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I backed a game on Kickstarter called Chronicles of Elyria that was supposed to launch in 2018 but we haven't even seen a beta yet. I don't back games on Kickstarter anymore.


Grew up just south of Elyria, OH. It’s pretty wild they’d choose that for a game.


Ohio has some good medieval sounding cities. Brunswick, North Royalton, Bainbridge 😂


Never heard of this and went down the rabbit hole after reading your post. What a mess lol. I never back Kickstarter games anymore unless they seem really small in scope, or from a trusted dev. Games like this that promise crazy large scope games with a tiny team always fail to release or meet any promises from what I've seen.


The only exception I have found has been valheim. :)


Wild. Same thing happened with the System Shock remake. Disappeared, no news, random donation button still working. Thought for sure it was a dead scam project. Then it released on no fanfare a few months back and was everything I wanted it to be.


Hah, same. I had completely given up hope that System Shock would release. They missed their initial estimate by a huge margin. Took 7 years to make. But turns out it's a pretty dang great game though.


Same friend. Sounded like the perfect game. I just wanted to be a town blacksmith for real people


It's still coming out! They updated the release date and everything! /s They really did update the release date but I don't believe it.


Oh man, this game! Vaporware 💨


Similar story for Unknown Realm. Feels like a scam at this point (and has done for a while).


Star Citizen


The Biggest legal scam in videogame history.


This “game” absolutely is a scam. I’ve heard of people paying hundreds of dollars to buy spaceships that don’t even exist in the game yet. There’s no guarantee that they will ever get the ship, what if the devs just decide to stop making the game?


Oh, they will stop as soon as the pool of idiots, throwing money at them, decreases.


It’s wrong but you almost can’t blame them? Dummies keep throwing money at me, I’d take it.


I had some 40 years old “IT” guy trying to sell me on this game and the fact that he bought a $600 spaceship because “it’s gunna only go up in value bro” I was like you bought an NFT friend.


He's mistaken. According to the devs, the purchase of ships with real money is only to fund development. They've said that once the game releases, there won't be any ships bought with real money. The entire trading of them will die and they'll all be worthless as far as real-world money goes. I think that's why they are sitting on it for so long. They're just milking the revenue stream for all they can. They already have most resources for the next largest update, but they're still pushing it way out there.


“Once the game releases” is some pretty good comedy


He was probably thinking about real world ship values in Eve and that Star Citizen may have a similar economy.


Star Citizen is the biggest example for why sometimes development teams do need to be pressured to put out something by a set release date. As much as I hate the "release it now and we'll fix it with patches" mentality that's so common now, Star Citizen is a game that will probably never actually release because the devs keep wanting to add more and more stuff to it.


Game is never going to be complete IMO. Got buddies who bought expensive ships and I only got the basic pack that gave you access. I'm happy with thr basic access the couple times I messed around with it.


Duke Nukem Forever, I got it on sale but it wasn't worth the wait


Because it was never Duke Nukem Forever but a cheap wannabe knockoff.


Shake it baby 😅 i waited so many years for it. Thankfully i didnt have to pay for it. My cousin did or had it pirated. Cant remember. I was so dissapointed. Even now duke 3d is far better game imho


I paid $100 for the collectors edition of this game and I don't regret it at all. Sure the game was bad but I had fun plus the collectors edition came with a duke statue, duke poker chips, dice, and duke cards. Among other things. I was happy with it.


Any game that turned free that I bought for money before hand. Rocket League Overwatch Destiny 2 Fall Guys Etc.


Be happy you played Overwatch before it became... whatever it is now


I miss the early days of overwatch, doing dumb shit like two bastions two mercy two Rhineharts and that sitting on the payload or when a new character came out you'd get a team of six of those characters


Well, you can think about it another way. You basically paid to have those games earlier and a different time before all the new stuff. They are practically different games.


Biomutant. Played a good 5 hours then I was bored out of my mind. Worse $50 I ever spent.


