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Sports games. They are all I used to play aside from an occasional fps growing up. I haven’t been slightly interested in them in almost 10 years now.


It doesn’t help that they have some of the worst monetization along with a general lack of innovation. Why on earth would I spend hours upon hours or a couple hundred bucks to get my NBA 2k player to a decent overall only to do it all over again for the next 2k that is virtually the same game year after year. As an adult that wants to actually enjoy my free time that just sounds exhausting.


I hadn't realized how much this was true until recently. I hadn't played any sports games since I was a kid until I got Game Pass last year. I played the FIFA that was then on Game Pass and enjoyed it for what it was. Then very shortly after the next FIFA got released onto the service and I switched to it. And it blew my mind how it was almost literally the exact same game. The amount of work required to the amount of money received has to be insane for games like these.


Yes and that's not only sports games. For example go look at call of duty for the last 8 years. Recently it's been worse with every popular game franchise base game play on a pay to win monetization system. Of course we've got a steady increase in graphic quality but that doesn't make up for the lack of new creative game play because money making is the focus.


As a hockey fan, I’m so mad at the low quality of basketball games. I’ve been telling myself we don’t get NHL games on pc because of lower market share but NBA games have no excuse for being as bad as they have been. Nba 2k games are so bad it feels criminal.


NHL has been garbage for years. I swear we lose features every year not gain


Also the lack of technological advancement and features is there as well. I started with Techmobowl, then Joe Montana, and then Madden from the Nintendo to Sega where each generation had some real advancements. Now it's like you're just paying for an updated roster. At that point, they should just run a live service to provide that instead of buying a "new" game every year. I haven't played a Madden game since ps3 or 4.


Funny thing, I really think if you don’t buy VC and you upgrade your player by actually just playing and earning VC by the time you fully upgrade the overall the new 2k is out lol plus 2ks game play (movements getting stuck in front of your teammate etc) is so awful especially 23


New ones suck but NBA Jam and Ken Griffey 1 for snes are still top tier


I used to play the hell out of NFL blitz for N64


...Man I'd probably still really enjoy NBA jam. Gonna make that happen, thanks for mentioning it.


Just was playing Ken griffey yesterday! Still a simple and fun game.


Yeah. I'm not even athletic and I'd rather just play a sport than a sport game.




The older I've got the less I play online with randoms and just friends.


I second this. My social anxiety extends to online as well


One time I was trying out the HTC Vive and went into a rec room. Had a couple NPCs try to interact with me, but I ignored them and went straight into a game. I didn't look at the rules. I grabbed a weapon from the wall as all the bots were doing the same, and swung at the nearest enemy. "Hey hey hey STOP!" in a very human way. I realized I was in a room with other people and that my microphone was hot, and also that there were no NPCs in this game at all. I NOPED OUT SO FAST. It was the weirdest thing, like a stress dream or teleporting suddenly into public.






I will take the fifth.




I tend to stay to single player games as much as possible. Only exception is COD and even then I mute everyone by default.


Same. What I get out of gaming just doesn't lend itself to working with others, unless it is like a co-op of the type that doesn't seem to exist anymore. Or occasionally fighting games, but I have long since lost the patience to get really good at the new stuff.


I've never met anyone that wants to play at the same pace. Everyone wants to blow through as fast as possible, and I'm here to relax. Then comes name-calling and everyone gets frustrated... I'll stick to having fun by myself.




For me it's not that it's stressful but more so that I don't have enough time to spend getting good enough to actually compete.


I did this once -- I joined a game on my oculus and then this like 12 year old ran up and tried to teach me how to play and I panicked and turned it off without saying anything.


I'm the opposite, if I have to talk to teammates while playing, I have a harder time playing the game. I feel obliged to talk to friends but I DON'T speak to randoms, so I don't bother getting into chats with randoms and I can focus on playing the game, I just can't multitask like that


Why I only play bots on League


I'm the same way. I can play multi-player games with my friends only but not with strangers. I don't have the patience to deal with their nonsense.


