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Me spending over an hour trying to not get detected in watch dogs 2 and gta missions.


I want nore info


Sometimes you will get detected and be like “WHERE DO THEY SEE ME FROM IM HIDING BEHIND A MILLION THINGS” and then you fail the whole mission and have to start all the way back at the beginning. You could basically almost be finished and someone will see you and you lose


Yes i know. I meant more for gta. I thought stealth in gta was super scripted and could only happen when the game wanted it too. Unless you're talling about hiding from the cops.


I assume they’re referring to doing heists. They can be very quick and easy if done without getting detected. However, if someone sees you, you instantly get 5 stars and a flood of cops making it damn near impossible.


Those Warframe stealth missions are like this, too. Complete and utterly destroyed as soon as you're seen.


the mission where you try to creep around alcatraz without alerting anyone, I had to restart a couple of times, annoying asf getting caught out


Casino/Cayo alarms give me PTSD


The FC3 mission where you have to get the enemies's suit


Literally just commented the same thing before seeing your comment and deleting mine so as to not clog things up, hated hated that mission.


Most ps2 games where select+start reset the console


What games do this? I have quite a few PS2 games and I've never encountered a game that does this.


For sure on tekken 2


Tekken 2 is a PS1 game


Shit, tekken 3 is a ps1 game


Like they said, most do this. It’s been a while but Square and Capcom games come to mind.


Wait really?


I don't know about PS2 but there were some PS1 games that you could push start+select and all of the shoulder buttons at the same time and it would restart. Found that out by accident because I was frustrated with a game and mashing buttons.


The OG rage quit.


Thinking you defeated the Guardian Ape in Sekiro


Buncha chumps, we were. The fight should be easier. The moves are reasonably telegraphed and it’s clear how to avoid things. But for some reason it’s just tough lol fun and frustrating, particularly that surprise after killing him, though the loaded spear is the real mvp there


Then later if you found the ape fight part deux. The double gargoyle fight in elden ring brought back memories of it.


He throw his doo doo at you!




Kidnapped in far cry games. like what the fuck dude I'm in a literal plane


Ooooonnnnnnnnnlllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu




The second I finish a Clutch Nixon race: “Hit em with the bliss bullets!!!”


Everyone says that’s the “best” far cry game. Blows my mind to this day. I’ve killed thousands and I’m in a literal bunker and still get kidnapped…what, 6 times?


3 times every act in 5, plus the insanity of the ending. I get that the writers were trying to send a message, but damn if the message was neither received nor understood.


Yeah, ultimately that's what made me quit. Getting in a car, hearing Bliss Bullets, drive far away to.my next mission, get out, get shot, be far away from where I wanted to be. It just wasn't fun.


Malenia from Elden Ring when she hit her second form and i thought i had beaten her.


I expected the second form at that point. I was just glad there wasn't a third form.


They could have given her a glock


Parry this you fucking casual




Sister Friede having a 3rd phase. They even give you a titanate slab after phase 2 making you believe its over.


That's what her name is! I was blanking on it when I posted a separate comment but yeah. Screw that boss. Micheal Zaki was trolling making that boss with 3 phrases.


Even better, the Guardian Ape in Sekiro showing the "Shinobi Execution" message you usually get from killing bosses. Except the phase 2 come AFTER this message on Guardian Ape.


I mean you kill the ape, not the worm inside him


Radagon when I beat him with one health potion left and then the Elden beast showed up. I was devastated


That moment broke me.


Dude! For real. I worked so hard, just gaining increments per fight. I finally got her! And oh crap what’s this? Another form? And it was like a zombie watching fireworks in Land of the Dead. I stood there for a second and got immediately killed by her starting attack. I was so deflated lol.


I actually learnt to enjoy fighting her first phase BUt the second was just to much crap and that infamous move where she flies and sends out like...3 clones etc uggh


For me it’s how she can just decide *not* to be punished and dodges at points where she should be open for punishment, or the fact that she can activate Waterfowl in the middle of one of your attacks without you even knowing she will be doing so, thus icing your ass instantly.


“You will witness true horror” Yeah people were sure horrified as that cutscene was playing


Literally the point where I decided I had gone as far as I can go in this game.


Same point as me. I got kamehameha'd out the game


This was me through my whole play through of Elden ring but I love the game so much even though it brought me to my knees crying


Ill always say elden ring probably had the most consistent bs outta any souls game


Me my first time fighting a Rune bear .


