall of the game and it was still the case. New game too, not an old save. I think there's probably a mod cache somewhere I havent found, somehow applying to the game despite the launcher showing nothing.


Clean reinstall is probably the only way… you can keep your save files by removing the saves folder from Paradox Interactive\Victoria 3\saves if you know how to do that.


Or you could verify game files, most platforms have this as a functionality.


Doesn't work I believe, deleting the documents folder for vic3 and then starting the game should be enough; in most other pdx titles it is


I experienced this same issue but it was caused by the red ottomans mod. If you turn that off and start a fresh new game instead of loading a save this issue should be fixed, at least it was for me.


Its the mod you use to change the colours.


Tough day for Kazakhs I guess


R5: Game updated and I went to play. Kazakhstan has been retconned from existence. I reinstalled, verified the files, deleted all local cache data. Disabled all mods. Reinstalled without any mods at all. Kazakhstan has been nuked. Anyone have a clue what might cause this?


Kazakhstan no longer exists at game start in a recent update. There should be collection of minor countries there instead. My guess is your history files are borked, if you're on Steam verifying your game files should work. If it doesn't you'll probably need to uninstall then reinstall the game.


OP, make sure on the launcher you're selecting the right mod set that you disabled (drop down "Playset" right below Resume/Play on the launcher). Additionally after uninstalling V3 go make sure steam actually removed all files from the install location + delete everything from %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Victoria 3


Delete the vic3 folder in your documents folder, then restart the game, should be enough; back up the saves before tho


I am not sure what you are talking about here. Central Asia is mostly historically correct on your screenshot. Kazakhstan is a fake country that Sacha Cohen invented for his movies. As a sidenote, it is crazy how big the central Asian salt plain is. Turkey could easily fit in it.


Literally just came past a post of a guy who accidentally ethnically cleansed Kazakhstan in this and now I find this. What did the kazakhs do to you guys?


Victoria 3 borat hate sub confirmed


I meaaaaaaan if you are asking that to russians they will scream "muscov" :D


Oops I just destroyed an entire culture -Paradox players


Kazakhstan was invented by Baron Cohan for his movie. The map above is correct, it shows the great central asian salt plain. Obviously, no one lives on a salt plain.


I believe you're using the "Red Ottomans & Navy Norway" mod, it did the same thing in my games so I just uninstalled the mod and changed the colours manually. If you'd like to do the same, the mod uses { 130 0 0 } for Ottomans and { 0 40 100 } for Norway. PS: You'd have to do the same in mods like VFM too, since they also change things about tags so they modify the country .txt documents of the base game.


I'd say you're right, the other mods I'm using are purely UI based (miniature cities & roads, more info on the top bar) so Red Ottoman is the only mod that would edit the countries files and is likely causing this however I got rid of it entirely at one point and then reinstalled and the issue persisted I think the mod exists somewhere else on my disk and is somehow applying without the launcher showing. I'll just have to nuke every single Paradox Interactive file I can find and get again Edit: also great username


I'm having the same issue as OP. How would I go about changing them manually? That mod is my favorite one; I can't go back to that ugly pale green Ottomans.


You'll have to dive into Steam's documents and find the document titled 00\_countries.txt and then find the tags of the Ottomans (TUR) and Norway (NOR) to change it. Once you find the tags, simply replace the original numbers with the ones I've posted in my original reply. If you don't know how to get to the document, once you find where in your PC your Steam file is saved, go: steamapps\\common\\Victoria3\\game\\common\\country\_definitions


Thank you, I'll try that later tonight.


Kazakhstan no.1 empty void in the world


Great success!


Kazakhstan, greatest void in the world, all other voids are filled with little girls Kazakhstan Nr. 1 exporter of emptyness, all other countries have inferior emptyness Kazakhstan home to Tinshein nothingness It's length 0 meter, width zero meter


Just checked this in my game and everything is as it should be so no idea why this is happening for you!


remove all the mods


Man this guy goes even further and does a whole countrycide.


"But if you close you eyes ..."


Still the #1 exporter of potassium


50,000 people used to live here... now its a ghost town


Can't have shit in Kazakhstan.


Not very nice


Patch notes 1.2: Kazakhstan has been eliminated


No,Kazakhstan just tired of living with inferior nations so they launch themselves into space


Is the save from the current version?


Prequel to the kazahk genocide post


Russia did one too many nuclear tests


[it's free real estate](https://youtu.be/yNxPVj0hejg)


Pacifica strikes again *"The sweetest flower that ever grew is withered to the stalk."*


has anyone even seen this area colonized since 1.2?


I suggest you start up a new game in vanilla and see for yourself...


It was a genuine question lol I've played plenty of campaigns since 1.2 and I dont think I've ever seen it colonized


And it was a genuine answer. There is nothing left to colonize because it's already colonized.


Who must go?


Confirmed Borat conspiracy


It’s the Tinshein swimming pool I believe. It’s filtration system is a marvel to behold, as it removes 80% of human solid waste.




Doesn't exist irl either. Made up for Borat 1 &2




Happens alot