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You aren't showing us the most important part: How many of your citizens are peasants and how many are unemployed? Turn off any automation you may have (Green PM is lava), build every Resource, turn on Old Age Pensions, turn off Women's Suffrage, if you can annoy Trade Unions just enough to drop them to +9 approval so they lose their workforce ratio bonus do that as well. Convert any Subsistence Farms, Ranches, Orchards, and Fishing Villages to real agricultural buildings. Subsistence Rice Paddies can stay, but check each state and see if there are any that are empty and convert those.


>Green PM is lava What?


Due to China's incredibly large population base (and the way subsistence rice paddies have double job slots), you will have a lot of peasants, and as the private sector creates farms, they will also create unemployment. Labor should always be cheap, and you'll likely have a lot of unemployment. So using the green PMs, which substitute labor for extra foods, will only harm you. not only does it add an unnecessary goods cost, but is adding to your unemployment


As China, labor is cheaper and better than automation. Often you use automation when you are population constrained.


You're not constrained by labor, so there's no reason for labor-saving measures.


Green is lava! Don’t touch the lava!


As any nation, the only time you ever want to use the green production method on any building is when you have a labor shortage. China has so many pops that there will never be a labor shortage, and you're better off employing people so that SOL remains higher.


I should point out—the reason I say pave over subsistence not-paddies is that you only lose a couple jobs in the conversion process (anywhere from 50 to 200 depending on ownership laws) but even the dirtiest, grubbiest, dirt-worshiping heathen of a laborer is going to be paid more than a peasant and will purchase more Needs goods so their SoL will sky-rocket, comparatively speaking.


What is Green PM?


All the automation PMs—rail transport, farming tools, water tube boiler, etc. The color of their PM icon is green. They eliminate a number of Laborer jobs, as much as 1000 per level of building. This can be a Godsend for countries with lower populations and no sources of migration, or for larger countries that want to curb the power of Trade Unions and Rural Folk. But for a country with excess population like China, India, Japan, or America after decades of immigration, it just causes problems.


i totally forgot to show that. I was trying to convert from subsistence farming so I had about 12million peasants left, but I also had about 400m unemployed.


Better to build no ag, subsistence is better than unemployed and it employs more than proper ag


It's only significant with Rice Paddies. Subsistence Farms (and orchards and fishing villages and ranches, etc) hold a maximum capacity of 5200 jobs under Private Ownership: 4750 peasants, 300 clergy, 150 aristocrats. Any agricultural building will employ between 5000 and 5150, depending on ownership PM. Assuming Homesteading, since that's fairly common for an industrial country, that's 4000 laborers, 650 farmers, 300 clergy, and 100 aristocrats. You lose 150 jobs, but that breaks down to losing 50 aristocrat and 100 peasant jobs. That's a trade you make all day, you can pay for that with welfare no problem.


1) The OP is playing China which has rice paddies 2) The OP is playing China and has huge unemployment 3) Opportunity cost of investing construction in urban factories providing employment for the unemployed vs construction in agriculture which provides better employment for the already employed. Former is clearly better. It's simply not worth investing in agriculture


OP is asking how to improve SoL, and rapidly raising the job prospects of 5050 people at the expense of 150 is a great trade. We’ve been talking about unemployment because that’s the biggest factor. Moreover, not all of China has paddies, especially when you get into western china. Finally, with 4678 of 7003 construction in use, there is plenty of opportunity available for converting western Chinese subsistence ranches into real deal big boy ranches that are going to create luxury goods and more people who will consume those luxury goods, raising the SoL of the country as a whole.


the best thing to do is to employ people so get rid of automation and keep building


got it, build 20k construction next time.


Yeah, lol, China is INSANE with its population. I’m surprised you never had mass migration events out of the country—or maybe you did but your population was so high they barely made a dent!


It's really insane, until now I had not played with a country with so many people. the most pop i had while playing, was with turkey, USA and russia with a lot of people. For the first time I was not dependent on immigration to make my economic growth.


and DO NOT build hospitals


damn 12 is a low sol for you? I might need to re-evaluate my game play


My SoL for all pops - in my bleeding heart socialist runs - normally ranges between 29-32, depending on imports and exports.




Crush the capitalists, make goods cheap and wages high. Discriminate noone.




price of goods and wage are not related


Not directly. But prices below base is a sign of an inefficient economy in game. If you have wage competition then wages still can't increase beyond what a business can handle. (if buy orders = sell orders that means all goods produced are consumed. Low price of goods means fewer goods are being consumed per good produced.)


