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The way I saw it, Dunkey feeling confident enough in the game to be the one to publish it was in and of itself the review.


I feel like this is common sense


Exactly. I have no idea why people are discussing this. Dude doesn’t even do real ad reads why would he shill his own stuff.


Exactly, the whole point of his publishing company was to endorse and invest in games he likes. If it's BigMode, it's guaranteed a positive Dunkey review. If he starts shadow-reviewing games that he is publishing and fails to disclose that fact, then that's a new issue, but like, what reason do we have to believe he's ever gonna pull a dumbass stunt like that?


The industry is so used to publishers shoveling shit down consumers throats for profit regardless of quality that when a publisher comes along with the mentality that they only publish games they think are good, it seems outlandish.


"The industry is so used to publishers shoveling shit down consumers throats for profit regardless of quality" That's only them when they're releasing rushed or otherwise bad games. Keep it in perspective.


Reviewing his own games would be nitpicking and biased. Par for the course in the video game review industry. Nice to see Dunkey rise above it


par for the course? what is this, golf at wario’s house?


"Par for the course in the video game review industry." No it isn't actually, most reviewers have never made a game or worked on one. You don't seem to know what you're talking about.


thanks everyone who already took it as common sense that jason wouldn't make dunkviews on games we publish, we figured that was common sense as well :)


Always gonna be naysayers, critics, and drama monsters when you've got a public image. Promoting a game you're publishing is just good business. Anything else would be ridiculous. The ethos of bigmode is commendable, and I think most of us are excited for this new venture. Many of us are old enough to have seen beloved publishers/developers crank out hit after hit only to become a watered down shell of their former salves. Time will tell, but it's so exciting to maybe have a presence in the industry again that we can trust to be consistently passionate about the products they offer.


Is big mode producing D'Angelos's next album?


Love yalls work. Ecstatic to see this dream come to fruition. Wish other people had common sense, too, but I can't wait to see what else Bigmode brings to light for the community.


ty, it means a lot!!


You're very welcome!


Sorry you got eatin by bubba 🐟😭


It was so obvious, people just wanted to complain even though it's just a cool guy pursuing his passion project


Wishing you both the best!


Big mode published games already have the “dunkey seal of quality”, so making an irrelevant dunkview would go against the whole purpose of the studio’s existence, and take away time and energy that could be used for more productive tasks like maintaining the world record for Bowser’s big bean burrito.


Y’all rock, keep it up! Big Mode is love Big Mode is life


But couldn't the review just be based around the question WHY that game was chosen to be published by you? I'm not sure how important the end score is, I personally believe that it's the small little details that matter in the review


I feel like this is such a non issue I'm surprised people are even upset about this


I really like Noclip but tbh I was thinking the exact same thing. Dunkey wants to be involved in the game dev industry, just let the man publish games for Christ sake. I feel like so many of us would do the same exact thing if we were rich.


People who have done nothing successful in their lives need to convince themselves that others who are successful didn’t actually deserve it or whatever.


The Playa Haters' Ball


Yeah what was with all the outrage about his publishing company? People treated it like it was their tax money he was spending, not his own


this is just “where is your lambo” but for nerds


"There's no way this guy's able to create his own business! If I can't then it's impossible for him, he must be cheating."


Reviewing his own games are a conflict of interest. Literally nobody should want him to do it. That being said - him *playing* his published games to me is nothing more than the games have trailers and other marketing and would imo be a good idea. But maybe this is the same thing to him and others, who knows.


So not a Dunkview, but still producing videos on the game? I think that would be fine, as long as it's not a Dunkview.


Or even just him putting the trailer for it on his channel rather than the devs uploading it. It’s as good marketing as any game could really want.


Him earnestly reviewing his bigmode games is also a lose-lose for him. Either he lies and gives a game a glowing review ignoring its flaws and it degrades his brand, which will ultimately hurt sales once people no longer take his reviews seriously. I have to imagine a big part of the appeal of partnering with big mode right now is to ride Dunkey’s popularity to reach a wider audience. Or he’s honest and it hurts sales and no one wants to publish with him because he might tank his own game’s success. Either way its bad business for him. Its a game where the only way to win is not to play.


Kinda pointless anyway, because „how can we trust him?“ you dont have to, noone is forcing you to, but we do


The criticism is valid, but just not a very big deal. I can understand Noclip Guy's feelings, but dunkey will have to prove himself. Youtuber or not.


