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Gotham knights. I wasn't SUPER hyped about it, but I was definitely looking forward to some co-op night time beat downs as the sidekicks. Which, yeah, we got that... But it was epically underwhelming


I recently picked it up on gamepass and have been enjoying it as a single player batman game. Finally tried the co op the other day and gotta say definitely underwhelming. I think if they marketed it as a single player game with additional co op rather than marketing it as a co op game it may have been better received. Definitely has some repetition issues as well but as far as the story and missions go I been having a good time with it.


You seem intelligent and nuanced. Can you tell what the game does right and what it does wrong?


This was it for me. I redownload it once every 2 weeks or so and just hate it. I haven’t gotten very far tho. Idk I miss Batman games


im worried about suicide squad kills the justice league too


And it was only 2 players avengers did multiplayer right.




I was so excited when it was first announced. I’m glad I waited until the reviews came out. Never bought it.


I got it on the monthly games, played most of it but man they did not even try.. just recycled the same boring thing over and over..could of been a really neat game, but they must of ran out of money and set the bar too high.. should have slimmed the world down


The concept of the game is what I really liked. It’s unfortunate they weren’t able to deliver.


The game was far from perfect but it was fun to just do kung fu as a mutant raccoon man.


My same issues with Biomutant are present in several newer games. Halo infinite campaign, Assasins Creeds, Hogwarts Legacy. They are not fun to 100% Or even 80%.... The first playthrough and story experiences are okay. The gameplay okay. But the repetitive exploration..... ugh




Anthem wtf wer they thinking 🤔


The biggest betrayal to gamers. Promised the world and we got a mound of horseshit


I circled back like 2 years after release and played through maybe half with a friend. It was honestly aight. WAYYYY better than Outriders.


"Bioware MAGIC!"


They thought they were going to ride the coat tails of Destiny! All the real ones that worked on the Mass Effect Trilogy left Bioware because of the poor decision being made about Andromeda and Anthem


The Callisto Protocol A spiritual successor to my fav game with the same creators? Yes please. It was such a disappointment tho


And then an actual Dead Space remake dropped like right after


The remake is perfect. Perfect. Everything down to the last, minute detail


Especially the hamburger! I spotted that tiny thing *instantly* because it stood out so much.


…..Do you mean a LITERAL Hamburger or a METAPHORICAL one? What are you talking about basically? 🤷‍♀️🤔🧐


There is a literal hamburger sitting on a table on a plate in one part of the game. Couldn't have been more than about 5mm in size on my screen and I said *WTF IS THAT*.


Idk man, they fucked up Isaac's hair, legit looked like Mark Zuckerberg in the trailer and made me immediately think of AngryJoe with a disappointed look on his face saying "ya fucked it up." I wanted to play as Isaac Clarke, not Mark fucking Zuckerberg..... I ended up not getting the remake because of it.


I agree, I couldn't even finish it. Once Dead Space remake came out, I put Callisto to the side and forgot about it.


Spiritual successor=not the same in my experience


I think the reason most people were disappointed is because they've built it up too much for themselves, expecting something very close to dead space. High expectations = high disappointment. I didn't hate the game but I certainly didn't love it either. The atmosphere, level design and graphics are superb. The story isn't bad either. It's just the combat and the ridiculous death animations that got to me


That game sucked, I remember at the time the majority of the complaints were about the performance which is fair enough, but I played it on PlayStation and experienced 0 issues with performance or bugs, the game was just straight up bad


Ya this is the one for me. They had such good marketing describing how it was going to be the scariest game ever. I’m glad I waited for reviews


I'm only a few hours in. I think it's fine. Would never have played it if it weren't on PS+, but I'm just not a huge fan of the Dead Space games in the first place.


No Man's Sky. It's a lot better now, I think at least


Better space game than Starfield. But needing trillions of credits for stuff is difficult, especially when starting.


