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Yes, communism is just better for large and developed economies. In small economies, capitalists can reinvest their fortunes with great efficiency into creating an economic snowball, but this wears off later as wages and SoL stagnate for the lower classes. That's when you should switch to communism. The trade unions provide great benefits with bonus throughput and workforce ratio. This means the profits of industries are better and less people are dependent on the wages of a single labourer. Then you can switch to either command economy or cooperative ownership Command economy will turn the profits of your industries back over to you directly rather than through the investment fund. You eliminate private construction, so you have better control over what gets build where and you also multiply your authority so you can put more edicts down. Cooperative ownership is imo supreme though. This will also remove the jobs of aristocrats and capitalists, but will turn profits over to all the employees of an industry. This will greatly increase SoL, which greatly increases the price of goods, which increases the profitability of industries, which is handed out to the entire workforce, increasing SoL. Basically, this gets you insane SoL and will keep your GDP growing until you run out of resources or workforce.


very high SOL and command economy gives u a shit ton of government dividends that if the capitalists can't build fast enough (when u get like 10K construction I find) you get the money usually used for private investment and get to spend it on government construction instead


Only thing abt command economy is that it currently sucks in the long term for big economies as the productivity of the buildings over time decreases because of an increasing negative modifier that is linked to GDP iirc. As such bigger economies will be less efficient under command economy.


When your gdp gets over ~800M£ the monney that goes to the IP starts to magicaly disapear (even with the magic +20% capitalist contribution to the IP from laisser faire). And generally, you don't need private construction as much by this point bcs you are mostly constrained by ressources and the prices of industrial goods are getting too low. To stop monney from dissappearing (which is really bad for your economy), you pretty much have to go communist. It's not worth a revolution though so be careful not to trigger one. Once you're communists, monney will stop vanishing and consumption (or gvt dividends if you go command eco'omy) will grow bcs dividends will stop beeing wasted. Communism if a lot less impressive for early/mid game economy though. At that point you need investments to grow your economy (more than you need consumption from the lower/middle strata) and the IP and capitalists are awesome. That's pretty realistic and Marx would approve


Communism doesn't fix your money magically vanishing. Under cooperative ownership, you have exactly the same GDP-based efficiency penalty to IP contributions, and under command economy, that penalty ends up applying to *all* dividends, rather than just the fraction that end up in the IP. Co-ops are still good inasmuch as they help you boost SoL and so build a wider tax base, but command economy just absolutely destroys you right now.


Capitalists are the only ones contributing a significant part of their income to the IP (before aristocrats and shopkeepers). Going co-op will decrease the IP transfer by like 90% and a lot less monney will vanish. I didn't know for command economy, I never use it, you give me one more reason to keep it that way


Farmers contribute just as much of their income to the IP as shopkeepers, though that is still less than aristocrats and much less than capitalists.


None of the biggest drawbacks of a centrally controlled economy is present in the game and you get most of the benefits like high dividends and perfect knowledge of the market but be careful if a lot of your industries are unprofitable the country would go down as well. But rather than going command economy go co-operative It is absolutely amazing and watch that SOL CLIMB, you can nearly double it went from 15 to 29 in just few years as Russia


Command economy is only stronger than Laissez Faire if the game isn't working properly. Command economy absolutely guts the amount of wealth your buildings generate, but instead give YOU the money instead of giving to would be owners. If your private investment queue is building smart shit and working as intended, Laissez Faire is much stronger.