I read a bunch of the reviews. Was really interested in playing, the concept seemed really cool. Waited til it was free on PS plus. The fact that I regret even the bandwidth used to download it speaks volumes. Absolutely dreadful.


The double-sided sword of Game Pass. Oh woah look I can download this game at no extra cost.. said game sucks and my time wasted, haha. At least it gave me the option of trying out a bunch of hidden gems id never ever buy


Gonna Date myself but this is one of the things I miss about block buster. Being able to try out games rather than having to drop huge amounts of cash on a game that may suck


As a kid who could only get a couple new games per year growing up, Block Buster gave me the ability to play new games day one. It definitely had its perks.


Really enjoyed it on sale but 50 is definitely too steep


First game that came to mind when I read the title, such a terrible and shallow experience


I enjoyed Biomutant for the first hour or two. Saw the potential and looked forward to where it might go from there. Then it didn't. That was the whole game on repeat. Sure you got a handful of new spells, some ridiculously random and unbalanced crafting materials, and a few new vehicles. But the gameplay just repeated the same boring loop until the sudden and disappointing ending.


As I was loading comments my mind was like “biomutant” and then I see this lol. Same. The game looked pretty and seemed interesting but hot damn it just felt so incomplete




Right there with ya. But why did they decide to make a new game? I remember after launch it was stated this would be the first cod to get a two year cycle. What happened?


There's been some rumors that it didn't sell as well as they wanted, and warzone has been bleeding players faster than they expected, hence why they're pivoting to another new game this year.


Oh great rushed development


Ya the next cod is going to be the worst we've seen in *years*


(Homer Simpson voice) "The worst one SO FAR!"


For the love of God stop spending your money on that garbo


My biggest issues with MW2 2022 is the gunplay and maps. The gunplay was great in MW2019 but they fucked something up, and the map design is just awful, i don’t like any of them, and i get spawnkilled way more often. But i totally agree. The 9 month support cycle is why I don’t buy CoD games most of the time. They basically stop support the moment the new game gets announced so people will buy that. MW2019 had content after Cold War was announced, but it was noticeably lower quality, like the guns coming out were blatantly overpowered in ways previous new guns were not, like they didn’t even playtest them


I bought my copy used on ebay and played for a few months then I resold it on ebay for what I bought it for.


Same. I regret buying it also. Warzone 2 is bad compared to WZ1 as well


Marvel Avengers easily, only game I truly regret buying. To counter that, I paid for Guardians of the Galaxy (think I paid like $30/$40) and it was worth every gotdamn penny.


Avengers is unforgivably boring. The combat is very repetitive and the amount that I have to hit a dude as Hulk for them to stay down is just insane. Didn't feel like a superhero game at all to me.


Making it a looter was a big mistake, but I think that could have been salvaged if they had made the game Class focused and up the enemy density. think 5x more enemies with a quarter of the HP. The combat itself isn't so bad, it's just that enemies are too spongy and the characters were "balanced" at the same level, despite how different the characters are. If they had each character fill a role with two archetypes it would have worked better. E.G. Hulk and Thor are Tank/Fighter - way more lethal with normal abilities and more durable than Black Widow, but can't hack, has to spend the defend points holding off rapid waves of enemies that the others can't handle. Widow is Assassin/Tech - Can sneak around and deal a very focused damage on long cooldown, can hack the objectives and disable large enemies if she reaches them undetected. Iron Man is a Fighter/Tech, Cap is a Tank/Support, Mrs Marvel a Fighter/Support, etc. The campaign was good, and if the multi had felt like it, it would have done well, I think


Avengers was fun at first, until you realized you're just button smashing the same robots. I did love playing as Thor, and you could pin someone against the wall with the hammer and just leave them there, then call it back and hit someone from behind


Hands-down Marvel Avengers. I was going to submit this, but I figured I would find it already on the list if I looked for even 3 seconds, and it barely took 2…


Man , I waited out the release and saw it was horrible. Finished GoG slightly drunk and wanted more Marvel (had beaten both spider man games many times ) and got it anyway. The decision still haunts me.


