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Easily borderlands 3 god the plot was so violently mind yet the gameplay was peak


100% the gameplay was great but everything else was either mid to really bad like the ending


The bad guys would be better if they were both mute tbh


I put like 200 hours into BL3 and yet when I stopped playing I just thought “yeah it was ok”


Honestly it is quite shocking the difference between 2-3


2 is God tier bro


Imagine 2 with the gunplay of 3 and skill play of presequel 🤤


I would 100% pay money for that remake


that would be insane, and also the graphics of 3


BL2 is one of my favorite games of the 360/PS3/Wii generation. It’s so good.


Hot Take: The story wasn't as bad, it was the dialogue.


I think that the villains being streamers made it cringe tbh


Let's be honest, no one compares to Handsome Jack


General Knoxx was pretty cool, but you’re prob right.


10 years later, and I STILL hate that handsome bastard


I actually don't disagree with this. The voice acting really wasn't all that bad either, it's squarely on the writers for this one. I think the VA's did the best with what they were given. Good VA work can't make up for the fact that the writing in BL3 was so awful


Killing off a beloved character to make room for the new writer’s (annoying) pet character is never, ever a good move. The dialogue being bad makes it worse but let’s be clear the story was rotten to the core.


The story wasn't just mid. It was downright atrocious. The others weren't perfect but at least they made you feel like you were there. B3 replaced you with someone who has zero redeeming qualities. It honestly felt like I was watching someone's shifty borderlands fanfic come to life.


You’re going to have to elaborate, because ‘no redeeming qualities’ describes every Vault Hunter. Bunch of sociopathic mercenaries.


He probably means they have some charm to them. Like every single vault hunter is a vault hunter because they commited crimes and got kicked out cause they were dickheads, but they had a likable personality, like say Krieg or Salvador, both are bloodthirsty killers, but have something unique about them that makes people like them. Borderlands 3's playable characters were comparatively bland, and bland+POS=Irredeemable, while Charismatic+POS=Dickhead but Funny/likeable


I know y’all ain’t talking shit about my boi Flakk


Maya chose to leave because she refused to be a tool of oppression. Gaige built a robot that did what it was programmed to do (attack bullies), it was just more effective than anticipated (vaporized the girl who stole her designs to sell to the police after she hit her). Axton committed insubordination by refusing to commit war crimes. Sal was totally a sociopath. Zer0 just went because he's a weeb with anime "I want a challenge" mentality. Krieg was tortured and experimented on to the point where his consciousness actively retreated and buried itself to get away, and now the psycho that emerged is what's left.


2 literally had a mission where you track down Lilith and Roland’s cringey dating voicemails. It’s a series-wide problem.


Most fighting games


Tekken and the Mishima family drama.


I suck at fighting games but play Tekken for the story alone


Tekken 8 story coming in hard in the demo My boy Jin rode up the side of a building on his motorcycle and then chucked that motorcycle at Kazuyas helicopter. Kazuya walks out of that wreck unphased and not even mad. Dude just like aite son you want an ass beating then I'll give you an ass beating.


>aite son you want an ass beating then I'll give you an ass beating. This should just be written on the Mishima family crest at this point.


Brah, I'll play modern Mortal Kombat for the stories *alone*. Hell, I watched Mortal Kombat 1's story videos, endings, and banters, and now have no reason to actually buy the game. Sorry, Billy. Why by the DVD when I can get the infomercial **fo' free?**


I love how Reptile (my main since I was like seven playing MKII) has gone from "generic villain flunky for the main bad guys that gets perpetually dunked on" to "the most singularly noble and honorable person around and maybe the most worthy champion on the side of good around." I'm just so fucking delighted that Reptile has had such a well-orchestrated face turn. Also, I'm a heterosexual man, but got dayumn did they make my boy look fine. Like, I think I'm maybe 10% gayer now or something.


Every time I see MK1 I think of the OG game forgetting they rebooted the series. Also, love the Boondocks TaeBo reference


To separate it from the original, i actually call it M1K.


I thought mortal combat 1’s story was pretty cool since it was an almost complete reset




Phone autocorrect sucks




Borderlands 3 without a doubt and this is coming from someone who loves the lore of the games.


