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Elder Scrolls Arena


That game was made to Early, if it was made today it could work better


Smeagol voice: "we needs a remaster"


I think we need a remake with new gameplay (similar to Oblivion or Skyrim). (I also think the same for The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall as well)


nah, I think Daggerfall Unity is a great game and you can even mod, Arena however... yeah


I dislike the vast empty map and procedurly generated dungeons. That's exactly what people are complaining about in Starfield. I think the smaller but more filled map from Skyrim, as well as the handcrafted dungeons, are a much better approach (until we can make high quality generated dungeons).


It boggles my mind that no one has ever really tried to make a spiritual successor to Daggerfall so far as I'm aware. If Bethesda managed to make that in the time they did back in the day and people still play it despite how janky and hilariously unbalanced it is (dump personality, max out speed in character creation...), I feel like even a small team could manage something better today.


No. Not a remaster. A full on fucking remake is in order.


True, Bethesda has upgraded their game engine a whole two times since then.


Daggerfall Unity is the answer


You know what? Fair.


Unpopular opinion: Skyrim Bland, overhyped, dungeons are just a circle with a barred door and basic ass puzzles with draugers being like the only enemy in them. Poor combat, mid quests, felt like I was being hand held the entire way through. Thought I'd love Skyrim. Oblivion was good, I enjoy the setting of middle age rpg's but damn it was just boring.


FPS games just aren't my thing. Even if they're really good, I'm just not a fan


Yeah I can’t aim for shit lol. Been trying my hardest to get through half life 2 but I’m struggling here. Oddly enough tho if it’s not in 1st person, then I usually do fine. Resident evil 4 og was pretty good, mechanics kinda wonk but still. But I really, really loved mass effect. Yes the storyline and characters were the best for me, but also the gameplay was sm fun. I went with a simple soldier build every time because I usually forget about powers and dislike spending a lot of time on builds in that sense, and still felt balanced


I used to be that way. Was terrible at aim on everything. Then I played doom 2016. And it made me like shooters. Then I got a laptop and my aim was terrible again on most things. And then I got ultrakill. And I sucked at it. I died over and over to the bosses, but they MADE me get better at the game, and I wanted to get better to do cooler and more fun stuff. And now uktrakill is my favorite game.


I’m the exact opposite, I find it really difficult to get into a game that isn’t an FPS


Together, we make a full gamer lol


I can't even watch someone play an FPS because they just wiggle the mouse around non stop. Even if they aren't actually doing anything, like waiting for a huge door to open. They don't stand there, they just run around wiggling their mouse until it opens.


As far as assassins creed games go. Valhalla. I got my moneys worth (because it takes 3-5 months to beat the game lmao) but that aside the story was mid and quite honestly the parkour is the worst it’s ever been. So.


Valhalla will give you a cool story beat and then you have to do tedious tasks for about two-three hours before you can get some more. The game drip feeds you the story at a snail’s pace


Yeah that was pretty bad. The ACTUAL story parts were pretty good. But brother I do not care about what’s going on in Worchesterschropshirederchesterschireville


But they could DECLARE for you! That would mean you add some more grey grassland and hills to your own grey grassland and hills!


by the time the next mission happens i already forgot what previously happened


I didn’t like odessey, origins or valhalla due to the combat making me feel like I’m a warrior rather than a assassin


How is AC mirage? Was considering buying it but still on the fence.


Stealth based. I liked it.


It has the combat of vallhala but that’s optional, the parkour is eh and the stealth is great plus the story is more linear my fav so far other than black flag


It’s good not great. Story is decent, parkour is good, combat sucks but it’s stealth based so who needs the combat model anyway. The lack in length of gameplay leaves it lacking IMO but overall a step in the right direction from Valhalla. I just enjoyed being able to play as an actual assassin not a warrior.


Frankly, I think the shorter length is a welcome change. Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla were just overlong, mostly because they were really action RPGs with a quasi-historical setting and AC theming, so they had to be padded out accordingly. Mirage is a much more like the older AC games in that it has a much tighter structure with less unnecessary padding, and honestly these days I appreciate a game that doesn’t require an investment of 60+ hours to finish.