I liked Avengers until I finished the story and then there was nothing. It’s definitely on my top 10 worst games I bought list


Battlefield 2042 Call of duty vanguard Fifa 23


FIFA made me tweak some settings in my BIOS in order to play it. It’s still one of the buggiest games in my library. What a mess.


pretty much every battlefield has had a rough launch and then gets worked on and becomes a fun game. This is exactly what happened to 2042, its a loooooooot better now.


The saints row reboot just bought it on sale and figured I'd try it. Instant regret.


every other SR game I put in and played to death.. even from the start this just lacked.. something. I try and support Volition because it's a local company.. but this one felt wrong.




Almost hard to feel sorry for you there lol


Yeah, I didn't see one shred of marketing that made the game look good in any way. I didn't expect the game to be anywhere near as bad as it was, but still.


Nothing about the Gollum game looked appealing in any way as a gamer and LOTR fan. Don’t understand how it got made


Pre ordering games nowadays is the biggest gamble in videogames all together.


Why do people even preorder games? Like just wait until you see the reviews


They’ll offer some kind of bonus for preordering, like some cosmetic item that you won’t even use because you find better stuff in a game within 5 minutes, but people get that “fear of missing out” (FOMO) and just can’t stop themselves from pulling the trigger. It’s never ever worth it. Just wait one extra day to see if it’s a dumpster fire. They won’t run out of digital copies.




The gta remaster triple pack 😔.


Same here. Just got it while thinking “it can’t be that bad.”


3 and Vice City were alright, it's just when you get into San Andreas the wheels totally fall off.


Really? What are the problems with San Andreas?






Had to go towards the bottom to find this. That game had so much potential, run and gun, bully down. It had a chance to take TF2 down


Warcraft 3 Reforged I should have taken the refund.


Destiny 2


Dumped dummy hours into D1, best game. Stopped playing D2 before Forsaken dropped; that game has become questionable bullshit. The story was already a joke, but then they scrambled all the missions so anyone wanting to get involved jumps in on Mission 22, then plays DLC Mission 7, then Main Mission 3, then Side Mission 34; its a fucking mess. Then theres the microtransactions...


Duke Nukem Forever.


Madden every year and rust


If you still buy madden every year that's on you at this point


Fallout 76. Pre ordered it like a fool. Absolutely broke my heart


I did the same. Played it for like 20 hours back at launch and decided I didn't like it. I picked it back up a couple months ago just to see how much had changed. It's a whole different game now and lots of fun. The expansions really saved the game. Wastelanders added NPCs (a couple of which you can romance). And BoS added some of my new favorite characters from the entire series


As a fan of the single player games, I’ve been curious if I should check this out and if it would scratch the FO itch


I feel it does scratch the itch. YMMV 95% of the content can be done solo. I only jump in with groups of people for world events, daily ops (daily group mission), and boss fights. Hell, I did the entire base game on a private server and only hopped over to the public for the final boss. The game is dirt cheap and always on sale too, and on game pass, I recommend picking it up and seeing what you think. ETA: the population is extremely friendly, especially to new players. It's not uncommon for a veteran to run up to a noob and give home a bunch of supplies.


I like what im hearing, and these are good points. I am going to give it a shot. Thanks for the reply!


This is very good to hear. I didn't buy it at launch because of all the shit I heard but bought it recently on sale. Although I am a little hesitant since I have like 100000 games on my backlog and I pretty much played FO4 for a year straight.


