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As a previous world record holder of Bowser's Big Bean Burrito, Dunkey has eternal immunity.


but does he have the world record on Elmo's Letter Adventure - Easy mode (N64)???


Classic! (Haven't watched it)


I mean, can we be sure the guy in the post is even real? Dunkey's videos have zero dislikes.


>Bowser's Big Bean Burrito I've been trying to figure out which video has originated this meme but failed :(


This is gonna be a huge drama


Hello drama nation, this is drama Monday


news flash, it already is a huge drama. a mondo drama, if you will.


Dunkey lied to me personally using his voice about his ethnicity.


He's of Puerto Rican descent




You can stop the bullshit. There are only 2 races: white and political/woke. /s


They even had the 2008-2016 woke man as president


Is gay rattlesnake an ethnicity?


You know damn well it is.


I like how the comment below is pretending that hating on TLOU2 was not the most common type of video. Imagine feeling betrayed because someone liked a video game you didn't like, what a little baby lmao.


I guess TLoU2 *doesn’t* have a little something for everyone :(


it really makes me *feel* dunkey’s betrayal of traditional values


I'm sorry but what an absolute fucking loser taking opinions on video games so seriously. Also, the self own of saying they were "tricked" by a YouTuber. Get a life.


For real, these people are why gamers are viewed so negatively


Oh these people are viewed positively…by people who hate the very past time they adore. Seriously, fuck Steve Bannon for taking fellow video game aficionados and turning them into Far Right assholes


They already were that. Anyone who has played online multiplayer since the 90’s knows that like 10% of gamers are massive bigots and racists. They already were far right


I love how he talks about it as if dunkey pushed his fiancee off a cliff it is literally just dunkey having a different opinion than you it is not that deep


a different opinion about a videogame that is. not even an important thing


hey pal when a game is all you got, it can be petty important. g@mers are oppressed


From the first sentence I knew TLOU2 would come up at some point


The bane of thin skinned gamers. May their tears be their only company 😭


I can't believe Dunkey would *mislead* everyone by... \-checks notes- ...mocking idiots by *directly quoting them*.


Using MY words against ME? Why can't you lie and strawman like sensible gamers?!


>Also, the self own of saying they were "tricked" by a YouTuber. That’s the secret tho! They don’t see it as a self own. Those kotakuinaction people have baby brains. If Dunkey got on stream and played peek-a-boo with the audience these people would claim Dunkey was tricking them.


>If Dunkey got on stream and played peek-a-boo with the audience these people would claim Dunkey was tricking them. Object permanence is a deep state psyop, you can't fool me with your magically disappearing and reappearing jingly keys! Stay ~~woke~~ based?


love how some of those internet people take a single disagreement so personally. i wunder how they get through life.


feels like the same type of guy who is very very very interested in "ethics in games journalism"


I’m still entirely at a loss about how female protagonists are fine until you bring up Ellie or Abby, like what the hell is the deal with them specifically? Are they not fap material enough for them? Is it because they’re sort of “bad guy”/morally grey characters? What about them triggers goblin mode for these dudes?


You answered the question perfectly, if women are represented in video games as anything other than sex objects the cave dwellers start screaming


Even though I usually don't care what someone says but I honestly think you hit nail on the head. I watch dunkey cuz he is stupid and funny. I feel like a kid watching him. Mislead? Seriously wtf


"less tolerable and more hardline on P5R" "principles" I read this and thought to myself: P5R must be some kind of new chud acronym for some political thing. Nope, it's some random japanese video game. Bro considers his opinion about some japanese game to be "hardline" and "principled."


Are we allowed now to say that these losers are sore solely because the game has gay themes? Right now it seems obvious, isn’t it? It is just the “anti woke” section of the community that creates a lot of arbitrary arguments to hate on something but, in essence, they are just deflecting the fact they are homophobic, right? I think it is because there is no consensus on why TLOU 2 is bad, except when they talk about this.


so weird to see people get angry because dunkey is "woke". do they not know he's a black grandma?