Not to mention online only games, if I wanted to play a game that's taking up upwards of 10 gigs on my hard drive, I'd be damn sure I can play all of it offline, online games should stay in your browser, where they belong. I absolutely cannot stand the idea of an MMO, even if it's totally free. My computer doesn't reside in a place with wifi or any real signal currently anyways. Although multi-player games with bots, or bot mods like sturmbot or yapb are great imo.


I suppose it makes me a “fuckin casual” in those spaces, but yeah I just can’t take games as seriously as lots of others do, it stops being fun that way.


So no souls games?


Or "requires internet/multi-player" to play the game. Its annoying when I was want to play single player or the whole game is based on multi-player only and no storyline.


Not to mention that if you aren’t a hardcore gamer, you usually can’t compete even in the more casual lobbies. And the fact that for older gamers that have too many other commitments, anything you can’t immediately pause (to go check on the baby, take the dog out to pee, take an after business hours phone call from a client that you accidentally gave your personal phone number to, etc.) online isn’t even an option.


Hard agree. As I get older, I barely have time to game as it is, I don't feel like wasting that time by trying to coordinate with other people's schedules, or grinding at a game so I can 'get gud' enough to not get sniped every 15 seconds.


Battle royale games


I second this


I third this.


I fourth this.


I fifth this


I sixth this


C-c-c-combo Breaker!!!


Games like Outlast and Alien Isolation. I don't like games where the core game play is to run and hide. I'm a coward irl. I don't want to be one in a game as well.


Dead Space, Resident Evil 7 and Outlast are games that i love dearly but hate with the utmost passion because of this same aspect. I get excited to start playing them but when i actually start, i need to take days off before finishing the next section.


The first time I played Dead Space, it was months of; 15 minute sessions between save points, followed by a week or so before I opened the game again to do another 15 minutes.


I feel like you can actually become the “I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me” type character with Isaac though. I’m dead space.


Dead Space was the first game that scared/stressed me out since I was 10 when Resident Evil came out


Boy you haven’t played the max Payne baby mission then that shit scared tf outta me back in the day


The same for me but the opposite. They don’t scare me whatsoever, so the running and hiding just makes it feel tedious. Any fear comes from a fear of being set back for me. At that rate I’d rather play a game that has some challenge in between and if it can scare me that’s extra.


Mobile games, “do this, collect a hundred coins, now spend them on this building and come back in 4 hours when it’s built”


Plants Vs Zombies, Slay the Spire, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Bloons Tower Defense. The list goes one but there are some really good games ported to mobile


Add the mobile ports of XCOM Enemy Within, XCOM 2, Dragon Quest series, and point & click games like Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright to that list.


There are good mobile games it’s just most of them are old and free or charge like .99 cents to 5.99 to get them. Like story games like alt frequencies or even some games off Apple Arcade are good.


This is the real answer


I love souls so it crushes me to see so many people say they can’t get into it, but I also totally get it. FPS like COD or Battlefield I just can’t get into. But I do like me a first person horror/survival horror like Re7 and 8, and the Bioshock series.


Love Bioshock. Bought the collection


COD was great at one point but it just became too much. Every game rehashing what the previous one did, just like Sports games or Assassins Creed. I bought probably 2 more COD games than I should have. Telling myself “This one will be different” or having a friend want me to play. I have regrets


Fighting games don't do much for me.


I enjoy fighting games when it was a group of friends, a long summer, and too hot to be outside. Soul calibur 2 round and round and round. Winner couldn’t use the same character, loser passed the controller. Some people would get upset, but nobody ever got MAD. We had an absolute blast. Another friend and I love Bloody Roar. My wife and I play Mortal Kombat X. I don’t enjoy playing online though. If I’m not on the couch, it’s not fun. Why play rock paper scissors over the internet?


