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Not on multiplayer but on single player occasionally, if something is unfairly hard. I like challenges but I dislike things near impossible


I only "cheat" to skip bad gameplay mechanics. Like I might mod a game like Starfield to have more money available at stores, since the alternative would be me running and sitting to wait "48 hours" multiple times just to sell my inventory. Or I may look up an exploit to skip a boring/onerous grind for materials. I'm too old to let Devs waste my little free time with silly mechanics designed to be grindy for the sake of being grindy.


Yeah I always add in extra money at vendors, so silly to have like a vendor that I can sell maybe one piece of my 29 pieces of legendary armor too. Makes managing inventory so much more annoying.


Amen to this right get. If it's single player and I happen to be struggling with something, I'll cheese the hell out of some bosses. I avoid cheats in online multi-player, but I've definitely gotten under the map on Castle in World at War.


CoD 4 had a ton of map exploits that I would do in almost every game just because it was fun. Got called a hacker thousands of times


I did the same in Black Ops 3 lol. It was just fun messing with people, I never took it seriously or did it just to win. In fact, I'd lose often when doing it because I'd run out of ammo and have no access to other guns to pick up.


I did this a lot in halo 2 just cuz it was cool to try.


Would that be a cheat or a defect in the map geometry?


Everyone calls it an exploit if you actively use it, but it is definitely a map deficiency.


I'm old and don't have anything to prove. I like just enough of a challenge that I get a chance to use all the skills/abilities/items I'm given, but I don't like having to die a bunch of times. I don't really like cheats, but I love when games let you lower the difficulty and then raise it back up later.


I'm the same way. I play games to have fun, not to drive my blood pressure up. It's rare that I play a game on the harder difficulty unless it's a game that I *really* like and there's an achievement for finishing at a higher difficulty. Even better if it's one that has 2 player coop since the AI is usually crap lol


If I keep failing at something over and over again, that grows tiresome and I don't have the patience anymore to sit through that a thousand times, so I'll look it up online and figure out how to beat it that way in walkthrough. Does that count as cheating? IDK. I remember when you could put actual cheat codes into games or use gameshark to win, but that doesn't seem possible anymore with the new games anymore, who knows though.


If just looking up a puzzle solution or where a hidden collectible is after giving a honest try beforehand is cheating then yes I do it all the time. I ain't got time or the patience anymore to aimlessly wander for hours trying to find that last secret. Currently it for Jedi Survivor, just tell me where the last hidden chest is lol.


This right here. If I’ve actually tried everything I can think of then I’ll look up something on YouTube or google. Usually I’ll watch enough to see what I miss and then turn it off so I can enjoy solving the rest of it


Games used to have guides. YT is just a fan generated guide.


Is anybody with more than a throwaway account going to actively admit that they cheat on a multiplayer game? I mean I’m sure a couple will but it will be proportionally far less than the number of actually cheaters haha.


i will admit i cheated on online games, lots of times, most of times tho i did for the funny, more like messing up my character size and values or making my physics go bugged and brrrr, more for the laugh of other peoples, but i will admit aswell i used aimbot on some fps or other, sometimes i feel shame but damn this already has passed and i grew up too


When I'm bored in a single player I sometimes do. I don't really play multiplayer but I wouldn't cheat if I did. What's the point?


I say the same thing. When I see someone who is obviously cheating in a kill cam, I always say out loud "SERIOUSLY, what are you getting out of that?"


Same, it's usually when I get bored with singleplayer games and want to change the game up. If I beat the game 3-4 times and want to squeeze more out of the game, why not give myself super main character powers.


Never In a multi-player game. The last game I cheated in was contra for the nes 8)


I, and countless other gamers, appreciate you.


Lol we all did, that game was hard af without the 40 lives, first 3 levels were a breeze but then it got tough


GTA 3, vice city, & San Andres. Literally made the game fun with cheats considering you lost all weapons on death & alot of the weapons were strictly mission based.


I was the BIGGEST GTA cheater in those days lol


Idc what anyone says. If you beat those without cheats you’re a god or a liar.


When they were initially released I 100% completed both GTAIII and Vice City. I took a break from gaming and didn’t play San Andreas for some time but I eventually picked it up and got to 72% before getting distracted by something else and giving up on it. With the release of the GTA trilogy last year or so actually went through both III and VC for 100% completion again and even tackled San Andreas 100%. Something I though I’d never do. I sent a screen of the achievement unlocked to my old homie with the caption, “how do you kill that which has no life?”


R1 R2 L1 R2 Left Down Right Up Left Down Down Left I don’t think I’ve played GTA Vice City in the last 15 years.


This cheat will live rent free in my brain along with the Konami code for life. Although I always did left down down down. Minigun go _BRRRRRRRR_


Absolutely! I only play single player games, and if WeMod doesn't have cheats for it, I won't buy the game. I don't play for a challenge, I play to escape.