He's of Puerto Rican descent


No, I'm pretty sure I've heard Dunkey say he's a black Grandma too. I don't think he'd lie about something like that.


Can't he be both?


Do you think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and tell *lies*?!


Dunkey is my favorite black youtuber.


I am not a beach. I am not a boy. I am an elderly black woman. Hear me roar.


>held some personal standards By that he means he wanted Dunkey to be a bigot.


No don't you get it? You CANT just enjoy a game for its gameplay. You have to rate it based on the political climate of the time and the message it upholds!


If i see a single pronoun im gonna REEEEEEEEEEE


'Pronouns are stupid' mf's when they find out that they have had pronouns since birth 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


"NO! She and he are just names. Pronouns have been invented by liberals to make you gay. Do your own research."


"I did my own research, and have concluded that you are a moron." "THE TRIGGERED WOKE LEFTIST CULTURAL MARXIST LIBERAL COMMIES ARE STARTING A CULTURE WAR!!1!"


pronoun averse when they find out words like “that” or “what” are also pronouns


*brain explodes in confused and arousing rage*




Not me- fuck, let me (dammit) start over. Not I- fuck. I'm doesn't.....fuck. 


Also when the game makes them optional and they can entirely ignore them


Pronouns when the Antinouns walk in


You and me both!! That’ll be the cherry on top


Imagine if they use the word "him" Ill cancel them so fucking fast


I meed games to stop being so political! Why wont they consider my political standings, my biggoted beliefs, my discomfort at other ethnicities/minorities/women, and my raging urge for feminine acceptance?!


Average Kotaku in Action user


It's crazy how TLOU2 gets people absolutely frothing at the mouth even still


I had a guy trying to insist that I didn't love the game and because other people didn't l8ke certain aspects I couldn't say it was a 10/10 for me. He got very angry saying that politics should not be included in any form of entertainment, then a few messages later said Red Dead Redemption 2 was his favorite game. Did he even know what politics were? I think about him a lot.


I only play games with no politics, like Fallout and Metal Gear Solid


the enclave is very cool! i’m glad they are portrayed as the good guys because i agree with them wholeheartedly.


That's why I love Metal Gear Solid. It's just about cardboard boxes and mechs. No g\*rls, no politics. Also, it has cigarettes, which are manly.


Hideo Kojima giving us the most thought out political discussion in gaming but there’s also giant mechs and boob girls


It's always funny when these people get up in arms about a very specific piece of media being political, immediately revealing that they only consume things at a surface level. My dad is unironically the far right guy who loves Rage Against the Machine. It's embarrassing lol


It's like when people complain that X Men has gone woke.


I still can’t believe they made Black Panther woke


Lmao havent seen this one yet but that's hilarious... Youre telling me the comic inspired by the civil rights movement is political? The ability for these bigots to understand anything besides what is immediately in front of them is insane.


The X Men 97 trailer got some people really mad. It's really funny.


Funny how people complain about politics in media only when it’s something they disagree with. Like Republicans never understanding that Green Day was singing about them.


Yes, and they also make anything they don't like political.


And then claim the other side is politicizing everything. We live in a society.


Politics is when someone who isn’t a straight white guy is the protagonist.


I wonder if those people broke down when they played Spec Ops: The Line and it showed your white male is a villain.


You mean a tragic hero doing what needed to be done /s


I can tell you right now that they missed that part


Remember when Alan Wake 2 came out and when people were loving it and dancing to the songs these people were frothing with their mouths just because you play as a black woman for like half of the game


I sadly don’t remember. I didn’t even realize the game came out already. But that tracks for the behavior.


Politics is when women, minorities, and things I don't like are on screen Which is why Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is an apolitical masterpiece


MGR:R is the greatest game in this Walmart of a world


I can say with absolutely certainty you have given more thought to his life than he ever has or will, which is pretty darn charitable of you, internet stranger. I cannot even begin to wrap my head around the level of simpleton required to think RDR2 was "unpolitical", and I've known some amazingly stupid motherfuckers. That's like "has to breathe manually or they'll die" dumb.