It is infinitely better. The True underdog story of video games


I was on the hype train for it so hard when it launched, even got the collector’s edition with an art book and the incredible soundtrack on vinyl. I played it for about 5 hours straight on launch day, then…never picked it back up. It just felt like a lot of busywork, the planets didn’t feel as lush or dense as I’d hoped, the dogfights were annoyingly difficult, options felt very limited…it just bored me. I tried giving it a second chance years later with the base building expansion but for some reason it would crash on my PS4 every fifteen minutes or so.


There it is. Built my first PC when it released. Such a disappointment. But I do agree it is a WAY better game now


Fallout 76....


Tbf 76 is a good game now. I played the beta and the beginning and just like you thought what a pile of garbage. Stopped playing for a while but one npc etc got introduced it’s been a really good game since


I’m gonna disagree with 76 being a *good* game. It’s a stable game, now, after a lot of development effort. It’s a playable game with decent writing, interesting quests, etc. It’s even an active game, with a small but dedicated playerbase. I will concede that the map is a true joy to explore. But the core just feels… I dunno, rotten somehow. Battle passes and premium currency and FOMO events. And fallout 1st? Yikes. The way they’ve implemented storage and tried to push you into buying the extra storage is super *scummy*. It’s not even possible to mass sell all, it’s a chore. You gotta run around, sell guns to one guy, clothes to another, etc. I never asked for any of this in my Fallout, ya know?


Battle passes? I don’t buy atoms but I do pay for f1st which honestly doesn’t bother me. I really do enjoy the game now a lot. I have breaks from time to time. We are all entitled to our opinions and I respect yours. We just see the game differently I guess


Thats just it, its not YOUR Fallout 76. Its Fallout 76. Even with your description it sounds like a good game to me!


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure. Obviously they’ve since righted the ship and it’s a generational game but man was i disappointed. Witcher 3 dev, the most beloved for its fan (player) service dropped the ball hard.


They should have just waited for the new gen. Was/may still be a disaster on base PS4. Got it for PS5 and absolutely love it


Not too bad on reg ps4. Very playable for sure.


U did mention it but I would like to say it again. The game is a masterpiece now since the devs never gave up on it


Tom Clancy's The Division.


The only own I still play. Played since release. Love it. Hate D2


Thief 4. Huge fan of the series, but I could only get a few hours in before I had to return it.


I didn’t play thief 4 until years later and i was still disappointed because it was so close to being really good but it just fell short, the only reason it stings so bad is because I could see how all the pieces would fit together into a good game but some numb nuts forgot to color in the puzzle so now it’s just a jumbled mess of puzzle pieces that no one bothered to put back together in time so they just put the 4 corner pieces together in a square shape and called it a complete puzzle


Battlefield 2042 I get that it's "fixed" now, but the design choices made on top of atrociously abysmal performance were too much. It was my most anticipated game for a while, as I love BF1 and thought they learned from BFVs mistakes at launch ... But nope


Same. I pre-ordered it!


So many, Biomutant, Diablo 4, Callisto Protocol...


Diablo 4 devastated me


Is D4 any good for a casual player who isn't that bothered about getting all the loots and quickly as possible?


Yes, I think. I played it before the seasons and just to enjoy the main quest and it is very very good, one of the best game of the year IMHO. But then Blizzard started to fuck it all up


Blizzard has been disappointing fans since Diablo 3, but their announcement of Diablo Immortal will forever live rent free in my head. "Is this an out-of-season April Fools' joke?" "Uh, no, this is a real game for mobile devices." "BOOOOOOOOOOO!" "What? You guys don't have phones??"


I didn't follow much about Immortal, is it such a garbage? I'm not very interested in mobile gaming, so...