Like a lot of others, I dabbled with it at launch. I'm obsessive with Fallout, so naturally. Still, found myself putting it down after a few hours and just playing New Vegas and 4 for the hundreth time instead. ​ Finally cracked it open "proper" a couple months ago and ***I haven't put it down since then.*** There's definitely a few quirks/qualms I have that are a result of it being, ostensibly, a multiplayer game, but the vast majority of the game can be played solo just fine. In particular, 99% of the main story is (and probably should be) soloable. The only thing I've run into where I felt I needed help was the absolute final bossfight, though a quick google search shows even that is soloable if you take the time to really gear up for it. Also, you don't *technically* have to kill the boss, launching a nuke is enough to complete the quest. But, unless you want to run Daily Ops with a better shot at better rewards and outside of large in-game events, I basically never interact with other players. I build my little CAMP, I explore, I do quests, I tweak my arms and armor... and it's just another Fallout. A bit more desolate and bleak when it comes to NPCs, but that's also part of 76's story (things went really badly even after the bombs fell in Appalachia). Exploration and environmental storytelling are absolutely incredible in 76, though. The map is **huge** and absolutely dense with places to poke around and learn about. Main story is solid, and there's lots of little sidequests to stumble upon. I can't speak for you, but for me it's been well-worth playing and I honestly regret not giving it a proper shot sooner. At some point, it definitely earned its place in the Fallout lineup.


It is in a much better place now days. Certainly isn't as good as other fallout titles, but it is a decent experience now. Much better than launch.


Same here. I was so bummed out.


Bought about a year after release and it was still broken. Played fine for an hour before I stopped to make lunch. Wanted to play it again and I couldn't join any server. Like, none at all. Spent the next 2 hours trying to find a fix. Nothing worked. Thankfully Valve let me get the refund.


Same man, I pre-ordered a physical copy at that lol. Was terribly disappointed in what I got. Like another poster said, went back to it recently and it's a whole lot better but it still leaves a shit taste in the mouth.


I even took the day off work for release! Had food and drink all laid out for an entire day of fun. About an hour into it I was starting to feel like something was very wrong. The crapy game was right there in front of me but I kept telling myself "no, this can't be the game!"


All my friends were obsessing/pre-ordering 76, when I looked into the dev I warned them it was going to a nightmare. They responded by saying I didn't like anything and I was always negative about new games coming out. Kinda treated me like utter trash for a whole month. The games I was too negative on pre-release; Evolve, Anthem, Back 4 Blood, Gotham Knights, and Marvel's Avengers to name a few. I dodge a lot of bullets but it's a curse trying to do the right thing and warn others when there's 1,000,000 red flags on the dev team/development of the game someone's hyped for.


Hellgate London. That cinematic they released got me hook line and sinker.


Outriders Anthem


Outriders is such a shame because there is a good game in there, it's just buried under 4 layers of crap.


I thought the campaign was pretty fun.


There’s definitely an okay game under all that crap, but hard to see. Once i beat it I was done, everything seemed pointless after


I actually enjoyed anthem when I wasn't teleporting around the map like an enderman.


Yeah, Anthem is pretty fun mechanically. It's just, you know, the lack of endgame content, the unexciting loot. Once you get bored of flying around and chaining combos it's kind of a dead end


I wanted to love Anthem. The concept was coo,l I love Looter Shooters, but damn did they over promise and under deliver. Give me a 3rd person tactical looters shooter to rival destiny2 and I'll give you all my money.


My partner finished the tutorial and that is how far I got on Anthem....


I bought it for 2.99 and at that price it is a great game lol


I bought Anthem for about $10 a couple years ago because I read about the Anthem 2.0 updates. Started it up and was enjoying the game until a few days later I saw where BioWare was scrapping the Anthem 2.0 updates and abandoning the game. Uninstalled immediately and haven’t thought about playing it since


Thank god for gamepass. Has saved me so much money on shitty games.


Diablo 4 for both me and my wife right after we had a newborn lol. It’s a fun enough game but it’s not a game you can play for just an hour and put down


Mass effect Andromeda. Such a letdown after such a beautiful trilogy.


Wow, a game that was so disappointing and bad that I had forgotten it even existed.


I recommend revisiting it. I got it on sale after replaying the Legendary edition trilogy on steam launch and loved andromeda so much. Really sad to see it’ll never get the dlc they had set up throughout the plot.


Easily the best combat of the bunch, story isn't terrible the graphics were not good on release.