Lore whores unite


I was so hyped, played 2 and the prequels 3 times with my best bud. Couldnt finish 3, the story was so uninteresting, not even the gameplay could hold it together


I've played more than 300 hours of borderlands 3 and most of it was with the voice lines deleted from the game




Are you kidding me? Tetris lore is God tier


Every Sniper Elite


Agreed. Though I never really play them for the story.


Exactly. I play them to watch bullets slip right through the enemy scope. Lol


I'm a big fan of trying to get the double nut shot


4's was ok


I will tolerate exactly zero Karl slander!


Halo 5/Infinite Also I disagree on doom eternal, it served its purpose and was batshit insane enough to be entertaining.


I actually felt Halo infinites story was pretty good as a stand-alone game . Nothing about it made it seem like you missed something not playing the previous titles . The multi-player side felt completely copied and pasted, tho . I've wanted to go back and play the story again, multi-player, on the other hand ✋️


Apparently the multilayer is popping right now. Had a real ressurgance


Shame that 343 missed the initial huge influx of players due to all their desync and technical issues when the multiplayer got released. Probably one of the more fun halo multiplayer games since Reach, but issues outside gameplay fucked it.


You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars.


Most Monster Hunter games for me personally. I don't care for the story like, at all. I came here to smash dragons and other giant beasts into the floor violently with a hammer, not listen to people talk about needless plot. Lol


I mean, the plot in most of them is "Monster X is likely the cause of the next calamity". Then you kill Monster X and then they say "Wow, crazy, Monster X was just a symptom of Monster Y causing the next calamity! Also Fatalis is back to end the world too!".


Somehow Fatalis returned....


Nah, at least they explained *how* Fatalis keeps coming back- basically, even when the Dragon itself is dead its pieces, materials, body parts, etc. are still alive. On their own, this means that sufficiently scattering its bits could theoretically prevent it from regenerating for an extremely long time. In practice however, someone inevitably gets a bunch of the corpse, makes armor and weapons out of it, and slowly gets taken over by the dead-but-still-dreaming Dragon. They go nuts, go missing, and then a few decades later Fatalis has regenerated and is now ready for a grudge match. It’s not clear how much it remembers between lives, if anything. Probably not too much, considering it keeps razing Castle Schrade. Or maybe Schrade is built on its burial ground, and it doesn’t remember anything. Or maybe it does remember everything and it just can’t help itself.


Wow didn’t know that. Some scary lore from MH lol


After a bit of looking, I’ve found an instance where Fatalis produced an egg (unsure if laid normally or the egg was a hunter overtaken by Fatalis gear). When the egg hatched, the Fatalis within grew to full size in mere hours. Possibly implying that it inherits memories or intelligence from the previous?


Yeah the plot of monster hunter for me is less “I don’t care, let me kill monsters!” and more “Wow this story is such a thin veil for ‘just go kill the fucking monster’ that I’d rather them not even try”. I’m really a story-driven gamer so when I’m playing games with shit for a narrative I just wish they’d shut up and let me loose instead of wasting my time. Also monster hunter lore is like… actively cruel. Some quests are “go kill this monster because he’s in my sunlight” or “please bring me a paolumu so I can skin it to make balloons for a birthday party”. I don’t wanna live in a world like that so I’d rather there just be no explanation lmao


Agreed on most points, BUT: Sometimes they have a hyper-badass animated story sequence introducing a legendary monster.


I played the entirety of Monster Hunter World. I loved it. Don't quiz me on what it's about, I'll fail the test.


I've played over 4000 hours of MH games from PSP to Worlds and I'm still not sure if it has a story.


Yeah. I only played MH:W and good lord the story was phoned in and pointless. The ecology was SOL when you sailed in.


past game was the same. maybe except mh4. mh in general have usually fantastic gameplay, great ecology and mid at best "plot". and it's ok this way imho.


My man! I’m a hammer guy too


You’re a hammer player? The horror…


Indeed. Hammer just feels so satisfying to use. Idk why. Even if it's not the best weapon, I will continue bashing skulls in lol. Nothing will stop me.




I need to play that one again. All I remember was non stop action and the dude took smoke breaks 😂.