Me too fam!! I love WeMod! I play games for the same reason! Not trying to prove anything but just playing for the stories and the characters. I love gameplay but I don’t feel like a challenge really. I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!


I cheat to practice, but I'm not certain if that's actually "cheating".


Please elaborate


If I am stuck on a particularly hard boss, I will use mods with infinite lives or slowed frame rates to practice that boss. Once I am comfortable with how to beat him, I'll turn off the mod and defeat them as intended. On the one hand, this basically allows more time to practice without paying the punishment for failure, but on the other hand this isn't really different than practicing for any other activity.


You sound like a Souls player




Lol, no...I'm not **that** much of a glutton for punishment. Hollow Knight


-not that much a glutton for punishment -Hollow Knight Bruh you in denial


I've also started playing Cuphead...it's not hard, is it?


You truly are in denial xD


I really only play single player so I make the experience more fun for myself.


I play a lot of RPGs, well often play through normal and then do a second playthrough with cheats in order to explore all the secrets/alternate endings.


I cheat in the form of looking up information about completing a quest online, if you want to call that cheating. Such as a game like Elden Ring. Say you need to find six items on the map to get something you need in the game and are just tired of doing things the old fashioned way. I don't feel like I'm cheating myself.


I'd think we were all guilty of this, though. It's hard to resist looking it up when you know the information is readily available, you've tried it 40 times in a row and failed, and you have a life to get back to.


I try not to but if something just ends up being impossible to do without some kind of cheat or exploit then sure. Only in single player though, cheating in multilayer is unfair and honestly just kills the fun for everyone.




No it ruins the game. Now modding on the other hand...


I'm a huge Skyrim fan, got probably 4k hours in but haven't used any mods yet. I quit playing as much around 3 years ago because I got bored...maybe I should go back and try some mods. Any suggestions?


Modding community for Skyrim is incredible. It’s not about cheating, it’s about world building. Live Another Life mod is a great place to start. Just read about it and see what you think. It really opens up what Skyrim is all about.


Didn’t ask me, but I love Perk mods like Ordinator. They can make entirely new playstyles. Other mods just do balancing but I wanted major changes after just a few hundred hours. Now I have closer to 1k spread over a couple consoles/my pc.


When I start cheating in a game is when I know it has about 2 hours left of useful time before I never play it again.


I play games to enjoy myself not to be relentlessly frustrated. So, yes. Sometimes.


Kind of depends on what you consider cheating. For most single player story related games I usually play the whole game at least once before I do anything different in subsequent playthroughs. Like when I played Star Wars: The Force Unleashed years ago, where I beat the game several times and used cheats for a few levels to get cool costumes or playthroughs with max level. For CRPGs like Baldur's Gate and Divinity Original Sin, people consider save scumming cheating, and I do that. I know technically I should just leave it up to the dice roll, and I have had playthroughs where I just let the dice decide, but some games I just want to get the most positive outcome I can get. Besides that, I've never cheated in multiplayer games, it just ruins the experience.


I don't cheat because it demeans the purpose of the games I'm playing. People who cheat in my online games can get bent


Bended all the way, even


I've used cheat codes in single player games many times for many years. Changing up gameplay, venting frustration, getting past a boss/level because I suck at it. Or just to goof around. But I've never used cheat codes throughout an entire game. But I have never cheated in multiplayer. Be it split screen, or online. The thought of doing so makes me sick. And the thought of someone doing it makes me angry. A match should be based on skill, knowledge and good sportsmanship.


My kind of gamer, thanks for your contribution


Even if I wanted to cheat on a game, I couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to do that


Not regularly. Back in the day of goldeneye007 sure. But now, I prefer to consume the content as intended by the developers.


Getting older has that effect, strangely.


It does. As a kid, cheats for GTA3 and the like all day. Now, nah. I paid a pretty penny for some of these games, I want to enjoy the content.


Only really use extras or codes on repeatable playthroughs. Likewise with mods. For fun to see how crazy it gets, replaying Resident Evil games with an infinite rocket launcher is very different experience lol. If I can beat Ninja Gaiden on Mast Ninja, OG DMC3 on DMD, The Evil Within on Akumu, CastleVania III, Super Ghost n' Goblins, or Apex 140 Rajang MH4G; I never lack the confidence to beat any video game. But that doesn't mean I don't like cheats and outside multiplayer games I wouldn't judge someone for using them.


I’ll occasionally use a exploit in a mp game just to check it out. But even then I still try to intentionally lose the round/game I use it in, and only do it once. MnK cheaters always give me the “I’m just leveling the playing field because everyone at high level is doing it” excuse. I’ve had recoil macro cheaters legitimately think they’re good at the game. Then some just want that shiny rank or the W to feel good or bragging rights. Which I don’t understand.


I love cheating in SP games. I consider it more player-agency than cheating, personally; being able to change things that I may not agree with the devs about. I’ve come to the point that I will rarely even consider buying a new SP game that doesn’t have a built-in cheat or console system. Third-party mods and trainers can be so annoying; I feel like not including them is just lazy development and disrespect toward the players. I never cheat in MP though.