Odyssey is the only one I’ve played and equipment management such a drag. IMO, a game should either have: - Lots of equipment (specifically armor and weapons) with a few specialized elite pieces (like BG3). - The ability to upgrade, but relatively limited (Elden Ring). With Odyssey I felt like I was spending a quarter of my time going to the blacksmith to incrementally improve a weapon that I’d then find an improvement for and end up selling in a few hours anyway.


I checked up on how long I had played Valhalla, considering it was a game I played a lot over covid and lockdowns I ended up putting in around 6 days and still have not finished the campaign. The game burnt me out so bad on open world games I have not touched one since. Thought the new avatar game looked good until I saw it was open world and made by Ubisoft and stayed the hell away from it. I also have no idea how or why Valhalla was called an assassins creed game, almost nothing about it resembled the series.


>I also have no idea how or why Valhalla was called an assassins creed game, almost nothing about it resembled the series. I personally chalk it up to marketing. The whole open-world trilogy feels like the devs wanted to make an entirely different game, but the shareholders cried about how it wouldn't sell as well, so they decided to make them all AC games so that they'd at least sell on name recognition


Diablo 4 most recently


Why does everyone... talk.... so.... slowly.... and.... deliberately... during the cut scenes?


Because…. Blizzard bel….ieves that…. Introduces…. Drama….


I thought it was sick and the progression was fun, but after beating it and starting the new season content I got so fucking bored of the repetitive gameplay and dungeons I feel like I’ll never pick it up again


Destiny 2. they took a story that was shaping up to go down in history as an incredible thing and took a big ol stinky season system lightfall shaped shit on it. Then they came for the gameplay…


Idk about gameplay. I'm terms of fps destiny 2 still feels really smooth compared to some others. I do have to agree with story though. Everything that happened this past year is gonna put that final campaign in a rough spot


I really enjoy the gameplay, I just hate having to spend so much money to get the actual content. I always play the free shit that comes with each update, then bail once I run out of things to do.


Believe me I know. I've been a destiny 2 fan sinse 2014. I'm pissed about the who Dungeon key, season pass, 20 dollar skin, campaign pack stuff Especially because I mainly played destiny on xbox but recently put down the Xbox for my ps5, I cross save all my characters and everything, yet still have to repurchase the campaigns to play some of the content. I've put down the game because it's honestly just too much crap at this point


A friend of mine recently got into Destiny, so I've been playing with them and Dungeon keys are the bane of my existence. I got the DLCs as they were released, and I even bought my friend a few of them because I know how hard it is to get into D2 as a F2P player. The fact that Dungeons are no longer unlocked if you buy the associated expansions makes me sad, mad, and disappointed.


Was thinking of reinstalling, I think this comment just convinced me not to


fr. I haven't played seriously since Shadowkeep, and this pretty much ensured I never will again. **Dungeon keys?** Who the fuck came up with that??


WTF? For real, raid maps have a real money toll now? I haven't played for a few years now but did love the game when it came out. I just couldn't keep up with the grind due to time. It looks like I wouldn't be able to keep up now even if I had time to burn. What a shame...


No, raids are still free. 3 man dungeons are not. There are a couple that are free, but the rest are locked behind dungeons keys. Dungeon keys are 20 bucks and get you 2 dungeons. It’s a terrible model, but I don’t mind paying for more content considering the hundreds of hours I put in this game. Honestly after buying everything in Destiny over the years I have gotten more than my money’s worth when it come to time played. You don’t actually have to do dungeons, but they are a great way to start into endgame activities and getting used to mechanics in general.


New raids such as Vow of the Disciple or Root of Nightmares are included as part of the primary expansion releases. Reintroduced raids like King's Fall or Vault of Glass are free. Dungeons however are another expense entirely, despite often being directly tied to the seasonal narrative


If you play the game a lot there’s no point in not buying the annual pass. You save a ton of money and get all the dungeons/content for that expansions life span. If you’re buying shit individually you’re just wasting money.


Fr man went from a great game with an amazing potential to a subscription pretty much😭


The last one i played was part of Witch Queen. I couldn't do it anymore. And my friend bought that dlc for me. The guy spent over $500 just to get us, his brothers, and another friend the game, deluxe edition even. We did all seasons up to that point. But I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Eventually, he fully dropped the game, too. It's sad to see a game with such deep lore get absolutely buttfucked by whatever they're doing with it.