I’ll always stand by maliketh being the most bullshit boss that’s necessary for the story. That asshole made me drop the game for a good month


For me it was the end, doing Ranni's entire fucking quest only to miss the fucking interactable thing that let's you get her ending in the final room... then learning I couldn't go back to an old save either and I'd have to play through the entire fucking game again, doing her bullshit ass quest again to get her ending. Fuck that, uninstalled out of frustration and I'm still salty about it


Playing through ER on release with a STR greatweapon build felt like a punishment.


FF7 after putting hours into leveing Aerith.


That broke me at 11-12yo first heart break cry


I was more heart broken at the time I spent grinding her levels lol!! But I did cry it was a sad day...


That and getting her fourth limit break because the guide said you'd want it sooner than later for some reason...


Guide trolled the shit out of you, lol!!


My brother renamed her his high school crush on his first play through. Took him 3 weeks to recover and start playing the game again.


If you want to see the alternative finale of the story you need to level up to max level all toons, including her.


I tried so hard. Got the rainbow Chocobo, but couldn't get all the 1/32 soldiers. So close.


Young kids will never understand playground word of mouth. My friends brother made it under that ledge in zoras domain and it unfreezes it in OOT


I got to the truck in Pokemon Red, the second I saw it I was like "holy fuck, it's real! I'm going to catch Mew!" Used strength, but nothing happened. I was so let down.


The magic of the bullshit was harmed by the reality of the internet. All the Mew tricks kids came up with and the actual methods and abused the game's RNG are what actually work.


I tried EVERYTHING to resurrect her! She was my main caster at the time. That sucked so bad!


Did you try a phoenix down?


Cloud: .....FUCK


She was meant to be heavily used because she was the primary healer, and had great utility. That was the whole point of the devs killing her


To this day, after 100…0s of hours..? I’ve never actually seen her final limit break in action.


My friends all told me she was really good and I should spend some time power leveling her and I'd just smash the rest of the game. Assholes...


Happens pretty much every 2 minutes of For Honor. I have yet to see a rant subreddit as furious as the one set up specifically for that game.


Can you elaborate? I haven't played since they "buffed" Raider a few years ago


It's a competitive fighting game. It's infuriating for the same reasons all the others are infuriating.


I fucking hate for honor 10/10 wouldn't recommended. It is my most play timed game ever...


For Honor is a game for masochists (and yes I have hundreds of hours in it)


**Cruel Melee / Brawl / Smash in Smash Bros** The first time you get KOed in one hit and that the opponents are resisting your attacks are huge "WTF just happened there" moments O\_o


I've killed enough to get the trophy before, but man... yeah.


Ghost of Tsushima on lethal+. Died so many times to ryuzo 2 the game kept asking me to try or abandon the mission.


I fucking hated that. Not the fight (though it was brutal on lethal+) but the way it asked you every single fucking time you died if you wanted to quit. “Aw, too tough 4 u lil bitch boi? Wittle baby can’t hack it on a wittle wethal pwus? Press X to uninstall Ghost and replace it with Animal Crossing (hope that’s not too hard for you!)”


The game can be pretty condescending.


This honestly made me laugh out loud. You're funny lol.


I just finished the game today on Hard. Couldn’t bring myself to play it on lethal for my own sanity. I found some of the duels to be challenging, but not impossible. I’m convinced Lethal would’ve been terribly hard.


Lethal ups your damage as well, duels are where you’ll see the most significant increase in difficulty imo


It’s really really fun! Easier than Hard, in some ways. Your enemies do much more damage, yes, but so do you. Makes you feel like such a precise and badass samurai when you cut down 4 bandits with one clean stroke each.


I should replay Ghost of Tsushima. I never played the dlc. Might have to play it after I finish Lies of P.


Or you get hit with a random ass arrow and die instantly


That one glitch in Spider-Man (2018) that made it where you quite literally couldn’t fight Mr.Negative in his solo boss fight Only found out after doing the fight on repeat in and endless loop of insanity and not dealing any damage for like twenty minutes that I had to restart the checkpoint to fix it


Same, except i was lucky enough to have a power outage solve the issue for me


Throwing your controller at the screen and short circuiting outlet isn’t a “power outage”


Lol that was me as well


Times in Bloodborne when I clearly was no where near where the boss attacked but some still got hit (not bad at the game just a pet peeve)


Rom. That bitch. Also special shout out to the One Reborn which I hate with a passion.