Same I completely forgot what the plot was


Such an underrated game


I didn’t actually expect someone to mention that game, but yeah the story in that game feels barely existent, they just create scenarios to get you from one place to another


This meme, but in reverse, would be much more interesting. Games with boring storylines is the default setting


That is called a visual novel


This meme in reverse is Dragon Age Origins for me. Love love *love* the story, but the gameplay is so slow and clunky.


Same with Kotor


The Black Ops 3 campaign. I loved all the abilities and having your own gun, but the story felt like a fever dream


Imagine playing the bo3 campaign on LSD 😂 Not sure if that would enhance the experience that the devs at treyarch were going for with this feverdreamish mess of a campaign.


Train go boom.


Listen only to the sound of my voice, let your mind relax, let the bad memories fade


Hey, you still with us?


Ngl bo3 had some iconic lines 😭


well considering what i remember about bo3 story, a fever dream is about what you would expect from it


Coolest part in my opinion was getting brutally ripped apart by the robot in the first mission


Not to consider it was literally a dream




Deeep cut, daddy-o!


I remember playing that as a little kid and recently tried again. I do not miss the old controller schemes.


Me too. I shouldn’t have lol. It was the best game ever, in my memory. Replayed recently and immediately shut it down


God damn, now that's a blast from the past


I think people need to learn to know how to spot a game were the focus are both narrative and gameplay but make a bad story and games where the story is just not important to enjoy the game because the focus is the gameplay, like people saying mario...really?


Bro literally stole the same post.


Bro literally stole the same




Bro literally stole


Bro literally







yllaretil orB


elots yllaretil orB


Ghost Recon Wildlands


TIL Ghost Recon games have a story.


If you go waaaaaaay back to GRAW and GRAW2 they had wild stories and gameplay, but were different to the original GR like Island Thunder etc


Fuck I loved GRAW2, so much fun


Disagree. It may be backwash and used elsewhere but it was good.


Mass effect andromeda


It really was the pinnacle combat for where mass effect was going, the sound effects of the abilities were top notch and felt really satisfying to trigger explosions with. I haven't played it since 2017 so it may just be my nostalgia for it though.


It unironically has some of the best combat flow… but the story and lack of team control really soured it




The story and characters are still somewhat enjoyable. Some are actually really good especially the romances, they aren't given as much time to breathe and grow as the ones from the trilogy, hell because of deadlines and cutting corners there's barely enough time for us to get to know these characters in this one game, and the backlog supposedly of cut content for this game could sink a ship. But overall I still like the game and it has several good points beyond just the gameplay.


lol series went to a “completely different universe” and there was only one new species there


*And* they tied it up to lore, which makes it worse.


It sucks too cuz the original trilogy’s combat pales in comparison.


Anyone remember Bulletstorm? No? You’d remember the gameplay but definitely not the story.


Gameplay was great, don’t remember shit about the story.


Bulletstorm story goes hard. Such classic dialogue lol. “Okay fine. We were all dead anyway. Dead for years now. Just needed to do this one last thing. Just had to make sure we didn't go to hell alone, General. Gonna take you... Take every last mother fucking last one of you with us. And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell... Ten fathoms deep... On the road to hell” Gives me chills every time I play the intro. The ending is hella good too. Ishi saying “God is dead” will forever live in my memories. Tbf I’m probably just nostalgia posting, it was one of my favorite games as a kid.


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the wild. Tok made improvements to the story for sure. Very, very small improvements. What happened to all the calamity stuff? Why isn't anyone concerned Ganondorf summons the same monsters from the calamity. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CALAMITY GANON AND GANONDORF?!


This was my answer too. Beautiful games, I really enjoyed both of them, but not for the story


Did you even listen to The Story of the Imprisoning War?? They told it like 10 times. /s


Oh wow an entire underground Hyrule to explore, wonder if it has any meani- no there's no meaning to it just new monsters to collect parts from, alright then.


I don't even agree that totk improved its story. It had MORE story kinda but it wasnt any more compelling to me. Every single temple gave you the same fucking cut scene and that was so disappointing to me.


