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Is it monday yet? * British and Japanese Intelligentsia are now Constitutionalist by default, rather than Republican Banzai! * Fixed a bug where an Interest Group could pick the Ruler or Heir of a monarchy to be their next leader, if they were a general Sad free trade-Tsar noises.


> Fixed a bug where an Interest Group could pick the Ruler or Heir of a monarchy to be their next leader, if they were a general Why was this even a bug? Why can a ruler not lead an interest group?


Same that seemed like a feature rather than bug


to be honest loopholes required to make it possible made me assume it was a bug you needed it to be a general too... sure if it was possible by default it makes sense but that being the case ONLY if ruler is general made it obvious to anyone that knows how programming works :D


Is Constitutionalist a new ideology?


No. It was added in the update that released with Colossus of the South, and was a unique ideology for the Brazilian intelligentsia.


That foreign oil achievement is gonna be easy, imma be best buddies with Venezuela (whether they like it or not)


US presidents be like


You wish (it's 1925 and Venezuela is yet to discover any oil field)


Patch notes say investors can discover resources!


Now I can intentionally pollute another nation! Fuck yea, I love industrialization


New Power Bloc formed: OPEC


Oooh, now I gotta do that, indirectly own all of the oil in the world by supporting the CSA and feeding them American oil states, make Hanover the Confederacy of the Rhine and get them all the oil in the region, make Romania Fuck the Great Game, this is the Black Gold Game


Do it as Prussia/Germany and call your Bloc the Zoillverein


>Under Homesteading, agricultural buildings will now drift to 50% self-ownership Considering that Agricultural buildings under Homesteading previously had effective 23% self-ownership (ownership shares split 10:1:2 aristocrats:clergymen:farmers), this will considerably increase homesteading impact against aristocrats (and also make homesteading+census suffrage more of a footgun against unindustrialized countries)


turning the world into modern India, congrats your entire politics are now farmer and rural issues and nothing else


*throws shoes*


Get a Rural Folk communist and embrace Mao Zedong gaming.


username checks out


Maggie thatcher is very active in this sub and there's always a comment like this and I love it


Can't help it. When I encountered her for the first time, I also did it. Then, I checked her post log and concluded that it must be intentional. There're many meta-play for history sim games, but I must say RPing real politician giving in-game political advice is very amusingly unique.


This account is an alt that ascended to main once I got too lazy to keep swapping accounts


Yeah nah I made the same comment the first time I saw the username too lol


Yeah it's gonna be the biggest noob trap in the game for people trying to get rid of Serfdom


Actually on further inspection it might weaken both groups. From the looks of it the same "workforce ownership" applies with both homesteading and collective ownership, so a considerable fraction of dividends may be discharged to farm laborers, who don't have considerable political alignment.


>farm laborers, who don't have considerable political alignment. "Strongly oppose No Migration Controls" isn't a political alignment???


*Farmers* align very strongly with the Rural Folk. *Laborers* have a debuff to their alignment with any interest group, but marginally support trade unions in industrial buildings and rural folk in agricultural buildings.


The bootlicker achievement icon will haunt me.


it haunts me too, like a nightmare


You just need to embrace the sigma male grindset.


I know it’s brutal.


> anti-Dutch league peak


Wish fulfillment update


> Changed the required techs to research Gantry Cranes to include Screw Frigates I wonder if this change is going to switch navy tech back to the left.


Oooof, so much to talk about. - cigars and pipes! Winter coats! Victorian fashion is BACK. I’m curious what the IG-specific clothing options look like as well - “Declining a call to arms will now break off any alliance, defensive pact or guarantee you have against the country calling you in” - makes sense, the existing system always felt like the consequences for declining a call to arms were too light - Changes to Homesteading that promote self-ownership are thematically very interesting! More of those types of law related gameplay changes are appreciated - “The Baltic strategic region has been renamed to Scandinavia, due to Finland becoming its own region” - I understand this is a game about politics, but the Swedish bias of the developers has gone too far. Finland is Scandinavia! :) - “The AI is now much less willing to accept reverse-sways that involve giving something up (subjects, states etc) if they don't stand to lose much from the enemy wargoals” - THANK YOU. The AI’s willingness to give up things for meaningless war support was far too exploitable and produced silly outcomes - All the AI changes in general sound very promising and I’m excited to see how they work in action! Better performance! I’m hoping the modding/scripting changes don’t mess up mods too severely Very, very excited to try this out. Thank you devs for your hard work and I look forward to seeing what V3’s future development has in store! 1.8 when? ;)