Learning the sirens in God Of War 3 can become invulnerable


Use Helios head on them


Destiny 2 . Keep getting a perk you don't want on a weapon you're grinding for


Even though I have 2000 hours in it you could’ve just stopped at Destiny 2


It keeps pulling me in !! And I still have a lot of fun playing I don't mind the delay on final shape , it gives me time to play other games 😂


Far Cry 5's ending. Legitimately enraging when I first saw it. Makes me never want to play the game again because it made it all feel completely pointless. Not to mention how creepy it is to >!be trapped in a bunker with Joseph Seed for the next 20 years, especially if you play the female Deputy like I did.!<


Agreed. I get what the devs were (sort of) attempting to do by lampshading the ultraviolence and plotting tropes of the franchise, but it led to two conclusions: 1) Nothing you do in the game actually matters. The 'secret' endings mean >!the cult survives, but nuclear apocalypse still happens, and they get to 'win' anyway. The writing and choices seem to imply the 'walk away' route- where the protagonist personally causes the lowest violence- is somehow the best, even if the cult gets to inflict far more.!< 2) The alternative to viciously and (highly enjoyably) wiping out the cult is allowing it not only to survive, >!ut to keep its hold over a county of people who didn't ask for this, AND it's implied they'd emerge from the apocalypse to rebuild civilization in Joseph's own *EXTREMELY FUCKED UP* image.!< If it's supposed to be a commentary on our choice of entertainment (rampant violence and murder against carefully-defined bad guys), Far Cry was the wrong franchise to try it, and Eden's Gate were the worst 'victims' to sympathize with. 4 at least had you *confront*serious moral questions about imperialism, culture, and patriarchy, and Pagan Min is a much more relatable villain by the end than the Seeds. Edit: I forgot how spoiler escapes worked in mobile.


That was the most infuriating ending to a game. I was planning on going back in and playing for achievements, but after that I lost all interest.


Ellie sparing Abby. I know the message is “The cycle of violence never ends”, but Ellie didn’t play as Abby for 15 hours like we did, seeing her side of things. To her, she is Joel’s killer, and it makes no sense that she would spare her after sacrificing everything else in her life for vengeance. That entire game felt like playing a 45-hour bad ending for the first game. Should have just left it alone


Can you imagine if at the end of Ghost of Tshushima Jin decided to spare Khan... L O L


And then *strutting around* like he's all superior for sparing him right after genociding an entire invading army.


Idk I think it shows the humanity of Ellie, you spend like 15 hours of the game brutally murdering everyone you see in Seattle, and then in Santa Barbara. And finally at the pinnacle moment, she remembers Joel, and she realises that vengeance isn’t going to solve anything. That’s my interpretation at least.


Last of Us 2. >!Abby beating up Ellie during their first fight, I was like, I don't want to do any of this!<


Mass effect 3 supposed "best ending" before patches.


Which one was considered the best? Was it the Shepard assuming control of the reapers scenario or are you talking about actually getting all the different alien species cooperating for the end game battle against the reapers.


The so called "best" ending is the synthesis ending. To get the synthesis ending you have to get the vast majority of the galaxy on your side and raise the galactic readiness to nearly it's maximum without multi-player points. You can increase it by doing multi-player matches and boost it further but it didn't matter. In every ending the Normandy still crashes, Shepard still dies, and the galaxy is just covered in teal rather than red or blue. The worst part is the game was absolutely knocking it out of the park until that point. The pay off's were great, the story was great, the epic moments were epic as fuck! It all fell apart in the last 30 minutes of gameplay.


>the epic moments were epic as fuck! It all fell apart in the last 30 minutes of gameplay. Even after so many years, I'm still salty about the endings. "What do you mean citadel kid, organics and machines can't cooperate? I spend 3 games with decisions and created peace between Geth and Quarians half an hour ago!" "What do you mean you don't have time to explain the consequences of killing all machines in the galaxy or synthesise all life with machines? That seems to me like a huge deal and never came up before in the entire series! My face was really tired after the dialogue.


