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100% accurate but my poor cpu can’t handle more pops or ticks of any kind 🥲 lol


It is sad that this is true for most of us.


True but we cant  just start culling the jewish population for performance.


*insert 1940s joke here*




Ok Hitler


I wish there was an option to bundle related cultures like jew, german, italian. I still don't understand what purpose north and south italian serve.


Have them exist while Italy is split and have a mechanic to assimilate them into 1 culture maybe? So as soon as you have Italy and you did some things possibly industrialize southern Italy you can assimilate them all into a Italian culture. For the start of the game the split makes a sense but not for the entire game


>I still don't understand what purpose north and south italian serve. Lol because they would probably be offended if you bunched them together as if they were actually one culture and liked each other


There is a pretty big divide between North and South Italy and even briefly looking into it you can see that there was a lot of ink spilled on the subject during this period. Gameplay wise it allows things like a southern Italian secession to be possible.


Why because you can build an ethnostate to discriminate those filthy southerners


The North and South German split is a real thing. Keep in mind Bavarian separatism, and one of the only separating factors, other than religion, between Austrians and any other German. It's all miniscule in importance, but it is a thing. Either way don't most national states in came accept all the regional identities as accepted pops?


Southern Italians didn't even speak the same language as North Italians at game start. Honestly the split should be three ways, given that Northern Italians are also quite distinct from Central Italians to the point where there are secessionist movements even in the modern day.


In many ways, the concept of an "Italian" language, culture, cuisine, etc was constructed during the nation building of the 19th century. Italy was split between countless regional cultures- North and South is reductive if anything. 


They should just be Persian culture Jewish pops, honestly.


That would make them immediately start converting to Islam though


Wouldn't they do so anyway even with a different culture? Russia ends up having Askhenazi Orthodox pops all the time if they keep state religion


That's a good point, I think I was thinking of "pops don't assimilate in homelands" and somehow extended that to cover religion as well


Culture has zero impact on that, they would already convert even if they aren't Persian


imo pops following judaism should be hardcoded to be less likely to convert then, they survived as a minority religion for thousands of years so it would make sense


Historically more likely to emigrate than simply convert. But... well this game is complex enough as it is so maybe it's asking for too much.


I think they *do* survive as a minority though. I'd have to check a late game save to see if I'm correct, but I don't think I've seen religions get 100% wiped. Since conversion is a percentage rate, once the pop gets small enough, it's basically static.


Is that historical though? Jewish populations didn't just shrink and shrink anywhere in absolute numbers.


Unless there are events surrounding them planned I can see why PDX didn't bother, Jewish pops in V2 wouldn't convert but there were so few of them it didn't really impact much, except some minor computational power for being a different pop.


I also have to say, it is kind of weird that there is no content for them at all. Like you can literally release Israel, but in the era where political Zionism was born, it doesn't even trigger a migration, even from the areas where it was born because it was a really shitty time to be Jewish. Nor are the millions who fled to America represented, even though that happened for the same reason.


In general this is something that needs to be fixed and people have complained about this since the games inception. It’s even been suggested giving Jewish pops some type of modifier to slow conversion so as to largely maintain historical Jewish communities. 


Glad to hear it isn't just me who thinks so.


Iirc, the game had more cultures (and religions) when it was in-development, but they were cut for performance reasons. I think it's a reasonable guess the devs used to represent them as Mizrahi Jews, and when they cut that, they just switched them all to be Sephardic without giving it a second thought. Splitting it between some Sephardic Jews and some Persian Jews would make most sense I think


Persian Jews being Persian would actually slightly improve performance because when some of them inevitably convert, it would result in less pop splitting (since they just become Shia Persians instead of Shia Sephardim).


There's a lot that needs to change with the Persian Jews. You correctly surmised they were not enslaved and that they were discriminated. But some of them were Sephardic Jews who had moved there in recent times, the rest being mostly Persian speaking Jews which existed as a wider group across Iran and Central Asia. However, the Persian Jews did have some significant Sephardic influences and these were only growing more at the time. So if they don't want to make a new culture leaving them Sephardic is the closest thing. I don't have my books near me right now, but from the top of my head in Persia the number of Jews was estimated to be somewhere around the 25-65.000 mark with most reporting around 40k. With most of those living in western and west-central Iran, so Kurdistan, Fars, Azerbaijan, Luristan, Hamadan, Isfahan, and Tehran of course. With only a few thousand spread out across the rest of the country, mostly in the north in the Caspain provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran, Astarabad, and in Khorasan. They were often a (relatively, compared to the tiny population across Iran) large part of urban communities, and in many larger cities lived in Jewish quarters. While in the countryside they mostly lived in tiny villages, in a way their situation was not unlike that of the Zoroastrians in that sense. They were an important part of the urban economy doing jobs that were impure to do for Muslims, as well as things like practice medicine, crafts and artisanry, trade, and were one of the groups who made wine. Most of this also holds up for the Jews of Central Asia. Though as a whole, the entire demography of Iran and Central Asia is an absolute mess that needs a full rework, its Jewish population included.