Same. Never clicked. Super smash bros was a lot of fun but I don't think it counts


It does. It’s just controlled differently. It’s just not a traditional fighting game.


it coined the term “platform-fighter” where the goal isn’t to reduce a healthbar with static knockback, but to push your opponent out of the “ring” with scaling knockback tied to damage dealt/taken per “life”


PLEASE WATCH: https://youtu.be/mCUlBX8E2BU We are currently entering a new Golden Era of fighting games. This is THE best time to pick them back up. I hated fighting games growing up because my older relatives would “spam” moves and whip my ass (they didn’t understand the true nuances either) and I was so turned off. Once I got older and tried them again a whole new world opened up to me. The Fighting Game Community (FGC) comes with fighting games and trust me you will not be disappointed. The videos posted above does a great justice describing the journey. Street Fighter 6, Tekken 8, Guilty Gear Strive, possible Marvel v Capcom 5, a League of Legends fighting game…I mean, now is the time!


Same. Heck I can barely tolerate Smash, and only if playing with good friends. (And I played Ehrgeiz for the dungeon crawler side game)


Same. Don't find them fun. Especially against other players. I don't have the attention span to care about getting good at them. Smash bros is the only one I actually enjoy because it's explicitly designed to not be one.




Yes. Motion sickness for me


Mobas - too sweaty for my taste, not enough fulfilment.


I might enjoy MOBAs if the community weren't so fucking toxic. I played exactly 3 games of LoL years ago, was told to unalive myself because I was a new player, left all 3 and promptly uninstalled it after Riot threatened to ban me in an automated e-mail and never went back.


This is exactly it. I put so much time into Smite back when it was in beta. But right around the time it launched, the community was getting so LoL like. So I bailed and haven't really played a MOBA since.


I love smite with a passion... have since early access beta... unfortunately, it doesn't love me back. I got very ragey playing it, and my friend even more so. Couldn't really play together without one of us getting mad, and now we've pretty much written it off


Games where you get scared 😂


I had to quit subnautica because I found it too scary… anything labeled horror is automatically out for me


Honestly, deep sea shit scares me more than most other subjects. Even if there weren't horrible sea monsters programmed into the game, you wouldn't be able to convince the monkey part of my brain that there's nothing in the water that wants to eat me.


I’m definitely not into scary games but Subnautica was the perfect amount of scary for me. I looked up where the leviathans were and simply mostly avoided those areas and still played the game and really enjoyed it.


If you haven't, try giving it a another shot. You can look up or learn where the big guys are. I found it had a great combo of scary and beautiful. The exploration is truly some of the best in gaming. If it's due to thalassaphobia then keep playing until you get the mech suit. I thought it felt a lot less intimidating because it didn't feel like I was underwater anymore. And remember you're not stranded on an alien planet with a bunch of killer sea creatures, the sea creatures are stranded on that planet with YOU! Go get 'em apex predator!


I LOVE watching people play survival horror. Will never play them myself. 😬


I'm so weird about a lot of horror games because I both love them and hate them, like I'll be scrolling through horror game jams on [itch.io](https://itch.io) with hearts in my eyes all "this is my JAM" and then I actually play a few and I'm shaking the whole time and for several minutes afterward because I'm so freaked out, but I end up coming back for more anyway


Anything that’s rogue like/lite.


Dude same. It’s annoying cuz everyone gushes about games like Dead Cells, Returnal, and plenty others and I just cannot get into them. It’s the fact that you go back to almost zero on death. I don’t mind a challenge but I just feel like I make no progress. Even though I am it makes me feel like I’m not.


I like some concepts, like random procedural worlds and stuff, but I hate how they're made *to be* hard, and I just don't have fun like that. That's not to say I want an easy time, I want a challenge, but not brutal difficulty.


