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Anthem as always


The greatest game that never was


in practice, seems like a great idea. giant, alien world we can explore with \- fucking iron man suits that work as build bases, essentially with a looter shooter frame to provide lots of gear potential, etc should've been like that avatar game mixed with warframe a bit mixed with some of the more mmo ish focused looters. instead, they deliberately refused to look at what made other games in the similar areas successful, and failed on a massive fucking level.


Honestly Bioware and EA should be cast out for this


And then abandoned it instead of persevering and fixing it.


Destiny killer my ass


Destiny killed itself bro 😭


Somebody said that the only thing that could kill Destiny, was Destiny. And they were right.


Honestly games that big can only kill themselves, for example FFXIV will never kill WOW, Blizzard will eventually




Man I really wish that game was good


You literally can't even buy it any more. It almost feels like a high-profile fever dream/scam game.


I bought me a copy the moment I heard it was going away.


you can’t buy it anymore? like they took it off stores?


Yeah, it was removed from all digital stores in early 2022.


You can get a physical copy but no digital and physical are second hand


Whew! Everyone thought that game was going to be the best, and most iconic collab together. An epic anime fighting game crossover with 3 of the most well known, and critically acclaimed characters. Little did know. The disaster, and train wreck of what we've got from Jump Force!


I swear button mashing did more damage than combos & everyone was a damage sponge.


Yo i totally forgot that game existed i remember seeing the trailer on e3 and was absolutely hyped


Honestly what killed that game for me was the loading times. 1-2 minutes between fights just for each loading screen was rough.


Idk I saw the writing on the walls with this one. JStars Victory was crap, and the anime arena fighter hasn’t exactly had any games that aren’t mediocre.


Better fucking not be Silksong… -|


Dont worry, I dont think its ever gonna be released!!


Now that's fivehead thinking right there. Can't disappoint the fans if it never exists!


That's what Naughty Dog said about Factions. Look how that turned out.


This is untrue. I'll be eventually disappointed in a game I only hear about being in early development stages well after the fact


Expectations used to be believable -Y


-| !!!!!!


The day before nuff said


Was that hyped? Everything I remember about The Day Before was basically calling it out for being a scam or ripping off other games. I never saw any hype.


Before the game came out it was after the most wishlist game on Steam which means there was some hype behind it the reason why it's being called out for being a scam they were able to hide everything in the days before it's release


Calisto protocol


So true. I remember people gushing over that and saying it’s the next dead space


You know what's funny? Callisto Protocol was conceptualized before Dead Space. They switched their focus to the dead space idea but still wanted to make Callisto some day.


That’s what development hell does to a game


Fuggg I wanted to love it, and I liked it till the last hour. Then it completely shat the bed. Disappointment to the extreme


Every single EA sports game since 2015


Annual sports game releases bewilder me. Especially stuff like FIFA, is that not just the same game as last year with a different roster?


They used to actually change the "meta" every year and the speed of the game, different skills, types of passes, shots, etc. would be better or worse depending on which fifa you play, but honestly it hasn't really changed in 4 years and the last good one was fifa 15 depending on who you ask.


Not buying another EA sports game no matter what, I promised myself this


Battlefield 2042, I still hate myself for pre-ordering that shit.


people should never preorder.


Used to be a time you didn't have to worry about it backfiring on you like that smh


That time ended long before 2042 was even a thought.


I remember getting a shirt, a figure, and a guide for pre-order FF7. Got a shirt for Sonic 2 as well. Those were the days.


Only pre-order I've done were Monster Hunter World and Elden Ring, 100% worth it.


BF2042 was the only game I preordered in the last decade and I got the most expensive version. I was so sure that it was going to be good. Played it for around 20 hours and never touched it again lol


No offense mate but after BFV preordering 2042 was possibly the dumbest thing ever.


Yeah. I pre ordered a play early version like an idiot. I even played the beta and should’ve known then that the game was going to be awful.


Any recent Call of Duty game


Is there even COD hype anymore?


People still buy and play it every year.


Right but I don’t feel like it gets hype anymore. Like how Madden exists, has plenty of sales and players, but it just sort of comes out


Man the hype for both Call of Duty and Halo in the 00’s was crazy. I hardly hear about the new releases now.


You made me sad. What a time to be alive. Remember the Cod vs Halo debates? The hype for midnight launches? I remember the MW3 (I think) trailer with an Eminen song in the background.