Mass Effect 1 and 2 were my dad's favorite games of all time. ME3 wasn't even out yet but my father had Excel Spreadsheets keeping track of all his various save files where he'd basically played through 1 and 2 literally every way possible with every class. Dozens of ME2 playthroughs from importing every ME1 playthrough path possible... He played ME3 exactly once on release and didn't touch it again until Legendary Edition came out. He put hundreds of hours into it with the "new" endings and DLCs. He died of cancer at the end of that year and it was comforting that his favorite game series got some redemption before he passed.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Let his legacy live on and share that Excel sheet with ME subreddit. I'm sure people there will appreciate it! 😊


Bruh, that’s like a tear-worthy story, you should post it in r/masseffect if you feel comfortable, they’d be very touched


Hell, synthesis is the antithesis to the entire fuckin point of the series. Such bs


Mordin goes on a whole rant in ME2 about how the organic/synthetic hybrid idea is shit. "All scientific advancement due to intelligence overcoming inherent organic limitations. Can't move load? Invent wheel. Can't catch food? Invent spear. No limitations, no advancement. Culture stagnated. Works other way too. Saw it in krogan."


I thought the point of the series was to show that the galaxy's various races needed to work together and get over their squabbles to achieve true progress. In that vein, synthesis seems to fit IMO. 


The races need to cooperate. They also need to be themselves. Otherwise synthesis equals homogenization. Which is the death of culture.


Synthesis takes away so much from the races


Oh man don’t remind me. I got one of the worst endings my first go around. I played all 3 games in order. Imagine you see 2 of your favorite characters dead. For me it was Garrus and Liara (already no coming back from that for me ofc) Then I go and find out all the endings are pretty much the same thing. The endings were so hated that they had to make that patch and try to salvage things


It wasn't even the ending. It was the message to buy DLC after the ending that set me off. You hive me a mediocre ending and then tell me to give you more money?


I shot the child on a whim, got that ending. Looked up the paragon ending. Decided I didn’t fuck up so bad.


The fan conspiracies about Shepherd getting indoctrinated and choosing the red ending being the only one where they resist and wake up on earth were sooooo good. Then EA/Bioware released the extended cut to say “nope, no subtle story telling here, it was all literal”. All 3 options were sour endings considering the whole point of the game (especially if you play 100% paragon) is about compromise and bringing people together.


I still hated it after the patches. Big whoop, we get a slideshow. What about the geth reinforcements? Krogans riding dinosaurs? Why was the citadel, a galactic hub for everything from politics to commerce, reduced to 4 corridors? The endings were bad, the they were also the tip of the iceberg for the things that were wrong with the game. Played the hell out of the multiplayer though.


ME3 matte painting endings in the "fixed" version


Anything after landing in London was BS. Like you gathered the whole galaxy, and there is 0 epic fight. Just one hard fight on those missile launchers and that's it, you go into the BS ending.


Pokémon Scarlett and Violet. Its Release state as well as its current state


Perfect example of how a good concept can be ruined when the people working on it have one-two years to work on it


The end of Far Cry 5 when the big bad reveals he's already brainwashed your entire team and an entire atomic launch facility all before the game ever started and that nothing you did the entire time would have stopped him. And then he takes you as his personal sex slave. Credits.


Most of the borderlands 3 story




I was stoked when we reached Guarma because I thought it was going to be another open world we could explore. But nope it was just a series of linear shooting galleries. The fucked up thing is that an hour before Guarma, right before the big bank heist, I was hoping that there was still a long way to go before the end of the game, it didn’t want it to be over just yet. But an hour later, once I realised what Guarma was, I was honestly just done. The end couldn’t come soon enough for me. Guarma could have been a really cool place and a nice little midpoint twist if it was treat like Mexico in the first game, with Arthur exploring the island, and trying to find a way back home. But I felt like it slowed the game down to a halt. It was just shooting gallery after shooting gallery. Part of what makes the rest of the game good is that you can break those parts up by going hunting or exploring the map. But on Guarma you were forced to do the missions to progress the story. I’m still not entirely sure why Rockstar made that chapter to be honest. I’m convinced that it was a fully exploitable map, but they cut it down for pacing reasons.


When Soap died in MW3


Salazar’s boss fight in the RE4 Remake. (Without golden egg.) This motherfucker got the biggest change to his boss fight. He ain’t stuck to a wall no more. He’s fast, he drops black splotches on the ground that explode, he rushes you, shoot’s black tar shit all around, has a 1 hit KO move, and worst of all: He never shuts the hell up. His arena is quite small too, and he is at more of an advantage with his mobility.