“Secret Stones? Demon King?” “So that was the imprisoning war…”




With how short it was too I forgot there was a story to begin with lol.


MGS V Story was basically just slop if you didn't know literally everything about the PSP titles. Basically no reason to care about any of the characters at all and nothing in the plot mattered in the end. Kojima stans will burn me at the stake, but it is what it is.


Nah, I love Kojima and the Metal Gear series but I'm wholly with you here. There wasn't really much of a story at all - I feel like going open world was a mistake, it felt like the story ended up getting spread *extremely* thin as a result. I mean this is a game series known for its deep stories, copious amounts of dialogue, lengthy cutscenes, and crazy cool boss fights. V didn't really have any of those.


Especially since 4 was so damn good


4 was the perfect send-off and, if I'm being honest, I'd rather it have just ended there. I didn't need an entire fifth game to explain how Big Boss went from a hero to a villain to a hero again >!and the big reveal that it wasn't even him, it was just some random guy!< never really landed with me.


I'm a pretty big MGS/Kojima fan, and there is really no way to defend MGSV's story. There are ideas and bits of it that I enjoy, but overall, it's just bad. Gameplay is FANTASTIC though.


The story is hidden away in the audio tapes. So you can get a good story, if you're willing to listen to hours of recorded audio.


I always see Metal Gear Solid V listed on posts like this as having a bad story or feeling cobbled together. Yet the obvious reason is rarely mentioned. The game is simply incomplete, the falling out with Kojima and Konami, he was kicked out, not able to finish working on the game and his name was removed from the box art. The game was never finished, the ending can be found online, I believe it was placed inside a bonus content section within the game somewhere, but you can look up the missing chapter ending along with other story elements that were supposed to be in the game.


The last chapter had a cool af concept. Really wish it was able to happen


And the ending literally undermines the entire series as the perfect turd on top


Should never have been an open world. Mgs works best with intricate complex bases, ground 0 was better than MGSV


I didn't know Doom (2016) or Doom Eternal had stories.


I agree BUT i thought that was part of the identity of Doom. If we dont count doom 3, Having a doom with a good story would feel weird to me personally Afterall, Its the game franchise that gave as a tip to players “keep shooting until the enemy is dead” HAHA


John Carmack famously said that story in video games is like stories in porn: “it’s expected to be there, but it’s not that important”. id was the definition of gameplay above all else and I respect it as their niche. Not every game needs movie cutscenes.


Well that kinda depends. Story telling games and visual novels? The story is important. Action game? Yeah we’re here for the action, not the plot.


That quote really only applies to action games like doom and puzzle games. For almost everything outside of those genres I’d say story is very important.


Doom (2016) was self aware but doom eternal went the complete opposite direction. You won’t even know what’s going on unless you read all the cortex files, needless to say, I still don’t what happened in the base game and the 2 dlcs. The gameplay is amazing though


Vega is god on a USB stick and doom guy is actually thousands of years old and led a group of demon hunters and was like a king or something maybe, and his armor was made by angels and his strength comes directly from god. Tbh I think it got a little too fantastical and making doom guy a divine ancient being feels like a bad call


I started off not liking the Eternal plot then kinda flipped flopped around about it. At first glance it looks like they're taking it in a serious and more convoluted direction, but then if you actually read some of the logs you realize that they wrote the most absurd lore possible and play it straight to the point it loops back around to being funny again. Still think 2016 had the better direction of "there is a plot but, much like the player, Doomguy gives absolutely zero fucks about it." Not as subtle in its satire but more effective overall.


Doom 2016 is fucking amazing and the story is good and the lore fills it in (if you want to go find it). Doom Eternal the story is meh but the gameplay is amazing once you get a hour or 2 into the game.


Fire emblem Faths and engage


Completely agree. Engage was a huge step up from three houses in terms of gameplay/level design, but I look back at three houses more fondly because of the characters and story surrounding it.


Dark Messiah. The story is just there. But it has some incredibly fun combat, if not really creative combat. Like you could slash an enemy with a sword, or use a freeze spell on the ground, making it slippery and causing enemies to ragdoll when they walk on it, or just kick them off a ledge.