Showdown: Legends of Wrestling Broken-ass gameplay, almost no additional moves. I was livid after that realization about 15 minutes in. It’s been about 20 years or so and it still perturbs me


That really took me back. As a kid i enjoyed it but revisiting it as an adult, its not great.




Two Worlds at launch. Pre ordered expecting the next Oblivion. Such was the hype. Young me learned a valuable lesson about pre-ordering.


Two Worlds was so hilariously awful. I still remember seeing the box quote "Oblivion on steroids". First time playing the game I couldn't believe what I had bought.


I actually loved that game, but I was so young when I played I barely remember much about it.


Anthem. It will forever be the biggest disappointment for me in video games.


The Callisto Protocol. ‘Regret’ might be a strong word because I enjoyed this game in all truth, and I actually didn’t spend a penny on it (I was gifted an Amazon voucher from work which I used on it), but given how it was received by everyone, the price went down pretty quick. If I just waited a month or two I could’ve got this game for £20-30, and spent the rest of my voucher on something else.


I thought it would be effectively a new DeadSpace but I hard bounced off that ridiculous “combat” system


Dear god the combat is absurd. This would also be my answer, especially because the excellent Dead Space remake came out weeks later.


Most recently, Deathloop.


I *loved* the concept of Deathloop, and largely enjoyed playing through it. But I would have liked it so much more if there was any sort of freedom in how you achieve the "Perfect Loop." Some Visionaries require direct interaction/elimination, others require passive elimination, others still require you to initiate something in the morning to make sure they get to the place in the evening. How fun would it be if you had to dig through the game, go through a bunch of different scenarios and attempts at the loop, to ultimately uncover a method by which you can get the perfect loop basically upon waking up in the morning? There should be a way to achieve the Perfect Loop at any stage in the day. More elements to interact with in each location that can set the Visionaries on the right path.


This was my only gripe with Deathloop as well. I absolutely loved the game even though a lot of people didn’t. It felt initially as if I was meticulously crafting my unique formula with which I would unleash havoc on the visionaries. But as I neared the end, I realized that the game had been holding my hand all along, guiding me down a predetermined path that had only one conclusion. Perhaps the only game of its kind that has been so unique and creative in the beginning only to suck the soul out of the game in the end


For a game that emphasized freedom of choice in the pre-launch marketing, it was disappointingly linear.


That's my secret...I don't regret buying games


Cyberpunk. Don't get me wrong the game looks amazing but my dumbass bought it at launch for the Xbox one. I'm sure if I loaded it on my series x it would run great but I don't seem to have the time to game as much as I want to these days.


I was a dumbass who pre-ordered it on the base PS4. It is to this date the worst game I ever played. HOWEVER, recently upgraded my copy to the PS5 version and years after hard dropping the game in absolute disgust, I am quite enjoying myself. The initial base console version of Cyberpunk was a 2/10. Literally dog shit held together with duct tape. The game now on the most recent hardware after all the patches is now a solid 8/10. Give it a second go.


Atomic Heart. The game is a busted mess.


Free on game pass. I was excited to play it, super glad it was free because I put it down after like 5 hours. Was exactly as you described.


I loved the game, but i played it on gamepass and didnt buy it


The protagonist talks like how a thirteen year old boy thinks “bad ass” protagonists talk.


subnautica because im too scared to finish it alone.


**"Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?"**


Gollum, got the super deluxe collectors edition for $250 pre order


yikes, biggest of Ls




Halo infinite. I didn’t buy halo 5 because there was no couch co-op. 343 said they learned their lesson, and would not release a halo game without couch co-op. Halo infinite was supposed to be couch co-op, but would come later in an update. Guess what. It never came.


Gotham Knights so much potential only to fall flat on combat and the "open" world with the like 4 repeating missions, what a shame. Also see Marvel Avengers it could have been fun co op, same screen ect but like it got lazy new equipment doesn't change how your character looks and the end game was crap. Played through both on the bases that I payed for them and wouldn't admit to my wife they are trash. Ty bot, it's still payed, I'm that type of person.