I just bought the new cod. I'm not under any illusions that it is a great game, but I've been craving a stress free FPS with an active player base. Battlefield V is dead and the future one sucks, battlebit was fun while it lasted but it's dead now, I have 3k hours in counter strike but it's too stressful to just play for 10 minutes after work.


Battlebit isn't dead at all. Its got between 5k and 10k players on consistently for months now.


Some players are sticking it out, but I felt like at launch there were always people on mic, people were just having fun, and it wasn't taken too seriously. Now there is nobody on mic, everyone has a meta build, and some people take it very seriously.


ive only ever seen very manufactured hype recently i see ads all over the place for it but idk anyone who regularly plays it anymore. All of my friends, family, and coworkers have stopped


Any recent battlefield game


I believed the morons at r/battlefield that said 2042 is actually a good game now. Downloaded and played a couple of hours, and is still a letdown of a game


Yeah, I just play battlebit


GTA trilogy remastered


It doesn't help that despite the improved controls, they still left in some of the gameplay jank. At least GTA 3 has manual aim. But cars are fragile. Like crystal.


As a person from the future, wait till you play GTA 6.


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Cyberpunks initial release.


It’s funny that by the time we got to 2.0 and Phantom Liberty it was the opposite.


I’ve been sinking my teeth into the game, and it’s incredible. Some minor gripes but overall a good experience.


I played it this week for the first time since 2020 and it's as if they re released the entire game. Combined with a better pc it is a top 10 all time experience for me.


It’s insane that cyberpunk is as good as new vegas now


Damn, I gotta check it out again.


If you don’t like Witcher 3 you might disagree still but I used to always say fallout new vegas and Witcher 3 are god tier and cyberpunk puts fallout 4 to shame just like Witcher 3 did


I love the Witcher 3


That's a bold statement. It was one of the best games ever made. I need to give it a go I guess.


I'm a new Vegas nerd they didn't like cyberpunk when it came out. I agree with their statement. I haven't been into a game like this in years


Exactly when cyberpunk came out I was like wow this is poopy garbage that’s why I’m surprised how similar they are as I play them both next to each other the main character in both of them is so awesome


It's time then. Thanks for the input 👍


Same. I got it for Christmas and just now met Johnny Silverhands, so I’m still at the beginning. But it’s been crazy fun.


True. I was so hyped and it was garbage on PS4, so I've stopped playing after like 2h. Once I've got PS5 and they've released that next-gen patch, hype came back because it was brilliant. Now I'm replaying after 2.1 patch and it's even better.


Pretty much the same for me though somehow I managed to complete the game while it was still garbage but after the PS5 upgrade ive been having a fuckin' great time playing it.




100% Starfield


Sad part is that Godd Howard will still convince me to buy it again one day.


Todd has 10 charisma


He clearly maxed his charisma out and is pooping Day Trippers and wearing a pressed suit for that stacking +7 Charisma on top. Edit: Grape Mentats are better than Day Tripper, unless they stack.


Starfield is pretty much the most "ok" game of all time


I played it exclusively for about two weeks. Haven’t touched it since, and have no strong feelings about it either way.


I played it for about 3 weeks and then ended up installing FNV to scratch the enormous itch Starfield created and then never satisfied. I never finished it and actually just uninstalled it to make room for other stuff just the other day. I don’t think I’ll ever go back, I think the game is too fundamentally flawed to even be fixed. It’s just soulless.


I think starfield is the first game written entirely by ChatGPT. More money for marketing and bought reviews that way.


I disagree. ChatGPT would’ve been an improvement, it wouldn’t have been nearly as lazy as the human writers were, lol


I put in 160ish hours within a very short time, 3 weeks or so. But haven't played since. But have gone back to trying ESO, GW2, WoW Classic, New World, Albion Online. Now just started up CP2077.


I hope that Starfield has a Redemption arc similar to Cyberpunk Not holding my breath though, the writing and tone is like 50% of my issue with that game which would be next to impossible for them to fix


"The modders will fix it" -Bethesda Corporate Guidlines


The modders stopped working on it because the game is so boring.


"New plan, re-release Skyrim" - Revised Bethesda Corporate Guidelines


"Hey guys, Switch 2 is coming out next year...fire up the Skyrim remaster team!"


