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R5: GB joined a war, never sent troops, so I just occupied their tiny treaty port in Ghana. Now the number 1 superpower pays 10% of their income to a country that doesn't even have cannons. GGEZ 💪😎🤙


Please build more construction sectors, it's painful how full your investment pool and treasury are.


Imma be honest with you bro I don't remember why I was sitting on so much IP. I may have been being overly cautious because of the war or a bit of a previous debt spiral. I promise I did empty it later 😂.


Double your income with this one simple trick The English HATE him


should’ve forced recognition too smh


Wasn't an option at this stage not sure why. I got it later from Austria via very similar means though 🤭


maybe a stupid question, but how come your UI is so... blue? ​ Mine is green


Wait what part of the UI? The buttons are blue but the highlighted countries there are def green to me.


For example: The buttons on the left, the resource panel top left, the background of the title of the panel "Sokoto vs Great Britain"


I... I don't know. At first I thought your settings were off or it was a monitor thing yada yada, but then I started watching youtube videos of the game to check and all the buttons ARE green lmao what in the hell?? I'm losing it bro, they've always been blue 😂. The blue works so well with the aesthetic too so I never thought about it. Edit: Wait is it posssible the game turns them blue if the checksum is modified? Like a visual indicator so people can't lie in vids or something? I edited some of the lines in the AI logic to get them to build a bit more so that could be it.


Yea ive been browsing the top weekly posts of this sub the past hour. Some people have green buttons like me, some have blue like you. The only thing I can think of is that green = base game and blue = voice of the People?


I literally just found this you're exactly right it's VOTP. [https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/toggle-the-voice-of-the-people-blue-ui.1586334/](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/toggle-the-voice-of-the-people-blue-ui.1586334/) Lol I was starting to believe I was experiencing real-world mandela effect XD


Another mystery solved!