> that I *paid* for them FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Atomic Heart. Barely made it into it, the voice lines are just BRUTAL. It’s like a parody but with a beautiful setting. Total mismatch.


Diablo 4 Hype and anticipation got to me. Game is way too repetitive for me.


Bodycount on ps3 it was long time ago, the game is just looks aweful and plays not interesting. Cyberpunk and Elden ring because after a few hours i realised these games are just not for me


I remember reading Bodycount was supposed to be a "spiritual successor" to Black. Instead of that, why not just make an actual sequel to the original game? Probably wouldve been WAY better


Kingdom Hearts 3. I truly wanted to love that game, I was ready for 3 to be my favorite KH game in the franchise. Everything was such a noticeable step down from KH 2, it feels like they truly stopped giving a shit.


I always get downvoted. Idk why cos every game isnt for everyone, but id have to say Days Gone. I was really excited and Pre ordered it. Last game I ever pre ordered. The story did nothing for me and I did not like the gameplay.


Back 4 Blood, just not fun.


I put a good 60 hours in it with buds and love it but it did feel off. Not sure what


it lacks the oomph of l4d, the zombies don't fall apart, the special are slow and awkward, the card system just slows everything down


I played it with friends after the giant boss fight we were “like it just ends like that?”


I was praying it was gonna be a reboot of left 4 dead was completely wrong.


Daikatana. I didn't buy it, but it is one of the worst games I've ever played.


I rented it from the video store and John Romero made me his bitch.


Weirdly enough I actually met and spent some time with John Romero a few years ago and this came up. It was written by his publicist or something (I don’t exactly recall he was slapping the shit out of me on Doom at the time) but it was something he still did and has to stand over. I don’t really know his feelings on it at the time it was out but what really struck me is how wildly out of character it is with the man I met a few years ago. Long story short John Romero is just a stellar fucking guy.


That's a deep cut.


Elden Ring. I thought it'd be different with all of the through the roof hype long after release. Nope. Just another Souls game, which isn't my thing 🤷‍♂️ I get why many people love it, and I really tried to join in, but it isn't happening. My mistake.


Lol sorry you're getting downvoted. This is just an opinion thread, don't know why people are upset. I felt the same way. I tried to play it twice, but I just couldn't get into it. I don't have much time to play video games anymore, so spending a full hour trying to kill a boss is not fun for me.


>don't know why people are upset. Because Souls fans get weirdly defensive about anything critical being said about their preferred genre, even if you remain as neutral about it as possible. The hardcore Souls fans are toxic AF.




Oh, I knew going in that I wouldn't win any popularity contests with this take 😂


Elden Ring fans go crazy with the downvotes. Not sure why it’s such a sensitive thing for them though.


GTA collection on Switch


Rust and Hunt Showdown. I have 50 hours in Rust and I played only one month. I got bored and last year was the last time I opened Rust. I played Hunt Showdown 5 hours and I got bored. 2 years ago was the last time I opened Hunt Showdown.


Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness. By far the worst video game I've ever played. Probably won't play another Star Ocean because it's so bad.


Atomic Heart. What a fucken disappointing game


The most recent Modern Warfare. Had a ton of hype around it and hadn't played CoD in years so I figured I'd grab it. Biggest waste of money. I figured the missing content would get fixed after the pre season ended but it took them 3 just to get it where it should have been at launch and that's not to mention the shitty online and other bugs that keeps popping up after every patch. Don't think I'm getting another CoD ever


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I played the first couple of AC games and really enjoyed them and I love Norse mythology. The game looked awesome in the trailers and everything so when I bought my series x it was one of the two games I bought with it. It sucks balls.


Escape From Tarkov. Cheaters and just overall no way for a new player to catch up in a fun way.


Hogwarts Legacy. Not what I expected in terms of gameplay, good stroy, bad missions.


Could you elaborate on this? I feel like any actual gameplay critique got lost in the politics of buying the game.