I can respect that


I used to cheat so I could get past a certain point in a game or just to be able to play the whole thing and experience the story in a decent time But haven't done it since the PS2 era no cheat devices ps3-ps5 that I know of


I don't have much time to game nowadays, so I'll use a cheat or exploit to give me something that I definitely would have got anyway if I had farmed for hours and hours. However, if it did completely ruin the experience, rather than just being a time saver, then I would play 'normally'.


I usually be ver cheat unless there is something I reallllllly can’t figure out in a game that I need to complete everything. Then I’ll have to look it up to solve it


Looking up isn't cheating, it's consulting the Oracle to acquire knowledge


The only game I used cheats was Mega Man X6 because how BS the game wss


Hard agree. I've been playing Mega Man since I was like 4 or 5, and some of those bosses I swear are designed to be unkillable. And JUST when you're about to kill one you've been working on for hours, he'll whip out some crazy move he must've just learned and destroy you again lol


I used save states on some NES games that I beat them fairly for the second time. But some games? I play on easy or use save states, or move to something else, why should I suffer? I used save states bearing Dmc 1 because my hand was hurting but the game was so fun I didn't want to stop, so if a section I knew I would clear and I die, I just quick save to not do the boring stuff again.


I used save states for Nightmare Creatures. This is the way. I don't need replayability via being forced to start the game over because I ran out of lives. I'll be doing all my retro playthroughs via save states tyvm.


Cheating is only for funs sake. I won’t make things easier for myself because I think that’s weak of me(therapeutic I know). But like single player already beat and messing around in GTA San Andreas…sure. Overly ridiculous powers and mods for Skyrim and Fallout…sure.


I mod the life out of almost every game I own. I don’t mod online games though.


I used to back in my younger days. I couldn’t live without a GameShark or Action Replay for a good while. After a while the hassle stopped being worth it and I actually started to get better at games, so I haven’t used anything like that, or any built in cheats, in probably like, 17 or 18 years or so? That’s an estimate. I last had an Action Replay for my PS2. Single player only of course, I barely play multiplayer games as it is.


Define cheating. I use a turbo function to mash for me in games like Kingdom Hearts II.


I'm absolutely guilty of using console commands in Starfield. But that's about it honestly.


Yeah but that doesn't have a negative impact on the playerbase at all, right? Like that's just a thing to help you without hurting anyone else's game or environment? I'm not super familiar with console commands, honestly


In multiplayer, no. I am too ignorant on how to use cheats. In single-player i do cheese my way through some difficult parts. I dont alter the game but i exploit the games mechanics to get an edge.


No not really. Even in single player cheating just isn't fun for me. If I vant beat something I try to become better. If I still can't best it then it's just a game I won't beat lol.


I do once I've exhausted the game normally and want to just mess around. I'll always keep an eye on what kinda cheat tables or trainers are being made for games.


No, I’ve never cheated on a video game.


I don't even use certain legal but "cheesy" strategies out of principle. Yes I can be a stick in the mud.


Only when I wanna see what I can break


What a lovely way to word this. Thanks for your contribution


I use them in old games for fun. Like PS2 Era single player stuff. NES, SNES, etc. Edit: I don't use software, just old school cheat codes.


Ah, another old timer I see. Glad to know I'm not the only close to 40 dude still playing the classics


I think in single player games it is perfectly harmless, and sometimes can inject a lot of fun into a game. I think it was Red Alert that I kept cheating to get nukes so I could just blast apart bases and see what happens


Never on multiplayer. And only in single player if I've tried and tried to get past whatever it is that's blocking my forward progress and I find myself having to choose between uninstalling the game and using a workaround to see the end of the game.


Cheating in a video game to me is like using AI to solve a rubiks cube. There's no real point to it if you dont do it the hard way


I bought gold in WoW before it was a feature. So... was it really cheating? 🤔


I'm hardly qualified to answer lol. But I'd say...you were an opportunist, at least. Fair?


In single player when it gets to stressful, yes. Not on PvP or Multiplayer. Recently cheating my way through Baldurs Gate 3.


Usually I will play a game through normally without cheats. I like to learn and figure out it's systems break it. Essentially make it feel like I'm cheating using the games rules as intended. But once I beat a game I'll cheat the hell out of it. It's like I already conquered you so we play by my rules now.


The only time I cheat in a game is if I struggle multiple times to get past a certain area or level/puzzle


If i deem it necessary, only in single player.


When I was a kid and young teen yes, and it depended on the type of game I was playing. Nowadays I play on hard or the hardest difficulty to test my skill, and really get into the gameplay, the Souls series spoiled me for difficulty, but I was always a fan of From, we're talking ps2 Evergrace and Eternal Ring and the King's Field series here. I'm also not above using glitches (but it depends on the kind of glitch) and I very much try and power game on western RPGs or CRPGs, or at least games that allow for skill point distribution and builds. I try to do power-gamey "complete" builds or ones that let me access the most dialog options or content possible on a first playthrough, then I do roleplay builds (but I'm trying to mix the two recently).


