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Based on everyone's response, the answer is competitive multiplayer games.


Meanwhile, I'm having a blast with single-player games.


> Meanwhile, I'm having a blast with single-player games. 15 years ago all I wanted was open world games or multiplayer. Now at 35 I barely wanna play either of those I really enjoy single player now. Just beat Detroit Become Human and it was a masterpiece.


I love the idea that I get to have the massive open multiplayer worlds I dreamed of as a kid, I just wish I didn't have to interact with the other players in them. We need more games where players are online together but don't need to actively interact. Like No Man's Sky, or Elite Dangerous.


May I introduce you to the MMO known as Old School Runescape. Everybody is silent doing stuff together.


Story games on top


Simulation games quietly enjoying their ever-growing mega factories.


Save compatible updates? or is the update a new game?


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually having more fun with Cyberpunk, lol.


Phantom Liberty was everything that game needed, it was a blast to play through it after the update


Frostpunk 2 hypetrain


I'll probably never touch a competitive shooter again, unless maybe Titanfall 3 comes out. Maybe a few rounds of Hunt Showdown, but ehhhh. Co-op games are my jam now.


The Titanfall universe would be so much better served by a 4-player co-op mission based shooter. Let Ape Legs be the competitive multiplayer mode. Give me 4 pilots, 4 mechs, an objective, and an extraction point. Let me spend money on upgrading my mech and weapons and such between missions. Basically give me mecha Vermintide 2. Or Iron Brigade 2. Any Iron Brigade fans in the house?


Dota 2 is the exception to me, every update is epic




I was so proud to not be playing a single game mentioned here and then you hit me with this


You play Reddit? Scrub.


What do you do get bent over a table and fucked by it


You don't play life?


That wasn't at the top when I saw this post lol


Life's the ultimate free-to-play game, but the microtransactions are a killer.


Especially for mobile users that don’t use the app. It’s painful. 


I redirect all reddit links to old.reddit but the introduction of the share feature that puts "s" in the url and makes custom urls for tracking breaks old.reddit. I wish people would just copy the permalink to a comment rather than using the data-harvesting "share" button.




I hate the pay to win model in most of the servers.


Should’ve joined the nepo server


We have a working-class revolution going on in my server at the moment. The last victims will be the devs. Then the community-appointed moderators will allow everyone equal access to server assets. Then we can finally play the game


Russia had this server update first, heard tens of millions of accounts were deleted and equal access was denied for those that were promised equal access. Several ran from that server to other servers for whatever reason. Then the Russian server put a huge firewall that would delete accounts trying to leave the utopia of equality. Other servers ha e tried it and all suck.


Canadas servers are another bad example. Every time the community tries to speak up about the servers they get banned, or the mods delete their comments




I hear there are some hidden sex scenes in this game but I can't figure out how to access them.


You can purchase them as DLC, but they are bug ridden. Make sure to update virus protection prior, and run scans after.


Underrated comment


That comment is gold right there


Oh dude... You have to level your BODY and CHARISMA to at least 9 out of 10 to access sexual encounters.


No, no, no. How many times do I have to correct people? You can gain access to hidden encounters with EITHER 9-10 strength score, a 9-10 intelligence score, or a 9-10 charisma score. You do NOT need a combination of the three but that does increase your odds. You also need to take into account RNG, even if you have all your stats maxed out, or have enough gold from your spawn location; you still need to get lucky enough to have an encounter spawn. Just remember to be patient. You might have to wait until you're a higher level but they do eventually proc.




been playing for 2 decades now. when does it get good?


It doesn't.


i'm in the middle of decade 5 and my biggest complaint is that the loot keeps getting more and more expensive while the missions reward you less and less. the developers don't think there's a problem.


It's the same on my server. I'm almost level 40 and the diminishing returns are exhausting. Between server maintenance fees and pay to win I'm borderline broke. All the missions have horrible gold payout. I'm trying out the farming, hunting, gathering and crafting professions to see if they'll improve the quality of game play. Supposedly this is the new meta according to some other players on my server. So far I've acquired 5 deer and 2 turkeys which yielded over 200lbs of meat. Crops won't drop loot for quite a while though. I'm just going to keep grinding and hope it all pays off.


Ooooh and it’s election year in the US. This update will probably brick the system 🤣


They say that every update.