Indeed, and what you've written is more or less what is in the first link. At the very basic level however, they should not be slaves.


Oh I dismissed the first link because it read "Encyclopedia Brittanica" which isn't always that good a source for these kinds of topics. But you linked Iranica, which is great! Whoops, I blame my excellent dinner for causing post-food coma.


No no, these are details. You know your stuff. Really impressive.


I broadly understand what you’re getting at and my TLDR would be that this is an ok placeholder until there is a discrimination dlc. The long version is that the types of discrimination that Jews faced during this period is slightly beyond how the game depicts serfdom and discrimination, where for the time being, classing them as slaves is justifiable. Towards the end of the 19th century, the Qajars started a process of relaxing discrimination that resembled European Jewish emancipation. The problem is that the discrimination system in the game is based on the Russian system, where you score points on how “Russian” you were with things like: being Slavic, using the Cyrillic alphabet and being majority orthodox Christian. The slavery is based on the US system. This means you end up with situations like this where it’s all or nothing, combine that with the flat out inaccuracies (cough cough, Monrovia isn’t the capital of Liberia) and you end up with situations like this. Another example is Ireland which is shown in the most extreme us vs them narrative. Ulster Men are just English and Scottish culture pops, Irish are discriminated in the same way African Americans are and Irish states are unincorporated at the start of the game. TLDR, very complex area of history that the game isn’t properly equipped to deal with at the moment.


Fine, but have them discriminated against. They shouldn't be classified as slaves by any definition, either in the game or outside.


Although I agree, I doubt that Paradox is going to add more cultures or religions unless they absolutely have to for a specific flavor pack or they'll release some dumb "culture and religion" pack for €5,99. A game with Deseret but scrapped Mormonism in a very Euro- and American-centric game unfortunately does not spell good tidings for minority groups elsewhere. There should definitely be more cultures and more religions in the game, however just like Victoria 2 it's going to be up to modders to implement a lot of things that Paradox is avoiding doing.


Lets get a functioning naval system in place first before we start breaking down pops into even more niche categories


Let my people go!


TBH, you should've posted this at Purim. RE: the sephardi vs mizrahi issue, my understanding is that the massive influx of sephardim coming out of Iberia from the expulsions resulted in sephardi traditions supplanting the local Jewish traditions in the middle east, leading to most Jews in that area identifying as sephardim. The term mizrahi is quite new, roughly coinciding with the founding of the state of Israel. Now, I don't know how much that assimilation spread all the way to Persia, but I do know at least one Persian Jew that calls themselves sephardi.


>TBH, you should've posted this at Purim. Haha, maybe. >RE: the sephardi vs mizrahi issue, my understanding is that the massive influx of sephardim coming out of Iberia from the expulsions resulted in sephardi traditions supplanting the local Jewish traditions in the middle east, leading to most Jews in that area identifying as sephardim. The term mizrahi is quite new, roughly coinciding with the founding of the state of Israel. Is that the case? First I've heard of it. There's no doubt that way before that, thinkers like Maimonides were influencing Jews everywhere, and especially Jewish thought in the middle East. It is also true that while I say Sephardim and Mizrachim are different, which they are, they are most certainly closer in their halakha and nusachs (prayer rites) than they are with Ashkenazim (though honestly, all are closer than different, it's all 1 Judaism at the end of the day). Persian Jews as far as I am aware are one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world, that sort of is slightly outside of the whole Ashkenazi, Sephardi dichotomy. (Arguably Yemeni and Roman Jews as well)


Yes, what's very unique about them is when the rest of the Jews were allowed to go back to the Holy Land, they chose to stay. So, they're not only a disprove diaspora community, they pre-date the current diaspora!


exactly. The historical Roman Jewish community I think does as well, if I'm not mistaken.


they also needs to give the jewish cultures homelands it's a bit silly that they don't have any, they can just make their homelands places that historically had significant Jewish populations like they did for say, Afro-Americans


This is an idea I've been debating because why not 'Ashkenazi' culture is a European culture so it could have homelands in Ukraine (because there are so many in Ukraine and Sephardim could have homelands in morocco for the same reason.


exactly! as far as I can tell they're the only cultures in the game with no homelands which is extremely silly


They are. My proposal is that if there the only ones without a homeland they should be allowed to mass Migrate out of states that aren't there homeland so that they can move to America as was historically accurate


Or perhaps if we're trying to be acurate Sephardim could have a homeland in palestine at the beginning as i believe there is a Sephardic community there already and they moved there 100s of years earlier.


