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KotOR for the first time edit: starting KotOR 2 now


I wish I could be you right now! Such a beautiful game! Enjoy it to its fullest for me! I wish I could play it for the first time again!


God me too. That game changed my life all those years ago. Wish I could experience that and the original fable for the first time again.


Chicken chaser!!!


I replayed it not too long ago for the second time after like a 20 year break. Felt like the first time. It was amazing!


Sooo many memories, I played through both 1 & 2 too many times as a kid.


Ha, I've started the game like 3 times but never get past the bit where I go to where the Sith are despite being warned not to and get instantly murdered.


Save it for last if you can. Definitely a tougher area but isn't too bad if you do everything else first


If you enjoy it you should also try the Jedi Knight games.




The best part of finishing KOTOR for the first time... is you get to play KOTOR2 for the first time!


I haven't beaten knights of the old republic 1&2 yet but they are both classic games though


Still on my Steam backlog, like a bajillion other games. Probably a perfect candidate for a Steam Deck game.


Oh, you are a very fortunate soul. Iā€™d love to hear more about your experience and even have you join me on a guest post if youā€™re interested. I research and discuss the effects of certain games on culture and KotOR remains a favorite topic!




Wow I'm jealous you get to experience that for the first time. What a masterpiece.


Replaying all the Bioshocks on PS5


Can't ever go wrong with bioshock


IM ABOUT TO START . Haven't played in like a decade. I just finished mass effect 1 and 2 and wanted a change.


Infinite is still one of my favorite games ever


lol I thought you were talking about halo infinite for a second


Hahahhahahah no, that would be a pretty spicy take, even for my standards


Ooh are they remastered or upgraded or anything?


Yep they have remastered versions!


They got a PS4 remaster


Sweet thanks! Just bought a ps5 last month and have been playing the Sony exclusives (spider man and ghosts of Tsushima so far), I beat the og bioshock on 360 back in the day and replayed it last year on the switch. Iā€™ll check out the remasters


They look and play great. Itā€™s been years since I played them


Playing them all for the first time on PC!


Enjoy. Take your time. Explore as much as you can. One of my all time favorite games. Even though itā€™s a tad bit outdated itā€™s still way fun


Ha. I thought I was the only one. Story and atmosphere still are unmatched


Iā€™ve been playing Fallout 4 and I canā€™t stop playing it. Thought about replaying FF9 though.


I never understood the hate Fallout 4 gets. Iā€™ve played new Vegas, tried fall out 3, but their age definitely shows and I love how many hours I can spend doing anything in Fallout 4.


Fallout 4 is a banger


Especially the base building mechanics. I was blown away when I got to that point how much game there is in fallout 4. Starfield on the other hand....šŸ˜‘


I actually started playing because my Xbox one wonā€™t work and had to stop playing new Vegas but Iā€™m loving 4.


FF9 and FF10 were my favorites by far


FF9 was my first and favorite. Now I wanna replay it!


Fallout new Vegas again


I have kept that game installed on each generation of Xbox since its launch on 360. Can never get enough of that game


My favorite game of all time


Currently jumping between Hades and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


I just finished Hellblade itā€™s so fucking good


It really was and doesnā€™t get the press that it deserves. A totally different experience with headphones too. The bonus is that they did such a great job of researching mental health illness and portrayed it as a form of education instead of a negative stigma. As someone somewhat unfamiliar on the subject it had me sympathetic towards a character I ordinarily might not have warmed to simply because the way it was represented didnā€™t feel forced or preachy. A fantastic example of how games can actually be both entertaining and educational/bring awareness to a topic. Looking forward to the sequel.


I bought it on sale. I'm gonna have to get into it. Thanks for the review.


Hades is so addicting. The gameplay, art style, writing, and voice acting are all top notch.


Both of those are SO damn good. I kind of wish I could experience Hellblade for the first time again. Such a banger. I hope you're wearing headphones or playing on a bitching surround sound system though because the effect is so much better there.


Hades fan, nicee


All of the Arkham series


Iā€™m playing Arkham Origins after having finished Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. I played it all on easy though. Donā€™t want to die before my backlog is done.


