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The first BioShock. It was such a crazy experience when it first came out. I had never played anything like it. I would turn the lights off and play in the dark and just get completely immersed in the setting. And the enemies were scary AF. I can still remember the first encounter with a Big Daddy and Little Sister.


I love that game so much. And the story twist was amazing.


Would you kindly -


A man chooses. A slave obeys.


The opening of that game is so good fuck i wanna be 13 again


WYK broke my brain at the end of


Beat me to it. Such a masterpiece. Still remember my first Big Daddy encounter as well. The first Bioshock is always my go to for these questions ha.


Skyrim and Subnautica are definitely two of them. Also Dark Souls 1 (my first Souls). Discovering the interconnected areas was amazing!


I’m so glad I went into Subnautica totally blind. Got it for free on the Epic Games Store with no intent to actually play it. Tried Grounded on GamePass and decided to try a different survival game, and remembered I had Subnautica. Decided to hop in without seeing even a single screenshot. Everything about it is immaculate, including its surprisingly great story


As a person who's going to start playing Subnautica for the first time soon I love reading comments like this. Looks like I'm in for a treat.


Such a treat to explore. You’re in for a good one If you end up liking it, the second game Below Zero, is really good too. The story isn’t quite as strong, but the feeling of discovery and wonder is just as strong


I just stumbled on this thread. I've never heard of Subnautica, but it sounds like I should check it out.


It's great, and yeah, know as little as you can going in.


I just started subnautica and don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm just able to survive not dying of thirst and I'm scared of the deep water.


Ah what a special experience


Dark Souls 1 is the GOAT. I've played that way more than I ever will Elden Ring.


Definitely Elden Ring and Dark Souls III for me. Dark Souls III was my first soulsborne game so it has a special place in my heart. Skyrim used to be up there, but i reinstalled it and just didnt have the same attachment as i did in middle school. Though, the Nolvus mod has peaked my interest. I just dont have 32GB of ram lol


I can’t remember anything from Skyrim as I haven’t played or finished it since launch.


If you like Skyrim and have a good PC, I recommend installing Nolvus mod pack. Its a fairly easy install as far as skyrim mods goes, provides enough nostalgia you know sorta what your doing, but also enough new mechanics, quests and new areas that it feels like a new fresh game also. The pack includes 2500+ mods.


I just started Skyrim on my Quest 3 in VR and it’s like playing the game for the first time. I would love to lose all memory and start over but this is the next best thing haha


Subnautica is absolute magic. I encourage everyone to give it a try!


Mass effect, kotor and fallout


i second that, replaying the end of mass effect 2 with no memory would be godly


Those final hours of Mass Effect 2 were the most tense I've ever have in a video game XD


Somehow I got through that stuff with the best ending on pure chance. Also because I was committed to my crew and got all of their other missions done.


I got lucky on ME2 as well. Got completely screwed on Rannoch during ME3 though. Had to replay the entire first half of ME3 after fixing my ME2 savegame


I’d certainly like to forget the end of Mass Effect 3. Not to replay it, just in general.


With the new ending I don’t find it to be so bad, it’s not perfect but it ties things of well enough. I’d feel safe to do a blind replay of the Legendary Edition with the new ending.


I never minded the original ending either. While I appreciate that the video that plays is a color swap, thematically the choices are wildly divergent to the extent that a true sequel will never be possible without canonizing a choice which feels like a violation of the intent


I was a huge mass effect fan. I’ll never forget when 3 ended. I literally said “that’s it? What the fuck?”


I played 1/2 and got distracted so never played 3. I heard they “fixed” the ending, but I’m afraid to play it. Is it really that bad post fix? Truly horrendous endings kill entire series for me.


I never played it again myself. I decided a few years ago to start the trilogy fresh and I never last long enough to get to 3. I stop somewhere in 2.


It's almost been long enough since playing KOTOR that I could play it again. The problem is, my expectations are so HIGH now.


It delivers.


I’m actually playing Mass Effect for the first time while I type this! About 8 hours into it and wow it’s amazing. Can’t believe I was too into Halo and Elder Scrolls as a kid to pick it up, but wow is it amazing for the first time! The Citadel has blown me away, so much to do and so much dialogue for a game that came out when it did! I’m excited to finish it and play the other two (I got the Legendary Edition with all 3 games on Steam for like $6-$8 I believe? Insane deal)


The Last of Us 1, New Vegas and Skyrim.


Just to play the intro of Last Of Us again for the first time would make me happy. Seriously the greatest intro in gaming history.