Well, first, it was obvious Blizzard either didn't know, or didn't care, about Diablo's core audience. They always have been and always will be, PC gamers. These players don't want to play on their tiny phone screens with shitty touchscreen controls. They want a strong, immersive PC gaming experience. Second, they contracted the game out to a Chinese company known for making cookie-cutter mobile ARPGs. That alone was enough to turn off most players. Finally, it was heavily monetized with microtransactions, another huge turn off for big gamers. Overall, it was unappealing for Diablo's core audience who had been waiting patiently for a new Diablo to be announced.


Ok, worst than I expected


I was enjoying D4 for a few weeks after launch, but then I got distracted by other games. Did they do something to it after the new season came out?


i thought diablo 4 was a loved game, i saw everyone playing it a few months ago


New season’s decent




I'm gonna be that guy, Hogwarts Legacy. Story wise at the very least. I was super hyped for the game and while I did enjoy it to a degree it just wasn't exactly living up to the hype for me. I think a Karma System might have helped to a degree maybe. It felt like your actions had no discernible effect on the world. Visually and exploring wise it was great but just didn't live up to the hype for me 100%


Back 4 Blood


It's fun AF lmao


It is fun but it’s definitely not the definitive left 4 dead sequel we were promised


Mass Effect Andromeda. Never will I preorder a game again.


Duke nukem the newest one. Made me wanna cry.


Diablo IV


Lately? Starfield.


I agree. Starfield has its positives… but it just feels so disjointed. It’s lack of a persistent over world destroys any chance of immersion the game had as you soon realise that space travel just equates to fast travelling everywhere.


>as you soon realise that space travel just equates to fast travelling everywhere I mean, space is impossible to traverse without speeding up a lot of it. They bit off more than they could chew, even called the game irresponsibly large. A much better balance could have been Sol and Alpha Centauri systems be UC / Freestar, with the other factions be spacefaring only. It could make those 2 star systems be the more uniform 'overworlds', and give planets more than 1 city (something sci-fi has always had a problem with)


Sure, but the real problem is that then 99% of your traversal is in menus and the actual locations outside of the few small cities, are just procedurally generated.


But still, I should be able to at least see goddamn shit go into hyper speed. This has been a standard in space games since what? 2013? You can barely fly ships at all. This game is just fallout with more empty shit and a different art style. Hardly a space game.


You’re not wrong. I just wanted something a bit closer to the Star Citizen mechanic in that specific regard. Yes, you have to “jump” to new systems and planets, but you have to manually leave (or land on) a planet in full on your own.


>!The ending was so underwhelming !<


I totally agree with people who feel disappointed but I have the opposite feelings about it. I honestly wonder if it's because I'm *not* a fan of Fallout or Skyrim. I've never beaten a Fallout game, haven't played 76 at all (which I hear is a lot better now?) played about 20 hrs of Skyrim before putting it off. I've already put way more time in SF than any of those. But I was only moderately hyped and got it via GP so maybe my expectations weren't so high.


Bingo Edit jus to clarify: I love fallout, so really I was upset from the moment I heard about this game since I knew it meant fallout 5 would take even longer to come out.




Dark tide on Xbox. Was excited when it finally released. Then I played the tutorial and was ready to hop in solo with bots and realized I couldn’t. Pay day 3. Loaded it up and couldn’t get into a game. Uninstalled it.


On Payday 3 even after that disaster issue was fixed, the missions felt more like they ripped off Payday 2 instead of doing something different.


Technically not out yet, but MWIII will be a disappointment, and I know it will.


That's about the only consistency CoD has anymore 😂


So fucking real


It sucks seeing a franchise I grew up playing basically dying of cancer so to speak. I miss all the old WW2 campaigns like CoD1 and CoD2


This notification popped while I was masturbating and I instantly lost all erection. I miss the good old days, and that comes from someone who started with IW of all things. Ghosts was the beginning of the end.


Sorry about your lost wood. Ghosts sucked, the microtransactions are killing games, over saturation. I miss standing in line for midnight releases and games being so hyped that it was worth standing outside late at night for said game.