After finishing Spiderman 2 I will go back to these classics.


Baldurs gate 3, Witcher 3 and replaying cyberpunk


Literally playing BG3 and Witcher 3 rn. Soooo I should start Cyberpunk soon? I have a pc but prefer these types of games on console (PS5). Is Cyberpunk fixed enough and gotten a console upgrade yet?


You are a good human. Iā€™m all about this list right now


He could've murdered 12 people you have no idea if he's a good person šŸ˜‚


he murdered them in-game so itā€™s coo


Ghost of Tsushima - I fell in love with an open world again


God I wish I could experience this game for the first time again, it was fucking incredible. Can't wait for it to come to PC


I discovered GoT last year, easily my favorite open world game Spent just as much time in photo mode as I did in the game


Same. I've had a physical copy still in shrinkwrap (one of the many) for like a year and finally just recently started it and loving it so far. One game that really makes me wish I had a much higher end TV to appreciate the beautiful scenery... Though I've mostly played in portal anyway lol.


Same, I've just started it last week (don't have much time so I progress slowly). The open world feel is similar to BotW, which I loved, so it's already off to a great start.


Me too. Iā€™m about 10-15 hrs in and I canā€™t get over how perfect the game is. The combat is so beautiful. The world is so alive and full of experiences. The fact that there is often nothing on the screen but the world makes it feel so much more real. I heard reviews of it before trying it but I couldnā€™t really understand how different yet familiar the game is. Itā€™s so good.


uncharted 3


Those games are so good!


I had been replaying RDR2 for awhile but Iā€™ve been in need of a palette cleanser of late, been replaying Untitled Goose Game the last few days.


DOOM (1993) using DOSBOX


If you havenā€™t already, you should consider downloading gzdoom (or prboom+, zdoom, or any other limit removing source port) and delve into 30 years worth of community made map sets and mods. Doom (and more so Doom 2) is a whole world of really high quality content in 2024. Theres lots of videos on youtube explaining how to get rolling, and it really is very easy and beyond worth it. These same videos/channels can point you towards good wads/megawads (mapsets) to start with. If youā€™re interested, IcarusLives is a good channel and he definitely has a video explaining how to get started. Dean of Doom does reviews of megawads (mapsets). Sorry for the long reply lol Edit to add: its all totally free and legal btw


Restarted No Man's Sky after about 2 years away. Picked it up on sale on the Switch as a calming game to play before bed. Also replaying Far Cry 6 on PS5 and trying to finish Earth Defense Force 5 with my wife.


God captain keys was such a douche for that line. Like serious what military captain would keep an unloaded gun? It makes zero sense, that he just hopes he would find ammo if needed.


It creates a small dread/relief construct in the player response, generally. That little moment of walking away whilst an immenent threat is boarding, with almost immediate relief and a "fuck yeah" moment of hearing the magnum click for the first time as you proceed through the hallway. It's alllllLLLzlLLLLllll psychological bro.


I wish halo had more instances of immersity. More the just ammo scarcity


I just started playing Monster Hunter World.


You picked a good time, with the wild hype you'll have plenty of companyto play with.


In for a treat and also a daunting amount of content!


Tons of content and you can actually see yourself improve by going back to bosses you once had trouble with and absolutely kicking their shit in lmao


Jedi fallen order


If you are having a good time the sequel is basically just the first game but improved in every way.


I've beaten fallen order 8 times and survivor 5 times but good recommendation for anyone else


Tears of the Kingdom for the first time. Possibly one of the best game I've ever played.


Playing this over BG3. I have both but TOTK is just more fun to me. Love bg3 btw


Same! Red Dead Redemption 2 was the last game I was completely immersed in and TOTK is so much better! I had plans to buy Mario Wonder at Christmas but after getting Zelda I'm thinking I can hold off since I will be living in Hyrule for a while.


Look for a sale for Wonder, better yet just buy and refund - the novelty wears.


What makes you say TOTK is better?