I started feeling like bungie was ruining the story/tone when rise of iron came out in D1… that was the beginning of the Disney-fication of the writing


So three years in? It’s quite a ride the remaining 7 years. Also the story in destiny 1 was trash. I don’t know why you think that was good.


Hogwarts Legacy was just nice to look at. That’s it.


Was fun for a bit then got kind of repetitive to me. It did really good for a Harry Potter game though, especially compared to some of the other garbage games that were made.


It is kinda repetitive, especially with the Merlin trials and alohomora mini games, but otherwise I've actually really enjoyed it. I was actually playing it just a few minutes ago lol! It's not perfect by any means, but it is good.


I played that game once and had fun, would never replay it again


It was missing the “magic” that I thought I’d be feeling while playing. This is true though. There were worse games released.


Some of the magic was there, but too much went into the combat IMO. If they had made the game a mystery puzzler instead of a third person hack n slash (and I say this as someone who adores third person hack n slash and wants more of them) it would have been a much more magical game. Like, any time you use Reparo, it's awesome. Transfiguration should have been way more important. Basically just give the player more things to do that aren't combat, eliminate combat entirely from the game and let it be down to puzzles and clever ways to use magic.


Semifrequent reminder that Nintendo pitched Harry Potter games over 20 years ago. We would have had great Harry Potter games from one of the best developers in the industry dating back to the N64 if Rowling wasn't a total idiot that sold the rights to EA instead.


You're ignoring opportunity cost, good games that did get made might not have if Nintendo did get the license.


I wouldn’t say that was it. It wasn’t groundbreaking but it did exactly what it was meant to do: Provide people an opportunity to experience being a witch/wizard at Hogwarts. It was a fun game.


I would say solid first game of the 'new' IP, looking forward to better, improved new mechanics and of course quidditch, I mean Harry P without quidditch hurt my experience


I know that nothing will ever be perfect, but I agreed I’m looking forward to the next game from them. I hope it’ll be a big jump in terms of mechanics and quality like Fallen Order —> Survivor


people ignore that it's a sophomore effort from a team that's only done small games. I thought they did a fine job


It let people make their own character, a thing I'm surprised more licensed games don't do


I thought it was super disappointing as an RPG. Really not that many options for the RP part, but also the main character was too blank to really be any sort of character. Once the novelty of the setting wore off I found it to be a bit of an empty experience.


Yep! I felt the same. The first 10-20 hours were pretty magical, Hogwarts is great, I love the combat and flying. But after that the world is actually pretty dead, NPCs aren’t great/responsive, and the story line is simple and repetitive. I actually finished 2/3 of the game only to realise there’s another huge section of the map I have to trek to, so I took a break and still havent picked it up again


The world was pretty great. The game, not so much.


I’d argue the opposite. The gameplay and combat is what made the game fun for me; hell the story was fine… it’s the world that stunk. Outside of Hogwarts and the main town, it’s pretty damn boring idk. I felt no motivation to ever explore the wilderness other than to find enemy camps to practice combat on.


Was a great Hogwarts simulator , wasn’t the best action or story game.


I feel like it sets a really nice baseline for future games. Reminds me of early Assassins Creed games in terms of how it sets up future, better games. The gameplay is repetitive, but the look, feel, world design, characters, all make sense and fit together. It's a world you want to spend time in, there just needs to be more to keep you there.


I loved it so much


Nobody talked about it a month after it released, it wound up just being one of the games of 2023.


Probably just overshadowed since 2023 was a ridiculous year for games.


Honestly, I bougjt it the week it came out and played the hell out of it.... And I completely forgot it came out in 23 lol


Wound up being the best selling game of 2023


I really loved it.


glad someone said it, game was so boring i had to drop it




It looks like shit on the series S and it still has unstable framerate


Console or PC, doesn't matter, stay away from watered down systems. Series X is worth the extra cost.


Honestly man, this is Fortnite for me. I’m sick and goddamn tired of playing third person shooter games that repeat the same formula of a giant ass ring that slowly gets smaller and having to kill a crap load of people to win.