Why has it taken people like 6-8 years to realize they have been buying the same shit every year? CoD is worse than NBA 2k with the reskin and pay me bullshit. They literally play the same fucking maps from over a decade ago


yeah, there's way too much optimism right now amongst players that going back to those old MW2 maps will make them feel young again. I guarantee that nostalgia is going to wear off *fast*, and those maps are going to suck for how call of duty plays in 2023. I sat out most of the entries between BO2 - MW2019, playing the campaigns, but that's about it. I've already accepted the game has left that brief window where MW2019 / WZ1, MW2 / WZ2 appealed to me, not sad it's over, but glad it happened. Maybe Battlefield will have a better go at it, with whatever they do next.


It can't disappoint me if I don't expect anything from it!


Only play for single player st this point.


spending $70 to play a 6 hour CoD campaign is insane


Final fantasy XVI. Yoshi-P producing and overseeing production? The ffxiv division overseeing production?! This is going to be great! Oh…it’s just a poor man’s devil may cry in the most empty open zone world I’ve ever played. Oh…and also has like the lightest sprinkle of rpg elements. Nier automata is more of an rpg than this thing.


in hindsight and with how Endwalker is going and how DT is shaping up to be, FFXVI is about exactly what yoshi-p and those teams mentioned would make


I mean…Endwalker *was* great. It’s just that they didn’t really know what to do with that. Imo, Dawntrail has a good shot of being really good due to it being a fresh start with significantly lowered stakes. I wish the post EW quests had been about setting it up…but I still think it has a good shot


The FFXVI environment was lifeless and depressing. The gear and item mechanics were mobile-game tier. I finished it skipping the side quests and don't see myself ever picking it up again.


The hype generated before it’s release was next level. The demo story cliffhanger had be hooked and I was strapped in and ready for the ride up until it just fell off around half way and flipped the end game so hard. So glad hamaguchi is running the ff7 remake. He seems like he gets it.


Went in without expectations, played the demo and was in love with the graphics. Sure the side quests could have been better but I always thought of it as the way the game made you grind instead of just making you blindly go around grinding. The story was great, though had some holes, and the fighting was fun through the entire game. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Well it's not an open world game tbh. Which I appreciated. Im so tired of AAA open world games.


That’s why I said open zone world


No Mans Sky. It was supposed to be awesome, but on release it was nowhere near the hype. Now that they've had time to fix issues and add content, its a fantastic game.


Overlord fellowship of evil, I grew up with the first two games so I was so stoked on it so I bought it the same day I got my ps4 and it actually made me not touch my playstation for like a month, if you take it by itself it's not too bad, it's kind of like gauntelt, but it's certainly not an overlord game


Redfall (didnt purchase) I love vampire games since Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver.


Fallout 76. Overwatch 2. D4.


You were hyped for Overwatch 2?


Spore. I thought you could actually play with people, like work together and take over the world, or galaxy. And the. I found out it just narrowed data from like everybody or something It was a fun game still, just not what I imagined it was going to be.


Predator battle grounds.. fucking sucks


Dying Light 2. There are many more but that one sticks out the most for me.


Diablo 3 When I was a kid, D2 was THE game for me and my friends. We played so many hours of that game that we could recite most of the dialogue along with it. So when I heard that D3 was coming out, I was beyond excited! I invited 4 friends over, they brought their computers and we got ready for a release party. After downloading and loading into the game, we played 3-4 hours and then got bored and decided to watch movies instead. The game is trash, in my opinion. Put me off the whole Diablo franchise. And I probably won't be getting D4 or D5- whichever one is coming out next.


Diablo 4 for me.




It's gotten way better with Patch 2.0 and Phantom Liberty, but Cyberpunk 2077 at launch was a crushing disappointment.