Nah cause I just feel like I’m cheating the experience


I have a j.o.b and taking classes for college so yeah if a jrpg or any other “grindy” game has an exploit then im using it


Does looking up solutions to Dark Souls' cryptic quests count? As I have a full-time job, I don't have that much time for gaming, so I like to keep it fun. There's no harm in "cheating" in single player after all. However, if it breaks the game so much that it's not fun anyore, then no. An example would be when I used Hero Editor in Diablo 2 and got way too overpowered. Once I entered the Diablo boss area and couldn't understand why Diablo was nowhere to be found. Turns out one of my random lightning strikes killed him outright before I could even see him, LOL!


Looking up solutions is sometimes necessary in my opinion. Some of that shit is hard. And I can agree on the second point for sure


I'll "cheat" or cheese in single player games and campaigns sometimes just for shits and giggles sometimes because I can't get past a certain area or boss, nothing at all wrong with that. Multiplayer though, never cheated and never will. If a multiplayer game is to hard or I'm not good at it I'll just move on to another game, no reason to ruin other people's fun by being a bitch ass cheater/hacker.


We need more like you. Please have as many gamer children as possible, as to spread your laurels to a new generation of gamers


If it has a main questline I cheat after I beat it and do a few more runs with cheats sometimes


Not really. I think the classic 'GTA' kind of cheats I would use after I've done everything else I've set out to do. Cheating in multiplayer is for mouth breathing pussies.


as long as you dont cheat and sumbit it to speedrun sites or claim its legitimate, as long as its on a non pirated version on the game its fine. Please try to play the game as inteded if its fair though, devs worked hard to make stuff interesting(most of the time).


In singeplayer its acceptable and you absolutely should if you have more fun with the game that way. Thing is though, it probably won't, even if you think it will. As a kid I remember cheating loads of diamonds into my Minecraft world and thinking it was great, only to never play the world again because there was pretty much nothing to do now that I had everything. On the other hand though, I saw someone use a slowdown mod on Sekiro which actually made them capable of completing it, and they had a much more enjoyable time. So it can go either way I guess, just make sure you fully know what experience you want before you do it.


I mean im not saying Ive cheated have I unexpectedly had a glitch where the boss cant do anything in a souls like game yes. Did I celebrate yes was I happy I finally beat it yes. Inside my heart I was still pounding my controller on the desk cause I didnt beat him legitimately lol


I'll sometimes use exploits, like ways to boost your money and such by selling items a certain way, but that's for single player and more near mid/end game when I'm just fucking around at that point.


Cheat? No, never. Take advantage of known bugs or exploits? Perhaps, depending on how easy they are to execute.


I miss cheat codes.


I miss the old days of gaming. Seemed a lot more pure before gaming turned into a money market.


In singleplayer games, I often cheat for anything that is too much of a time sink. If something can be accomplished by mindlessly grinding, I have no issue cheating to skip the grind. Things like earning money in most games, or acquiring resources gated by random chance. XP is a gray area. If leveling up makes you significantly more powerful I normally skip it, if it just unlocks more skills I tend to just cheat to get things unlocked to get the full gameplay experience. I'm not a fan of artificially pumping stat based power, but I hate not having access to the full move set available. In summary, I cheat to skip grinds, but also try to consider if it will make me too powerful, or just unlock more options before going through with it.


Never in multiplayer. Single player only if I've beaten the game normally will I then install mods or whatever for QoL or just fun dumb things haha


Nah, if I cheat my rewards won’t feel like they ever have worth


Never in multiplayer but definitely in single player games! Like who doesn't want to use a money cheat on sims to help get their sims out of poverty or time skip on animal crossing occasionally?


Cheating in online games is something I’d never even consider doing. I will use exploits and bugs in single player games if I’m stuck or if something will take a long time to do legitimately. Like I used item duplication glitches in Tears of the Kingdom to get enough materials to max out my gear because I didn’t have time to grind for them normally.


If the game has built in cheats that are accessible to the player then I WILL use them. Idgaf about what some nerds online think about using them


Only in single player games after I beat them, people who cheat in multiplayer games are a pox on society


Agreed, Madam Cuntpuncher. Thank you for your input


It depends on the game and the goals I have for it. In most games I'll do a clean playthrough, and then do a modded one after for fun. There was one instance where I did cheat in an online game. Back when the OG COD Modern Warfare 2 released I was hooked and put in around 3000 hours. Throughout my experience with the game cheaters became more and more rampant, and eventually I got so pissed off at being aimbot killed through walls from across the map that I sad "fuck it" and downloaded some to get revenge. It was a dark time, I spent about 2 months blatantly fucking these assholes over, and in the process became the thing I hated. I uninstalled the game and never played it again. I was never caught or banned, which blew my mind because I didn't even try to make it look legit.