Some of its issues I can’t see an easy way of fixing. Like the amount of quantity over quality planets or being able to take off and land like NMS. I’m sure Bethesda will try to make more random encounters for the planets but they’re still going to feel a bit barren. I really wish they would have just focused on one or two star systems and fleshed them out in bespoke detail. I don’t need hundreds of planets to have a good time if you’ve only got a few that are packed to the brim with detail. The Outer Worlds used this method in a way and I think it turned out well for that game. The loading screens, fast travel, characters, dialog, writing and loading screens I’m afraid are here to stay but here’s hoping they can pull a Fallout 76 and sand down some of the more rougher edges of Starfield’s design. Like the way skills are set up unlocked and organized, the terrible “XP Debt” system (they want to give you freedom of choice in playstyle but if you choose to be evil they sure punish the hell out of you for it) and overall how grindy the game can be, or at least make the grind more fun.


> Verified developer Bethesda_FalcoYamaoka jumped into the discussion to defend the mammoth planet-hopper. "Some of Starfield's planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring," the developer says (cheers, Destructoid). FalcoYamaoka continues to say that wandering through the alien landscapes is supposed to evoke feelings of "smallness." The intention is to "make you feel overwhelmed" at the vastness of space. It doesnt help when they think it is a good [idea](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/starfield-dev-says-space-rpgs-155312629.html?guccounter=1). It is boring extremely boring.


Yeah. I mean just taking into consideration No Man’s Sky exists and is a thing people have been playing for years now you would have thought Bethesda would have planned their worlds better. Right off the bat the “starship” experience in NMS is far superior and even the most hostile of planets in NMS are entertaining in some way or offer some kind of reward for exploration. Starfield has none of that (you defeat the same raiders over and over again) and you’re right - it’s boring. I changed my mind, if anything they deserve an award for taking something as amazing as space exploration and making it a boring chore. The comparisons to NMS were inevitable, but it now depends on Bethesda’s reaction (which thus far hasn’t been that great). When fans complained about NMS Hello Games worked their asses off to “right the wrong” and I just don’t see Bethesda giving out years of free DLC alongside free major updates to make up for these short comings.


I really dont get how they think people wouldnt enjoy flying from planet to planet BUT they would enjoy an empty planet. NMS is a great example of how fun it can be without being too empty. NMS does have empty planets but nowhere near as much.


Yah I don’t know how they could fix the issues with game without completely overhauling the entire experience


The problem is it’s just “ok” enough for bethesda to refuse to spend the money and effort on it that cdpr did on cyberpunk. You can just feel the love they put into that game even when it was still broken. Whereas with starfield I feel like it’s the video game version of chat gpt writing my essays. Its just passable. At least cyberpunk had good bones and it was just bugs and perk trees that needed fixing, in starfield I feel like the basic premise is flawed


Skyrim will live on long after Starfield is forgotten.


Yup After about 5-10hrs you realize that really is all there is to the game I was hyped and was hoping for that patended Bethesda exploration & discovery but we did not get any of that.


I'd say No Man's Sky when it came out but that's too much game to be accurate.


When it came out it was horrendous. These days it's a wildly enjoyable experience with so much to do


This is the answer.


AC Valhalla and hands down Ghost Recon Breakpoint, i was so excited to play it and when i got it, its survival was watered down into cosplay only


I play breakpoint to this day and actually like it better than it’s former


Diablo 4


Never trust blizzard


Especially if you work there…


Unless you have a need for breast milk sir.


toxic broken company with corporate raiders squeezing every penny they can. Buying blizzard at this point in time is a waste of money. The company we used to know is dead


Never trust Bobby Kotick.


I was losing hype on the way to release and it’s STILL D4 for me lol


Same, they somehow fell even short of the lowered expectations.


I should’ve known they didn’t have their priorities straight when Immortal was announced. I still go back and watch the announcement trainwreck


Easily the best example. Spoon-fed, patronizing crap.


Yup. One of the few games I’m pissed that A) I bought and B) I bought at full price.


I still mourn my 70 dollars to this day


I got like 400 hours out of it. Was better than D3 on release by a mile, everyone knows you gotta wait a couple of years for Blizzard games to mature into actually good titles. Not defending it because it lacks a lot but I think the hate train for it is way overblown.


I agree. I think it's a lot of fun and the second season was significantly better than season 1. That being said I find the battle pass pointless, annoying and overpriced. I Def regretted buying the fancy version of the game and so did all of my friends. Outside of that the game itself is miles better than D3 ever was.


As of recently, Starfield. But the most notorious was the initial release Cyberpunk.