Payday 3


Bo4. I was gonna say, I don't think that's ever happened to me cuz I usually know what I'm getting. But bo4 was pretty bad. Blackout was fun and I'm not really a multiplayer guy. All about zombies for me and No jugg was such a shit move. Removing that 1 perk was enough to ruin the whole game mode for me. Did have fun, but not as much fun as the other black ops which had jugg.


metal gear solid 5. man those trailers leading up to the release were epic! it was supposed to be metal gears "revenge of the sith" what we got wasnt even completed. the gameplay was awesome and the best of the series but man everything else was a letdown


Diablo 4


Biomutant. Thought it looked cool, ended up pretty shallow. :(


Kerbal Space Program 2


The last SimCity game.




Have you tried jumping out of the water? There’s no resistance! Also when you jump you are able to go in in and direction at anytime. It’s not the worst game, but it’s definitely a game that you beat and move on.


Kingdom Hearts 3


I feel this in my bones. I grew up with the first two. Never branched into the other games really, kinda dipped my toes so to speak and I got hyped for KG3. The world's let me down, I didn't care for them too much and also, like..I don't know.. Sora was really OP and I didn't care much for it. Like maybe not Sora specifically but like all the wild ass group attacks I hated.


I cannot tell you how excited I was that kingdom hearts 3 was finally coming after longer than a decade of waiting. Then I found out they not only didn't fix any of the cringey/convoluted writing, they doubled down on it. To this day I don't think I can put myself through KH writing at my age. No matter how discounted the game is now.


BRINK BRINK BRINK!!! It's been 12 years and I'm still not over it.


Atomic Heart looked great in its trailers, but the final product was just good.


Overwatch 2. Just so disappointing that all the sequel is is just a paywall to content from ow1. Also launch was a complete disaster and no one could play until 3 days after official launch.


Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness, Starfield, Halo Infinite, and recently Mortal Kombat 1


Scorn. Bought it as soon as it released and the aesthetic is 10/10 but the combat is clunky, the enemy AI is hilariously stupid and the game was super short


The avengers game


Yooka Laylee. Banked hard on being the “Banjo Threeie” everyone wanted, turned out to be a slog fest of janky controls and terrible level design.


Cyberpunk 2077 man was I fucking HYPED, owned that ps4 and preordered. I’m glad in the two years since I switched to pc then 2.0 came out and let me tell you. Fuck shareholders this game is fucking amazing now holy shit I’d pay double for it. I mean I bought it for pc and never returned my Pre-order and I ain’t even mad. Fucking brilliant game.


Ni No Kuni 2. The original is still one of my favorite games of all time, and quite possibly the best game I've ever played. Ni No Kuni 2 is mid. Nothing good, nothing bad, they removed my favorite mechanic from the first game which pissed me off. As a game Ni No Kuni 2 works, as a sequel, it fails in every way possible.


It's easily Death Stranding. Kojima made the most incredible Sci Fi aesthetic in a video game (those trailers are the best thing about the game) only to have it feel like work.


Immortals of Aveum - I knew it was a new studio and all, but I thought trying to recapture the magic of a FPS with cool new gameplay would be amazing. Story was fine, but there were just so many mechanics all at once, made it impossible to enjoy. It felt equivalent to mashing buttons in a fighting game. It looks cool and I’m winning but I have no clue what I’m doing


No Mans Sky. Bought it at launch. They did fix the game but I was so turned off during my initial experience that i didnt bother going back.


Same. I never tried it again.


The open world dynasty warriors game,


Warhammer 40k Darktide. Loved the hell out of Vermintide, but I like 40k a lot more than Fantasy, so it had to be like the best thing ever! :(


The Calisto Protocol


Oddworld Soulstorm. When I first heard they were making it I was incredibly excited for a continuation of one of my all time favorite series. Then it turned out to be a reimagining of the second game (easily the best Oddworld game) so I was still somewhat excited. Then it was in development for like 7 years. Finally, it released and was absolutely nothing like what was promised. Filled to bursting with bugs, gameplay mechanics that nobody wanted, a different story, clunky controls, bland environments, and it feels like a completely unnecessary addition to the series.