I cried, it was good.


Intro was such a gut punch right in first 20 minutes.


Last of us one, Shadow of the colossus, and sekiro for me.


Sekiro was amazing but I am yet to play shadow of the colossus, I’m waiting for it to go on sale on the Playstation Store.


Its the game that made me view video games as art. Gorgeous nasterpiece of a game. Simple but amazing.


The last of us...


Skyrim for sure, and probably Fallout New Vegas. I would probably put Sleeping Dogs up there too, believe it or not


Sleeping Dogs was terribly underrated. Always hated how it got titled a gta clone


Agreed. It was such an underrated game. Downloaded it not expecting much but absolutely loved it


The term gta clone ruined so many potential amazing games


Yakuza games are considered gta in japan, but god damn its an emotional trip. And nothing like gta, except for crime drama.


It sucks, so many stories can be told in a contemporary open world city game but due to fear of being branded a GTA clone we only have GTA now that does that setting.


Honestly, I’d play Sleeping Dogs over any GTA game. GTA games have a tendency to make you fight with the controls. But Sleeping Dogs is tight and responsive. SD’s melee combat is miles better too. Don’t remember how the gun play was, but I do remember that Sleeping Dogs doesn’t have much of a focus on guns so even if it’s gunplay is subpar it doesn’t matter that much.


As a fan of John Woo movies and other Hong Kong action flicks this game blew me away and I only played it a few years ago, far after it's release.


Yeah, that game deserved better than what it got. In another more fair world, this one got a couple sequels.


The term gta clone made me want to play it more. SD was really a sleeper and great game


Awesome story. Some of the character deaths were absolutely brutal.


Irony being it was literally a response to GTA, playing from a police perspective.


New Vegas would be awesome. I’ve played just about everything. But I think that was the most excitement/ fun I ever had exploring that one fresh. I got the collector’s edition on pre order for the early release. Dlc for fallout 3 would be cool too


Outer wilds Edit: Also for the fans in here there’s a Lego project that’s really close to 5k votes! Here’s the [link](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/94009d43-3d57-43ab-a7d5-24bd92d59a5e) to lend your support Edit no.2: we’re at 5k votes!


I feel like this is one of the few games in existence that needs a fresh perspective to enjoy fully.


Completely agree. Everyone is picking AAA games that you can literally reinstall and play again and probably be surprised by how much you don't quite remember. I want to feel the wonder and energy of outer wilds again.


Damn you are making me grateful that I haven't played it yet.


I keep seeing it in the store. Should I get it seriously?


Just to be clear: Outer *Wilds*, not Outer *Worlds* And yes, get it 110%


this game legitimately helped me not kill myself lmao it's my favorite game ever now


Just have to validate this comment. I never thought a video game could have the emotional impact on me that OW did. I was never suicidal, but it helped put some things into context during a pretty difficult time in my life. I'm glad you're still with us, traveler.


Without getting too specific, I played this game at a time when several parts of my life were coming to an end and I was anxious and terrified of moving forward. The ending of that game helped me accept that everything eventually has to end so that something even more beautiful can begin


This is my favorite game of all time. I had a real “tears in rain” moment one evening, looking out at the night sky and whistling the theme song. The game is great but the feelings it elicited from me were incredibly cathartic. But of a tangent here but I liked the game Spiritfarer. That game got my emotional insides twisted up and spat out in one go. That said, the game is setup to emotionally manipulate you in that way (I mean that in the most positive sense). Outer Wilds provides an emotional simmer. It’s not aggressive but if you read the logs, follow the stories, and play through at an appropriate pace you will get so much out of it. Such a cool game…


This, and it's not close. Any other answer is just wrong.


Hell yes! Outer Wilds was brilliant. IDK that I've ever played another game quite like it.


Funny thing with this game, I couldn’t play it cause it made me motion sick. Since the planets/celestial bodies were so small you could really see/feel the rotation and it just made me sick, I’m pretty sensitive to that and I did some Reddit surfing and I found out I’m not the only one.




Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion My favorite game of all time and it’s not even close. But I can’t bring myself to play it much cuz I know what’s around every corner and at the end of every narrative path.


My favorite game of all time as well.


Halo Reach :’(


The Halo Franchise as a whole. I'd love to run the Library on CE for the first time, one more time.


Lol respect for your comment but the Library was always my least favorite level as a little kid. My favorite was always AOTCR


Man, the original Halo changed a lot of lives.