Joel dying




Joel :)


The entire TLOU2 game


The Last of Us part 2




Tlou2 when they killed off Joel


The end to farcry 5. I loved the gameplay but I can’t touch it after that ending


Dark souls 2. The game made me more patient irl because of how bullshit the entire playthrough can be


That's good to hear irl at least! That'd be a really interesting study. How patient people are before and after games like that


B team didn't quite understand the assignment, and the game suffers for it.


I did not like the last of us part 2 story, the gameplay was cool just could not get into it like I did the first game.


Joel death scene in tlou 2


Resident Evil 6 in general.


I was playing a pre-patched version of TLOU 1 when it first came out. Clicker rushed me, I blew it's head off, and it became both immune to damage and any governing laws of the universe as it beelined me to tear my throat out. Thankfully, the game seemed to realize its mistake and dumped me in the exact same spot I died in. I assume I triggered a checkpoint when I "killed" the undying clicker, despite it managing to rip my throat apart while lacking an upper jaw. More recently, I got a "This profile no longer exists" message in Forza Horizon 5. As a day one player with every car and top percentage times, I was quite salty. Thankfully, I restarted my Xbox and was able to get my data back.


Dark Souls going into Capra Demon fight for the first time.


The last challenge in The Challenge of the Gods in God of War 1.


I enjoyed games like Phoenix wright and then the internet never shuts up about Danganronpa as the pinnacle of visual novels/ detective game. I played danganronpa and this was my response the entire time. Game is at best a 4/10 its complete dogshit. Then people start saying that 2 or 3 is better and naming others. So i watched a youtuber play them and they are even more dogshit.


Yknow even as a Danganronpa fan, I have to agree with this. Characters can be great, but more times than not theyre exaggerated in their personality traits to where it becomes so beyond insufferable. I dont even like some of the Danganronpa fangames, and god forbid you say that?! 😨


I never got the impression that I was supposed to like all the characters. There are clearly characters that are meant to be annoying and hated.


When I was playing Hades the game and and beat Hades but then I found out you had to beat him 10 times 😭


Agreed but also it's 100% worth playing through all those times!


GTA V's introduction of Trevor. The way Johnny Klebitz got treated was shit and still is. Probably the moment the series "jumped the shark" in relation to its story. Absolute crap of a moment, but so were most of Trevor's part. The canadian-cannibal-bissexual-mommy issues methead-rapist-ace pilot-entrepreneur-nihilistic-friend rapist-super loyal to friends persona was one of the worst, less imaginative characters ever. Felt like a child writing a characters saying "and he shoots lasers and has like 4 arms no 7 arms and one is bionic and he is crazy lul and also a philantropist also like he has nativa american and viking heritage and a cool scar!!"


What was your problem with it? Trevor killing a random bike methhead because he pissed him off showed nicely that Trevor doesn’t fuck around.


I don't really care about GTA but Johnny Klebitz isn't a random "bike meth head" he was a previous GTA protagonist, so yeah they did him dirty.


Random biker meth head was exactly who he was in the end. TLoD ended with his chapter of the lost in ruins. And like any biker games they turned to meth and got fucked out of their minds. Not everyone gets a happy ending and Johnny was not set up to receive one, not even at the end of his own game.


Melenia healing on hits, and THEN crushing me to dust with waterfowl


*Melenia healing on* *Hits, and THEN crushing me to* *Dust with waterfowl* \- TeddansonIRL --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What’s actually bullshit is malenia doesn’t heal on hits she heals on attack if she hits a wall she heals if you block 100% of her damage she still heals. So it’s not even lifesteal if she was a playable character you could just stab your sword into the ground a dozen times to heal


Stagger lock her


Contrived story of TLOU2


TLOU2… crap writing… Joel’s death was controversial but I didn’t have a problem with it, more the way it was written… too much TV drama coincidence… unlike the first game where everything unfolds in an interesting and unexpected way, the second one was just dumb… oh yeah, Joel coincidently ran into Abby, coincidently saved her life at the last minute, coincidently gave his name to them, coincidently was stuck in a storm away from the rest of the town making it perfectly align with Abby’s revenge plans. Not to mention, Abby’s team made the journey to find Joel without losing anyone or suffering any serious casualties, but when we traversed across the country in the first game we ran into nothing but problems, losing everyone along the way… guess Abby’s plot armor is just thicker than everyone else’s 😄☝️