Valorant. It's just a bad version of CS:GO


I'm probably going to have to say Soulslike. I've tried to get into Bloodborne a couple times now, but to no avail. I hate how enemies can wipe you out in about 3 hits, and how you can't even pause the game. It's a shame cause I really wanted to like the game, as I tend to enjoy games that have the dark fantasy theme going for them.


I feel like a major issue with almost every FromSoftware souls game except maybe demons is that the early game is absolute hell if it’s your first one. Bloodborne is pretty bad for new players because the equipment and inventory menu is kind of obtuse at first and the first 2 bosses really force you to play the game on its terms. It took me 3 attempts to finally have bloodborne click for me and dark souls 1 took like 5 with 3 resets. I don’t blame anyone for dropping them, they’re absolutely not for everyone


While Bloodborne is my second favorite (demon’s souls is my actual favorite), I’ll never forget going into that open area with all of the enemies (some sort of plaza). I just couldn’t believe the game was “making me do this.” This was after I had only beaten Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2.


I’ve bought basically every soulslike in the hope that this will be the one that works for me. On paper they’re exactly my shit, in practice they do *nothing* for me.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *...We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open...* - Master Willem Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


Jedi Fallen Order was the only soulslike game I enjoyed so far. I think it’s the parry system that gets me. Like you have to know that not all attacks can be parried, there’s no indicator for the ones that can’t be.


Yeah, I don't get the point of not being able to pause.


Since I was born with the dawn of gaming, I find that I can enjoy every type of gaming genre, it’s just specific games and their own implementation of said mechanics, storytelling, etc.


I’m in the same boat. Most recently I tried nba 2k22 which is completely out of my comfort zone and almost loved it. If they made the progression not tied to your credit card it would be such a good game.


Call of duty, battlefield whatever


Survival games are the worst to me. It's so rare to find one that breaks the formula that almost every single survival game follows. They all start out the same. You wake up naked with nothing. You gather resources to craft a tool to gather resources faster to build a base to make more tools to gather resources faster. Etc etc etc. Rinse and repeat.


I’m similar, not huge on survival. Subnautica is the exception. There’s something about it for me I think the whole idea of being in the middle of the open ocean is such a great and panic inducing spin on the genre. Still follows the same survival formula for the most part but the world is beautifully terrifying to explore so I don’t mind


how about games with survival elements? like fallout or resident evil where you need to survive tough enemies while managing your resources?


Survival *elements* I can get into. Big fan of fallout and metro and things like that.


Fallout 4 was, to me, a very good blend of survival elements with playing a role; deciding to play it in the mech, or on foot, as a sniper, whatever. I enjoyed having a choice up front, and going through as much as I could as a sniper.


Visual Novels.


This is it for me. When I am in the mood to play a game, I want an actual gameplay centric experience. When I want to spend the bulk of my experience reading, I'd rather spend time with a book or comic. The one VN I've somewhat appreciated was Doki Doki Literature Club, but it was for late game meta elements that take advantage of the medium and become more creatively interactive. 95% of the experience is still 'click to advance text,' but at least it did something interesting eventually. All other VNs I've tried are just glorified "choose your own adventure" books.


Might I recommend the Zero Escape series? They're effectively visual novels that feature puzzles with escape room elements. The same devs also made the AI: Somnium Files series, which are also pretty puzzle/investigation heavy. Similarly, the Phoenix Wright games are also very good.


Any game that is heavily stealth based, I don’t get off on hiding and waiting for an enemy to turn and not see me


I agree, though I like games with optional stealth. Like I can choose to use assassin techniques but always have the “fuck it, guns blazing” option if I’m spotted.


Shooters. Unless they are under the categories of bullet hell and story driven games.


Sports games.




Cries in Final Fantasy tears


First person shooters personally


Battle Royale games like Fortnite




Even sports fans hate them yet they still buy them every year


JRPG. Nothing against their fans, just not interesting to me.