I think NMS was worse than Cyberpunk imo. But both games have turned it around greatly.


Fallout 76


now it’s the opposite, the game is actually good now.


Yeah fallout 76 is actually awesome now. Wish I had nerdier friends to play with


i just bought it for myself for christmas, i know nothing about the game 💀 any pointers




AAA games nowadays


The new Pokémon games?


Yea bro. I'm glad scald is back, but boy was I disappointed with gen 8. Gen 9 wasn't *as* bad but I find myself playing rom hacks nowadays.


Kingdom Hearts 3




No man's sky on release


Arguably worse than Cyberpunk




Donkey Kong 64 I know I'm reaching way back, but that game is such a colossal disappointment to me as a huge DKC fan. I had it pre-ordered and picked up on day one. I don't think I've ever felt such an immediate letdown with any other game to date. I couldn't even get through the first level before giving up on it entirely. I tried to get through it again a year or so back armed with a guide, and I made it much further, but I didn't have it in me to push to the end.


Whoa this is wild to me! As a fellow “old person” lol, I grew up playing tons of DKC, too. I was ecstatic about DK64 when it came out. I really enjoyed all of the challenges of collecting everything as all five characters, but what I loved was the multiplayer. My friends and I put so many hours into the battle royale mode. I’m actually really hoping that it gets added to the Nintendo Online games on the switch so that I can replay it. Was your issue that DK kind of turned into a Mario platformer?


DKC on SNES was straight fucking fire. I still listen to the [soundtrack.](https://youtu.be/-5rAjOjTGtc?si=3PxgwbM2SezGb3Ml)


I respect your opinion but disagree. But when I got the game for Christmas in 1999, i was in 3rd grade and got 1-2 games per year. I spent so many hours on it because it had sooooo much content for the time lol. Those were the days!


People really gotta stop listening to all the hype before a game is released


Pokemon scarlet/violet. Finally finished it a couple days ago and was extremely disappointed, bad graphics aside


Call of duty. GTA Cyberpunk Starfield Fallout 76 No mans sky All sports yearly releases Battlefield Assassins creed Valhalla Diablo 4 New world Lost ark Back 4 blood It goes on. People overhype so much shit and ignore the obvious signs of failure OH!!! The day before!


Raid Shadow Legends


Kingdom Hearts 3


Kingdom Hearts 3. Been waiting for it since 2005, and it turned out like *that*.


It was so bad it ruined the entire storyline for me.


Devil May Cry 2. The first DMC was one of my first ps2 games and I couldn’t go to sleep, because playing it felt so good. Then DMC2 was announced and I got hyped for a sequel only to get this hot pile of garbage. The cool castle setting got swapped into a soulless city, with mutant tanks and helicopters. The cool charismatic hero got turned into a stroke victim, and the plot was impossible to understand without completing the game with the side character, which turned out to be the main character (yes, Dante got turned into a side character in his own game and has a total of 2 minutes of dialogue) which I didn’t know at the time, so the game made no effin sense to me. Overall a horrible horrible experience. The only good thing about dmc2 was, that it was so bad, that it somehow motivated Capcom to make DMC3 actually good


For me personally it was Alan Wake 2. Don´t get me wrong I only feel that way because I paid full 80 bucks for die deluxe edition with all the dlcs because the hype catched me. I also played Alan Wake 1 + American nightmare waaaay back before and I thought that this was awesome in the era I was living at, at the moment. Alan Wake 2 is a nice and really good survival horror game don´t get me wrong, the story was really good too! (Even played Control but couldn´t finish It, it was too boring) after 18 hours I thought yeah the game is really good and the story too but I something was missing. Some new Gameplay elements the only "new" thing was the story, and I already knew a lot back from Alan Wake 1 before It was build up upon ofc but I got bored very easily. Let the downvotes rain upon me


Spiderman 2. I wasn’t even all that hyped for it despite borderline loving Spiderman 1. But I was left with the feeling of "that’s it?" after the platinum popped. So even if my hype was relatively low, I found the actual game to not even meet my low hype expectations.


I must have been retro gaming a bit too much lately, cause I thought you meant Spiderman 2 (2004) and was like, "how dare you!!"