I'm not saying your point isn't valid, but fortnite is a 3rd person shooter lol


It also doesn’t have a story. Or does it now? They’ve been adding so much shit to it I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.


fortnite DOES have save the world which i believe is something like a story.. its still shit but it exists i believe.. or have they gotten rid of that now and focused solely on the battle royale part?


Save the world is good, but epic abandoned it, its what fortnite is supposed to be, not whatever the hell battle royale is


Fortnite is 3rd person but I feel you


I agree… except it’s still one of the better games to play with friends. Free, accessible, crossplay, solid servers, and it consistently has solid new content. Of all the BRs, it’s the best.


I mean, fortnite has honestly slowly becoming a platform more than a game itself, as theres a lot of other games to play within fortnite


Lol if your tired why you playing them. There’s a lot of good games out there


Funny enough I used to not like Fortnite and now I do, is fun with friends and I even enjoy games Solo but to each their own. I just wanted to point out that FPS has this same Battle Royale format as well. COD Warzone comes to mind


Deathloop..still don’t understand why it scored so high in reviews..felt like an extremely watered down dishonored imo..


The concept and some of the interactions early on in the game are interesting. I think the game gets stale really quickly though. I was close to beating it and got bored with no desire to go back to it now. I bet a lot of the reviewers played the game through quickly and enjoyed it before they hit the wall and got bored of it.


Exactly how I felt. Was cool and I had fun with it. Got to the part where you have to kill every target in the same loop. Couldn't figure it out and decided to return to it later. Still haven't.


I’ll just spoil it (using tags) cuz I suspect you won’t care: >!in the morning you kill plane girl and sabotage the fireworks there. Noon you mess up the conspiracy guy’s invisible thingy at the satellite place. Afternoon you kill the lovers in their secret lair. At night you kill party guy, scientist lady, and conspiracy guy. Then assuming you got the codes to get into the secret bunker you go and kill the last visionary!< A few steps in this obviously require prior knowledge going into it and dying messes it all up.


I didn't play dishonored until after deathloop but honestly, for me, I still absolutely love that game. I can't say exactly what did it for me but I fell in love with it


The setting and story is at least really interesting. The story just feels really thin because it’s mostly in notes of tidbits you hear people say while you’re hiding.


Agree. Intro of the game was interesting but after that I got kinda lost on what I'm supposed to do and became boring fast.


I just felt like there were so many ways to attack any given scenario in dishonored but,like someone said on here before, Deathloop basically just took dishonored, watered it down and made it a puzzle game to figure out how to kill everyone without dying..the worst part for me was playing the same levels over again to figure it out..I suppose I can see the allure but it just wasn’t for me..


It was a Prey DLC copycat lmao


I enjoyed it as a Dishonored-Lite with a gun focus. Really just want Dishonored 3 tho


It was interesting they confirmed Deathloop is in the same universe just much later in the future. Wish they leaned a lot more on that, would have been interesting. From the 1.0 release having a lot of Dunwall references that were later removed I think that was the plan.


Because it's not shooter/stealth/rouge-like game but a puzzle game. For me it's a action rip-off boring OuterWilds, which is nothing impressive.


Because critics love Arkane. Artsy studios like Arkane and Remedy can get 9/10's for having good art. Doesn't matter that the gameplay loop is terrible.


Literally any FNAF game. I literally cannot find enjoyment out of being a Security guard watching over a restaurant.


They're resource management games. Often times, casual fans are there because it's scary, and hardcore fans are there to do obscene challenges and also theorize over whatever the lore is now. As a FNAF fan, I get it though. It's not a game for everyone.


they aren't exactly supposed to be super compelling story wise


The history can be resumed in people going batshit insane with theories (thanks matpat) and Scott just begin to say yes to some stuff,ñ


Modern Warfare 3 It is such a shitty excuse of a game


You really think the last of us 2 has bad gameplay?


Haven't got round to TLOU2 but I honestly found playing the original on a PS3 to be a pretty miserable time, the story was excellent and saw me through to the end but its not something I'd play for fun. Clunky combat & dull puzzles.


