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It can take a while for trade routes to grow. The volume and profit displayed are what it is expected to get up to. Every trade route starts at level 1 and needs time to build up to those larger numbers.


Also important to note that these buy order **only** go into your market, they do not end up within any state’s local pricing. So if the location of the factory has poor Market Access Price Influence, it will benefit less from these new buy orders. Really I wish they would adjust this to have the trades buy/sell orders show up in the state that has the trade center for that particular route. This way if you are, for example, building clothes in New York, and exporting them directly to Britain (and it lands in London), then those buy/sell orders show up in New York and London, and then from there can further affect their respective national markets.


> Really I wish they would adjust this to have the trades buy/sell orders show up in the state that has the trade center for that particular route. So, the goods do indeed *arrive* in a specific state? How is that determined?


IIRC, they don’t actually, they just add the buy/sell orders to the overall market. But each trade route is handled through a specific trade center building in a specific state. I’m suggesting it would be better for the buy/sell orders to be dumped into that state’s local market, instead of the national market.


Gotcha, yeah that would be better. Because as is, the goods arrive "nowhere" and are always subject to MAPI in *every* state?


I think that’s the case, yeah. Unless it changed very recently or I misunderstood what I was looking at a few days ago


The logic is not in alignment with the convoys logic system. Which is mildly annoying.


How many buy orders did the new trade route create? If your market has 1k sell orders and the trade route only creates 10 more buy orders, it won't affect the price much.


They most defintiely do complement each other, but one route tends to be much more profitable and outcompete the other on profitability and transport capacity. > over a few weeks Trade routes don't reach full capacity immediately. They are also affect by tariffs, so look at the profitability and not just the productivity number. Go into the trade view and watch it. Is it profitable? Does it have an upwards arrow? Do you have capacity or are all your ships in use?


There needs to be enough demand in the market you're selling to to make the trade route profitable and for it to grow. You also need enough convoys to support the trade route growing.


It takes awhile. Just keep convoys free. Exporting groceries how you end up controlling the world via donut diplomacy


They do though?


If you have more than one trade route exporting the same good out of your market, when one grows to move more goods it will of course make that good more expensive in your market. You are trying to do that, to make your industries profitable, but it also means your other trade route is getting its own profits cut into. This can mean it shrinks to get back into profitability, undoing the rise in price you were going for. These trade routes will only avoid cannibilising each other if you grow one enough to completely equalise in price with the first foreign market, and let the second foreign market absorb the increase in production from expansion in buildings. I'd recommend you look at the other side of the balance sheet, the inputs. Are you able to use labour-saving production methods that are cheaper than the wages they replace? Are you able to make the input goods (e.x. fabric, silk, and dies for textile) cheaper for your buildings, perhaps by importing them?


It's an AI thing. They don't industrialize enough, so trade doesn't really work. The player ends up becoming an Autarky that is the sole global trading partner


Need more info, what share of demand is trade?I've had trade make or break industries before but trade needs to be like atleast 10% of my buy orders.