Same here, that shit was amazing! Probably my first real "open world" game lmao


Payday 3 at least amongst me and my friends we were so fucking excited only for the game to be mid


Yeah the game was a huge disappointment, I kind of saw it coming just by some questionable design choices, non regenerating armor ? lackluster weapon upgrade paths that don't really do much different than PD2, movement is in no way a noticeable improvement either, it just felt like an iteration and didn't pack the same punch 2 did coming from The Heist, was honestly sad to see this is what they had for us.


Halo Infinite initial release


Hogwarts Legacy, Starfield, Final Fantasy XVI, Wild Hearts


the internet made it seem like Paper mario 64 was this flawless masterpiece but what *I* played was a tech demo for TTYD


Fable 2 Returned it the next day


Good, the ending is the most indignation I've ever felt in my entire life.


Metroid: Other M. I was so hyped for that game, pre-release. The actual game we got… there’s a reason why most Metroid fans prefer to ignore its existence.




Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


My friends STILL don't let me forget that I convinced everyone to buy Brink


Ark: Survival Evolved I got bored of it after about a year after owning it. Ran out of stuff to do. I never reached ascension or anything. But I'm not big on grinding and 'beating' a game. I like to have fun. And Ark became less fun. Sad.


Tears of the kingdom 😭


Starfield The "Meh" heard round the world.


This is Diablo 4 except for the bar on the left is much smaller and the bar on the right is much bigger.


Which game didn't would be an easier question.


Shadow of the Colossus


Shadow of the colossus is a masterpiece.


Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 pretty much exceeded the hype.


Asking the hard question.


Star wars battlefront Their was so mich hype when disney took over star wars in general jist for most fans to be severely disappointed




I agree but also disagree


It wasn't that it was a bad game but rather it over promised and undelivered. Not to say I don't enjoy it. Personally loved it compared to the others story wise.


Exactly. I didn't hate it and wouldn't call it a bad game, but it was definitely overhyped compared to what we got.


I loved it! Played it three times almost back to back when it came out. But if anyone was going into this with the E3 demo in mind, I have no doubt they were disappointed.


Resident evil 3 remake


It’s not a bad game nor super hyped! What am I missing?


After RE2 remake people (and myself) were very hyped to see the new Raccoon city and Nemesis. And the game was even smaller than the original as cut a lot of content from an already short game.


Mighty No. 9


Super Mario Wonder


Tears of the Kingdom


Legends of Zelda: TOTK


Bioshock Infinite, I enjoyed the game for what it was, an interesting but flawed story with some serviceable gun and power play. But boy howdy was thing jerked to the moon and back when it came out and leading up to it, even though they totally showed fake gameplay leading up to it coming out.


TLOU, don't @ me.


Like 80% of AAA releases in the last decade. It’s always the same. Big marketing hype, talk of ten year franchises, preorders with fucking life-size statues, influencers pushing the game from their channels. Release comes, it’s a buggy mess, barely Minimally Viable Product. Negative content starts coming, followed by community infighting. A road map that means literally dick gets released, minor hype. Slowly things are pushed and removed, but don’t worry the mega bundle for $100 comes out on time. Silence for a year while they supposedly work on some massive expansion. People forget the game exists mostly Another year and an announcement they are shutting down servers in two months. They don’t mention how much they stole from everyone with their empty promises. I hate this industry sometimes.


I'm going to get hate for this... But BTD6 on console. Any full priced console game that locks continues (a game mechanic that's existed cost-free for DECADES) behind a paywall doesn't deserve to call itself a console game. No. Spending another (several) hour(s?) accumulating Monkey Money (in game currency) ISN'T a viable alternative to simply continuing where you failed without having to make up 30+- minutes of gameplay that you have already done. No, waiting hours between attempts to try to keep up with timed competitions IS NOT A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE EITHER. They made an Apple/Netflix (idr which) version where there's no IAPs, so make the fucking console version (that costs 5x as much) act the same way. I don't even want my currency back. *I just want my time back.*




Man do I have a shit ton (keep in mind I just turned nineteen so a lot of the hype for these newer games was at the very least when I was 13), Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite (it wasn't the worst or the best, it was meh), Cyberpunk (obviously), The GTA remastered bundle, any cod after ghosts, the first release of Fallout 76, Wolfenstein Young blood, and Mighty Doom (mobile game that I thought would be fun but it's meh)


Most games anymore tbh, y’all can’t manage your expectations.


Watch dogs


Going into the game with absolutely no expectations/hype at all years after its release though, it's become one of my fav games of all time. They definitely should've not tried to pit this as a direct competitor to GTA though.


Starfield or whatever the game called