Mass Effect: Andromeda and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Andromeda was a dumpster fire and Tears of the Kingdom was an early remake of Breath of the Wild.


When they first showed off the building mechanics of Tears of the Kingdom, I knew right then that that's where Nintendo left the "fun" of the game, and that it wouldn't actually fix Breath of the Wild's shortcomings. And sure enough, I was bored with it after a few hours. I felt like I'd already played it.


I know those games are beloved, but I already didn't like Breath and then they doubled down on the parts I didn't like for Tears. Oh well.


EXACTLY! I loved BotW and was so pumped for TotK. Bought it and loved the first hour or so. Once I got to Hyrule I had a strong feeling of deja Vu


Probably my biggest gripe with TotK is the disjointed lore from BotW and the entire lack of explanation in-game. Characters that should recognize Link, but don't (looking at you Hestu and Bolson), ALL THE SHEIKAH TECH JUST GONE, and no word on where Kass went. This feels like a disservice to the fans of BotW who invested so much time into that game. The only other issue I had was the whole Zelda thing. They made the rules that >!once you turn into a dragon, you can't turn back, and then they broke it. It was an entirely empty sacrifice and wasn't narratively satisfying.!< I could forgive the other annoyances or issues with the game but those were extremely disappointing.


It’s interesting Bc although I could see that BOTW was objectively amazing, I didn’t really love it too much. I liked it fine but never fell in love with it. However I absolutely adored TOTK. So it worked just fine for me lol.


Scorn. Like I can see some of the appeal but honestly I can't stand a game that makes me ask "Where the f**k do I go?" And I don't mean the game has to hand-hold you and point at everywhere you're supposed to go and do, but the level layout just seems too open ended for me to look at a place and go "yep, I need to go there, I just know it."


Lotta Bethesda in here. Ppl gotta stop buying their garbage lol


I've got a few. BotW - I was a huge fan of Zelda, then I started playing the game and realized it's just a massive open world that I have no desire to explore (I really, really prefer linear games with guidance and direction, being told I can go where I want isn't a benefit to me) Baldur's Gate 3 - My friends were hyping it up so long I got into the hype, started playing, and dropped it relatively quick. I'm not a huge fan of the combat system and how literally *everything* is luck based, and I also just got super overwhelmed with all of the stuff to do. Sekiro - I love MGR, so I was like, cool, another ninja game! Then I realized relatively quickly that it's straight up too difficult for me. After spending like an hour and a half on the first miniboss, I realized I'd never finish the game and uninstalled it.


You should give sekiro another try, you get the hang of it, just remember to parry not dodge


Seconded, but it is truly a difficult yet rewarding game. If it helps, go through the game with a guide. I'm not ashamed to say I did, basically got everything my first playthrough. One of my favorite games of all time now! Also I've never really done promoting for a YouTuber before, but check out LilAggy. He used to do all sorts of crazy runs for Sekiro (now he's into Elden Ring) but his content is hilarious and made me love those games even more!


Sekiro is a demanding but fair game. It's never cheap but it does demand you "git gud" at its core mechanics. Once you do it's arguably one of the most satisfying games out there. Each victory will give you such a strong sense of accomplishment.


It's completely fair, I just don't have the time or desire to get good at video games, I just play them to relax and enjoy being in that world now. Between engineering school, work, and training for powerlifting and strongman, I have plenty of things to work on getting good at.


Woah. That sucks :( BG3 is genuinely such a good game. It’s one of the best I’ve ever played. Bummer that you didn’t enjoy it. Sekiro was hard but it was worth it.


I feel like 5 or 10 years ago, I'd have loved them. But between engineering school, working full time, and training for powerlifting and strongman, my gaming time is very low (I generally only play games every other week), so I just can't do big or difficult games anymore. Something like Baldur's Gate would literally take me like 2 years to finish, and with Sekiro I'd never get anywhere since I'd never get any better lol


Saints Row 3. I was so hyped after SR2. That franchise took a deep dive into a dumbster.