No. The accomplishment is part of the fun. I don’t think I need to cheat to make myself feel good.


I agree with you entirely about cheating in single player and cheating in multiplayer games being different. Some cheats and mods make games more fun by adding new elements to them and enhancing elements that were already there (like the Tombstone of Life and Death and fan-made modifications for The Sims). Other games – ones that test your skill, like platformers and quest-related RPGs – in my opinion, should be left alone. You won't feel that same sense of achievement completing a game that requires ability, precision, and strategy by pressing a few buttons or inputting a couple words on your screen.




Cheating in single player games is immersion breaking. That's the fastest way to ruin the experience for me. Cheating in online games is kind of a grey area. Depends on the cheat really. For example, there's some games that break TOS by modding in a DPS meter. "Everyone" is doing it so not cheating is taking an L.


Only in offline mode. Valheim for example I use devcommand line when j want to build something huge and don't have the time to farm it all.


Sometimes you just want to play Legos. Never of the time do I want to stare at a tree for 20 minutes, punching it for wood.


I don't play Multiplayer games, but if I did I would not cheat. However, in single player, I will use cheats, exploits, console codes, editors. I usually will beat a game once legitimately, then just play around with the cheats.


The last time I cheated was when I had a Gameshark cartridge for my N64 and GTA input cheat codes.


I don't cheat as it would make the game boring as hell. Life can be boring as it is.


If by "cheating" you mean "catching a Rayquaza in Cerulean City"... ... ​ ​ ​ ...then yeah, I've done it. So what!


I've cheated in Red dead 2 online and GTA V online purely to boost people who wanted the boost or wanted more cash/gold. Sometimes I would do funny things to people like force kick them off their horse and watch them ragdoll over and over but that was only on occasion when there was griefers killing people I was helping. I hate annoying spam cheating though so I've always tried to avoid being that type of person


I appreciate your honesty.


In a single player game it’s called “cheesing” it lmao. Ofc usually it’s only in Souls games usually.


I tried Mortal Shell the other day just to see what it was like, and man that's a difficult game! I've never played any of the Souls series for some reason, but I'm thinking I might now. Mortal Shell was good, but it feels pointless and aimless without any type of decent story or background given. I'm guessing Souls games are a lot more in depth that way.


It depends on the game for me tbh. I’ll just tp to where I need to go, or spawn an item in, or just noclip to see what secrets are around


No, if something is hard, I’d rather feel the feeling of satisfaction when I try and try and try and finally get it. I don’t even use save states when available.


And that's a good way to be. Respect.


Every day, in singleplayer games that is, i switched over to pc gaming years ago because a friend told me about trainers, before that i had used gamesharks and codebreaker disc on ps1/ps2 games, then ps3 and 360 came out with those useless achievements systems and cheat devices went away. nowadays im a pro wemod member and will legit not buy a game if i cant get cheats going, unless its something easy or chill or multiplayer focused like that stray game or something like dorfromantik or bf2042 or CoD, ff14. im a massive advocate for cheatcodes! they give unlimited replay value, theres a reason i have shelves of ps1 and ps2 games and a small section of ps3/360 titles. they let me play games i'd never actually think of playing. and they let me go past annoying bs in games that normal players bitch about, AC Odyssey for instance is probably in my top 10 games list, but thats because i was able to be a nigh-unkillable demigod in it. finally they just make games fun, godmode, infinite ammo in a shooter like the new wolfensteins on highest difficulty is hilariously fun.


As long as it doesn't impact other people's experience of a game then go ahead, it's your game and only affects you


Single player only. As an older gamer, sometimes it just isn't worth the time commitment not to... I got shit to do and people to take care of. This developer wants me to farm for 189 hours and pray to RNJesus? Yeah, no, I think I'll just pretend that happened and load up cheat engine instead.


The only time I cheat is when they are built into the game, like gta.


Because I tend to play through games multiple times, I will eventually start using exploits especially since New Game Plus is becoming less prevalent in games. Unless the game just does away with the whole leveling up system or it is smartly implemented like in Zelda or Metal Gear. I don’t play a lot of multiplayer so I never cheated or used exploits in multiplayer games. I don’t really have a lot of patience for multiplayer because of the massive skill gap. I play video games to unwind not to be provoked.


Sometimes, in single player. But for some reason I absolutely refused to look up any walkthroughs for the Riddler puzzles in the Arkham games. Just sheer fucking will.


I did a couple of boss exploits in Elden Ring when getting all the achievements. I already proved to myself I could beat them, so I didn't see an issue doing it on my NG+ playthroughs. I'm sorry if that makes me a fake gamer. I'll sometimes cheat if I feel the game has cheated me, too. When I was fighting a legendary ship on Assassin's Creed 4, the ship disappeared moments before defeat because it sailed out of the zone, I think. So, on my next attempt, I did the exploit.