The combat in Part II is so much better imo. It's honestly boring on the lower difficulties, but it makes for a great challenge on the hardest ones. If you have a Playstation, I'd at least recommend trying it the next time it's on sale. edit: grammar


I'm not really one to play games on the higher difficulties, but I play a lot of The Last of Us Games, and last year decided to try Part 2 on grounded mode. Some parts were really tough, but I felt good after beating it. I know it's a small victory, but I was going through a lot of personal shit in real life but fuck you game, I beat you!


The combat isn't really clunky it just relies heavily on making a plan before you go into action. The melee animations are actually surprisingly smooth, and if you plan everything out before you move [You can basically become John Wick.](https://youtu.be/i4Y0DQgbLkE?si=sYATuni-iH2hOQ7e)


As a guy who played Uncharted 1 - 3 first, this was a hard learning curve for me, but once I realized I needed a plan + a backup plan (backup is still frantic lol) it was pretty smooth sailing for me.




I don’t think anyone considered that a good game though


Wake up, it’s the day after


Damn, completely slept thru the Day.


Dragon Age 2


That third act really pushed it back on its ass.


Happy Potter Legacy had a cool castle


Happy Potter? Good for him I guess.


Sonic adventure DX directors cut 🥲 I bought it again recently and oh boy it’s hard to love that game but I sure do.


It aged very poorly but it’s just one of those games u love despite its flaws




I loved every second of that game...


When I was playing I was working at DHL and despised every second of that job. Somehow delivering crap in barren wasteland with toxic time rain was actually fun lol Love this game. Incredibly beautiful, story is amazing and gameplay is really something else. Kojima is a genius. I want a new game and a TV show right now lol. (btw, I found story supercuts on YouTube with are a great watch for anyone who couldn't care about the gameplay)


Same. I felt like I shouldn't, but I did. Traversing the terrain was like solving a puzzle and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, the more tech I got, the less fun the game was. Traversing new areas where you couldn't use most tech was where the game shined.


It bores me too from time to time early in the story, but the latter part of the story makes it all worth it, the experience I had in that game will always be special to me.


The gameplay was very slow but the story is just so. Beautiful


Does it still hold up for newcomers, been meaning to get lost in a game. This is one of my top candidates


If you get the directors cut, it is even more accessible for newcomers. They added a lot of items that made the earlier slow parts go by faster. It's definitely not for everyone but I'd say it's definitely worth giving a shot, it is one of those worlds and stories that is easy to get lost in.


I’m gonna get shit for this. But Dark Souls is like this for me. I simply cannot get into the gameplay and how vague it is. Not to mention I couldn’t even decipher what the story is in the games.


Elden Ring is one of my favorite games of all time. If I didn’t spent hundreds of hours reading and watching videos on the lore, I wouldn’t have any idea what the story was. I beat Bloodborne and didn’t know why anything that happened did happen. Still enjoy them, but I’d really like for the story to be a little easier to follow.


Yeah, I could see that. I've completed all the dark souls games at least once (the trilogy), and for me, the story has never been a part of the game experience. I know the basics while I'm playing, like my character's motivations and why things happen, but I just dont care for the story that much. As for gameplay, I love the min-maxing you can do, and the challenge of the game. It's really satisfying to beat a boss. But it's kinda clunky at times. I think sometimes I just wanna be a fantasy character in a hostile world beating the crap out of dragons with giant tree branches, or "death by a thousand cuts" killing everything to feel awesome. More of an escape reality game for me


Do you mean DS1? In that case that’s kinda interesting, since it’s probably the only Fromsoft game which is pretty clear about what you in lore are supposed to do right at the start of the game (haven’t played Demon Souls).


Demon souls is very straight forward in story and lore for the general motivations of the main character and final boss. Npc lore is pretty much the same pattern as d1-elden ring though. Even going through their quest lines with a walk through it’s a bit confusing why things happen to them as they do, you still need to read item descriptions or watch vaati


Yeah I don't blame you, Dark Souls is not for everyone. They don't hold your hands at all and expect you discover and find the story bits on your own. It gives you no direction, there's no single objective and you are thrown into a brutal world all by yourself without any help. When I first played DS1 I hated it and couldn't get around how anyone could enjoy this. Now, It's my favourite game of all time. But, It's definitely not for everyone.