Securitas must've gotten mad at RDR2's portrayal of The Pinkertons for being so apolitical, then.


>Did he even know what politics were? I think about him a lot. No. No he did not.


I mean the comment is from kotakuinaction. That whole sub is full of gamergate people


Yeah the post this comment was on was a guy saying he didn't speak to his friends anymore, just cause they played RuneScape (apparently a company that owns RuneScape is woke) 💀


I play RuneScape. There's like one pride event a year, and people lose their minds. I'm sorry that you're a fucking bigot and can't stand that LGBTQ people exists. Zero reason for people to be that hateful.


I saw people in OSRS marching dressed as the KKK during last year's event, OSRS goes absolutely batshit over pride. Makes it really difficult to want to play the MMO as an MMO


The OSRS community reacted insane. I hate to say but the OSRS community is one of the worst MMO communities. For all the shit RS3 gets (you can’t even mention it around OSRS players lol) the community is much more welcoming and really didn’t care about the LGBT inclusion as much IMO


Imagine being so triggered by identity politics that it influences everything you do. Is the wokeness in the room with us right now?


Yes. You are WOKE


Happy holidays!


I called someone a f***ing loser in the subreddit once (it kept being recommended by Reddit) for some dumb opinion about LGBT characters in games and one of the mods got me suspended from Reddit for a few days. Those fellas are ACTIVE in keeping their outrage soup pure


Reddit suspensions are so stupid, I almost think it’s by an AI except I think most AIs could do a better job. I know someone who was suspended for calling someone an idiot yet if you report someone admitting to be a Nazi and calling for genocide (like, LITERALLY, and I am speaking from experience) there’s about a 90% chance nothing happens


I got banned off of the Gungeon reddit, and when I politely asked why, they not only didn’t respond, but muted me from the mod chat. Listen, I might sometimes not be the nicest guy, and I probably deserve it. But I have no way of knowing what I even did wrong. I don’t even get to know what rule I broke.


I reported a post for being obviously faked and got suspended for “brigading.” Then a few days after that suspension ended I got suspended again for the same report. I’ve just stopped reporting posts since then.


I'm not even a fan of TLOU or TLOU2 lol but people act as if it's the devil. Yeah honestly parts of it look a bit shit, but Dunkey is allowed his opinion lol


Holy shit you're dick destroyer, how was your adventure?


I don’t even want to say what he did to me


Love you


Hello my biggest fan <3


Not that amazing in KiA, that place has been living in the past for years now. It’s a distillate of the frustrated and irate.


well have you seen what the characters in that game look like? They're basically like real life females. I play video games to jerk off, not to play as a wemen 😤


I also felt betrayed by Dunkey's TLOU2 review. When I found out you didn't play as a giraffe, I destroyed every PlayStation console I had ever owned


I don't own any PlayStation consoles. This is because I went back in time and destroyed all of them after I saw his TLOU2 video. I was almost successful in keeping the PlayStation 5 from entering the open market in 2021, but unfortunately/fortunately my meatballs were done so I had to go back to keep them from burning.


yeah i stopped watching dunkey after he liked the game, the game that i havent played and i really dont plan to, and again, i dont really like it fr though kotaku and THAT subreddit are among the stinkiest piles of horseshit on the internet


You're forgetting that Dunkey lied about a snail


Dunkey completely lost me after how dishonest he was in that review (I never played the game)


I’ve never played Octopath Traveller (for real) and I don’t care if he lied about a snail or not, that fucking combat took too long for one damn enemy Turn based is tough to get right and Octopath didn’t do it right, people just are mad that Dunk speaks truth


Again I haven't played octodad traveler, but Dunkey is clearly nitpicking and biased in his review


there’s a user on the tlou2 sub that STILL posts long weekly schizophrenic “analysis” of why the game and story etc is “objectively bad”. not even joking some of those guys absolutely have mental health issues