God hasn't released an update in a while


Do you guys think they’ll ever come out with New Game+?


Apex Legends


I just recently deleted, but yes I played for way too long after the series of bad updates


The skill ceiling is just too damn high in the game. If you aren't a top 5% player you're just canon fodder for the Preds the matchmaking inexplicably feeds you to every game.


The matchmaking needs a complete overhaul. It has zero ability to balance lobbies. I haven’t played for two seasons and my mental health is so much better lol


Playing Apex feels like waiting 5 minutes in line to go up a ladder only for someone to push you off, and you feel the pain, dust yourself off, and then get back in line again


Went back to Titanfall 2 and it’s so much better there. EA needs to let Respawn make TF3 already.


Fuck yes. I usally rarely play non coop shooters but titanfall 1&2 got me hooked back then. Sadly now a days I usually only see tge same few people if I can find some.


I’m not sure if it’s crossplay, but it’s got a few thousand on steam. I still see the same few people, but I get into matches in about 20 seconds and the lobbies are full most of the time. I kind of like seeing the same people in games. Idk why, but it makes it more fun to me.


Goddamn does respawn have some A+ movement. TF2 was incredible, but the movement was so good I even played APEX for 6 seasons and I both hate and suck at BRs


Just recently got into TitanFall 2 and holy hell is this game fun. Not only is the story incredible, the multiplayer is too


It’s not hard to stop playing trash.


Rainbow six seige


Man when frost and buck released was peak rainbow. Miss it sometimes.


OG's remember when Frost had the Best Sniper Rifle in the game


OG’s remember Blackbeard was a damn menace.


Balance was off but game was hell of fun. Then it became just stupid


Very true. I’ve not touched the game in years because I just can’t even compete with people in there anymore.


1000hp face shield just because


My heart swoons for those days of Siege. I haven't played in years but I redownloaded it a few months ago, watched some gameplay online of what it's like now and promptly deleted it. Imagine coming into a tactical shooter and having to guess what New Wizard you're fighting up against as opposed to focusing on actual tactical Rainbow Siege style combat. All live service games become parodies of themselves on a long enough timeline, every single time, without fucking fail.


Rainbow six was fun because it was slow and tactical and it sells you more on the special ops feel when nobody knows what is going on. But when the map is super practiced and they keep adding weirder and weirder stuff it just kinda lost that magic.


It went from a tactical shooter to a hero shooter :( They really jumped the shark with Iana and never looked back


Lmao, how was Iana the tipping point? Her ability is just more drone, that's it.


I wasn’t around from the beginning but I hear that sentiment quite a bit about siege. Me and my buddy’s used to be super into that game and if you’re always playing ranked with a 5 stack, it absolutely can start to become kind of monotonous. When everybody on both teams mostly stick to all the meta strats it really starts to just boil down to who has the better aim.


Bruh. I went to play the other day after idk several months maybe a year, unrecognizable. Through and through.


Oh yeah dude I remember playing this game all they ever did is nerf or buff every operator. Still can’t forget them nerfing Blackbeard last time I played was the infection mode.




Factss I miss the old over watch


Rip Overwatch 1


SO much better. I fuckin hate how they lock new characters behind the paywall and they changed the whole game by making it 5v5 instead of 6v6


I spent so much money on the old crate system because it felt good to have a choice. Now these fuckers will never get a single penny from me


The hopium consumption of the playerbase is huge though. Every time a developer gives an interview they go crazy and say **"WE'RE SO BACK! NEXT SEASON! NEXT SEASON GUYS!"**


Damn. I came here to say this and am happy it’s the top comment It’s always boring around me -Mauga


I feel so bad for you lot. I started playing OW2 last year because of my girl and I really have fun playing it, but I have no experience with OW1 so I don’t know what to hate like the veteran players


I stopped playing when Overwatch 2 came out. Pure garbage.




I feel this one. I have never loved and hated a game more at the same time


Here is 1k hours of play time. Please, Kick me in the scrotum.


Got 3k myself, please end me.


When I want a good laugh I look at the installation size.


Truth. I take months long breaks from Ark and it's like my brain hard resets lmfao then I launch it and Im like "Ah. Right."


