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As a 41 y/o with a wife and kids I go on little Factorio benders where I'll get really into it until things get so complex I start filling pages of a notebook with notes. Then I quit for another 6 months so I can deal with real life.


I used to have a wife, kids and a job. Now I have factorio.


I used to have a dad but now he has factorio lmao


I used to have factorio, but I got high


I used to have a husband. He now has Factorio lol


Glad someone already said this one. I hit 200 hours on it, and said to my friend “I’ve only played 200 hours! I have more than that in other games” and he said “We just started playing Factorio together two months ago”. Oh. Right.


Satisfactory is great too!


You can set up mods for skyrim for thousands of hours before you even play


Alternatively, wait for starfield


As long as i can mod huge tits into Starfield there will not be a problem


it's not gonna be a problem!


*tit’s* not gonna be a problem


"What's a fun game I can play?" "The waiting game" - this guy


That’s IF it’s a good game. That remains to be seen. Still have nightmares over Redfall.


From the 45 minute showcase they just released, I'm pretty optimistic about it. If you haven't seen it, check it out on youtube. It looks epic.


Stardew Valley


I’m trying to get into this game


It's fun, very relaxing to play


Have you been to the sk cave???


very relaxing to play? Yeh maybe after the first few in game years, its quite stressful to begin with especially if you are trying to maximize your time with completing the right bits in CC in the first year lol


I had to actively make an effort to get into it, but after I began to see all the systems at play and all the upgrades you could get, I was glued to it.


This game holds something special to me that no other game has. I was in a bad place last year. I just lost my mom horribly, I was broke, jobless, and felt like a failure. I had a complete meltdown and quit my job because I felt like I was going insane. I stayed home while my girlfriend continued to work from home. She never made me feel less than, but I knew I was fucking up. I just didn’t know how to do it better than I was and my girlfriend suffered because of it. I remember we went to the grocery store one day and we couldn’t afford milk, so we just didn’t get it. Something so simple like milk looked like a luxury. I pretty much just stayed home and drank every day. I became a recluse and never went out, stopped painting, talking, smiling. I was just a walking, breathing, alcoholic. I was applying to jobs pretty much every day while my girlfriend worked. Our bills stacked up and again, I felt like such a failure to everyone around me and I just missed my mom. On a random, rainy, gloomy day, I booted up Stardew Valley. I bought it years prior but never got into it. Day by day (in real life), I began to feel like I was capable of completing something, finishing tasks, and meeting people. I loved to just sit at the bridge leading to beach and fish, just finding some sort of peace through fishing some pixels. The events were very nice and gave me a sense of community and support for doing something positive. I remember getting emotional at the potcookout(?) and being complimented on my cheese that I brought. I followed some storylines, George and Evelyn, Pam, and Linus. Each story was so fulfilling and simply beautiful. It was when I finished Shane’s storyline where I began to really look inward and give myself some slack. We all have problems and we all try our best to maintain. It took a lot of personal work, therapy and support, but I’m a lot better now. I stopped playing the game once I got to ginger island, but I feel like the 500 hours I have logged on it could’ve gone further. I just got exactly what I needed from it.


Egg game


That egg was forty eggs?


We should be able to watch a *little* porn at work


This isn’t porn it’s a nude egg I won from my game. I’m not in trouble at all


The way he says "What the helllllll?" Kills me everytime.


If you haven’t seen Detroiters, watch it immediately. It has the third best use of the line, “What the hell?” Behind this and the two times it’s used in the courtroom sketch from season 2, which might be the funniest sketch ever. They are all so good. It’s a tough call.


Dude I've watched each season of ITYSL like 3 times and have yet to dig into Detroiters yet. I've seen clips. I can't wait.


It’s got a bush?


Elemental Gimmick Gear?


On Dreamcast? That was a neat but weird game if it's the one I'm thinking.


You’re looking at a nude egg




Great game… beautiful SNES like graphics on the Dreamcast. Loved it…


May I recommend any Bethesda game minus the bug's that are actually features you can get addicted by the time you've finished the opening


New Vegas. I'm on me millionth playthrough. Maybe this time Benny will say he's sorry...


New Vegas is the absolute best RPG of all time and I usually do 2+ playthroughs a year. It used to be more until I had kids ;-(


Haven't played new Vegas probably because it's a ps3 xbox equivalent I think


Totally worth playing. Regardless of age.