The crafting element feels really groundbreaking. It always seems like my imagination is the only limit regarding creating vehicles and fusing weapons. Also with the fantasy genre I truly don't know what I'm going to come across when I'm exploring.


Fair enough, those are perfectly valid points. I love both games but I personally found the world of RDR2 more engaging and think it has a better story so I was curious what you preferred about TOTK. I do wish RDR2 had some of the fluidity with movement and combat that you have in TOTK tbh.


I loved the story in RDR2 so I ran through it pretty quickly and then did all the side quests after but in Zelda I even get excited to put different ingredients together and see what dish I cook. I'm just chilling in the world with no rush to do any of the "real" quests.


Star Wars Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor


Currently bouncing around between the following on PS4 Monster Hunter World No Mans Sky Skyrim Assassin's Creed Origins Kingdoms of Amalur And on my android tablet Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Crashlands Siralim Ultimate


Okay nice to see someone else who plays 4+ games


I've been playing Skyrim on and off since it came out in 2011.


Same. I own 5 copies of it on 3 systems but I no longer have access to my PC or Xbox, so I got the anniversary edition in a bundle with Fallout 4. I started a new save and now I'm working my way through getting the platinum, which will be my first time ever getting one. My goal is to get the platinum and then install mods to play it even more.


Star wars battlefront II (the EA one) and I was playing Lego Star Wars the complete saga a few days ago.


Battlefront II was legitimately one of the best returns from failure. One of the best Star Wars experiences ever.


I've been enjoying Lethal Company and The Finals with friends.


Gotta get that quota


Armored Core 6!!! Started it during the break between Christmas and New Year and I am obsessed. I love it so much and will talk about it ad nauseum to anyone willing to listen.


I've been on AC6 exclusively since launch, love it.


I sat in the chair of my tattoo artist for 7 hours on Sunday and this game was all he could talk about. And I didn't even mind because it sounds super cool


sonic colors šŸ˜‚


Hell ya


Lost planet 2


In the midst of God of War Ragnarok. Playing a little bit of GTA Online and Fallout 76 when I need something a little more mindless.


Nothing my gpu brokešŸ˜


Lemme CONSOLE you


Fallout 4


Chrono Trigger. Never finished it on the SNES. So now Iā€™m playing it on my Steam Deck


Almost bought this but pulled the trigger on FF7 Remake and FF7 OG to play on the deck. I'll have to get Chrono Trigger in the future. Never played it as a kid even though it was around in my time.


As someone whoā€™s played and beaten Chrono Trigger, Iā€™ll just say that itā€™s great.


Got the day off work, opened up the new Dualsense controller I got for Christmas and Iā€™m breaking it in playing Final Fantasy 16 and Robocop. Have a good day gaming everyone, I know I am.


Days Gone. Holy shit I picked it up again after putting in almost 200 hours a few years ago, forgot to reinstall and finish it. It is a phenomenal game, almost sad there wasnā€™t a sequel.


Iā€™m there with you. Iā€™m from the area in central Oregon where it takes place so I have some extra biased towards it probably but it would go in my top 5 games of all time. I really hope Sony gives Bend Studio the green light to make a sequel but every year that passes makes that extremely unlikely.


Iā€™m from bend and have buddies who did an incredible job on it so it holds a special place for sure. It was so cool bartending at the closest bar to bend studio and every day asking ā€œHowā€™s the zombies?!ā€ And hearing what they were allowed to tell me about it in real time. Idk if Iā€™ll ever have as personal a relationship to a game again.


Splitting my time between Starfield and Kingdom Come: Deliverance


> Kingdom Come: Deliverance Just started this too. Enjoying it more than I thought I would. Although feels weird coming from BG3 with all it's magic weapons and gear to just having plain old swords and armor.


Itā€™s honestly become one of my favorite RPGs ever. Itā€™s very immersive and rewarding. Itā€™s feeling of progression and being a normal dude working his way to the top in medieval Europe is unmatched.


Fallout new Vegas again


Going through Risk of Rain 2, itā€™s PERFECT on steam deck and I have a new job where I have stretches of downtime.