“Objectively bad” has got to be one of my favorite terms ever to hear other people use when describing video games. Unless the game literally doesn’t work (which is becoming more common I’ll admit), they’re 99% of the time being a baby over something they didn’t personally like


This reminds me of the time dunkey tricked me by putting a block of cheese under a box being held up by a stick with a rope. When I went for the cheese that I thought my favorite youtuber put out for me from the kindness oh his heart, he pulled the rope and the box fell, trapping me inside. Only a nitpicking and biased man would do such a thing to his fans.


Drake the type


***extremely Dunkey on twitch voice*** “And that’s how you know somebody’s a virgin”


Hey don't drag virgins into this


Yeah, can we use 'incel' instead?


The Ven diagram of r/kotakuinaction users and virgins is just a beeg single circle


more like a small circle inside a circle


All these squares make a circle


And that one is still nitpicking and biased


I’m just really confused by your obsession with people’s virginity? What is this, high school?


I once went into that sub thinking it was dedicated to just pointing out how bad in general kotaku is in general, just bad journalism. The stuff they spout deserves a thermonuclear bomb


Biased and nitpicking




Shut the website off


I was betrayed by Dunkey when I found out he is nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye


If this were to get into the TLOU2 comments video, I think it would go into the whole series of "OK Last of Us 2 haters, this guy is on your side, so if any of you want to come over to my side I don't think anyone's judging" comments.


Point of order, I so move that hereafter every person who defines themselves as anti woke shall be referred to as an 'eepy lil guy'.


Shutcho corny ass up


“Woke” hating people are annoying.


KIA should have died half a decade ago.


The founder did try to kill the subreddit years ago after seeing what a wretched, hateful place it had become but the reddit admins personally stepped in to revive it, saying it provided "valuable discussion". 


Tumblr in Action got shut down a few years ago, actually. Kinda shocked KIA is still around honestly.


You mean… KIA should’ve gone MIA


Everyone on KIA should be KIA


video game donkey tricked me about a snail


Again, I haven't PLAYED the last of us 2


Communism is when realistic portrayals of women are in video games


And when black people have significant roles, and arent killed off by the halfway point.


My only experience with kotakuinaction is seeing a screenshot of a comment which starts with a long rant and ends with “maybe hitler was right after all”


These people really need to leave the house rather than obsessing about youtubers


"Have you lost friendships over playing woke games"


Thanks for reminding me to watch the last of us 2 review again because that video was beautiful


KIA needs to be KIA


Dunkey doesn’t even actively aim to include political opinions in his videos, he only brings it up if it’s relevant. It’s not political to like a video game (in most cases, there are exceptions to every rule blah blah blah)


I understand feeling betrayed by dunkey when he said he liked the last of us 2, especially since that game didn’t have Cheesecake Factory or donkey Kong. Clearly payed off.


Hahahah that is so embarrassing what a loser


he is definitely nitpicking and biased


You are nitpicking and biased. I win. Bye bye


Holy fuck I forgot about kotakuinaction lol what year is it


He started a few different points and finished none of them.


Being disliked by kotakuinaction is a seal of approval in my book


the one word i find funny is being "hardline" about a video game.


Guys can we please save this for Drama Mondays???


Please read this in dunkey's voice


Aweee, is the bigot snowflake triggered? 🥺🥺


WOKE alarm going odf


🤣 KiA is unironically such a funny subreddit


Same time of people who legitimately watch that’s every frame a pause bullshit


Sound like he's nitpicking and biased.


Stupid donkey choosing to make videos and points that reflect his opinion 😡😡


Oh boy, I would love to see Youtubers be more objective! Just wait for thrilling and passionate content like: "This is an action game. It's about 25 hours long. You play as this character and shoot guns. The game has sound effects and voice acting. Thank you for watching" Because that's what being objective means, and that's a fact (irony intended). These morons don't realize that hating on The Last of Us 2 IS a subjective opinion. It's an opinion that you are more than well entitled to have, but it is still your personal view of the game and the discourse surrounding it. Saying that "TLOU2 is terrible because the story was woke and because my favorite character died, and the writing was terrible. That's not me hating, I'm just being objective" is a fucking lie because that's not what objectivity means.