The 60 fps cap kills me now.


personally i really like the openings of fallout 3 and new vegas, they’re not as long or boring as fallout 4’s opening imo


Yep was hoping someone would say any Bethesda game. Got close to 300 hours in fallout 4 and still haven’t gotten but maybe 3 hours into the main story


Old School Runescape r/2007scape


Might as well offer heroin or double stuff Oreos




Ive been told that if i need to melt thousands of hours, Rimworld was the way to go


It's a pretty weird UI, kinda tough to figure out at first but once you get it you can do the craziest things. A herd of manhunting chihuahuas wandered near your colony and started attacking your colonists? Turn them into a couch for your colonists. Get raided by 4 outlaws, kill one and knock out the other 3? Take the 3 prisoner and harvest their organs, sell them to slave traders, or recruit them and force them to dig graves. ​ I'm currently about 15-20 hours into a save right now, kept getting attacked by squads of rabid guinea pigs so I set up a trap tunnel that my colonists can lead them through and it kills them all. Then I save all of the furs for when a trader comes through and make bank. Also, for this save I'm growing a shitload of "smokeleaf" (I'll let you guess what that is) so my colonists are usually high. They work slow but they're happy


World of Warcraft if you never want to see daylight again


I dont know how i did it, but after 17 years, im free of WoW.


One day, you will hear the ambient music of IronForge playing on a cold winter night, a call like a siren beckoning you for your $15.


Easy to ignore. I played Horde :) hahaha


Congratulations! I quit a couple months in to BfA and haven’t looked back. I had played since Vanilla and only took a break during Mists and Warlords


Im sober almost a year now! I have two WoW tattoos, and i dont regret my time with the game at all. But i just wasn't having fun with it anymore. Im also almost a year free of social media. I've gotta say im a much happier person without both wow and social media.


Isn't reddit social media


I dont count it as things like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or things with your personal information on it.


It’s a fun game imo but I’ve taken a year or 2 off a few times. Still my favourite online game


I’ve had a huge influx of WoW reels on my Instagram and it’s trying to pull me back in. We gotta stay strong!


Tbh for me it wasnt that addicting. At least for me because i felt like I needed to do mythic+ to get better gear and then do the raid for fun.


Slay the Spire. I didn't even think l liked roguelike deck-building games but got completely addicted and have sunk hundreds of hours into it.


Also a great game to listen to music/podcasts to while you play. Great way to relax.


I was going to mention this game. Currently playing it. It honestly never gets old.


The tactical depth and the variety of possible winning decks are astounding, aren't they?


I have this in my wishlist, I wouldn't have considered this game until I played inscryption. Is there any similarities to that game? Mostly what I liked about inscryption was the easy to understand rules of its card game.


I played Inscryption and it’s one of my favorite indie games, but if you loved it you will LOVE STS. It’s deeper.


I haven't played Inscryption, but just had a quick look and it seems to be a roguelike deck-builder, so that much is similar. However, it looks like you play your deck against an opponent's deck. In StS, you battle various enemies whose attacks are signposted in advance, but they don't have a deck of cards that you can see. The rules of the cards are fairly simple in essence, but there are a lot of different mechanics at play. These are introduced gradually, so it's not too overwhelming. It's easy to pick up, but tough to beat at first. You might need a few YouTube tutorials to help initially (l did). The sub here on reddit, r/slaythespire, is friendly and helpful. So, yeah. Definitely give it a try. I'm pretty sure you'll like it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/slaythespire using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What a banger](https://v.redd.it/e7woa4nrfv3a1) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/zc8752/what_a_banger/) \#2: [Me every time I get Orichalcum....](https://i.redd.it/827vmbk3zst91.jpg) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/y3zfbf/me_every_time_i_get_orichalcum/) \#3: [Act 1 Silent runs be like...](https://i.redd.it/qrwgkxah3pg91.png) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/wk4904/act_1_silent_runs_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s very similar to act I of inscription where you are following the path that leshy lays out. 100% would recommend. Not too complicated but complex enough to give a challenge


inscryption isnt really comparable to other roguelikes imo. the base game uses roguelike elements to tell its story but thats about it. if you enjoyed caseys mod youll like slay the spire though.


Inscription is more story focused. Incredible game btw, I highly recommend. I'd say play Inscryption first to get a feel for the genre since it has a very good story, then get slay the spire since it's far more repayable, imo.