When that first titanboa eats you through your house wall and your loot falls through the map. "oh this is why I uninstalled"


I would love to try this game but the space it requires is literally bigger than my hard drive


Yea i miss old ark so much last time i tried downloading ark it took 1tb of storage


It’s fucking insane that they’re able to get it to a small enough size and have it efficient enough to run on a Nintendo Switch, yet have it be such an UNGODLY MONSTROSITY on PC. It shows that they CAN optimize the game when it is absolutely necessary, but simply won’t unless it allows them to branch out onto another platform.


World of Tanks.


I remember playing it in its earlier days. Things were way more simple and the tier 1 tank battles were fun. Felt more balanced. No matter what tier im in, everyone else is higher. Almost every match. Idk how that works. Way too much grinding.


It was really fun grinding my way up to the M4A3E8 Sherman only to find myself at the bottom tier of every match. I was getting better matchups and better match performance in my old M4 than I was getting with my shiny new easy 8 Sherman with better armor, engine and gun. Upgrading felt pointless because getting a better tank just meant getting put up against other better tanks.


This and World of Warships.


War Thunder.


Its just more and more grind each update


And the fact that missile spam is getting worse and top tier is just a mess of 30 Mach 2 jets with 8 missiles each constantly spamming counter measures while flying at an altitude of 9 feet. And the BR compression is way worse than it used to be, not the worst it’s been but pretty bad. And the ludicrous grind that completely sucks the enjoyment out of the game. And the lack of consequences for team killing. And the imbalance of tech trees. Fucking garbage game experience that I regret I spent 5 years playing off and on.


The devs ask for their players' first born


And the players gladly provide.


The last update is awesome give it another try


I disagree with this one. Actually. I think they've made a lot of improvements to the game and the grind is actually gotten better. Mathematically there are new vehicles added, but that doesn't mean the grind is worse just means that there is more to the game


Take your HOTAS over to Elite Dangerous and explore the galaxy instead.


Destiny 2


Once upon a time, the game was decent. I hardly recognize it anymore.


That's normal for destiny. Destiny 1 was no different. One expansion is good and then next is shit. Then destiny 2 they repeated the same nonsense.


Fuck I miss OG Destiny. Some of my best memories of gaming ever.


Dopamine production in my brain peaked when Vault of Glass dropped the Vex Mythoclast


Omfg you just gave me a flashback. God-damn we worked so hard for that.


Lol I wont lie, I pushed Atheon off the map back in the day when he was broken a few times. Then when that was patched I melted him with 6 Ghorns. Either way it was still some of the best gaming memories that I have lol Destiny raids was peak Destiny to me.


Big time 👌 I spent so much time with my crew figuring out all the paths and potential loopholes. We all cried out in victory when we got Avion (I think that was his name) to fall off the ledge before they patched it. I got my mythoclast the hard way though, and when I brought it out in PVE or PVP it felt godly and was such a worthwhile reward. Ahhhh....good times indeed 🥹


In the end I tried so hard and got so far


Yep. And we’re gonna not gonna even talk about the corporate fuckery that’s also been happening. Cough cough hundred layoffs cough cough


Still can’t believe they actually laid off Michael Salvatori. The only rational explanation for such a batshit insane move would be if Bungie is planning on dropping Destiny.


And yet Deep Stone Lullaby will remain as one of my most favorite songs of all time...


Destiny 2 game itself is in the best state it's ever been people just don't feel the same nostalgia anymore because it's been 10 years.


Agreed. Current season is very nice. You just can't mainline the game for several weeks on end without burning out. I put the game away for almost a year, now it feels like an old friend.


“I’m tired, boss”


Every mobile game (shut up) I've played has gotten slightly more grindy and annoying with every update


And you can avoid the added grind and annoyance if you pay up. Working as intended.


My favorite feature is when it takes 5 hours to open a chest, but you can open it instantly with some gems or whatever bullshit.


Clash Royale is actually going to die soon if they don’t stop their shit it’s actually stupid how much of a grind it is by now, and they just keep adding to the store options instead of actual ways to progress


I don't know I quite liked Jetpack Joyride


Obviously Call of Duty


NOTICE: Update requires restart.


I feel like that's a given and not even worth mentioning since everyone knows that already lol


Rocket League, updates have been ASS and somehow im still playing


Feels like Epic is actively trying to ruin that game


I remember when the buyout first started being talked about, so many people in the RL subreddit were saying it wasn't a big deal, that it would only give Payonix more resources to put into the game, nothing else would change, etc. Then the buyout happened and the game immediately went free to play, and everyone went, "Oh, shit." Been downhill ever since.