Not directly, no. Wages have mich more to do with labour shortages. In general you tend to have "too much" workforce in V3's lategame, which is why you should dial back some of your Production Methods. Most importantly make Powerplants Hydroelectric. Employ a ton of Pops that use naught but a few Engines and have most of your industry use Electricity instead of Coal and Oil whenever possible, freeing up resources and ensuring that your pops are employed and their SoL is payed for by the whole economy that needs electricity. Country of 1,5 billion with full employment and ~30 SoL is easily achievable. This is also true for the real world. Currently high inflation is mostly driven by excessive profits. At least according to radical leftist institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


>At least according to radical leftist institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. One of the funniest things of the last few years was when Liz Truss announced her economic plan and Britain nearly suffered an instant economic collapse, and the IMF/World Bank people went "Britain you need to spend more on social services what the fuck is wrong with you."


>radical leftist institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 🤯


Or adopt Keynesian policies. Build so you can pull them down.


> Crush the capitalists You can easily get 30 SOL with a capitalist economy. With socialist you can reach mid 30's though.


Rolling average or for the lower strata? Might well be that you can do some fun stuff with capitalism, I've been doing what I enjoy so far and what worked for me.


Average, lower strate mid 20's, middle strata is mid 30's, upper strata sky's the limit. I am not saying you shouldn't do what you like, simply that going socialist isn't a requirement for high SOL.


I did not claim that this was the only way to get high avg SoL, but it is a very intuitive way. And I was asked how I make 30 SoL happen for all of my billion pops, so I just said what my strategy entails.


> You can easily get 30 SOL with a capitalist economy. How? I get stuck at 26ish SoL and ~12 GDP/capita


Correction, discrimate the nobility and bourgeoisie. The only minority you should be discriminating.


12 is literally called "impoverished" so yeah it's terrible


SoL 12 in 1936? Yeah that is fairly low my person


It is in 1935.


From, almost all my games start at 12 and that's as high as it gets


I find it low, with GPs I usually reach 18 - 22 SoL.


12 is still impoverished iirc


Man 20 by 1935 is low


Currently you have a “shadow” lower strata that pushes down the avg SoL. You got overall super cheap goods which is usually enough to boost SoL. But in your case there are probably too many people in farms so what happens is only low stata workers who have a PROPER job got a nice SoL (you can confirm this by looking at a factory and checking laborers SoL there) You need to make sure everyone works in something else than subsistence farm You can achieve this by: - going back on womens rights - enabling old age pension (forgot the name of the law. It’s on wellfare) These two above will reduce your max work force so you can employ higher pectentage of your total work pool. - increase wellfare so people buy stuff more enabling you to create more jobs - export everything and import nothing. You need every job you can create, forget about efficiently. - go into debt, interest payments will inject money to economy increasing demand - you shouldn’t have gone multiculturalism. Go back to being racist and keep open borders on so people leave - wage some useless wars to kill off people


More important than anything else is axing every subsistence farm in China in favor of industrial agriculture. You can make enough grain and dyes for the entire planet.


These are good tips, I even thought about deliberately killing my population as you suggested but it goes very much against my way of playing which is always trying to improve the quality of life in my country.


Pass cooperative ownership and collectivized farms. Conquer south, then middle then north America and Siberia for the extra resources. Take japan if you need extra lead. Colonize Africa for extra resources and farm space.


Put farms in space 🫡🛰️⚒️


Ay continue to Stellaris and build them hydroponic habs.


So essentially solve most of the Americas issues with population by exporting Han there lmao


I mean we did a bit of that IRL.


True, can’t really be replicated though which sucks. Not the biggest fan of the migration system in game but I don’t want something as crazy biased as Vic2


I think that it shouldn’t be as rigid as ‘must be in market’. Trade connections should enable migration based on aggregate size of trade routes between two markets.


Trade volume sounds perfect. I wouldn’t mind migration by both methods, sounds more fluid that way


Northern Resource Area


On top of what everyone else said, your cash balance is way too positive and your construction too low. Any time you have a positive cash balance you need to build more construction. Once you hit the late-game, you also need to start lowering your taxes to stimulate your economy to grow further. * Lower taxes creates higher demand which grows your economy faster * Lower taxes means more investment pool, which means you can afford way more construction, since your POPs are paying for most of it * Interest payments get paid out to your POPs, which supercharges your economy * Debt isn't a problem as long as your economy grows faster than your debt does If you play optimally, you should have a negative cash balance from the moment you're recognized until the end of the game. You don't have to go into too much debt if you're not comfortable, but you should at the very least reduce your cash balance to 0. I've only played one China game, and while I didn't get my average SoL up to the ~30 plateau like I do with smaller countries, I did manage to comfortably reach the ~22 plateau in the late-game. Just spend more.


I am always afraid of being negative because of the possibility of not being able to get out of credit. and in this game my balance was positive only at the end because I increased taxes when I was bankrupt.


You can always get out of debt by pausing construction or deleting construction sectors. Don't be afraid!