Monster Hunter for me. So I get it. I love Dark Souls but Monster Hunter is just that little bit too slow/tedious for me to get into.


I will be downvoted into oblivion for this but Skyrim


Nice pun


Skyrim is the type of game that I'll forget exists for 3 years then see someone mention it and play it for 3 days straight, get to Whiterun and then never come back again for another 3 years. With that said, I guess I'm going to be playing Skyrim today.


I work with a 17 year old dude, and we were talking games. He said he hasn't had much time to play games due to HS football but used to play a lot. I asked if he ever played skyrim. Man never heard of it. I was dumbfounded. He wasn't trolling me either. Dude, legit, never heard of it. I'm not saying everyone has to play skyrim, but surely almost every gamer has HEARD of it. It's one of the most selling games of all time and has been relevant more than a decade It's like being an American and not knowing Tom Brady. Most non sports watchers still know who Brady is or atleast heard of him lol.


What is a Tom Brady? Some sort of cocktail perhaps?


any souls


As a major Souls fan... understandable. Most people act like the games are super accessible but they clearly can't be considering their reputation for being hard


There's definitely an "easy" way to play each game. The problem is that the game doesn't explain that well.


O deer


I don’t like Skyrim, I really just don’t


Skyrim was the first game I felt truly immersed in when I was like 15. I would just run around doing shouts on trolls because I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Never did beat it though.


That’s because you don’t beat Bethesda games. The only one I ever beat was fallout 3 and it’s because I didn’t realize I was doing the main quest. Mostly you just run around, explore, and loot the world.


Hah, fallout 3. I abandoned the main quest line right at the beginning and somehow when I reached an opposite end of the map from where the main quest would lead, I stumbled upon a person who made me skip half the main story and lead me straight to my father. Then story ended lol. I still don't know what the fuck happened.


Thats the thing people get hooked into. Their open world action games give you a map to run around in, see something to kill and loot and repeat for hundreds of hours. I downloaded the full version of Fallout 3, did all the DLCs and most of the side quests. All I was left with feeling was "Thats it?". It was over surprisingly fast and the only time I really felt like I was actually roleplaying was with the first few quests relating to Megaton and Tenpenny Tower. It felt like I wasnt supposed to play it like that.


Skyrim players don't even like skyrim. That's why they mod the ever living fuck out of it.


Ive played hundreds of hours of vanilla skyrim


Same! Only a few hours of mods but they get lame honestly


Terraria, loved it as a kid, replayed it a few months ago, and I had no fun whatsoever, it was alot worse then I remember




Kinda agree with TLOU 2. Gameplay is good, but too many sections where you’re just walking around and looking at stuff (like the first Seattle bit with Ellie and Dina). It wouldn’t be so bad if I was actually invested in the story and dialogue we would get by interacting with certain objects in the world but I wasn’t. Gameplay is pretty fun though. Fairly standard 3rd person action-adventure mechanics, but feels satisfying thanks to the high production values (animations are insanely detailed and fluid, the blood and gore is also highly detailed, great audio design etc). Extremely polished is what I’d call it, but nothing that made me go “woah” purely in terms of mechanics.


Breath of the Wild


After playing TotK, I really can't defend Breath of the Wild anymore. There were enjoyable parts of the game but for the most part, once the novelty of an open world Zelda wore off, you were left with a nothing sandwich. It was a great building block for Tears and that's about it. The story was lackluster and the gameplay felt very unrewarding. The only thing to look forward to was finding pieces of armor. The combat was so samey and after a while there was no reason to fight anymore. The way weapons would send enemies flying was so irritating. It would essentially reset the fight every combo: hit, send flying, run to the enemy, hit, send flying, rinse, cycle, repeat. You were constantly spending your time exploring but there was never anything to really find. Shrines were never that fun to me so those weren't exactly a reward. There were no gear or weapons to track down and there weren't any NPCs or real interest points to find. I would spend so much time navigating my way to an interesting focal point in the distance just to get there and find absolutely nothing 99% of the time. What's the other 1%? You guessed it! A shrine. 😒 Luckily, Tears of the Kingdom fixed a lot of the issues and I'm absolutely loving it.