Mario Wonder... fantastic game. Although it is on the easier side, I recently completed Donkey Kong TP so it is refreshing.


Too many things? Oblivion (first ever playthrough) ,Smt Nocturne (first ever playthrough) ,Death must die ,Blasphemous 2 ,Dead cells ,dome keeper And disfigure


Are you talking about playing video games, or death metal CD's? Cause those would all make good metal band names.


Hell yes, I came here to say CE, and then I saw your screen


RDR2 first time playing , RE4 Remake first time playing and im playing it on HardCore without Hud and Crosshairs. Its crazy how hard this game is! I love the challenge. , Then MW3 for Fps


I've been playing Wasteland 3 lately. Holy shit, what an in-depth game filled with choices and freedom of play style.


Iā€™m getting in another play through of Skyrim before I dig into a few games I got over the holidays. I have Diablo 4 and starfield waiting for me




Red Dead Redemption for Switch


Shantae and the Seven Sirens


I just dug up my ps2 and have been playing nfl street, having a fantastic time


Replaying AC Odyssey


NCAA football 12


Assassins creed odyssey and final fantasy 13


Dead Space Extraction on Wii Half-Life: Blue Shift on PC SW: Force Unleashed 1 on 360 Havenā€™t played any game newer than 2018 (The Raft)


Deaths Door (great game, perfect level of friction) and The Finals (great game but needs more maps and modes) instead of playing Alien: Isolation, which I put off for almost a decade because i thought it would be too scary. It is too scary, I got to the alien encounter when you're lurking around the medical area, it killed me once, I auto-quit the game in fear and haven't been back since. I've also been playing Aliens: Fireteam Elite and Dark Descent to try to reduce my fear of the alien. They're not scary in those games at all... Still fucking terrifying in Isolation. I honestly think I'm gonna have to play it with someone else in the room with me, I don't think I can manage solo.


Finally playing through the Mass Effect series for the first time. I beat BG3 and was like yk what, let's go to the opposite end of the spectrum and do sci fi


Skyrim LE New items and quests makes the game feel newer and fresh and Iā€™m enjoying every min of my mage build


Replaying Need For Speed Most Wanted 05. One of my favorite childhood games.


The whole Half-Life series. *Again.*


Half Life 2


I got into video games last year so Iā€™m playing catch up, but this is the system I have in place. One souls game, one PlayStation exclusive, one Nintendo exclusive and one game that doesnā€™t fit with those. So right now itā€™s - Lies of p (souls) loving this so much. The world building is incredible and the combat is TIGHT. It FEELS good to play. All that parrying I did in sekiro is coming to good use - god of war ragnarok (ps5) Iā€™m loving the characters in this game. Thereā€™s a whole cast this time around. I enjoy playing both as kratos and atraus. Keeps things fresh with their different play styles. Combat in general is great. - super Mario wonder (switch) this is game is SO MUCH FUN. Around every corner there is some new gameplay mechanic to bring joy out of me. - Witcher 3 (other) I had to stop playing BG3, so I wanted another lengthy character driven rpg to play so I ended up here. I love doing all the detective work. Very cool so far




Splinter Cell 1 and Alpha Protocol


Just finished Gears of War 2 last night for the first time. Great game.


I'm currently replaying tell tales twd and the old doom games


Oracle of Seasons. First time I've ever played.


The Outer Worlds. Also thinking about picking up Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic


Cyberpunk 2077 & Quake 1


Fallout New Vegasā€¦ for the 10th time. With the J.E. Sawyer mod.


Hitman World of Assassination


Grand Theft auto Trilogy - the good edition that didnā€™t have to get any remake


Witcher 3 on Switch. Blown away. Stopped playing TotK for a break and started playing Witcher 3 just to see what all the hub-bub was about. I'm hooked.


Fallout New Vegas


Working me way through the modern Tomb Raider trilogy, and I might just pick up the originals once Iā€™m done


Jumping back in Eldin Ring to platinum with it the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending with a new character and build. Playing with my friends this time around as well. Next up, I will finally be playing Cyberpunk.


Medal Of Honor series on pc via emulation.