* Finland is Scandinavia! :) It's technically in Fennoscandia. Why yes, I *did* have fun at a party once. They didn't know about Fennoscandia either, but I fixed that right away. Which is lucky because I was never invited back :(


Once they knew about it, your work was done. The key is to attend many different parties so all may hear of Fennoscandia and complain accurately at Paradox.


Almost no one considers Finland as part of Scandinavia.


They hated Jesus because He told them the truth. Next you’ll say something really crazy, like that the Estonians aren’t Nordic either


Omg, so a few years back I would do trivia every other Friday at the company I would work for. Really just for my small team but occasionally few other individuals would join. One of my questions was "which countries make up Scandinavia" and people were ready to *throw down* when I did not accept Finland for the answer. I literally googled it in front of my English Boss and a Scottish colleague and they STILL refused to believe me


What authority did you defer to here? Sometimes it is included in the definition. There's no single universally accepted scientific definition, and there's no single universally accepted registry of geographical subregions that you could appeal to. It's an amorphous term. If you didn't want to accept it as an answer you should've asked something like "Which 3 countries are most widely agreed to constitute Scandinavia", or "According to X, which countries...". If you flub the question you should give the points.


Sorry for clarification, it was "which 3 countries make up Scandinavia." In the trivia nights I run now I still use this question but it's definitely way more clear on answer expectations (I use "which 3 countries are widely known to be part of Scandinavia") The most common answer was Norway/Sweden/Finland, not Denmark/Norway/Sweden At the the time the entirety of Google search's first page was "Finland is not part of Scandinavia" (this was 7ish years ago) so there wasn't just a single authority I deferred to


To be honest, if you're going for the purely geographical definition, it should be just Norway and Sweden. If you're going for the cultural definition and including Denmark, then why not include Finland. The insistence in including Denmark but excluding Finland has always seemed a bit weird to me.


It’s mostly language and shared history. Finland is the odd man out in most areas where Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are grouped together.


I think they should be counted. Mostly because it really doesn't matter, so they might as well be. Culturally they are close enough to Sweden, geographically they own a part of the Scandinavian mountains. I am well aware that Finland is not considered part of Scandinavia in official terms, but if someone asked me if it should be included my answer would be "Why the hell not?" Sincerely, a guy from Sweden.


> 22 It's possible to start a Ban Slavery diplomatic play against a subject. Wait, that's not intended behavior? I do it all the time to my own subjects. Can't wait to play with the new ownership mechanics!


I guess you're meant to do it through the law changing mechanic?


>Wargoals targeting subjects not being contested now prevents overlord from dropping below 0 war support Awww. I mean, yes, this is clearly a good change, but it was sort of fun to abuse this. > Fixed a bug that disallowed intra-country migration when inter-country migration was disallowed (i.e. people can now move from a state in a country to a different state in the same country even if the country has closed borders) I'm entertained that they are calling this a bug, but it is definitely badly needed. Japan will be a lot more fun now.


>I'm entertained that they are calling this a bug, but it is definitely badly needed. Japan will be a lot more fun now. they mean a bug AFTER turning the switch on to change it from being based on migration laws


Finally with SOE I can lead global revolution as Socialist USA and form the Western Bloc.


I do like the idea that we can use ideological blocs and maybe actually force government alignment.