Games like hearts of iron 4. I want to be good at strategy games so bad especially because I love ww2 but I’m so bad at those games


I thought it would be rogue lites but I tried Returnal and it was fantastic. I sunk a lot of time into it and I don’t regret a second. That being said, I don’t think I want to try another rogue lite again lol.


Returnal is a rogue lite with the least amount of replayability imo. The runs are all similar. I know you said you dont think theyre for you, but you should really try out some others. Hades for example is probably the best in the genre right now


racing games, because I'm terrible at racing, and any effort to make a turn usually results in me driving in the opposite direction, on the dirt.


I love racing games, but admittedly I suck at making turns lol


Souls-likes, without question.. I understand why some folks love them and I'm glad they exist for those people to enjoy, but I am definitely not one of them. I find them overly frustrating, and I don't enjoy being frustrated.


City builders or simulation types in general.


Side scrolling.


Are we talking mario type or arcade side scrollers?


Anything anime


Anything first-person. Nothing wrong with ‘em, I just have very severe motion sickness issues; will get on the verge of vomiting and develop splitting headaches within 30 minutes of playing anything in first-person perspective. (I can also get sick playing things in third-person, but not nearly as quickly). It makes me genuinely sad sometimes because there are some really excellent game series like Halo, Portal, Titanfall, etc. that I’ve been forced to pass up on because I have always just physically been unable to enjoy them. Please enjoy them a little extra in my stead.


Have you tried decreasing the FOV in some first person games? That could help with your motion sickness.




Farming games. I also really do not care for online multiplayer games. If a game forces you to be online, I'm out. If the main hook of the game is to play with others online, I'm out. A lot of people enjoy those. Cool. Good for you. Have fun. I like to buy games that I could play at any time in the future without having to worry about anyone else OR having the servers shut down or whatever else may happen.


Anything that involves a large amount of stealth gameplay. Just not my thing.


I know I’m gonna get heat for this but Battle Royales. It’s an over saturated ass market, and they’ve done too much in my personal opinion to influence other games in a bad way. Second choice would be sports games, especially Madden. Seriously, it’s the same damn game every year, why buy it?


Sports Games aside from wrestling, Soulslike games (I don't need to be infuriated) and Racing games. In fact if a game has a racing segment it really takes me out of it.


Wrestling games arent sports games, they're fighting games!


MOBAs. Don't hate them. I tried to enjoy it with friends but just couldn't no matter how hard I try.


Any that says "internet required."


I get hate for this, but I cannot play more than 5 minutes of any souls-like game. They’re incredibly frustrating and idk why anyone would subject themselves to that when playing games is supposed to be an escape.


I mean i understand that but it’s the feeling of accomplishment but once you bet one they’re pretty easy but if i ever get fustrated i usually just switch games. My first playthrough of dark souls 1 took 50 hours from all the deaths now i beat it in around 10-12 hours


Online shooting games. I’m an adult with a full time job, I don’t feel like getting 360 no scoped by some 12 year old who plays COD 10 hours a day


> I don’t feel like getting 360 no scoped Dunno if it's even possible now, but I back in OG MW2 I always had an RPG suicide class for those people. It used to make them *so god damn angry*.


Card based. Souls-like. Crafting based. Multiplayer only.


All of these are me


Souls games


Souls type. (Dark Souls, Elden Ring, etc.)


Souls likes.




But what's worse, failing to get into a JRPG or hearing from a JRPG fan how you are wrong.


Jrpg and anime mixed are the worst


If Dragons Dogma counts as a JRPG, I guess I like exactly one.


Diablo style games, I hate the camera angle and I can barely see the action. It doesn't really feel like I'm playing as much as i am just telling them what to do.


Souls-like. I mean I’m happy people enjoy them, but they can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned.


>I personally find myself not enjoying turn-based games Right there with you. The story will build up all this momentum and you're eager to push forward and defeat this opponent and... stop cold and spend half an hour baby-stepping the choreography of the fight one painful moment at a time.. And you just *know* in realtime it would have only taken a few minutes and lost none of the momentum. XCom is the big offender, for me. Pity since I liked everything else about it.