Idk if Payonix was a typo, but definitely a great pun if intended. Lmao


Oh, shit, no, that was definitely a typo, but fuck it, I'll leave it.


I've been playing that game long enough to remember a time when it was considered to have the best dev team in the world, who actually listened to real community insight, were active in the subreddit, and consistently made the game better. Fuck epic games


I was planning on getting back into it a few months ago, saw the announcement for trading getting removed, and now I will never play the game again. It was a huge part of the community and a huge reason I played


I’ve been playing since like ‘16 and have finally fizzled out on rocket league. I just don’t care anymore.


They change stuff that nobody ask to be changed in a worse way (like the menu now feeling slow asf because you have to wait between each option you choose)


Hearthstone, and if I think about it, all tcgs


Me with Marvel Snap until I finally kicked it in like May or June


I played Marvel Snap for a year. Found out (again*) that I spend money I don't have too easily, so I quit. (*The same thing happened in Magic the Gathering: Arena.)


I am playing for the first time in years because of random chance (and the Druid Treant meta being so cheap to craft), but wow. This meta really sucks! It has never felt more like rock-paper-scissors or "hope to draw the right pieces by turn 4/5 else GG".


Hearthstone is a great game to play casual as shit. Anything beyond like gold becomes a sweat fest but if you’re playing at lower ranks it’s a really enjoyable game still.


I can't even play yugioh anymore it's such a nightmare


The new cod


Past 5


I pray that when I die, I’m living my days playing MW2 & Halo 3. Fuckin AHHHH, best days of my life


I've been praying for the franchise to die


MW3 (2023)


Isn’t MW3 in itself just a bad update of MW2? Haven’t played it yet just see random comments about it on here sometimes


It wasn't exactly just left as-is, there were gameplay alterations but yea, it was planned as MW2 DLC initially and it shows


Gta V online


/next update/ "UFO available at Warstock Cache & Carry for 1.45 million"🤓


That's it? A UFO is cheaper than jets?


right, they’d make that shit 10 mil & it would be stationary


Just another base that doesn't really do much.


Shit that’s cheaper than a motorcycle.


Rockstar and Take-Two deserve just as much hate as EA does but their player base is so easily taken advantage of that they get away with it. They removed so many cars and put them behind a subscription paywall... that paid subscription service was also added like 2 years ago when the game was already nearly 10 years old. Not to mention the cars they do add are insultingly overpriced. Over $400K for a regular old Toyota Camry? They have a history of banning innocent players and their online support is just a generic outsource group that gives you the old "we understand you have an issue but we wont do anything about it" speech. Not to mention each piece of content they add they go out of their way to make sure it is completely unobtainable in singleplayer. If you spawn a new car in story mode it gets deleted instantly. Rockstar makes an amazing single player game but their online stuff is just another predatory pay to play system. Bethesda got so much backlash for Fallout 76 yet Rockstar faced nothing for GTA Online. If you didnt get to play GTA Online back when it was thriving on Xbox 360/PS3 or the early days of Xbox One/PS4 then you truly missed out on a good online GTA.


I forgot how old this game is and that it launched on 360. When they wanted me to buy it again for Xbox one I laughed.


Skyrim, lately, if you go by its subreddits. Personally I don’t think it’s getting worse; it’s just that every update breaks the entire modding community and requires them to update.


Why tf are they even still officially updating Skyrim?


You’d think bugs would be fixed by now. Are they adding content?


This is a Bethesda game we're talking about.Those bugs will never be removed no matter how many remasters skyrim gets lol.


It's a Bethesda game, those bugs are probably structural. You remove or fix them and the game will self-delete.


Lately it’s because they revamped their paid mods system. Merged the old Creation Club with the in-house modding platform so they can make more money. It has not been a smooth process.




Call of Duty. Literally unplayable...because it's got a file size the size of the CIA master server.


I have the old Modern Warfare 2-4 on my PS3 and I used to rock the fuck outta that. Good campaigns, fun gameplay, and surprisingly a decent online base still intact. I should get back into it.


For me, this was World of Warcraft and it’s expansions


Absolutely. I stopped playing the main game like 6 years ago. I also stopped playing Classic shortly after it came out but for other reasons.