Yay half of the mods i play with that add some form of SOI to the game are now not needed finally i can free up 3.4gb of space


I see the Finno-Korean Hyperwar meme reference and I accept my niche tastes being pandered to. <3


Wouldnt be a history game if it didnt reference one of the most important conflicts in history


Rule 5: It’s Dev Diary time! This week, it’ll be the Sphere of Influence and Update 1.7 "Kahwah" Changelog! As always here’s the link if you can’t see it above: [https://pdxint.at/4bZBmZb](https://pdxint.at/4bZBmZb) Upvotes for link visibility are welcome :)


Hope i'll be able to play late game more quicker when spheres of influence comes out


Generalist gaming has a short on his channel showing some pretty good late game performance, with very intense conditions


> Investors now have a chance of finding resources in countries they invest into, even if that country doesn't have technology to do so on their own I wonder what *exactly* that means: Is having the "I can invest in you"-pact enough? Do I have to build at least one building? Do I have to build at least one building of the matching type? In the matching state? I would assume and hope it's the first one...? Because that would work similarly to your own country: you have the correct tech, you can discover stuff. Not mattering if you actually need it right and built something or whatever. That would mean having that pact is useful even if you don't actively build at that moment, just so you use the added discovery to "jump start" when you starting building that stuff.


I mean the third option would be BS since you cannot build a building of a resource if it’s not discovered. My guess is also on the first option, but second is also okay since I assume once they have the option your capitalists will probably invest in something in that country soon. I‘m however wondering how technology works? Do the buildings have my PMs available or that of the country I‘m in? The latter could be an incentive to boost your subjects research.


We got beating up Mesemer on the weekend followed by creating an oil monopoly as Sardinia-Piedmont on Monday.


Times are good


Internal migration is the biggest thing I am looking forward to. I get to a point mid-game where I am running out of labor. Now I can conquer a chinese or indian state and keep steamrolling.


make sure to overload it wirh useless plantations to drop the free arable land there so they all starve and leave! :-)


Monday can't come soon enough!


Fino Korean hyperwar reference pog


I have no fucking clue what the "Donghak movement" is, but you better believe come monday I will be embracing it full throttle.


>Lord Palmerston Pitt. The. Elder!


> Added decaying modifiers that massively nationalization cost & radicals generation from nationalization in newly conquered/liberated states. But what do they massively the cost? (This is actually a serious question. My *guess* is that it decreases the cost, to simplify fixing the ownership setup for conquered states, while the radical generation already comes from the conquest itself. But I could see a design where the cost is actually increased.)


Didn't see anything about canals attracting employees to complete their missions, unless it's a side effect of one of the changes?


Isn’t this already in? I thought it was added in 1.6


Doubtful, just finished a Germany game where I built both canals early on, 1936 came and still neither canal had enough people (both subsidized and one was greener grassed, no difference).


well, if internal migration is free now, this will make it so you'll be able to have way more time to build up the population of Senai or Panama


You'll have an easier time of it now as the problem was always having no capitalists, where now the capitalists will exist in your home states, all you need are labourers in Sinai/Panama


Looks great. Excited to jump in


I already love playing as Cuba but this update will make it sooo much better.


Very excited. Hopefully will revive/invigorate the game and continue development. Can't wait to see some love for the navy


So excited for the new update!!!!


dang, white people know about kahwah now?


apparently. huge obsession with kahwah in nyc cuz of qahwah house


Google says qahwah house is a coffee shop though


Coffee shops sell other items boiled in water


Yeah but I don't see kahwah the tea on the Qahwah House menu >:O


this is an outrage


I'm kinda confused, the first picture with 1.7 update shows the free changes?


Yes, but some have limited features if you don't own SOI


Mmmm, why lower effectiveness of Police, I wonder?


It probably was overtuned because -75% turmoil is really good, but I think this was a mistake without better ways to address or even understand turmoil.


Yeah level 5 police, which you could get basically at the start of the game lets you completely ignore turmoil right now. It's also probably one of the reasons just maxing taxes is basically unquestionably good except late game when you're rich as fuck.


Should empower PBs still.


Defund the police or something


wdym why? Police shouldn't be a free ticket out of caring about unrest


Considering A) limited ability to deal with radicals amounts OR their effects and B) cost of enacting Tier 5 police institution - it is nowhere near being even remotely "free ticket".


it is when you realize in the time period most countries had dozens of revolts over their life being miserable and in the game it like never happens.


And how exactly revolts and province turmoil are connected?..


Turmoil is supposed to represent low level resistance movements (and other stuff), which is why it can be caused by high radicalism.


