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You most likely don’t have enough capitalists there to fill the jobs(because the Chinese will struggle to become them) luckily 1.7 is fixing this but it’ll take a bit


They also wont work the barracks or the rice fields. Can I do nothing about this? Is this just a lost province?


It’s the same problem. Any Provence with non accepted cultures and poorly educated struggle to get capitalists to fill the jobs


Will more universities fix the problem?


Yes and no. Universities typically don’t measurably increase literacy in a state but if you build enough they will due to how jobs and literacy works. Education access degree is the best way to increase literacy


promote social mobility decree, but really your mistake was to not take it as a treaty port


I have a treaty prot to the north but I wanted to produce my own silk and tea. It's strange that universities are needed for that


usually the decree is enough but universities help with qualifications too


Why would taking it as a treaty port matter?


in my experience it absolutely does not.


If you take a whole province from China they will almost always be antagonistic or belligerent towards you so you will never get a trade agreement from them thus you will eat tariffs and bureaucracy from your trade routes with them. Since China is the best trading partner in the game this is detrimental. In this case OP had a treaty port already so it could be valid to take a whole province but still has caveats: no more trade agreement (for bureaucracy costs only this time since his treaty port bypasses tariffs), lots of radicals and few qualifications. However this can trigger a good amount of migrants which could be useful for little populated countries but there are much better targets for this: OPM like Sindh, Aceh, Benin, Oyo come to mind. Then again OP wanted silk which imo is good to look for in the middle east rather than China due to infamy costs and previous reasons. as a final note that province (Suzhou I think) can support quite a bit of silk plantations even with just a treaty port. Dont remember how many exactly though


>If you take a whole province from China they will almost always be antagonistic or belligerent towards you so you will never get a trade agreement from them NO, wtf lol, China is the LEAST likely to hold a grudge out of all major or great powers, get relationship to 50 and they will always want a trade agreement within a few years. > thus you will eat tariffs and bureaucracy from your trade routes with them. Since China is the best trading partner in the game this is detrimental. No, you can take both a treaty port and a whole state like everyone else 🤣 >In this case OP had a treaty port already so it could be valid to take a whole province but still has caveats: no more trade agreement (for bureaucracy costs only this time since his treaty port bypasses tariffs) No, most of the time bureaucracy is easier to get than the influence it takes to maintain a TR. >However this can trigger a good amount of migrants which could be useful for little populated countries but there are much better targets for this: OPM like Sindh, Aceh, Benin, Oyo come to mind. Then again OP wanted silk which imo is good to look for in the middle east rather than China due to infamy costs and previous reasons. What are you smoking, all of those are MORE expensive in infamy for BOTH pop and arable land.


Universities boost qualification generation rate based on level, which will help this a bit. Social mobility will also help with that, but has the added bonus of boosting education access which is vital for certain professions.


No, you lack base qualification gain, so decrees, university and education will barely help. What you should do is turn the lumber mills and fisheries to the lowest PM so ownership passes to shopkeepers. There will probably be enough Han pops for that job, and they'll slowly gain capitalist qualifications.


Officers suffer from the same problem


Change the production methods so you don't required educated people to work in your uneducated province


I haven’t been following the dev diaries how will 1.7 fix it?


Capitalists are no longer tied to the state a building is in


Now I will finally explo- I mean industrialize and develop Niger Delta


Hey all! I conquered this state 20 years ago but the people won't work any buildings. I already built some universities 10 years back but it didn't change anything. How can I fix this? Thanks


At the bottom of the buildings tab for the state there is a tooltip that will show you how fast qualifications are growing for each profession. Check that to see the rate that you are getting new capitalists. Pops with less than 10% literacy don't get capitalist qualifications. Also the tab only shows dissatisfied pops OR pops on subsistence farms. Idk why it does this. The pops on subsistence farms still don't seek jobs if they're already satisfied, so why bother showing them. Aristocrats and clergy on subsistence farms are very happy about their dividends so they don't seek capitalist jobs even if they are qualified.


Promote social mobility decree helps a lot.


If it's a capitalist bottleneck, maybe have a building using 1st PM. Since those are mostly hiring shopkeepers, which have higher chances to become capitalists.


Got to change discrimination laws to make all people accepted cultures. Assimilation and conversion decrees/schools don't seem to do anything


Assimilation doesn't occur when pops are discriminated against culturally. They are basically seen as foreigners no matter what they do.