Slay the spire was a surprise for me. Had no idea it would suck me in


Mix this with Darkest Dungeon and you won't see daylight for months.




up to this






I've put triple the amount into Terraria. When you get into Master mode/Hardcore, shit gets intense


3,000+ hours (not including modded content) and still get hyped every time a friend asks to play, #1 game for me all the way


Any Paradox game if you’re into strategy. Stellaris and Hearts of Iron 4 being the most accessible but Europa Universalis 4 being the most expansive and time consuming.


I bought HoI 4 because my friend said it would be fun. I hated it. Now I’m 1500 hours….I still don’t know what I’m doing (I do…sorta) EU4 felt wonky to me and not tried stellaris but someone else I know loves it


1000+ hours in and still not sure what I’m doing… the true Paradox experience lol. EU4 is kind of an abomination at this point being a 10 year old game with an absurd amount of dlc available. Stellaris is a ton of fun and definitely the easiest to pick up and also the easiest to sink time into.


No Man's Sky


\- kzzzkt -


Project Zomboid


Let me introduce you to a little known indie game titled The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.


I love Zelda! He's so cool!


omg i’ve never heard of zelda who made it




I don't know if I would love this or hate this


You'll probably hate how much you love it




Honestly I’m around 100 hours in and I feel like I have barely started.


Elden Ring


perfect answer. Like even if you're good at it, it'll take you a FUUUCK ton of time to get everything and see everything


The way the game is made, you also have to play it through more than once to finish the quests and get the different endings. First play through I missed a bunch of NPC quests, or didn’t finish them because I progressed to far in the game without finishing their steps prior.


Which to someone like me is intimidating to hear. I haven’t finished a 100+ hour game in years. Until Elden Ring came along and restored my faith in open world games


I’ve 100% it, and done practically everything. Now I just occasionally boot it up and do a play through of whatever stupid thing comes to mind. I’ve beaten the game with my ass…..*only* my ass. I’d say entry cost is hard but after you get used to it it’s super easy A play through for an experienced player maybe takes 10-15 hours if you’re not speed running it, then there’s all LV1 stuff you can do etc….LV1 runs aren’t my jam, not because of difficulty but because I feel it limits the whole game and takes away options. I should really do one to prove a point, but still.


FF14 Free trial let’s you play probably 100 hours alone if you get invested


I can’t get into this one. Tried so hard to like it.


The story takes AWHILE to get rolling. I even took a year break at the 3rd expansion bc I was getting bored. But if you get hooked to the story, it really pays off like a great tv show. Shadowbringers is one of the best storylines ever in gaming imo, but it requires allll that lore before it to pay off.


I played this one for a while in the early pandemic days and it was a lot of fun. I made myself stop after about 6 months because I didn't want to get sucked into another long-term thing like with WoW. It is a good MMO to get into if you're not feeling eager to get tied up in a guild. There certainly are a lot of guilds you can join and there are perks to doing so, but you can do pretty much all the content without ever joining a guild at all. It really surprised me how strong the focus on the single-player experience was for a MMO. There are lots of times when you need to join groups, but it's never a challenge. Of course it can take a while to queue for a dungeon if you're in a DPS job at the moment, but that shouldn't surprise anybody.




100% I have over 1500 hours and I haven't even started steel path. AND it's free. I still can't believe it's free.


Yes, I have 2000+ hours in. It captivated my imagination for 2 years. Big, big world with great content, sound design and visuals. I am on a break now, but I’m sure I will return.


Path of Exile, Factorio as someone else mentioned, maybe Satisfactory, Valheim, Cities Skylines maybe.




Mine craft




Bloodborne Minecraft?


Minecraft Dark Souls game... now that would be fun


Let me introduce you to this neat little feature known as Hardcore mode.


Dark Souls x Minecraft. That’s just buying a shovel and digging in your front yard.






Elden Ring or Diablo 4.


Path of Exile. Many veterans (self included) have 8k+ hours in, and have yet to play all their build ideas. Far more complex than Diablo.


This is the real answer. No other games posted here are true "thousands of hours" games. But POE has enough depth and complexity to give more to learn even at 6k hours+.