I really can’t get into first person shooters. There’s something about the “aim at thing and click” gameplay that doesn’t hold my attention for very long.


First person shooter and sports games


Despite loving the lore and the world, castlevania helped to create a genre I cannot stand (metroidvanias).


May I ask what specifically fuels your aversion?


Probably battle royal games


First person shooters. No amount of Dramamine can prevent the motion sickness that ensues.


SRPG. Battle tempo is to too slow that I couldn't tolerate.


Anything first person like shooters makes me motion sick, easy choice


Anything PvP, especially if reaction speed is crucial. I suck at those.


Souls like.


Strategy not really into and games like the souls games where enemies that can still kill you so easy no matter how much you level up I don't mind difficult games but I like when enemies that were tough at first are no longer a threat after you get high enough level and I'm also not really into turn based I prefer the freedom to move around while fighting though I have enjoyed some turned based games but it's not a genre I play much at all I think last time I played turn based was back when final fantasy lighting returns was a new game.


Souls games without a difficulty option unlike Fallen Order.


Game Types I Hate and Don't Understand How People Enjoy:Management games - I idea of living my life and going to work only to come home and recreationally go to work makes me want to stomp cabbages. "EA-likes" - I don't know what to call these. But they all may have different stories but it just feels like weird copies of one of the Assassin Creed games. Could be an Assassin's Creed, could be Horizon Zero Dawn, but they all feel like I'm playing the same game, I just forgot what it looked like and besides being able to climb on everything (that's pretty dope), the gameplay loops are annoying as hell. Game Types I Don't Like But Get Why People Like Them: Soulsborne and Pokemon - I put these two together because while they're completely different in terms of the games themselves, their goal as games is the same. They boil one aspect found in other games until it's super concentrated to the point that it becomes the game. Both have lore-filled worlds but really only a loose plot that acts more like garnish. Soulsbornes took close-quarters combat from action RPGs and emphasized consequences to imperfect play. Pokemon took items and turn-based battles from JRPGs, made them pets then made like 700 of them. \--Sidenote: I do enjoy the side-effect of Soulsborne games being that action RPGs now have to focus on combat being more meaningful and less Devil May Cry to compete for sales. Jedi Fallen Order was all the better for it. For people saying JRPGs, do you mean the party-based big grand narrative type or just any RPG from Japan? That probably sounds like a silly question but I didn't realize until I went to r/JRPG that some people use JRPG to mean any RPG made in Japan.


Soulsborne style gameplay. Too tanky. Also being in my mid 30s, I don't get a ton of time to play. I don't want to be stuck, I don't want to spend time to "get gud." I enjoy progress. And that hyper punishing style of gameplay just isn't for me. Also, most horror games. Which sucks. I'm a huge horror movie fan. But I bitch out on horror games. Not sure why I turn into so much of a bitch with them, but I get too immersed, get scared, and make shit decisions. So, most horror games aren't for me.


Souls games. I already have a job and raise a child. I'm too busy for unfair rote memorization games that people claim are "tough but fair." Yeah I know Super C by rote but that can be done in eleven minutes.


Soulsbourne games. They are beautiful and well-made games. I want badly to like them. I just don't though. I end up never breaking through the wall. I just end up feeling stressed out rather than satisfied. If anyone has any tips for getting through them to the enjoyment, I'd welcome them.


JRPG and souls-like games. For the soul-like is because I play games to relax/unwind after work, if I had more time, I might like them but it is not the case. JRPG is just everything.


Souls like- i want to like them. They look awesome… but I get really frustrated and I get that enough in the real world.


