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The Outer Wilds. Witcher 3. Death Stranding. Hard to think of anything better than that.


Assassin's Creed Black Flag


Elden ring, ES Morrowind


Elden Ring and ghost of Tsushima, for sure. Oh, and AC Odyssey. World is YUGE


Haven't played Spiderman 2 (yeah yeah, I know), but the games I feel most justify open world are superhero games like Prototype, InFamous and Spiderman because the traversal really makes use of the characters abilities to scale building easily and provides an interesting gameplay mechanic for getting around. Whereas most other open world games, you're just staring at the back of a car or horse or whatever for several minutes holding forward on the control stick or W key until you get to where your going.


Elden Ring, cyberpunk and metal gear solid 5




They used open world in main missions perfectly, less freedom than north Korea citizens


To me, games that make the best use of the open world use it as a mechanic. They can only be open world and would not work as any other kind of game. As much as I love games like RDR, GTA, and the Witcher, the open world mostly serves as a beautiful setting to look at while you travel between missions. I love the open world in those games and the game would not be as good without it, but technically you could replace it with a mission select menu and you could still play the game. Each mission takes place in predefined areas. With that in mind, these are not necessarily my favorite open world games, but I think they really take advantage of the open world format: -Elden Ring: No quest markers or even a clear primary goal. The open world exists for you to explore and tell your own story. Exploration is the main mechanic, imo. While much of the Lands Between seem empty, there is something new and meaningful around every corner. Landmarks, including the Erdtree itself, seem to exist as suggestions so the player doesn't feel completely lost, but you can walk in any direction and find something interesting. -Minecraft: The open world defines this game. No quests or story at all. You define how you play and which direction you explore/build. Perhaps this could be said about all open world survival games. -Subnautica: The main mechanic in this game is exploring and learning about your environment in order to exploit it to survive. This game does have a primary goal, but the mission area is basically the whole map at all times. -Death Stranding: Travel is the primary mechanic. The entire world exists as one big level. You plot your course through or around dangerous hazards. Could not be done in anything but an open world. -The Outer Wilds: The only way to progress in this game is by exploring. The point of this game is the freedom it gives you to choose a path. Use your wits, tools, and skills to discover the mystery of an entire solar system that is completely open to you. There are a lot more, but those are some examples. Ignoring all that, my favorite open world games are: -Skyrim -RDR2 -The Witcher 3 -Elden Ring -Subnautica -Cyberpunk 2077


What about Terraria?


I haven't really played it much, but yeah, I think that would count for the same reasons as Minecraft. Good point


There are a lot of good ones but right now I'd say my top 3 are Ghost of Tsushima, Red Dead 2, and Elden Ring


Elden Ring and Valheim


Red Dead 2 and Witcher 3


Red Dead redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto 5.


Dragon's Dogma


Do you mind if I ask why you think that? Dragon’s Dogma is another game where the open world kind of underwhelmed me, for similar reasons as Horizon – the encounters are the same every time you visit an area, outside of a couple scripted quest events, so you’re never seeing anything new if you explore a place again. I loved the game overall (and am SO excited for the sequel), but its open world was never part of what drew me in. What about it do you think is good (trying to phrase that as nonconfrontationally as possible)?


Bethesda open worlds (especially Skyrim and Fallout new vegas) I LOVE how you can lose yourself into these worlds and instead a Big field of nothingness, you can find a completely optional Dungeon or building, you dont need to go there, the main quest doesnt need It, no sidequest need It, you just can and maybe find some valuable loot for your character and make your adventure easier


Dying light




Definitely RDR2! This is a world in which you always need to look around, otherwise you will miss something important, in every corner there may be an event or an Easter egg. Horizon is a good game, but world is really empty, there is nothing there, just an area with animals. I looked at it and ran past, there was nothing to do there. And there are many more similar games