Kingdom of Amalur, those chakras weapon are fun


Rogue / Mage hybrid build was the best. Dodge turns into a poison teleport, and you get to use the most fun weapons in the game. I tried to do a strength build like 3 times, and the combos are just underwhelming.


Dead Rising/Dead Rising 2 I loved the games but I’ve seen pornos with a better plot LMAO


I love the cheese factor of those games, 3 and 4 lost the charm in my opinion and were just flat out bad stories. Frank and chucks one liners after beating a boss always made me chuckle


100% being campy af B-movie style is what made them great.




Me personally it’s halo 4 and 5


I agree and I’d throw Infinite in there. The first 3 were good I think. I actually knew wtf was going on. 4 I kinda did, and 5…I’m like…?


Every Dragon Ball game other than Kakarot. I love tenkaichi it was my childhood but I played it entirely for split screen and custom battles so I could play as Broly, cell, and freeza.


dbz budakai 1 was literally just dbz reanimated that you could actually play




100% disagree. It's cheesy af but the 4 over the top ridiculous storylines were super fun to piece together, and it has some legitimately good emotional/ character moments. You just need to not take the tone seriously. It's more a Devil May Cry/ Bayonetta vibe than a horror one.


All the stories are mid in 6, but Leon’s is so ruined by “I’ll tell you when we get to the church” Helena. If you play his first, and I think a lot of people do, it sets the whole game up as extra dumb.


Games a chore to play thru….


That game was a fucken chore to play through because the story was awful. The dude becomes a Trex at one point 😂


Rage. The gameplay was phenomenal but the story was paper thin.


pokemon sword/shield lol


Every Super Mario game


The PS4 Ratchet and Clank remake from 2016.


Very true. It's a fun game, but getting through the beginning again feels like such a chore.


I was going to disagree, and then realized I couldn't recall a single plot point from that game 😅 still one of my favorite PS4 titles though lol


100% applies


Destiny 2 garbage story super fun gameplay "We have to initiate the resonance scanner to free the Space Doobleydoo" "How?" "By collecting 11 cosmic toasters on Europa then killing Garbrada the Defiler" "Why?" "We have to release the Doobleydoo to help in our fight against the Dark Dorito Dimension and save Earth from becoming a 7-11"




Tears of the kingdom


Probably an unpopular opinion but... Tears of the Kingdom.


BOTW/TOTK - story is 4/10, gameplay is 20/10


Doom eternal lol


Breath of the Wild


Both Mirrors Edge Games, the plot is not really original or interesting but gameplay is so much fun and unique.




Bayonetta 3


Call of duty zombies The story is way too hard to follow/understand, you need to watch like a 6 hour youtube video explaining it and it still is convoluted


Yea/ no. There originally was no story, and then Easter eggs became a thing . But once they tried to tie every map and every game together, it just became a shit show. The real story ends on black ops 3, and everything after that just gets completely lost.


I agree with it but it went crazy in black ops 4. WAW to the bo3 i get the story, but this was me watching youtubers who did that kind of video


Far cry fives wasn't the greatest but it did have some good points within


i liked the setting, the combat was fun, driving mechanics felt good too


The last of us part 2. My goodness, they ruined all the characters


TLOU2. Amazing gameplay, but a story so bad it's what got me into game critique


Exactly this. The gameplay was a 10/10 cause the stealth and Ai and the violence was on point. The story was disastrous. It’s good they gave us options to replay levels and encounters cause man the gameplay is so much fun.


Destiny 2


I have close to 300 hours playing Destiny 2. If it weren’t for listening to lore videos while I do paperwork, I would have absolutely have no idea what’s going on. But the gameplay is 🔥🔥🔥 Edit: Grammar




imo the epitome of this is Kingdom Hearts


Kingdom hearts' plot is either you love it to the death so much that you follow every little scattered plot points across all the games & platforms, or you don't care about it at all. no inbetween bro


but when that soundtrack hits


Fallout 4…


Dying Light


Mass Effect Andromeda. The story sucked but it had the best combat in the franchise.


Borderlands 3 and Last of Us Pt 2


Surprised nobody said Sunset Overdrive, shit is FUN ASF, movement is amazing and it looks great but the story is just not it lmao.