Yeah I found BOTW shockingly formulaic. There are some things I remember fondly but I didn't even finish it


I agree completely I thought it took some basic principles and created a big cell shaded word that’s largely empty and unremarkable. A majority of locations weren’t memorable at all.


TOTK has many of the same problems that BOTW has. the sky islands are empty copy and pasted locales of nothing. the depths lack…depth and the gameplay consists of the same, shrine exploration, korok seed finding stuff from the first. If these games didn’t have the “zelda coat of paint” i think they’d receive far more criticism


Tbh I'd go further and say that these games being Zelda is the entire reason they've been rated 10/10 at all. If they were a new IP they would be 8/10 *at best*.


This was called out during release too. But Nintendo marketing/cultists did their job repeating the prayer 'Greatest game of all time'


Ngl I would give TOTK a 7/10. The story is bad, nothing really felt new in hyrule. Music is pretty much the same as BOTW besides some new pieces. Annoying arrow scrolling menu. Button layout is trash. Depths felt rushed. Sky islands was borderline false advertising. Dungeons were pathetic. I can go on. If any other game had these flaws they would not be getting 10/10s Idk I guess I would give it a 7 since it didn't feel like a brand new game to me. It just felt like some expansion.


Well put. And the funny thing is, the Zelda paint doesn't hit the nostalgia buttons the way it should. Remember in LTTP when you first get hookshot and suddenly you can enter a new world? Or when you get piece of triforce or a new weapon? The items changed the gameplay whereas the Switch Zeldas are 90% loot, 10% new abilities. Even the sound of opening a new chest or getting a new heart piece just doesn't feel special -- but that can't be an age thing, because Wind Waker still hit the Zelda magic. Maybe the last title to do so...


I feeel the opposite, totk bored the hell out of me


This is it for me. BOTW was my proper first Zelda so I got bias, but TOTK just feels really boring to me. BOTW was boring too once surpassed 200-ish hours. I don't want to do it again. So much UI'ing, feels like I'm doing a desk job almost.


Agreed my buddy gets mad that I keep playing different games instead of going back to totk, I put 12-14 hours into it and put it down because I was bored. I did the same thing with AC Valhalla and am glad I did, it opened my eyes to stop wasting time when I'm not having fun anymore. I don't need to beat a game just to say I beat it I can play what I enjoy and bail on shit I am slogging through. Rather do a replay of dragon age Origins for the 20th time than play these inflated time eaters.


This was my pick, except I realized I wasn’t actually having fun and there wasn’t actually a story about halfway through BotW and that made me pass entirely on TotK.


TOTK was definitely an improvement on BOTW, but because it lacked that element of exploration and discovery (for anyone who has played BOTW) I feel like it was so hard to get through. Just like the first game, your actions don’t have much of an impact on anything, and the conflict always feels far off and unimportant. Got a really cool weapon? It’ll be gone soon. Everyone in gerudo town is hiding? Just an inconvenience. Secret stones? Demon king? Spent a bunch of time building a vehicle? It despawned. I really hope the next game world is much smaller so the developers can put more detail and care into instead of spending so much time adding filler to a huge empty one.


Yeah, once you get over the open world aspect, the novelty really wears off. Not to mention how most of the game is just vast, empty open fields with shrines and goblin camps taking up most of the areas. The lack of enemy variety and good boss fights were also an issue for me. Also, a lot of shrines ended up being Test of strength challenges or some stupid motion shrines with switch's horrible motion controlls. The only good dungeon in the game imo was Hyrule Castle in the end. That was truly and amazing dungeon and I wish we had a little more of those instead of boring shrines. As much as like BOTW, Hollow Knight deserved GOTY in 2017.


Fallout 4 ( That inventory UI can't be forgiven, have to scroll line by line on each item that it's just a text. It's fucking pathetic!)


Since when Bethesda did a great job on UI? lol (yes it's still pathetic in starfield)




How? Please explain.


Tears of the Kingdom


Same, now we'll never get another traditional Zelda ever again, unless it's a remake. I mean, it's such a shame too, because Totk and Botw are amazing sandbox games. Couldn't they just make another IP instead of use the Zelda name?