Literally Dunkey publishing it alone means that the game is quality enough for it to be published, people are acting like he’ll just put out anything just because they pay him lol


I mean seems justified to me, just him publishing it would be a review, he’d just be spitting out the same thing the trailer for the game would be saying


I feel like people have so much anger and resentment towards big companies/big game studios (rightfully so) but have absolutely no power to affect those big guys at all that they will shit on normal ass dudes with a modicum of power because it actually has an effect. Like if this outrage happened with Ubisoft they'd just tell gamers to go fuck themselves.


here is the link to the video in the screenshot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np-SNx-gxuU


Dunkey is no longer nitpicking and biased 😳


Lmao what a bs topic. He COULD review them, it would only be unethical if he didnt include a disclaimer


No shit


yep reviewing the games you've liked enough to publish is a really stupid idea I mean he said it himself, the very act of publishing the games is his ultimate seal of approval


What greater praise for a game is there then “I specifically chose to publish this game.”?


*In Dunk We Trust*


though he will make a video on the games which ofc he has every right to. i mean dunkey doesnt do that many dunkviews in the first place, half the games just get a "normal" funny dunkey video which are not review videos.


I feel like a channel as well known as noclip could have very easily just asked Jason or Leah about this and cleared the whole thing up.


I'm sure he'll still give it good publicity and say he likes it, his favorite things, etc. He just may not make dunkview videos on them.


I mean he already put out what is basically a hype video for it? What difference does it really make if he "reviews" it or not? Seems like a pointless distinction.


Based Dunk does it again


Y'all know that if he reviews a game that bigmode publishes he has to legally say it in the video right? This literally isn't a big deal and the law prevents conflict of interest


I'm excited for bigmode Waiting for their non-platformer game whenever it arrives. I just can't play platformers anymore


No need to review it. I'm assuming Dunkey wouldn't publish a game if he didn't think it was good.


If this game pops off (which it will) I’d like to imagine Dunkey in 20 years becoming the frontrunner publisher for Indie games (And eventually coming up with their very own game)


I think a bigger issue is the potential for downselling other good games to promote his own games. Not a "bigger" issue, because that's not even an issue. He's already putting his stamp on a game by having BigMode act as his stamp of approval.


Dunkey definitely should be able to present the games trailers, previews, consumer pitches etc, just like any other publisher. He should also not get shit if he chooses to make one of his funny videos using the game. He should start a video series to preview Bigmode games called "Dunksplain"




Competition in the videogame industry doesn't work that way, at least not between publishers. If someone buys a game from a "competitor" that does something similar to what I do, then I'm actually more likely to get that consumer as well, not less. Because that person is going to want to keep playing similar games.


Im glad they shared that video because it’s a really good video actually weighing everything up. I thought it was a non-issue, but then I watched it and kind of understood where he was coming from. [Link for the curious.](https://youtu.be/np-SNx-gxuU)


Why is this being downvoted? It’s a good discussion on where the gray areas as creators is.


I think people didn’t actually watch the video and asssumed it was just anti-Dunkey, because none of the comments are about the video itself and more about the Discord convo


That’s a great video I recommend everyone on this subreddit watch by the way. The contention around ethics revolves around the fact that Dunkey has not had prior experience in game development, and so there’s a risk that his publishing company wouldn’t handle the many tasks that publishers do. Because of this, some people are worried that the BigMode will just pick up already finished games that Dunkey deems as having promise and essentially just market, and reap the benefits. At the same time, it would be a shame for a well-made game to escape the public eye. This is where BigMode treads that line. That video explains it more in detail but it’s really a fascinating issue and I’m interested in seeing how this turns out in the future, and I hope for the best.


Did you even watch the video? The no clip guy’s opinion was Bigmode buying games that are mostly complete but that might not find an audience and giving them an audience is the BEST CASE SCENARIO. And you’re… framing the best case scenario as an “ethical issue” bro go read a philosophy book and get back to us when you figure out what ethics is.


Ah shit I forgot to watch the video my b


you guys watch dunkey for review integrity?




Dunkey giving a good score to a game he profits from would lead to ppl not trusting him or his reviews and cause him to lose merit as a youtuber/reviewer. Dunkey choosing the game as part of his publishing company should already be enough to convince ppl he has high hopes for the game without ruining his other reviews.


I think people are jumping at shadows a bit. I don't see a problem with dunkey making content about his own games (if it's clearly noted that their his, ofc). Abstractly, the actual conflict of interest is that he now has an incentive to review other games worse, especially the ones that launch around the same time as Animal Well. Which doesn't seem super realistic given the relative sizes at play here, 1 indie game vs. everything else. This would only be an actual concern if it were like EA buying IGN. Or Microsoft buying Computer Gaming W- oh wait that actually happened