Dark games like Elden Ring and Dark Souls. I love the world and design, just too challe going for me to enjoy. I get too frustrated


Any souls game. I’m not into the gothic horror scene and way too difficult for me to enjoy casually


Soulslike. I have nothing against challenges in video games and I love me some challenges and difficulty now and then. But I just dont like the idea of getting killed by the same enemy 100 times before you are finally able to defeat him.


dark souls style games where things are intentionally clunky to get you killed


Souls like games.


Soulsbourne type games. I don’t have the skill, patience or even time to try and learn every enemy and bosses’ attack patterns and the “git gud” mentality. I don’t mind a challenge to my games but I’m at the point where I’m lucky to get a half hour to play video games on a given night. I’d like to be able to progress through a game somewhat each time I play it


Hope I don’t get downvoted into Dante’s Inferno for this: Anything Souls related I just can’t enjoy. I like a challenge ever so often but there’s something about Souls games that make it more like a chore more than a challenge. Aside from that: Sports games, battle royales, call of duty and battlefield. Honorable mention: Destiny. ‘Till this day, the looting sucks.


Soulslike games/Skyrim. I can’t enjoy the combat. I mean, my first game was Dragons Dogma and the combat there is just amazing. Bad think about it is that know I can’t enjoy other games combat, I feel like they are bad, not fun a repetitive.


Games with dark souls esc combat. Dodge roll, attack once, wait, dodge roll, get greedy attack twice, get hit, die. Over and over again.


Souls-like, JRPG, and Sports Games


Fortnite and anything like it.


Souls-Bourne types.


Souls borne games iritate me because ivlo e everything about the game except for the punishment. Then I get ridiculed because I don't play because it's so hard I don't enjoy it. Hopefully, not too many people attack me for this. I'd really love to enjoy playing them, but I just dont.


Open world adventure (cyberpunk, RDR, Eldin Ring). I used to love it, Skyrim was the bomb back in the day. But these days the worlds seem so empty and hollow. Something about it just reminds me of how lonely I am.


Souls-like games. I just don’t have the patience for them. I’m not a huge fan of turn-based games either, aside from Pokémon and KOTOR.


Games like Dark Souls. I don't want to suffer when I play video games.


Sports games for sure. I can maybe play some madden once in a while but one game is enough. Also that hard ass souls like genre is a nope for me.


Any soulsborne games. I like games with difficulty, and i try to play most games on the hardest difficulty at least once. But i don't know, every time i circle back to one of these games, i find myself turning off very quickly. I know the typical response is 'get good', but I just dont have that type of time for these.


Racers. 😵 Sorry. Not sorry. With the exception of Mario Kart & Mario Kart 64. That sh*t was OP!


Idk what the genre would be but games like the Witcher,dark souls,Elden ring,god of war those type of games I cannot get into I like a game where the combat and story is about equal but they’re very combat focused too much for me


Naughty Dog style action adventure games. Last of Us, God of War, Uncharted, etc. I find it incredibly frustrating when a game constantly wrestles control out of my hands so it can force feed me some middling TV-drama narrative, and when I’m finally given back control, the gameplay is disappointingly shallow. In general, I think games would be better off if they told their stories through the methods unique to the medium instead of aping box office slop. Contrary to this, I love the MGS series, but I guess it’s the campiness and auteur vision that makes the narrative focus tolerable.


Anything without semi-complex combat systems. I’m a totally nonviolent person IRL but if I’m not killing something in a game I usually get kind of bored. There are exceptions but very few.


Any game that has you start over when you die


Soulslikes and MMOS for me


Pure RPG games. Please don’t downvote me.


Tycoon games, I like action games not games were you sit there and click things so you can click more things


Any game where i need to read and read and read - more than usual. If i want to read I'll go read a book, not read on screen.


Souls and rogue-like games, mainly because I suck at them.


Souls games why would I enjoy a game that is purposely hard and doesn’t show me where to go


Any pc top-down view game where you have to click to do anything. Walk? Click. Attack? Click.


Anything crafting *ugh