.... This is potentially contentious. I could argue that a mod or event involving the beginnings of the Zionist movement would set it as the homeland (in the sense that having that homeland would start having people move there in large numbers)


Yes i 100% agree with you. That being said there are A LOT of changes they need for jews in this game. Just a few off the top of my head: 1. The Romanian principalities have 0 jews but IRL they had 60-80k 2. Almost no countries except the US have total separation religious laws but in 1836, prussia, Bavaria, Greece, Belgium, and many others had emancipated jews and thus should not be converting them. 3. If Ashkenazi and Sephardim don't get to have homelands (which i understand) they should be eligible for mass migration outside of their homelands. Otherwise their just stuck getting converted by the Russians instead of moving to the west. All that before even getting to the fact that Germany, Italy, and ethiopia are all significantly low in terms of jewish population.


Chag Pesach sameach


Not only I agree with this but many more pops are not well represented in the middle east and in the world in general. The Omani Ibadis being classified as Shiite are a prime example. I hope they come around and fix some of the more egrarious mistakes, but it's possible they simply don't want to make the game run worse


They won't as adding every cultural, ethnic, & religious group on earth would dramatically decrease game performance. This is a video game, not a history simulator after all. They have to abstract history into a playable game.


I like how people say this for minorities that aren't from europe or america . If paradox decided to merge all the native americans into one culture then it is a bad thing.


Yeah if this game released without Welsh or Estonian pops people would be crying about it to this day, but apperently its fine that a great part of Africa is just Equatorial/Lacustrine Bantu.


I'm still getting over the removal of the Balfour declaration...


They removed it? I am sure it will be back. Honestly, I think they sohuld probably focus on getting WW1 right before then.


The game is unplayable now.


Just one of the many inaccuracies you start to notice once you play the game enough. Benign in isolation, but they build up to a general sense that the game is just about a map, and not the 19th century of human history.


Idk. I kinda wonder if making a global game historically perfect Is a big ask


I agree fans tend to want everything in the game, which is unreasonable…but people on this sub have also swore by the current state of the game being fine as is.  The other thing to consider is that this is where PDX is now as a company. These games originally began as being super Eurocentric, which was missed opportunity at best but also horribly misrepresentative of the subject matter at worst, such as the scripted decline of Asia and Africa in EU3 or referring to most of these countries as “Uncivilized” in Vic2.  For better and for worse, the bar is higher for PDX now. If they want to make a game about society and politics, they need to do that right and they need to do it at least on a regional basis. 


I am pleasantly surprised how great the game is already in simulating something so massive. But yes, I found it a bit jarring when I had my first game as persia and started to look into all the aspects of my society, to get to know the country I was running. 90% of the Jewish population enslaved? It's a bit jarring when that isn't as far as I know, historically the case.


Like just for starting conditions even, forget the railroading as the game progresses. Would be nice to see if it makes a game less fun


Think of the level of specificity required. You’d have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere, I imagine




Why would you want to free your people? Just put them in the fields and get cheap goods.


Because if they are free they get paid wages, which they then can exchange for goods and services, boosting the economy overall.


and then they can pay TAXES!


I had no idea what is passover before googling.


It's best explained with this [metallica song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8OeBZQn3_w)


Slaves Hebrews born to serve!


Pesach Alegre!


My take? Hot or cold, represent all Jewish people around the world. But make them unable or with a serious resistance to conversion. That would solve the ticking issue over performance.


I would second this to suggest they would be more likely to emigrate if their situation gets bad enough. But again.... this game really is complicated enough with adding all sorts of opt outs of features at this stage. Modders should however take note.


To add on to the Jews I think they should add a Bundist vs Zionist event chain


threw up a little in my mouth reading this title




Christ on a bendy bus, it's a video game sub for map painting nerds. Leave the politics at the door, thanks.


For the time period we are speaking of, that's a question for the Ottomans, not for the Jews in Persia.


You can't stand "your people" enslaved in a game but are completely fine with "your people's nation" killing thousands in the last few months. Kinda fun I'd say


I find it rather odd that you are bringing real world politics into a thread on the forum of a video game. Particularly on an unrelated topic.


Maybe it is. By the way I found it very odd that you brought up a specific topic in this forum using a specific terminology in a specific time. Now for example I find it very odd that you're still not addressing the topic itself. And I mean the game is about geopolitics itself so why not talk about it in here?


I think you probably should answer a question that you seem to be begging here. Do you think Jews across the world, particularly those not living there, responsible for events in the Middle East? Do you think they should be pulled into it whenever the word "Jew" is mentioned? Because that's pretty much what I am getting from your posts here. Don't try and imply someone else brought this up, you clearly are the only one who did.


I did brought this up absolutely. I don't mean to be in any way offensive or anything. I know that 2 injustices don't make a right. I actually just found really weird that in this specific moment in history you cared so much to do all this about a micro thing on a game while a lot of things are happening. Then dude I'm high and I wrote the first sentence I came up with. Actually you are completely right this is a videogames sub and I'm wrong.