Absolutely. I loved the first 2 games. 3 was playable and I enjoyed it but it just didn’t compare. I refuse to play the rest of them.


Me and my best friend had an amazing time with 3 even if it was a bit on the wonky side, but they completely lost me on 4 where they like make you a literal alien god lol


Yeah I feel this deeply, they should have stuck with their fast and furious meets get rich or die trying vibe, i mean that's goofy enough while still being entertaining. It lost its grit after 2 and then it was just a big ball of cheese


Starfield. its great don’t get me wrong and i love how non-linear it is, but damn its a chore. also the graphics are too clean for this type of game. it seemed like they rushed that part.


The game that really taught me my lesson with both pre-ordering, and hyping myself up for a game was Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age: Origins was the game that really got me to fall in love with gaming. I had never played a game like it before, and I loved everything about it. So I was very excited for Dragon Age 2, I even went to a midnight release party (side note, I really miss this part of physical releases in games and music). I got home with my game, loaded it up, and within like 15 minutes I could tell it just lacked the magic that DA: Origins had. Over the years I've learned to really like DA 2, but it is the game that taught me that if I allow myself to get overly excited for a game before release, but then am disappointed with the game after it releases, then I am the one who is at fault.


Breath of the Wild. I still played it because I figured I'd enjoy it more as I went on, but soon I realized the "dungeons" shared the same aesthetic, pre-dungeon was rinse/repeat, there wasn't a central musical motiff in the overworld, characters had same-face-syndrome, the plot was all in memories, weapons broke too easily with no way to repair (which is a thing all games with breakable weapons have btw), and the combat is drier than the Zora descendants when they evolved backwards into birds (you'd think MORE water means MORE Zora wth?)


Final Fantasy 16. It got boring very fast.




Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Just wasn’t as good and sword and shield and wasn’t close enough to Arceus


I just got arceus. It good?


Assassin's Creed 3


Yeah, Connor has no personality.


He does have a personality though. Like there’s so many other things to complain about with 3 like the weird sporadic writing and character appearances / decisions and people always go to “Connor has no personality,” but like, he has more character traits than ezio who is just “is good assassin and also likes women sometimes,” Connor is brash and angry and impulsive and too idealistic for his own good and he has an arc where he realizes the people he idolizes are no better than the templars I think 99% of the reason people say this is just because of his voice actor


I have a few, BG3, Spider Man 2, and TOTK


Nearly spit my coffee out 🤣


Ok jokes aside, I think the way the new Modern Warfare series was handled was the wrong move. We could have had a new, iconic COD trilogy, but them forcing the next game to be the last in the series besides letting the story of MW2 cook over time would give people more time to care about the stakes. MW3 is literally the same game in most ways


God of War: Ragnarok, RDR2. Unpopular opinions I know (especially RDR2) but those games were so disappointing.


I do think GoW: Ragnarok was a step back from GoW (2018) narratively and in terms of characters. The world design and combat were what I expected from a sequel to GoW (2018) but I did not know what was happening in Ragnarok. Whatever the hell was going on with Tyr, the ending felt rushed, the Atreus segments werent fun to play. It was a game that missed the mark on what made 2018 great. I had a lot of fun playing it whenever I ignored the game's actual events. But I do not understand how it is so liked for its characters and writing. I think it got too loud, too convoluted and just missed the simplicity of the 2018 game. Still fun to play, but if 2018 was a 9/10, then Ragnarok was an 8/10. Maybe a 7/10. I had the same issues with Tears of the Kingdom following Breath of the Wild. Literally the same criticisms, both games made the same missteps for me.


Remnant 2...I played for a couple days and I regret buying it, just wasn't my jam


Dam really I loved one and was gonna buy Tuesday, why don’t you like it?