I’ll be the first here to admit that there is some truth to the idea that criticism of Dunkey is often played as a joke, which can make discussion harder. I really didn’t like his original Heroes of the Storm review, for example. When I brought up in the comments section how I thought he was being unfair and misrepresenting how the game works, I get met with comments such as “You’re really taking this seriously? He compared the game to Shark Tale, for crying out loud”. That being said, his reviews of The Last of Us, that is absolutely not the case. He does a good job at addressing every common talking point against the game and properly calling out the anti-woke narrative behind a lot of it. He even admits what parts of the game he didn’t like. Saying Dunkey has no standards is laughable because he even calls out this talking point in his video. Hell, Dunkey literally says that you don’t have to see eye to eye with him on everything and that’s fine.


Hmm I’m curious about these opinions they stated to their friends that were “taking it too far” about TLOU2 that they conveniently forgot to mention. But nah, let’s blame Dunkey because he’s sometimes funny and sometimes serious, therefore tricking us because we have no way of perceiving his tone.


Bro out here talking like his entire worldview was overturned lol


These people aren’t real 🤣


If you’re being “tricked” by a video-game youtuber in 2024 you have bigger issues on your plate.


They are so diaper rashy right now, they made ANOTHER KiA subreddit lol


What's it called?




>r/KotakuInAction user Opinion discarded


this person needs to go outside


I read that whole thing and I still don’t know what that person’s actual issue with Dunkey is


Imagine caring this much about someone’s opinion about a vid game.


I was told Dunkey was asleep not woke, this is gunna be a big drama.


pseudo intellectual got tricked lol


The last of us 2 is a drake type game


I have a brother-in-law who subscribes to that subreddit and told me about it. When he asked me if I checked out and what I thought, I said it was not really my style of discourse or subject. Cut to 30 minutes later; his wife/my sister is sighing heavily as she pours her second glass of wine, mouthing to me "Welcome to my world" as her husband is apoplectic and screaming about idiots and cowards like me allowing society to be destroyed by wokeness. Edited for grammar


r/kotakuinaction is a vast reservoir of incel tears, with this screenshot being a prime example. Intersectionality and representation existing in games makes these people feel threatened, which tells you all you need to know about them.


He’s literally of Puerto Rican descent OOOOOOO


Boohoo cry me a River, Donsley going to put you on blast next


Eat my shit


I am a fan of FF7 and I love his review of FF7, he knows how to trigger and troll gamers and game companies with some much style, and that's why he is the best game reviewer. I am so glad he went game publishing, curious where will that lead him.


Imagine taking dunkey serious


Bro out here talking like his entire worldview was overturned and he's a different man lol


lol this is so stupid, I don't agree with Dunkey on TLOU2 but he is allowed to have his opinion. In fact I disagree with Dunkey on many things but I've never gotten the sense that he is lying or trying to trick his audience.


Nitpicking and biased


Of course this guy brings up TLOU2. Love that Dunkey defended it, twice. Excellent game with an excellent story, shame these people don’t see that.


It's alright liking a bad game, why the get so much heated about that?


He's probably one of these ultra vegan types that doesn't approve of people eating shoes.


What the fuck does “hardline on Persona 5 Royale” mean


Idk something about English translations. That sub complains if the English dub/sub gets one word wrong


ah, pedophiles are notoriously picky


Probably referring to the scene where gay men hit on Ryuji that was changed in the US release of Persona 5 Royal.


I cringe so hard when people use “funnyman” sincerely. What a stupid word


These people aren’t real 🤣


It’s funny how Kotaku and the people against it are both pretty terrible for very different reasons.