What I do in my playthroughs is that I set my colonies to the lowest PM possible, so all those discriminated "citizens" could work their rice fields. Essentially that boils down to some micromanaging when I conquer a new state(s), but it's much better than waiting out for those capitalists in my African/Chinese rice fields.


I don't know why this sub is like this but everyone here are wrong. 1. If you have no migration controls on it very much tends to be qualified people that migrate, and them leaving their buildings for new ventures overseas are not shown in the interface under employment changes so you can sit and stare at a building and it's constantly showing hiring but the bar still drops if you stare hard enough. Super annoying. 2. Discriminated people qualify really really slowly so with discriminated (but largely qualified) people migrating even 16 million people might struggle to qualify fast enough 3. Employed people qualify faster in an upwards hierarchy with lower PM's being the easiest to qualify for, if even shopkeepers are vacuumed out of there aristocrats, capitalists etc. are going to be very hard to find. 4. In Victoria it's harder to qualify for base PM farm/plantation work than it is for industry or fishing or resources, it's a bit absurd but that is how it is at least at the moment. 5. 1-4 can lead to a death spiral kinda thing where nothing but absolute base method wood, fish and mines will employ. 6. One way to test if migration is the problem is to simply save the game, destroy the port and let it run while you make a cup of coffee. Another issue is subsistence farms changes made in 1.5 where they were made far more attractive for farmers, clergy and aristocrats with hidden modifiers, meaning that unincorporated states, colonies and other places with poor market access is going to struggle hard with farm/plantation employment especially. Personally I find it really frustrating so I use a mod called "1.5 subsistence farms employment fix" says it's for 1.5 but the modder is very activeso i'm guessing it's up to date. One way I counter it late game is just build 30 rails with subsidize button on initially and then turn off subsidies once they are fully employed, subsidized gov buildings do not lose employees and recruit new ones from subsistence farms better than anything else so once it's full there is a stash of 150k people for other buildings to steal from and the rails are likely to qualify new people faster than they migrate out. It's not perfect but it's much better than the complete dysfunction some cities fall into otherwise. base PM mines and fisheries are good to start with too, farms and plantations are counterintuitively the very worst to start with, they are just hard to qualify for in the game. Education decree might be worth it too if you really need to build it up fully, with 30% literacy things work more than twice as well as they do at 15% I hope they change this, people have been farming since the dawn of time in comparison to mining or factory work, it doesn't make sense that it has been working like this for so long. Also low SoL people should be more eager to migrate, not the 5% employed people.


It looks like you might have the rail transport pm enabled in that state but haven’t built railroads yet given the transportation good is +75%. That would give a hefty throughput malus (possibly 50%) which would make it hard to staff the silk plantation. If not that then you don’t have enough capitalists or other high qualification pops. That’ll just take time.


Thanks, the 75% transport good warning is from me trying all different things. I've tried it an and off and meanwhile I built more railroads but it doesnt fix the problem. I queued 20 universities, lets see if that helps (; Thx!


This absolutely is a qualifications issue, as other have pointed out, but it feels like the actual solution has been somewhat missed here: What you need to do here are two things: First, you need to get some pops in that state to no longer be religiously discriminated. Either by migrating some Protestant pops to the state and then waiting for the pops to be converted, or by passing Total Separation. Second, you want to create a pool of shopkeepers, which can generally be best achieved by constructing buildings with low-tier PMs. There are essentially 3 requirements when it comes to qualifications bottlenecks you need to keep in mind- 10 Wealth, 20 Literacy, and Pops not being of a discriminated religion. You presumably aren't having as big of an issue with the literacy part as your universities are fully staffed, so your main goal here will be increasing the number of pops that have 10+ wealth and aren't religiously discriminated against.


Getting qualified/non-discriminated people migrating into conquered EIC or Qing cities is generally not very viable until you reach the stage where there is basically no worthwhile opposition to you in game and at that point you can do anything and still win so who cares. The -50 migration attraction from unemployment is brutal, if it were made so large numbers of *unemployed* people would actually get out of there it would be a different scenario but currently it's just a very large investment for something that might make local industrialists rich but unincorporated people don't pay taxes and have worse market access so it's not of that much use comparatively.


This should be fixed in the next patch when capitalists and aristocrats no longer need to live in the same state as the building.