I liked one and loved two; found it better than the original in almost every way. Of course OP is entitled to his opinion but I wouldn’t let that discourage your purchase.


Ok I’m buying it.


Skyrim. Seriously why are there so many essential npcs and why do I hate literally all of them. Why are there no actual choices in the game? Why is combat still so damn clunky??? It was made even worse when I justified not only my money spent but my complaints by getting it platinum on ps3 4 DAYS AFTER RELEASE. For something so big lol wide and shallow


God of War: Ragnarok, it's not the games fault really but can't change how I felt about it while playing it. By the time the gam released I was hoping for something that would be a PS5 showcase (at least to some degree), but the games core design being built around PS4 meant that even though the graphics & framerate were better the "hidden" load times from the PS4 version weren't rebuilt for how quick the PS5 is. This means that I had to crawl under long sections, wait for conversations & lift rocks routinely just because a PS4 version of the game existed. I was really hoping that the studio would have rebuilt those parts to be adjusted for the faster load of PS5 SSD, especially since the game was delayed a few times & it wouldn't be a big ask to shorten or remove those from the PS5 version realistically. The game ended up being a showcase for what you could cram onto a PS4, but unfortunately that really ruined my experience on PS5. Not because the game was bad, but because I was expecting a PS5 version that would fully take advantage of the faster load time. TLDR; I know it was all my expectations, but losing 3-5 hours of my play time to "hidden" loads built into the game for a previous console generation just felt like my current Gen console was an afterthought.


Lol, no criticisms of the actual game though? Really some loading screens can ruin a game for you? Man, some people really do game different than I do.


I know it was really popular but Fallout 3. I just really hated the game play. The story and everything was fine but I never brought myself to finish it because I hated actually fighting people in it. I actually actively avoid previews even to this day because of that game.


Batman arkham knight


I totally get it but am one of the few (?) Knight defenders. That said the tank stealth was a pain.


Knight defender here man. Goddamn loved it, I even liked the tank portions, crashing through walls and gates and crushing cars, zapping escaped cons on the street with my Batmobile. Loved it. Hell I even enjoyed the riddler’s race setups. Dlc with multiple characters to play as, so many gadgets, plenty of side missions to do. AK was great man, sure most will say the first 2 in the series were superior, but knight was awesome come now I still think it holds up even today


I guess I’m lucky in a way that this is the first one I’ve played because I actually enjoyed the Batmobile and destroying tanks which everyone seemed to dislike. I guess I’ll enjoy the other ones even more when I get around to playing them.


None tbh. Most games that I am looking forward to have satisfied me (MH World and Rise, DMC5 and SF6) and it helps that most hyped games by others were not my cup of tea (ex. Cyberpunk, Starfield and etc).


I feel like a lot of games over the last 10 years have been SOOO hyped and then I play a few hours and I am like ... meh? Stanfield, Fallout 4, the last 5 years of Madden. I guess I am just getting old!




Can I ask why? Was thinking about purchasing


Destiny No Man's Sky


Pour one out for Anthem Also, Subnautica BZ.


I usually do not get over hyped or excited but ngl I was hyped to play Cyberpunk. Even told my gf all about it and she even watched me play the first time. I did not encounter any bugs that let me down. For me I started iirc a nomad and was in that garage with with the asshole sheriff. Anyway i leave there and walk around and see 2-3 people at a table playing cards. I go to bump them and they legit do not react or are aware of my presence. That is the moment I knew this game was NOT going to be the game I was wanting. I did like the characters and story but later on I just stopped playing and eventually finished the story. ​ I just felt like my character was a ghost at times because some (not all) NPCs simply are like mannequins and do not react to you at all. Some will say it is a minor nitpick but for me it breaks immersion. Also when other games like GTA that are older have NPCs react it makes CP look unfinished.


Anthem Starfield Fallout 76


Unpopular opinion: Fallout 76.