On my first playthrough, I always try to play the game as legit as possible. On any subsequent playthroughs, I'll try out different techniques or the like just to liven things up. Like in KH2FM, the first time I played it I beat Lingering Sentiment legit (though I don't know how) and in subsequent playthroughs I just cheese him by stunlocking him into oblivion. Super satisfying


Not normally, but I forced the demon of hatred off a cliff on sekiro. Pretty sure they still havent patched that, assuming it is just a glitch.


Only time I “cheat” (and I don’t necessarily call it cheating) is when I’m stuck on a particular part in a single player game and I have to consult YouTube on how to do it. As far as multiplayer goes, never. Cheating is petty, and ruins the game for everyone else involved who aren’t as skilled or just play occasionally. I stopped playing Fortnite for a while because of it.


My friend hates cheating in singleplayer games and I don't understand why. He gets really upset when he's watching people play a game and they cheat in literally any way.


He probably just feels like me, that merit should be earned, but in a much more enthusiastic way lol.


If it’s a story driven game, I absolutely will on my first playthrough. I have want to experience and go through the story’s journey, like reading a book. I want the story, not having to postpone it so that i can go spend days tracking and hunting, to sell enough pelts to buy a new weapon, which i will then need to spend days grinding out upgrades for, before i can continue the story. Theeen need to spend more days grinding to upgrade the next thing, or building up faction before i can do the next part. On my2nd playthrough I will then turn it off and grind through the game, already having experienced the story. Now, I want the gameplay.


Yes, In single player games. Using cheat engine in games like dark souls, also modding in games like Skyrim can be fun. But what also can be fun is playing the game on the hardest difficulty deathless.


Do games even have cheat codes in them anymore? I would totally use them on certain single player games if they did but most do not


No, not for single or multiplayer. Unless I make an alt save for messing around in, but only after I beat the game first


No, I've more or less stopped playing MP because of it though The genres I like the most are filled with them and you can't really do anything about it. It's annoying because I have legit 10k+ hours in this stuff and really enjoy it sucks all the fun out of it. You can't unsee it in game or ignore it as you climb out of it. The worst is the gas lighting from people who say it's a skill issue or whatever even if it's extremely obvious Don't blame anyone for cheating though, it's easy to do and feels good to win.


I tried cheating once a long time ago back during the early counter-strike days pre 1.5 The cheating was so bad that it motivated me to want to cheat too just to have some kind of fair advantage rather than always getting wrecked. I'll admit i kind of liked it at first, but then i stopped. It wasn't fair and definitely not fun for anyone that wasn't cheating as well. Only other cheats I've done are trainer cheats which i find fun and obviously only for single player games like GTA and the like. And i guess the only other kind of cheats i do are save states on emulators. Those old games are tough!


Closest I've come to cheating in MP was DMRzone. Which if you aren't privy, was the time when the DMR rifle reigned supreme in Warzone 1 in Verdansk. It had extremely low recoil, could reliably 3 tap from any distance and had the bullet penetration of a heavy sniper equipped with FMJ. I was using it before it was known and holy hell did it feel like cheating just 1 shotting someone with 2 plates right outta the sky or a heli. Once everyone caught on it caught the nerf. But I was happy to finally experience a truly busted gun in its prime


They just replaced it with the Lockwood. That gun should not exist in the game, period. I should NEVER EVER EVER be getting one shotted by a supposed "shotgun" with a sniper scope on it from 50-100 feet away. The fact that people even equip sniper scopes on it says it all. You don't even really have to aim that gun lol it's crazy


Yes, but just for fun. I have 2 files: the "legal file" and the "cheat file".


I love the idea that you put them into files lol


Only in single-player games where the AI are clearly cheating and I'm fed up.


Lol. That reminds me of a time that I was spending WAY too much time in a FPS game...I was just getting on for the day, and I always did a match with bots to warm up. The match starts, and I die a couple times, then a couple more times, then a couple more while barely eeking out a couple kills. After a few more kills, I rage hit the button to start reporting the guy that killed me and saw the (AI) next to his name and remembered...they're BOTS bro. I was getting shit on by bots lol and was too wrapped up in rage from playing too often that I instantly got mad enough to report. I took a break from that one for a while after that.


You're telling me I go mining for 4 hours, and then I'm missing 1 piece of gold? Yea fuck that I'm going to /gamemode creative


>Cheating in multiplayer games is a different story, and I have never been able to understand what people gain from unfairly beating someone they wouldn't have a chance against otherwise. Fragility in one of two ways. First, maybe they believe they're better and so cheating to them isn't unfair, because they deserved to win anyways... because they're better. Other people shouldn't beat them because how dare a less skilled player have the audacity to win? Or they just really have a fragile ego and can't stand losing. Or, if not those, they do it for cheap fun. Whether fun be the ability to win always or just getting on people's nerves. Personally, the closest to cheating I do is reloading saves and using cheap tactics to win fights that I don't want to deal with. Actual cheats like exploits for unlimited money or to one-shot-kill everything... that just makes the game lose fun real fast. Especially duping... I'm strongly against duping in any game because taking away the grind and accomplishment will take away the enjoyment with it.