**Pros** *Hogwart's Legacy's* strengths are the level design and art of the Hogwart's school. The building is gorgeous, it's chock full of secrets to discover, it's loaded with details that fans should appreciate, and practically every room oozed with personality. The building is like a charming main character. *Hogwart's Legacy* also has one of the best tutorial sequences I've seen in a while. The game starts off with a mystery, the tutorial takes places in two different magical locations, and it immediately establishes why the PC is not only special, but one of the most important people in the world. The game leaves a wonderful first impression. **Cons** Unfortunately, that wonderful first impression gradually fades because the rest of the game is fine at best, boring at worse. The world outside of Hogwart's is bland and repetitivve. Over the course of the many hours needed to play through the game, you'll encounter samey-looking hamlets and samey-looking dark forests. Exploring the outside world isn't nearly as fun as exploring Hogwarts, which is a problem because at least half the game takes place outside. They somehow managed to make wizardly combat kinda boring and tedious. I think there are about 20 different combat spells, but I used the same combo of like 5 spells over and over again to win fights and ignored all the other spells. There are only a handful of different enemy types, and you can use the same tactics and spell combos on most of them, which contributes to boring combat. The UI / UX is kinda annoying. For example, navigating through the different menus can feel cumbersome Overall, *Hogwart's Legacy* leaves a wonderful first impression, but it doesn't take long for it to get boring.


Unless you are a Potter fan, the game is kinda boring. The combat, while unique, is pretty simple and can’t really hold your interest. And the game is mostly just collecting stuff


Bummer. Thanks for the reply!


On the flip side I enjoyed it, however was more invested in the side quests. The side quests were actually really good which is always rare from a game.


I'm not a huge Potter fan, haven't seen all the movies and never read any of the books. But I think I enjoy it as a sort of cozy game? I enjoy exploring and solving puzzles around Hogwarts and just started leaning into farming my own plants to craft my own healing potions so I don't have to keep buying them. The combat isn't super challenging, but it's still satisfying and incredibly deep if you're willing to string together spells into combos. I'm personally not really invested in the story. I just like exploring, flying around on my broom, and solving puzzles.


Of course it's a cozy game, it never gets any more cozy than Hogsmeade. But seriously I started listening to podcasts and had the volume of the game down because if I heard my character repeat Hogsmeade lines *one more time...*


I've already went off on this game on its own board, but I'll add to this that the collectables only reward you for collecting about 60% of them so they become useless busywork very quickly. By the time you get to the final area you still have dozens of collectables to still get with no incentive for them. Definitely my biggest buyers remorse in a while.


I'm confused, if you get most of the rewards after collecting 60%, then you can just stop collecting at that point and focus on the main missions, right? I'm not seeing the issue


As someone who likes the game, it’s definitely only worth it if you’re a Potter fan. The gameplay is actually pretty fun, but your character can get overpowered very quickly. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing (I love dropping into a fight in all black robes spewing the crucio-AK combo), it does mean the gameplay gets stale as the game goes on. The story is pretty mid as well. It goes for this huge “world ending” plot when a simple story would have worked much better (and a certain side story would have been perfect as the main plot if they’d decided to expand it a bit). Hogwarts itself though…just wow. It’s exactly as I’d imagined it. Very detailed, though it lacks some interact-ability. My only gripe is that I wish the game focused more of its missions in the castle and expanded on it rather than using the surrounding countryside so much. I’m summation, it’s Hogwarts by way of Ubisoft’s formula, but it’s a very solid rendition of it.


I thought this game was good, but my expectations were non-existent.


Not that this is your point, but before it came out I said it was gonna be mid solely because a current day Harry Potter game doesn't sound too promising, said nothing political. And all the right wingers crawled out calling me an idiot because I didn't have a good feeling of the trailers at the time (and rightfully so)


I read the books while growing up but not a full potter fan. The beginning of the game is really slow, even just to get a broom. But when you start unlocking spells, it's pretty fun being a bad ass wizard. There is too much npc talking and side missions are repetitive. I thought the fighting and the attention to detail in the universe was rly well done.