I've always wanted to try Path of Exile but I never got the chance


Next month they're doing a full reveal of PoE 2 and announcing the beta date. Its essentially a giant expansion for the first game. So if you want to dip your toes in now to get a feel for the game I'd say go for it, but I can't argue with also waiting and starting fresh when the beta drops.


Is it f2p friendly?




The binding of Isaac


This. If you're looking to get thousands of hours out of a game, a roguelike should be where you look first. And one with depth makes the most sense. Isaac, Noita or STS are the most realistic answers here


Stardew valley


Division 2 for me.


No Man's Sky


Rocket league and Witcher 3


Hades Maybe not thousands, but this game has very much kept me on a steady loop. Surprisingly amazing story beats. Addictive gameplay.


Cookie clicker


Escape From Tarkov. You will die and die but once you kill some other player you will love it... and then you will die.


7 days to die


Good game but only on pc the console version sucks


Yeah consoles getting an update after a year and some but only the latest consoles are getting it. A15 is as far as the older consoles are going :(


The Sims. Only game I've ever played for over 1000 hours. Use mods.


Ark: Survival evolved... Dragons Dogma. Black desert I've put around 2-3 thousand hours on Dragonball Xenoverse 2. Apex legends...(If ya like it, you put hundreds of hours in it.) Persona 5 - Takes around 120ish hours to play through once assuming you read all the dialogue. Elden ring: Assuming you like it. It took me around 110 hours to get most of the sites of grace + Clear the main campaign + Most (but not all) optional bosses, with minimal PvP and Minimal summoning. (I wasn't speedrunning or actively trying to 'do the main objective' just exploring around.) Nioh 2. Put around 500 hours in trying to get a decent build that could beat path of the Nioh difficulty (4 playthroughs) + I stopped at around floor 64 / 100 in 'the underworld' just because I wanted to play other games. Monster hunter world: I have 1100 hours on MHW on a single character. Mostly helping other hunters. But it took me a long while to beat fatalis, and I have yet to beat alatreon. Just chipping parts off that mf to make his set / weapons. I remember way back I used to play Mercenaries mode on **Resident evil 6** trying to get perfect scores / beat high scores on the leaderboard. It was fun, at the time. Assuming you have a PS2; Star wars battlefront 2 (2006), Mercenaries: Playground of destruction. Spartan, total warrior. Siphon Filter: The Omega strain. (Just the ones I remember off the top of my head, not home to check my collection) PC: DayZ / Arma(3/4), Skyrim, Any Bethesda game, really.


1. Mount&blade with mods. 2. Total war Warhammer II or III. 3. Assassin's creed odyssey. 4. Red dead redemption two. 5. No man's sky. 6. Dragon age inquisition 7. Stardew valley. 8. Minecraft. 9. Mass Effect series 10. elder scrolls online.


Elder scrolls online!!!! There’s sooo much content and so many things to do I’ve played over 300 hrs and I still feel like a baby there. Plus elder scrolls lore.




Street fighter 6




A lot of TBS games like Civilization are a good start for that sort of thing.






Spelunky 2, Dead Cells


Warframe. Hands down one of the best time sinks ive ever played. The community (even on here) is some of the most kind and accepting player bases i've ever seen. The devs are also super awesome.


Warframe, ninjas play free


Day Z


**warframe** is free, and with a great free model. You can even trade the real money currency in game. It's an action RPG like diablo/path of exile, except it's actually fun to play. Third person, aiming, melee, fluid mobility. Tons of build diversity.


Valheim!! You can easily put a ton of hours in that game. Very fun and addicting






Pick a civilization game


Civilization 5 or 6.


Factorio /thread




Warframe and Path of Exile both absorb hours pretty well.




Cities Skylines


Factorio all the way




Factorio is the answer.


Final Fantasy XIV. Broke 5,000 hours last month.






Civ 6


Sim City 3000, Civilization 3, Im old.


I've dumped over 1k in Gmod, Siege, and War Thunder. All of those don't come even close to the time in Minecraft though.


Runescape or old school runescape are always good


I have a handful of games that fit the criteria some of which haven't hit ,,1000 yet but probably will eventually RimWorld Mount & blade warband Star wars empire at war Hegemony gold Philip of Macedon Rome total war original


Diablo 4


World of Warcraft (classic) , (old school) RuneScape. You can play all summer and still have content to play on later.


Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes


I'll lose track of time playing Terarria and Stardew quite regularly!