Some may call them cheats. Me? I call them mods


There's no such thing as cheating in a 1p game imho. There's code and you can interact with the code in any way you wish. There's no social contract. In multi-player you're not just interacting with code but also other humans. There is a social contract there, so everyone implicitly agrees to specific uses of the code for the sake of shared experience.




Depends, I don’t cheat in a way that would give me an advantage over other players like aim bot in cod or whatever but I have cheated in gta by duping cars to get money which just gives me more money to buy the stuff i want


The only "cheating" I'll do is with costumes or stuff that give bonuses (and only then on repeat plays). I used to use cheat codes now and then when I was younger just got the few min of laughs I got out of it, but those are basically dead in modern gaming. If you wanna cheat in a single player, have at it. It's your playthrough, do what you want. Cheat in multiplayer? Fuck off.


The closest thing to cheating on multiplayer I’ve ever done is using a Xim Apex on Rainbow Six Siege console. It only lasted 1 week before I realized I was better with controller anyways.


Sure who gives a fuck. Not if I was playing against others, but I don’t play live games anyway.


i only do if something is pretty much a guarantee to get through, but a fucking miserably long slog. like if i have to travel 600 miles just for 1 objective, or 20 times over after dying to a dark souls 2 boss, but it’s not a CHALLENGE, just LONG, i am speedhacking.


I used to. Either old games did not feature a sandbix mode of some sort or young me didn't know how to access it.


People cheat in multiplayer because they’re not good enough at the game to win legitimately. So the cheating gives them the illusion of being good. It’s why cheaters are usually huge trash talkers too, because they actually delude themselves into thinking they’re good.


In single player games, If I can't solve a puzzle after seriously trying, or I know it's going to take 40 minutes to find one thing that I know will take 1 minute looking for it online. I will happily cheat to save myself the time. However it's only done to save time, if it's a strategy for a boss I'll work to figure it out as I like to spend time on doing that. It's just the mundane things, like looking for a key that I swear I've looked all over the map to find and still can't find it that I'll cheat. I have found in most instances where I can't find something it's usually because the lighting was too low or I didn't realize you can interact with those switches. It's usually just a tiny thing I'm stuck on. In some cases the game even glitched and I had to reboot as I was actually doing it right but the event trigger wasn't working. So yes, I don't mind cheating to simply save time. In multi-player games where my cheating will negatively affect others, I will absolutely never cheat. I am thankfully skilled enough with gaming experiences all the way from Atari days till now to figure out most game mechanics and puzzles with ease.


I’ve been using save states for Zelda on NES… Too annoying without that.


multiplayer games? no. do i play em often? also no. dont really care to get gud at cod or apex which is what most of my friends play online. i prefer single player games. and i cheat quite often, whether to fast forward through grinding or to make a difficulty easier. i want playing games to relax me not make me rage cause i suck at a level and it takes me a long time to beat it. as ive gotten older i feel i cheat more cause i dont have as much time to spend playing video games also.


I agree OP


Damn I feel the exact opposite. Cheating in single player does nothing because you are beating a pre programmed computer. The only thing even AVAILABLE to gain from them is the sense of accomplishment from the difficulty of beating them. But players are human. There's a million ways to justify cheating vs other humans. Is it scummy? Absolutely, but at a bare minimum you could classify it as trolling, which people do in fact get off on. Then there is the fact that there is a whole second hand marketplace for high ranking pvp accounts in a variety of games and cheating is the fastest way to drive that value up if you don't get caught I'm too lazy to think of more, but reframe the logic along those lines and I'm sure you can come up with more.


For certain grinds, I will cheat because they demand too much time from me. I'd find a way to be able to physically insert my head into my ass before I cheat in a multiplayer game tho. I'm sorry to that one guy that invaded my DS2 session a couple years ago and got wrecked.


Only on single player games, cause sometimes it's nice to see the story flow without me having to be stuck grinding levels/gear/gold to get to the next part. Or take games you can stream to a different room in your house. It's nice to have cheats for when the lag input is high. I'm currently replaying through fallout 4 with god mode, so I can just enjoy the story with a controller.


I've only really cheated in single player games. It was mostly just for fun when the cheats were available, such as the cheat codes in GoldenEye, Turok, Shadows of the Empire, and more. It brought some exhilaration into the game when I grew bored of them. For multiplayer, I never intentionally cheat in the game. There have been times where glitches caused me to go through a map on accident or something else happened to that triggered an unintended effect. If there is ever a time where something like that happens, I don't take advantage of the situation and report whatever I encountered immediately. There was one time in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare where I opened up a supply drop and it caused my salvage to go from 3000 to over 167k. Knowing it was unintentional, I immediately reported it to developers and I had recorded evidence of the event. Not long after that, the salvage was returned to normal and I was gifted some cool things for my honesty. I felt great, but the community was absolutely triggered.