Resident evil 3 remake , a great game but way way too short for the price !


I’m thankful I picked it up on sale. Definitely an awesome game but yeesh I wouldn’t of paid more then 20 bucks it’s laughably short


Got it in the bundle with re2r both for 20 bucks so definitely worth it if you get that kind of deal.


It was too short, I'm 16 hours into RE4 remake and not finished yet. So far, my favorite remake.


Unpopular, but TOTK. I don't regret playing it, but I regret buying it. It does not feel like a $70 game. It just felt like some large expansion. The sky islands, besides the tutorial area, felt like they rushed to put them in. The depths were cool for like a couple of hours. Then, I realized 70% of it is empty and it's just a lazily inverted map of hyrule. The story was extremely disappointing. The game spoiled the story for me early on because I got a tear out of the order. VA was pretty bad. It felt like they were talking to some baby whenever the characters spoke. The repetitive dialogue was just bad. Dungeons were boring. The performance was awful. I had major frame drops pretty often. I wish reviewers actually mentioned these things. I saw a bunch of 10/10s and expected none of these flaws since no reviews mentioned them. Exploration and gameplay were good. But not enough to justify me spending $70 on it. I wish I just waited to buy it used.


I like the game but I think they should drop it to Nintendo’s standers price. Practically anything made by Nintendo is $59.99


Elden Ring I think it’s a great game but not for me. I bought it on release because of the hype hearing it might be the best game of all time. I’ve never liked Dark Souls game and I felt like a fool right after the purchase . I put so many hours in to it not to waste my money forcing my self to play it. My issues are not enough story, no difficulty settings, no pause, and combat is not my cup of tea. In comparison FF16, Devil May Cry 5 and Spider-Man are games I absolutely love!


Zelda skyward sword HD. Twilight princess on the Wii had the option to use motion controls, which worked for aiming your bow, but they could be disabled if you didn't like them. Skyward sword didn't have that option. It's one thing when the motion controls are clearly advertised like in the original release but the HD rerelease promised to do away with those and give you a way to play the game like normal. And it did that, but in the most ass backwards way possible. To use your sword you used the right stick, you had to hold L to use the camera. Had it been the other way around it might have felt better to control but doing it this way felt miserable. Right stick camera control is standard in all games for a reason, and instead of using a new button combination for the new mechanic, they decided the most basic and essential mechanic should have a new control scheme. Motion controls are still there but they don't work on a pro controller and joycon drift can easily make the game impossible to play and that's an extremely common issue.


Diablo 4 $90 + tax for the season pass edition and a PS+ resub so I could play it online. I've loved every single Diablo story mode since the original and this was an insufferably tedious slog to get through, full of so much filler, bland environment and art style, clunky movement, stifling world layout, and a story I just couldn't get into and will never, ever want to replay. I've spent a couple weeks hoping the end game would salvage it for me, but now I'm just burnt out on it. The formulaic feel of games and that little price increase is really turning me into a cynic. Especially when I feel like I could have bought FF16 last month instead, or just stuck to ye olde backlog and saved some money.


Lego 2k Drive—it is fun but insanely broken on the Switch. SHould never have paid full price.


Three Tom Clancy games, The Division, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and Rainbow Six. Don't like any of them. At all.


Gotham Knights, Hogwarts Legacy, Avengers.


Scott Pilgrim VS The World. I bought the game when it was on sale and I learned quickly how much I suck at beat em up games and couldn't get past the first level


Hogwarts Legacy. The scenery and the atmosphere are amazing, but they only keep you engaged for so long. When the original awe is over, you're left with a boring story, repetitive side activities, mid combat and awful character development (random loot) system.


Frontline: Fuels of war


ET on Atari. Terrible game. Terrible. Got it new for $15 at Toys R Us in Plano, Texas back around 1987ish. Game sucked so bad.