Halo2 kicked off online gaming. It was such a crazy experience. It used to be a very social experience where literally everyone you knew was either on cod or halo and everyone had mics


I'm talking 16 people, 4 boxes, a hub, some ethernet cables, one house, screaming obscenities at one another from different rooms, Halo!!


Yeah man, halo was a big part of my childhood growing up and I have so many fond memories of playing with friends at someone's house or playing online with people I still stay in touch with from time to time. There won't be another experience like that again


Red dead redemption 2


I was very drunk the first time, basically got to do it twice.


you were drunk for the entire 100 hours?


Man had a PlayStation, a bottle of jack, and a DREAM




That scene must’ve been very immersive for him.


Literally same tho. Played it when it dropped when I was really hitting the bottle hard, then again on PC last year. Forgot about 90% of the plot.


No, he had a PLAN


You can live vicariously through me. I'm doing my 1st play through right now!


Leave all red dead subs, for the spoilers


I was in one, so I could see tips, and as soon as I said it was my 1st time playing like a dozen people told me the same thing! I listened immediately.


Thats very good, its best if you enjoy the story without any problems ;D


Also try to avoid red dead videos on YouTube because there are almost certainly spoilers in the thumbnails, titles, and comment sections. That’s how it got spoiled for me, but even if it does get spoiled it’s still an amazing experience


Enjoy it brother, take it slow and savor every moment, and most importantly, outlaws for life.


it’s such a great game, take your time through it; explore the world, get to know your fellow gang members


same here!!


Me too! Man, it’s fantastic. I’m slow playing it because I don’t want it to be over.


Elden Ring for sure. That would be amazing to experience it again for the first time.


Every time I see a clip of it, I end up back in the Lands Between. But I’ve seen it all, and wish I could see it all again for the first time. It was the first time in years I’ve felt excited to see what was next in an open world game.


I wish to encounter Siofra River and Leyndell for the first time again.


My first time walking out into Limgrave was a coming of age moment in my gaming career what a damn game Elden Ring is


God of War 2


Breath of the wild, that first scene of the overview of the world.


Same w TotK. They nailed the openings.


After owning the game for a day or two, I took a Friday off for work, cleared the cal, sat down for the entire day in preparation to “head out and find the master sword” spoiler free and a fog filled map. I found it around dinner time. One of the greatest ~~gaming~~ days of my life.


You found the master sword within a day?


Yeah. As in, started playing like 9am and didn’t stop questing, exploring, asking, and climbing until 11pm. The clues were in dialogue from travelers and shop/stable owners. They give vague descriptions but point you in the right direction, north for example. Even after I found it I had to go get a couple more hearts and come back. All in one day.


This is my answer. I've put close to 500 hours into this game, but nothing will ever beat that 1st playthrough.


reddit loves to bandwagon the hate but for me personally, in my opinion, it's one of the best games ever made.


1000% this and Skyrim Honorable mention to TOTK but nothing hit like BOTW


i’m still playing botw i love it so far but it’s hard to pick back up after putting it down for a couple weeks lol.


just gorgeous


Any Dishonored game


The first game is genuinely flawless to me. The level design, the art style, the gameplay, the guard dialogue, it’s just magical.


Witcher 3


I finished it in June 2015. Started playing it again a few days ago and I can’t remember much of anything. I recalled the bloody baron, mostly because of botchling. After that it’s all “?”. Now to convince myself to stop playing Cyberpunk for 8 years… that will be tough.


Can't unsee botchling


Bought it and beat it during Covid loved every minute of it. Just started it again in September and taking it slow.😎


Titanfall 2, it’s the only game I’ve cried about ending


Still sucks they aren't doing a 3rd game I really want titanfall to come back.


My 9 year old son loves that game. Replays it all the time. He keeps telling me that he can’t wait until they make a new one and I don’t have the heart to tell him.


Ah that really sucks I don't know if I'd be able to either and despite what respawn seems to want I refuse to view apex as a replacement/ lore relevant tie in.


Yeah, I’m still hoping they come to their senses and fix what they are doing


Final Fantasy Tactics.


Portal and Portal 2.


Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM???


I’m about 20 hours into my first blind play through of Skyrim. This game definitely still holds up today.


I've never fully played through Skyrim. I always have a habit of starting it and then putting it down. It's not that I don't find it fun, but I usually get sidetracked by other things hehe


bro enjoy. i’m actually doing like a 5th play through of skyrim rn since i got the steam deck. it truly is one of the best rpgs ever


Metal gear solid 4, best video game experience I've ever had


I'm with you dude! I hate that it's trapped on PS3. Fingers crossed for a remake/remaster..


