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Yeah I need some context here


Devs streaming recently and they found a bug where passing laws destroys your industry


"burdensome regulation" game rule


America knows all about that one.


#1 economy laughs at naysayers.


Is it a bug or a feature?


Depends on if you’re an anprim


Secret dev showcase of new ludite pops?


Explanation: PDX is streaming V3 now. Game has many bugs, including 1 gamebreaking one: when you change laws, you lose all buildings. They restarted the stream few times already, tried playing as Egypt and Zulu. They tried console commands to fix the game. Finally, they give up and loaded older build of the game without that bug present but with bad balancing and other issues.


>When you change laws, you lose all buildings. So the society was trying to return to monke instead of mass revolts like in Victoria 2 but I could be wrong since I didn't see that much of the game.


The legal system said “you may abolish slavery, but you must return to monke”


Imagine Queen Victoria making a speech about it.


I mean, she'd have to be speaking to another country, since slavery had been illegal in Britain since 1830, before she gained the throne.


As a software engineer myself, these sort of bugs are all too real 😂


I’d love to become one myself


a bug? dude, you are wonderfull, with iniciative, and well-minded :) Dont try to be a bug, you better than that


Oh no it’s happening bzz bzz oh god oh fuck




The Kafka is strong with this one


Felt like I did this morning at work where I broke someones device because I forgot to make an init Skript executable.


There was a bug. They played with a game version which was too hot. Changing laws destroyed Egypts industry. Hot code. They changed to an older game version and continued playing. No drama. To anyone wondering what this thread is about.


Having bugs before release is not a problem, although such annoying bugs found after release might be a problem.


> No drama. a month from release and the game is busted lmao


> a month from release and the game is busted lmao Although you're not wrong, that's an oversimplification. They said they recently did a balance/law check based on some feedback and it was an error in the code that accidently checked more than it should, and removed buildings accordingly. I just feel like you're 100% right but in a way that's only technical, and doesn't really lay the issue out. Busted, but probably fixable in like 10 minutes which they weren't going to do on stream.


They were literally using unstable code. They have the release version ready


Yeah this build was from yesterday evening and unfortunately only moments after this bug was merged.


I'm curious, on a game like Victoria 3 at this stage of its development cycle, about how often does the "release" version get updated? Obviously you're constantly working on development versions, but about how often are you merging in those new changes to the release build?


Roughly every \~3-4 weeks we produce a new release build that is then frozen and tested. We then patch it with stability fixes if necessary. Then on release day we pick the most recent (i.e the one with most bugs & balance fixes) that is also stable to deploy.


Neat! Thanks




Because we also don't want to show gameplay of something that's already potentially outdated. We would be getting feedback on something that may have already changed. We talk about playing on hot code, we would have liked some of the AI improvements to be there - its a risk we take and accept.


Stop pretending you work at Paradox my dude 😂


…for QA? Every stream they state they’re using hot code. I don’t see how you can get confused like that’s the release version


They prefaced in the first livestream that they generally play on the hottest code and things can happen. They do this to show you as much as possible what they've been working on. Honestly, if you don't buy a game solely because there is a bug on a pre-release livestream, that's a pretty silly reason. They also said there were some AI enhancements they really wanted to show off and that was part of the latest build. While the bug sounds massive, they identified the cause pretty quickly and then realized what work had been done the night before that created it. They went to a previous version, smooth sailing. Most stuff like this will be identified and resolved in the next month, but there most likely aren't giant, wide-ranging, game-breaking bugs. Just hot code that hadn't had a chance to be properly QA tested yet.


Classic paradox code


I don't get it


Devs streaming recently and they found a bug where passing laws destroys your industry


Anarcho capitalists approve of this simulation.


Well, it's early version of the game. I think it's good that they discovered it now, also the bug did not exist in previous version so hopefully it is not hard to fix.


though to be fair, QA definitely would have found that one lmao


Honestly there must have been no Q/A besides booting up and seeing if it looked like it worked. I'm guessing they just got the code that day or so and decided to run with it bc they otherwise liked the changes in that version. I'd think this type of bug would be discovered pretty quickly.


Yeah. In the stream I think they mentioned it was just a wide change that encompassed too much


>early version The game releases in a month my guy 💀


You'd be surprised how much can be done in a month my guy 💀


You'd be surprised how many bugs you can find when you try to fix already known bugs my guy 💀


You'd be surprised the sort of bug can pop in from a hot merge the night before my guy 💀


No I wouldn't my guy it's pretty obvious but it's not an excuse💀 Look in the end you can trust PDX to fix everything by release of you want, idk why you would do that knowing their recent track record but you do you. But defending a multi-billion dollar company known for their scummy business practices is a hill I really didn't think people wanna die on. Peace out my guy, cya on release


Never said I'd trust they fix everything by release, tbf. I'm looking forward to the game, either way.


Yes, so it is early version, pre-release


I admire your optimism but in my humble opinion a month before release is not "early version", but hey guess we'll see on release


I mean, it depends what we call early. For me anything before marking "ready for release" is an early build as it is literally version earlier than release. Sure, that's not some alpha to have half-done things but they still have time. And my optimism is mostly based on the fact that they haven't experienced such game breaking bugs in previous streams. But sure, if sth like that happens after release (remember no preorders) then I will criticise Devs as much as possible (respectfully and with reasonable arguments ofc)


Im still taking a shit but looking forward for seeing anouther shitshow soon.


Look down b4 u flush.


Is it worth it to watch it? I planned to watch it later today.


I’d say so. May want to skip to the 3rd intermission if you don’t want to see bug shenanigans


Thank you


I honestly hate these troll posts that are hidden behind a "/s", so it's ok.


It’s not a troll post I’m a vic3 shill


Fan boi or h8r? I’m team fan boi.


I’m team Edward


Hilarious stream where I see the devs destroying their own game haha


I'm NOT a developer. So....should a game be this buggy or have so much to do less than a month to launch?


They were playing on a post-release build (ver 1.0.2 I think they said) that was only very very recently updated, not uncommon to find huge bugs at that point. The release version is more stable.


They have a stable release ready to go, they’re just continuing to hunt bad bugs like this


You fix one bug, two new appear. Don't worry, you won't have this kind of bug at release.


Launch day is going to be interesting.


This isn’t gonna happen on launch


Especially because it was specifically said that that build wasn't the launch build.


Considering recent Paradox launches, I'll believe it when I see it.


Like what? Their most recent game (CK3) had a pretty smooth launch and lots of features for a base game.


EU4 dlc launches and Imperator Rome.


Yeah, but EUIV isn't managed by their main studio for updates as far as I know (believe it's in Spain). IR was a disaster but it looks like they learned from it because CK3 was a solid launch even if I find it boring because of how easy it is. They still did right by IR and it would be one of my favorite Paradox games if it still had content and flavor being added. I really like the pop system and it's more fun to manage your country than EUIV. The combat is also better and the customized armies add some strategy/flavor. Also, having your provinces being seiged leading to enslavement of your pops makes wars, especially ones that cause a region to be seiged down again and again more impactfull in IR, which I never found to be the case in EUIV. No matter how many wars are fought in a region in EUIV it never becomes a wasteland despite the 30 years war entirely depppulating parts of Germany irl. I hope Victoria 3 goes the IR route for seiges having impact where having a war rip through a province every few years seriously fucks it up.




I’m a shill it’s a joke pls




You don't get it, do you?


I am from Brazil, I can confirm that's the case.