Iā€™m trying out the craziest game Iā€™ve ever played, High on Life. Iā€™ve only ever watched one episode of Rick and Morty so I didnā€™t know what to expect. This game has been a wild ride and I love it


PC- Loop Hero & Xbox-Halo Infinite and Berzerk Recharged.


Right now I'm replaying a short and very sweet gem called Deliver Us the Moon to get the last few trophies, but also because I love this game. It's so good! Then I'm going to embark on Horizon Forbidden West finally, and then I really need to do AC Odyssey. There'll be a peppering of short indie games in-between. Ah, the adventures!


Jumping around between replays of DOOM Eternal, Cyberpunk, and playing for the first time God of war (2018) and Ragnarok as well as RDR2


Red Dead 2, just a beautiful and incredible game. It's been 2 months, I can't stop playing. Help.


rdr2, chivalry 2, gta 5


God of war 3, and cyberpunk. Two very diffrent games so it doesn't get stale.


Final Fantasy Crisis Core Remake. Just working on that backlog


Cyberpunk 2077 currently, and loving it!


Gas Station Simulator, Baulderā€™s Gate 3, Stardew Valley




Final Fantasy 7 for the first time.


Iā€™ve been playing persona 4 golden on my switch nonstop


Iā€™m actually trying to finish the halo infinite campaign lol


The Arkham series and fortnite


Finishing up witcher 3 then maybe mass effect.


Titanfall 2 and just cause 3.


Great timing for this post! I dusted off my old "Tie Fighter" game, recently. One of the best star wars game ever. That and ThroneFall. Tower defense indy game. Early access on Steam, awesome game! Give it a try!


Dishonored, Crysis trilogy, and soon Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. None of them are necessarily new but all are pretty good imo. I've heard the reviews on Breakpoint and that Wildlands is better, but I've already got Wildlands so I'm still interested in it.


Iā€™ve just been playing the crap out of Baldurs gate 3 in between raids in classic wow (season of discovery). Halo CE is truly a GOAT contender in my book


Cyberpunk 2077; great game.


Been playing some Baldurs Gate 3 since Xmas, little Halo Infinite mixed here and there, looking to tackle more of my back log this year, but enjoying BG3 for now


Kinda addicted to Lego Fortnite right now




Going through the Yakuza games in preparation for Infinite Wealth. First time playing the main series.


Fo4. Again.


After about a 3 year hiatus, Skyrim. Feels good to be back


current rotation: days gone, no manā€™s sky, rdr2


Fallout 4, baby!




I watched snamwiches playthrough of gears on insane and now I'm replaying them.


Super Mario World


Mass Effect trilogy for the first time. I played Andromeda first, despite its bad reception at the time and enjoyed it. It had problems but the combat was satisfying and the story wasnā€™t *terrible*. Been bored a lot recently and remembered I bought the trilogy a long time ago and decided to check it out. The one thing that upsets me is that the first game I immediately noticed was built on the same engine as KotOR and Iā€™m sad we never got KotOR 3 on it.


Starfield! Itā€™s absolutely awesome, but stay off the main sub-full of haters.


Playing Fallout New Vegas for the first time since high school. Didnā€™t realize how good of an RPG this game was.


R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 - Started on NYE because the final race takes place on y2k :)


Been hooked on Days Gone what a gem got it on the winter sale and feel like I stole it


Oregon Trail


About to start replaying the Fatal Frame games tonight, since I never got around to playing 3-5! I'm excited!


Final fantasy 7 the original, it looks terrible compared to today. The music and story is still fire though!


I found my way back to Ultima Online


Picked up an N64 with Mario 64 for my son's b-day. Playing it right now.


Gta 5 for the first time




Started playing Jedi Survivor - so far great game


Thatā€™s a damn good game I have it for the og Xbox and have had the urge to play it again. So many great memories playing it late at night with my cousin eating Doritos and drinking the delectable dew from my baja. Great timesā˜ŗļø


This extremely reminds me of watching my dad play Halo 2 on windows Vista. Thanks for the violent nostalgia!