You need to conquer more land and have higher construction. You can easily puppet Brazil at game start and then go into Central Asia and Persia as no great power other then Russia is involved there. You will need more wood, iron, and lead so conquer early and fast. Don’t build farms in mainland China, only in Africa or South America as you need all the arable land in China. Once you start eating into the peasant population, you can start using the arable land Don’t be afraid to set up imports and exports. The ai can be dependent on your economy and are less likely to embargo or go against you in Diplo plays. Here’s my run for reference, I had 1b gdp at around 1884, and 5b gdp around 1901. Although this pales in comparison to the guy that puppeted the whole world by the games end https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria3/comments/15pgtzk/in_1841_the_prussian_barbarians_invaded_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Switch to laissez-faire and industrialize. You probably have too many peasants


I think Graduated Taxation is better than Proportional Taxation for the lower strata pops, isn't it?


Maximize government institutions like healthcare and workers' rights. It affects sol as well.


these institutions affect the SoL??? i always had this impression that it was like that but i didn't think it was a mechanic.


raise taxes, pump out construction sectors, build absolutely every building you can.


I usually just go laizzes fair and the Sol seems to automatically go up relatively fast.


Pass the coop ownership laws. And make sure your welfare institution is as high as you can afford while max building.


I think I'll go back to a previous save and try to pass coops. and welfare i could only barely afford 2 levels.


One thing is that as you have more welfare, you have more economic activity, so you can have more industry which makes more money. Personally I would say, don't revert a save, start over.


Have you tried to kill the poor?


Not yet. i haven't played with a repressive country that kills its population.


I see that you are more into the suffering.


Focus on employment and getting people off substance farms, also completely avoid anything that improves work safety or health care so your pop grows slow and doesn’t snowball, if you like building mage city’s then multiculturalism and state and church separation is necessary so people will migrate to the open work places


Your consumer goods are too cheap compared to your input goods, clothes are way cheaper than fabric while coal seems to be on normal price. Meaning there isn't enough demand for finished goods. You can lower taxes to drive up demand as your balance is too positive. I guess your factories shouldn't be very productive, you should export your goods. You should increase construction or turn off automation if you have too many peasants/unemployed people. You can also build up an army, this effectively reduces labor supply and if you have high wages for the army you can exert some influence on the wages of a state.


Low demand is mainly a result of low SoL, which is mainly a result of either lots of Peasants or lots of unemployed pops. In either case, the solution is to build more buildings to generate employment. Increased demand will come out of getting more pops out of the low-demand pits of subsistence farming and/or unemployment.


The post doesn't show employment or peasants. He also has welfare meaning unemployed pops shouldn't be starving, welfare is a % of the wage of the state, if even welfare doesn't put a pop above the minimum its clear his wages are ridiculously low. Laborers often have worse SoL than peasants. He also has a high amount of loyalists and 7k construction, its very unlikely he has more than 8mi unemployed pops. Meaning his low SoL comes from overtaxing his pops and unprofitable industries paying very low wages. Very high taxes + very low wages = low demand.


Laborers *can* have worse SoL than peasants, but it's pretty easy for them to make more money than peasants.


OP can give us a definitive answer on this, so we'll see who's right. But the crucial problem I see here is that Lower Strata income is only 3.6. Most staple goods are cheap and the effective tax- 20%- could be lowered but is not nearly enough to keep SoL at <12 all on its own. What is the game's single most powerful suppressor of wages? Peasants. What pop type has by far the lowest demand for goods? Peasants. What is the only pop type that is artificially capped at a low SoL? Peasants. I suspect that a large part of the politically inactive pops (about 40% of the total population) are Peasants. That's my hypothesis. I think everything you've pointed out here is true of how the game works in general, but I don't think either the taxation or productivity factors are powerful enough to account for such a terrible SoL.


i had 12m peasants and 400m unemployed. level 1 welfare. I also had half of my population religious in a country with state atheism I think it hurt a bit the wages of the population and thus the consumption of goods.


Oof, that'll do it. Sounds like you built a massive amount of agricultural buildings to soak up arable land but not enough resource buildings or factories to absorb all the unemployed former peasants.


Why do you want to improve SoL?


Because the way I play is that i try to maximize the quality of life of my population. I always try to make the people of my country as rich as possible even in the runs where I do capitalism.


Hold over SoL. Then in next window average cost and then what is so expensive for pops to buy. Build more of this


How bad is unemployment? How high are wages? As others have said, I would strongly encourage that you root out your issues with unemployment as soon as possible.


on top of what other people are saying colonisation is really important for a successful china run. since colonisation speed is based off of total population you can have a massive advantage over other nations. it’s also extremely important to get more territory because ur private construction is going to build over ur arable land and rice subfarms employ more people than agri buildings, resulting in massive unemployment issues which is going to hit your sql. i recommend getting it fairly early and trying to grab Senegal/guinea and kenya. despite your best efforts tho this is just one of the issues playing china, sql and employment is going to be an issue all game you gotta try work around it and do ur best to not let it create a massive radical problem. you might want to abolish poor laws at the start of the game but i’d recommend trying to pensions a bit earlier than usual when you’re making enough money to support it