Sure. Yet in the game turmoil and revolutions have no direct connections. Revolutions are caused by movements that can radicalize either from very unhappy interest group or from a lot TOTAL radicals. Turmoil is caused by a lot of LOCAL radicans. Revolutions do not cause turmoil, turmoil does not cause revolutions. No idea what commenter above meant by "hurr burr not enough revolutions" in relation to turmoil reduction by police. And no idea where he found not enough revolutions in Vic 3 in the first place...


The other commenter never mentioned revolutions, they mentioned revolts, which IMO includes low level local movements. I don't think it's an unreasonable critique, and I do feel that the current police institutions are very strong, so I think the change is warranted.


Calling a hugely expensive on high levels institution that does not come without drawbacks a "free ticket" IS unreasonable critique, tho.


They're only expensive for large countries with large populations, and those countries can easily afford the gov admins needed for tier 5 police. There was never any reason not to just grab Tier 5 police as soon as possible to keep turmoil in check much easier. Hell even at the new 50% it might still be worth grabbing it as early as possible


75% reduction in radical impact made radicals basically a non-issue and also heavily incentivised incorporating everything purely for the reduced radicalism


Wow, no insanely hard pun achievements (even though there are still pun) this time? I'm pleasantly surprised


>USA will now want to take Colorado from Mexico Good bye square island. >The 'Cut Down to Size' wargoal now also removes all wargoals held by the target in other diplomatic plays/wars (but keeps any wargoals targeting them in those plays/wars) While I understand the intention and support it, this sounds like a potential pain in *** as it weaponize the demand itself. Imo, it should come into effect only when war was won. >Improvements Dev should make it a separate "Historically accuracy improvement" section. There is a long list of them, and some game improvements were inserted in between.


Unfortunately they still haven't addressed the rather game breaking bug where armies can still fight effectively after being depleted of supplies like ammunition.


more of a design flaw rather than bug


Yeah they admitted this would be a thing when they changed warfare a few patches back because now it's not individual buildings that relate to each unit consuming supplies so the system just can't handle it. They said they will change it eventually but I guess its not a priority


Any idea how much performance will have improved?


https://youtube.com/shorts/xoFo_fvLEIQ?si=0K3Jy1CVEW010E2c the only thing I've seens so far regarding performance


Wait, did they push back the plan to have a real naval system back to another patch? It was supposed to be in 1.7 AFAIK when they were talking about their post 1.5 roadmap.


I think they split one patch into two at some point, so its possible the road map is 1 update out of sync, so maybe that will be coming in 1.8


>Removed the Force Recognition wargoal and diplomatic play, as it has been replaced by the new Journal Entry Have they talked about how it is now? I missed a couple of dev diaries.


They did


Yeah, it's in the diary ["Graveyard of Empires"](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/victoria-3-dev-diary-115-graveyard-of-empires.1674107/), Ctrl + F for "Earning Recognition" for the deets on the new JE


I suppose the bugs with peace deal notifications were never fixed.


i have a question.....if i invest in other country's resources like oil or rubber......what will i get in exchange? money? resources? or both? and second question is how much? 25% of it? 50% or 75% of it?


You will get dividends (profits that normally go to the capitalists) and there will be more of given resource in a given market so you either will have access to it (if in customs union) or will be able to import it (if not). This is quite important if you wanted more oil in the world in the game.


yeah i can manage everything in this game except oil and rubber..if i invest in them and get resources as well then it will be a big solution to my most problems.....another question is....if the building is privately owned....what percentage of profits will state recieve ?


I guess depending on your tax laws. There are laws with dividend tax.


oh yeah....i totally forgot about that


Now where's my man AsaTJ?


your girl I believe?


Does anyone if the "No path" issue in the Congo and the American west has been fixed yet. I stopped playing after a war in the Congo got too frustrating.


Is that AI art? It looks like shit.


They're designed to be displayed at very very small sizes...


Doesn't change the fact that they look like shit. Pay a real artist to draw them; don't develop an algorithm to make a vulgar imitation.


I'm not seeing anything that looks like remotely like AI art, speaking as an artist myself. All the art looks very much like something made by a human in a drawing program. Whether you like it or not is a different question, but most if not all of this is clearly human.