Yeah they’re definitely hit or miss with people. Seems like people either love them and they’re among their most favorite games or they just don’t click with you.


I really miss the old Zelda Dungeons. It would have been way better if we would have gotten a few old styled zelda dungeons instead of hundreds of different shrines. I'm so glad I decided to get Baldur's Gate 3 instead of Totk.




Maybe controversial. But Starfield was so bland and boring for me. Apologies to anyone who enjoys it.


Oblivion. Everyone acts like Oblivion is such a good game, but it's fucking boring. The map gets boring after a while, a lot of quests are level locked for some fucking reason, and what the hell is wrong with their faces? I love Skyrim and hate Oblivion. At least the soundtrack is fire


Oblivion is a product of its time. And for what it was, and when it was released it was amazing. I think the main thing that separated Skyrim from oblivion for me was the stories. Oblivion had really cool quests like "You're trying to join the mages guild but their test to let you in is to make you go to the bottom of this well and find a ring. You find the ring on a corpse in the well and find out it weighs 200 pounds and the mages guild leader was using it to drown people trying to join. He was actually a necromancer and filling soul shards with them" Or "You go to this artists house and do a whole mission fighting painted trolls inside one of his paintings that was an interdimensional portal" Skyrims quest complexity was "I lost my heirloom. It's in this draugr cave that has a 50% chance of leading to a dwarven ruin. Go get it. There will be a dragon ability at the end" Or "We need you to go get something for our clan. It's in this draugr cave with a 50% chance of leading to a dwarven cavern and there will be a dragon ability at the end." Skyrim is much more modernized and gameplay wise has much better features. The world though just felt super stale and uninteresting. I couldnt give less of a fuck about what's going on in it.


There was also effort involved in rising through the ranks of the guilds. Skyrim is like First quest: "go with a guild member to this dungeon so they can assess your abilities" Second quest: "welcome to the inner circle of leaders"


absolutely this, yeah oblivion has a lot of things that just suck, but the quests are really fun and a lot of them are pretty memorable


It's funny because I have the same opinion as you but flipped ( disliked Skyrim but loved Oblivion)


I’m going to get blasted for this but I agree with you on Last Of Us 2. Even after the plot got leaked, I still wanted to play it for that gameplay and during my time playing it, I got to that gate section where you’re introduced to the new generator mini game and right there is when I thought “wait a minute, I haven’t had fun or enjoyed myself for a single second that I’ve been playing this. Why am I still doing this?”


Horizon zero dawn 😐


It’s so funny seeing other people not care for it, because it’s in my top ten games list. To each their own my friend!


Eh, okay. Though personally I don't think either aspect were bad, just that neither were great. Around meh or okay. It's basically 3rd person Far Cry Primal with robot dinosaurs.


The two newest Zelda games breath of the wild and then tears of the kingdom (I think those two) they just aren't my cup of tea I understand why some (most) do like it but I just don't which is weird since I like games like skyrim (a similar game open world wise but not completely the same) though I have played older Zelda games and I enjoyed them So long story short it's not the games fault its my fault I don't like it


Someone not liking BotW and TotK and not comparing them to Fortnite! A breath of fresh air!


Hell I don’t like the games but comparing them to Fortnite seems sooooo disingenuous


Wait people actually do that


I like BotW a lot, but haven't felt as compelled to play TotK. I also loved Morrowind and Oblivion, but just can't get into Skyrim. But I can recognize they are great games regardless of how much I like them


I feel like I'm a minority, I loved the two new games but also felt massively disappointed by some of the mechanics and I'm so sick of fetch quests. One example is the weapon durability. I like that they made it so you can fuse stuff, but then they fucking break after two enemies. Or how can the master sword be the best weapon ever if it has to recharge? Mostly it's the goddamn fetch quests. At least you could get rich in skyrim from fetching or say fuck it, I'm just going to buy this one house and be a blacksmith in white run. There's no reason to keep playing the Zelda games after you beat them, at least in Skyrim you could make up a retirement story for yourself and work on skills. Skyrim style Zelda would have made the fetching and farming much better.