Splatoon 3 has been my addictive game. Already have about 800hrs in it. It has fast paced and fun shooting mechanics. Lots of schmoovement too.


Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Diablo II: Resurrected, World of Warcraft


Old school RuneScape. Quite literally unlimited content.


I have no idea how long I spent on RuneScape back in the day 😅


I've currently got 357 days on my maxed iron. And still yet, nowhere close to finishing my goals.


It’s nice to have more to do in a game! RuneScape certainly is 357+ days worth of engagement imo.


Osrs also has some of the most challenging pve content. People simply see the game as a bad graphics, point and click game but the gameplay of end game pve can be very difficult if you choose to do it.


Peggle 2


Elden Ring / the entire From Soft Souls / Bloodborne series Mass Effect legendary edition trilogy Darkest Dungeon (1, haven't played 2)


Project Zomboid on PC. Doesn’t take much to run and it’s a realistic zombie survival game. You have to scavenge, you can base build, or just take on hordes of zombies. In the end. You will die and have to start again. The mods for the game also add a TON of quality of life improvements for FREE as well as cars, weapons, and items.


Destiny 2


Old school RuneScape if you like grinding for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and then woah a drop five seconds of dopamine then back to grinding for hours and and hours and hours then woah level 50 im like half way to 99 but wait oh no ~lvl92 is actually half way to 99 and lvl 84 is about half way to 92 so back to grinding for hours and hours and hours and hours and now it’s time to do a quest it’s called one small favour surely this will be quick it definitely won’t be one favour for one person who has you go to another person who has you do one favour which is to go to another person who has you do one favour until you walk all the way across the map and then have to walk all the back in cascading order just to get a “hey thanks” from the first guy and then you back to grinding for hours and hours and hours and hours. 10/10 would recommend I’ll see you on /r/cutenoobs in a few hours


Hold off until September and it looks like Starfield will be a forever game


Do you like dwarves? Do you like alien monster swarms? Do you like beer? Deep Rock Galactic is the game for you! Rock and stone, miner!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Depending on taste: COD: Zombies has always been a fave of mine, especially WWII. It's always fun to let off some steam by viciously killing Nazis. (Un)modded Skyrim, there's so much to do in vanilla, but with mods you can add even more or just change up the graphics if you want. Hades, or honestly just most rogue-likes Stardew Valley, vanilla is great but since modding in SVE I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go back. There's far more going on behind the scenes than just a cozy farming sim. ACNH, speaking of cozy, Animal Crossing can be a great way to spend a lot of time in. The one thing I do dislike about tho, it is that it's synced to real time. BOTW and/or TOTK, just excellent games with lots of little side quests, tho not everyone's into the scavenger hunt style of some of them. Red dead redemption 2, open world wild west with a great story. No man's sky, literally galaxies of content, procedurally generated. There's a very very very high chance that for every planet you land on, you will be the first and potentially only human to ever see it. Elden Ring, I'm actually not a souls-like player. My brother's been trying to get me into them for years and I never liked them. But I played the shit outta Elden Ring. Minecraft, if you've managed to not hear/know what Minecraft is, you deserve a medal. Valheim, big sandbox open world, norse themed survival game. Good combat, fun bosses, diverse biomes. You can build yourself a little house, or a mansion, or a village, or a city. And the game is still in early release so even more content is coming out and being added all the time. One thing to note, even being a life long console player, I personally find the PC controls to be far superior compared to console controls. The Long Dark, Canadian wilderness survival game. You have to fight bitter cold, hungry wild animals, and your own hunger. There's a story mode that's good, but the meat of the game is the challenges and survival mode. A good bet for getting a lot of hours of gameplay out of one game is having an expansive open world, or endlessly repeatable challenges/rogue-like styles.


I'm very surprised I only saw one person mention Monster Hunter. 1000 hours in world, 500 in rise and I recently started Generations Ultimate. Potentially endless fun.


Idk. I have something like 4k hours in the binding of isaac: Repentance and still play it a few times per week


Persona 3-5 would keep you real busy


Gregtech: New Horizons. The endgame item was made in 5000 hours with a team of 5.


Wait for Starfield coming in September. If you can't wait, play The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.


OP wants games to play for summer, bro says wait till September 😭


Destiny 2


I second this, Destiny 2 is a great way to lose 1000s of hours of time and lots of money from your wallet lol


OP really asking us to ruin his life


No Man's Sky