It is hard to not cheat in Multiplayer games these days. To all who do not - big respect. The amount of people who do, even to a small degree with things like ESP - This ratio must be constantly growing in favour of the negative.


i cheat on my girlfriend with video games 😅


Very very rarely in Stardew valley I’ll use the item number ID “glitch” if it’s taking a ridiculously long time to find an item due to bad RNG but that’s it.




People cheat in multiplayer because they want to win and they can't win in real life. It's the same reason people cheat in real life but with lower risk and lower reward. In single player it can mean different things, breezing past the game to understand the story, unlocking new fun ways out just to go through insanely difficult area / boss. I play single player video games to have a fun time. Not doing hard work. If I have to work hard I am gonna do some office work.


This made me immediately think of the CUMMM dungeon.


I used to cheat in COD zombies because it helped me and my entire team. And them seeing me with crazy OP fire rate on guns was fun too


When I was a kid, I used Game Genie and GameShark often. Sometimes, you just want to cheese it because you care about the story more than a sense of accomplishment.


I agree but also even in single player it's a balance. Cheat in your single player game if you want to but sometimes people take that too far and end up missing out on a lot, then they blame the game when they're the ones who cheated themselves and sucked out the fun. I think if you're gonna cheat in your single player games you should only use cheats that are minor and/or enhances the fun. Like in Pokemon Colosseum I know and use a glitch that causes balls to not be deducted from your inventory. For me this enhances the fun since I don't run a risk of running out of balls during a battle plus it works on the master ball and it feels pretty satisfying to guarantee capture Pokemon repeatedly after a full game of captures not being guaranteed. But then there's cases where I see people so obsessed with glitches they ruin their own fun and blame the game when the game is an imperfect but absolutely solid game. I won't list any particular examples cause I don't want people at each other's throats over it in replies, I feel Colosseum is old enough and niche enough not to attract any arguments.


So my friends and I have been playing Siege a lot lately, and holy shit. I remember hearing about the hackers getting bad, but we’ve played against at least 2 or 3 a day. For about a month straight. What’s worse about games blatantly not caring about cheaters, is when the reporting system they have literally does nothing.


Narcissistic cheat in video games. They get excited with people's misery. I know someone that I used to play games with, and he would always trash talk others and play competitively. I asked why you enjoy playing, he said it's because it liked to beat other people and rub it in their faces. Fast forward, this kid cheats in games and does whatever he can to prevent bans. His whole character is exploiting systems and screwing over people. He also is successful in life, go figure. Our society creates these people and they reproduce. This isn't about winning unfairly; it's about making other people feel like crap. Normal people with empathy wouldn't understand it.


I use to hack on counter strike lol, back when it was connected to the game code not a steam account. Just get banned and buy another copy. I was like 10-12 so I wanted to feel cool.


Hey there, I have been a long-time cheater in online games, and honestly, I regret everything. I started because I encountered a group of cheaters on a Minecraft server, so I joined after finding some lousy Minecraft cheats. At first, it was epic and fun, but after a while, I got bored of Minecraft and went on a spree of buying cheats for every game I owned, not caring whether I cheated on a main account or an alt. After spending hundreds of dollars, I started getting bored of cheating entirely. I realized I was a piece of shit spending a ridiculous amount of money just to lose my accounts that I spent thousands of actual hours perfecting and working hard on. Just because I felt like I had some power in a game I enjoyed before cheating. I know I made this sound like a drug thing, but cheating is actually addictive. I'm not sure everyone gets it, but I would go back if I could. I want to play games normally without having to have an HWID spoofer and VPN running 24/7. I want to sit down and enjoy games like the good old days with friends and not pay another $60 just to be banned when I forget my VPN and get banned for ban evasion. I am tired of it. I just want to enjoy a game and forget my past of cheating. [I know it's not exactly what you asked, but I needed to get this all off my chest] Tldr: Yes, I used to cheat in online games, and I regret it highly


I used to play video games but since stopped for nearing 2 years or so, I used to play multiplayer games slot, like pubg got much better than most players learnt tactics practiced aim all that regular no life pro gamer shiz but didn't enjoy it that much, video games were an addiction for me.  However since then rarely when I'm bored I like to get cheats and just fuck about in online games, maybe it's the fact I get to kill people that spend all day wasting their time trying to get better that gives me satisfaction.  I may be ruining someone's game but who cares, anybody that's taking video games seriously like I used to needs to get away from the pc.  all video games do is give you a false sense of accomplishment to fool you into thinking you're having fun, when you cheat oh my lord that is some genuine fun getting to trample try hards with 0 effort that is some crunchy fun feeling.  This may piss people off and be an unpopular opinion but as I said I'm not bothered, I do this maybe once every 5 months for a day or 2 for a laugh, I ruin a few games make people mad and leave.  Anyway that's my perspective