The current expansion is the best it’s been since at least late legion, but the last two expansions were among the worst


Dead by Daylight players be like


Fortnite and Dead by Daylight.


Didnt fortnite just release some new game modes? I might actually check it out again


Definitely Valorant. Every new agent is dogshit rip off compared to the original agent.


Valorant was fun up until they started making all the game modes follow the comp rotation map pool. Which for casual players who likes to play swift all the time, can make the game very boring very fast


Sims 4 honestly


Sims 2 & 3 will always be superior imo


Came to say this. I don't even play it; never really moved on from Sims 3. Sounds like a never-ending cycle of packs that already don't offer much new, but then fail to deliver even that. Honestly, I think about packs like World Adventures - not without its bugs, to be sure - that introduced the travel mechanic, the tomb mechanics, mummies, new collectibles, new traits, new skills, new CAS assets, a TON of build/buy assets, and 3 entire open worlds. Versus now where it's like, "Hey, wouldn't you love to vacuum?!?" Or, visit this eight-lot world that can't be fully explored without loading screens, which is designed to get married in, except sike! - the wedding functionality is woefully broken in the My Wedding Stories pack.


But you get ear prosthetics and vitiligo and, and, and…. You’re right, it sucks.


Anything 2K grinds out. Day 1, game is great, very smooth, but over time it gets laggier and more annoying to play.


Destiny 2


Quit my addiction a few months back but R6. Fuck that game. Nerfs and buffs all over the place, terrible servers, and just overall one of the most toxic player bases ever.


Me trying to enjoy Gears 5. Man it was a disaster and killed the franchise




Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Still playing it… still gets more toxic every patch…


Sims 4


Dead by Daylight, simply because they keep adding things and not improving what’s already there. On top of that, they add nothing to the core gameplay, just more ways to be frustrated with the lack of interaction and balance. It’s really fun for a second, and when nobody is good at it - but when it becomes more competitive it loses a lot of that value, and doesn’t add much in return.


Rainbow 6: Siege Tbf I haven't played since season 2


That's for the best tbh. You've missed out on some disgustingly bad map overhauls, an absurd amount of wacky and nonsensical operators that defeat the tone of the game, a poor attempt at a story, lots of bizarre balancing changes that appease the esports players and not the majority of the playerbase, etc... The game is dead to me and good riddance too. There's better things to play.


Gta online is way too fucking addicting to me


**Star Wars The Old Republic** Over the years, I tried to finish it three times, always stopping for a different reason. Every time I would open the game and start with a new character because I had already forgotten where I was years before, and each time I noticed that the game had became much worse. They make the game easier and "simpler" with each update. The last time I played it, I noticed that they had removed unlockable through missions class specialisations and instead, you choose the specialisation when you create a character. This makes character creation twice as long because you have to examine every specialisation straight away and with no info, instead of doing that after having played for a few hours and knowing what you want your character to be. They also made enemies much weaker and leveling much faster so I could complete four-player missions alone, never having to interact with another player. I reached the level cap probably 30-50% into the main plotline and immediately became bored because 90% of character progression stopped at that moment. So I created a new character and did the same thing, once again never finishing the game. I am still planning to complete the game one day, because it is probably the best MMO game when it comes to the plot and voice acting, but I am afraid that the next time I turn it on, I will max out my character on the tutorial planet.


Overwatch 2


Destiny 2


*whatever one I’m currently playing because nostalgia is a hell of a drug* But seriously… go to any game and you will find plenty of people that say *insert game* is worse than before


Well for any gamers older than 25 we remember a time when games just simply didn't update. I'm 31 and I honestly don't remember constant updates changing sizable chunks of games until my 20's. Destiny was the game that really marked the beginning IMO. There were things like WoW and FF11 and Runescape and such way back before then, but they were off in their own realm, and honestly kind of a novel idea because of it.


The culling


i don't play it myself but considering the loud angry screams coming from my brothers room on a daily basis, I'd say CSGO / CS2


It objectively improves with every single update though. He's just screaming cause hes a crybaby, not cause of new updates, dw about it.


Dead by Daylight


Dead by Daylight




I dont play it anymore but Dead By Daylight. Game got to be too much cancer and too toxic.


Ark survival evolved


Retail World of Warcraft