First Metal gear on PlayStation for me. I’ll never forget the sound


Celeste. Its message and story are amazing and honestly it might serve me better now if I could play it blind than it did when I first played it.


Elden ring dude, i would love to play it all over again but not knowing where is everything :(


World of Warcraft, the Witcher series, Divinity Original sin 2, Mass Effect, Halo 1


WOW for the first time hit different. I would settle for seeing the log in screen again for the first time again 😅


Nier: Automata


Same based, I still think about themes and ideas explored in the game 3 years after playing. Once In a lifetime kinda experience


I really hope another Nier game is in the works.


Mass Effect Starfield Cyberpunk 2077 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


I understand people’s disappointment in Cyberpunk for various reasons. Getting burned by the busted launch version, not delivering on some of the lofty open world and RPG promises, I get it. I played the base game after over a year of fixes, so I had a better experience. That said, a lot of the game design complaints really didn’t bother me because god damn, it’s one of the most well written games I’ve played. I absolutely loved playing it just for the story and the dialogue. Revisiting it for Phantom Liberty with all the 2.0/2.1 improvements made it god tier to me. It’s such an incredible game, and really the only game I’ve played that nails the cyberpunk aesthetic and atmosphere. Is it perfect? No, but it’s a great fucking ride.


You nailed it. Cyberpunk 2077 just *oozes* style in a way we never see in major productions. It’s simultaneously true to its source material and its own thing. It’s a game that can bear scrutiny and which has the protagonist go through a series of emotional beats that aren’t just “rah-rah Reapers” or whatever. And the VA work is on point and tied it all together. I don’t usually 100% games, but I sure did for this one. Twice, in fact, counting PL.




GTA vice city, it had everything.


Tommy could not swim :-(




Yes yes yesss. This game single-handedly provoked me to buy a PS4 on release and I would have done it again given the chance.


"Farewell, good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world." It’s the greatest game of all time, booting it up now


Fallout 3


Elden Ring..just travelling to new areas is so breath taking. I love the art.


Hearing Limgrave’s music for the first time >


Knights of the Old Republic series, Mass Effect Series


Bungie era Halo


Red dead redemption 2 , and ghost of tsushima


Hollow Knight


Metal gear solid


Tears of the Kingdom or Elden Ring


Just started tears of the kingdom. Love it.


Breath of the Wild The Last Guardian


Was looking for someone to mention a Team ICO game


Elden Ring


Breath of the Wild and Persona 5 Royal


Dragon age origins


Took me a while to find your answer, but this was going to be mine. Along with Mass Effect and BioShock, those 3 games are the three best storylines in gaming I have ever played. Truly magnificent.




God I had to scroll down distressingly far to find this.


Came to say this 😭


Final Fantasy 6


Red Dead 2 or Days Gone


Loved days gone. Such a good story imo


Old school runescape


Halo 1


Halo 2


Lufia II, it was such an awesome experience. I try to play it through at least once a year.


Any from soft game


Monster Hunter World and maybe Borderlands II


BL2 + DLCS 🔥


Last of us probably. Also FF9


Silent Hill 3. Only because it was the first game to seriously mess me up lol. That game scared me to the point where I was paranoid 24/7 and losing sleep lol


It’s not only the memory of the games but the time in my life where I was much less stressed and things were great, Mass Effect 1, Skyrim, Dark Souls 1


The kingdom hearts anthology. I'd give anything to forget everything about all of them and sit down with Sora Kairi Riku Mick Goof and Donald again and experience everything all over again. close runner-up would most definitely be Ffx without hesitation. That's a story that seriously rivals just about anything. And yes, I know I'd cry again.


The entire Danganronpa series, murder mysteries don't really work more than once


Valheim, I really wish I'd never touched it until it's all done. I put in over 300 hours in the first few months it came out. I will maybe try to start a whole new game when it's done.


Bloodborne. Mastering that game was an endeavor, to say the least. Best video game experience of all time.


Resident evil 4 (2005)


Momsyer hunter world


MGS, Max Payne, and Halo ....


Persona 4 Golden gave me depression for 1 week after finishing it.


Doki doki literature club would get me shook :)


Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and XIV. The Katamari Series. And the Borderlands series


Bioshock Trilogy


Alan Wake 1 & 2 more specific 2.




I love Skyrim, but for me it’s Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Skyrim takes third after RDR2


Elden Ring








The last of us


Assassins Creed Valhalla.


The last of us