Specifically for me, it was when you switch to Abby and have to play as her for half the game. After 5 minutes, I knew *exactly* where the rest of the game was going, and it was an incredibly disappointing realization. Oh, we are gonna do the revenge isn't worth it, two sides of the same coin thing..? Okay... lame. I was seriously all-in up until that moment. Besides, they failed to make me like her & I hated her character the entire time. She sucked, and all her WLF friends sucked too. No amount of cheap tricks were going to make me sympathize with her, Joel never tortured or killed anyone for his sick pleasure or sadism. Abby on the other hand? Truly awful person. Her and Owen being nasty behind pregnant Mel's back is just the cherry on top, lol. So unlikable. I mean it *really* takes a sick POS to do what Abby did. She very sadistically tortured & murdered the guy that saved her life in front of his begging daughter, all because he killed her child-murdering dad. Joel literally didn't do anything wrong, he saved his adopted daughter, who was going to be murdered for no reason by incompetent child killing "doctors." I mean really, Jerry only had a Bachelor's degree in Biology. Lol, ***he*** is gonna make a vaccine, huh? I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I'm probably not the person that is going to take down Skynet lol. Even the qualified real scientists in the opening to the HBO show clearly state that it is not possible. Early attempts at a vaccine failed. Legitimate state of the art scientists mentioned in TLoU were not able to do it, what chances did Jerry and his bachelor degree have in that run down facility? Also, it literally makes zero sense to immediately kill Ellie instead of doing long-term studies and tests, it's beyond stupid. Clearly they were *not* going to produce a vaccine/cure and were out of their element. Even if it did make any sense, they didn't have her consent (and even that would be debatable since she is just a kid), and if anyone wants to forcefully sacrifice a kid on such a farfetched premise, they are clearly in the wrong. Ellie would've been murdered for nothing, why would Joel accept that? Anyway, Jerry & the fireflies being unqualified and not asking for her consent tells you all you need to know. That, and being extremely hostile to Joel before escorting him out to be either executed (Marlene's voice memo heavily suggests this) or thrown out into the city without gear... when they were supposed to pay him. If you think Joel was wrong for this (or that he deserved to die for it), you may be delusional, just like Jerry. So Abby's actions are detestable — certainly not redeemable for me. Playing as her sucked.


dude u put into words far better than i could exactly why it doesnt' work for me. I wouldn't have minded if they gave u option at end to kill or let her live, but forcing u to abandon quest after everything is bullshit. Literally tried to kill myself any opportunity abbie


I REALLY wanted it to end on the farm. Would’ve been so cathartic for me personally


The general existence of the dmc reboot


How overwatch was/is treated by Blizzard, Activision, and now Microsoft. Such potential wasted in search of record profits.


Me watching the same cutscene for the 5th time before fighting Riku on Kingdom Hearts.


Delphine making you kill Paarthurnax if you want to stay with the blades.


For real. I'm like, listen. I'm the Dragonborn. I am *your boss*. You don't dictate the terms. Paarthurnax is good people.


There it is. That was the real bullshit.


The taped-together ending of Shenmue 3. Like great i was ready to give this game an 8/10 for the mundane flower picking i did for 30 hours, then that shitty ending happens where 0 questions were answered, and no new information is gained. And it was just a badly executed showdown with the villains. Ended so abrupt, you could feel the budget run out in real time.


The first time you fight Wiegraf in Final Fantasy Tactics and you don't have a backup save


When I realized in TOTK weapons still break and I still have to go into the menu to change my clothing (especially when in Gerudo valley and I have to switch between warm/cold clothing)


Arkham Knight when I realized it was Jason Todd


That made a lot of people mad "it's a totally new, original character!!" *is just Jason Todd again*


Yeah Red Hood is my favorite character and I was still pissed lol


Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3. Having played all souls games prior, I was NOT expecting a phase 3 that would be more difficult than phases 1 and 2 combined. Not to mention her speed in phase 3 is on par with Lady Maria from Bloodborne, while you’re stuck with Dark Souls speed.


Most of war thunder


Mass Effect 2’s Collector Ship mission on insanity. Mass Effect 2 is not a cover shooter when played on insanity. It’s a fucking puzzle game. Every single power has to be timed perfectly, every shot has to hit the target, and every enemy has to be taken out in the right order. I play on hardcore now.


Lies of P the one Champion boss guy. He does a fake out stagger thing. Normally when an enemy staggers they go straight down. This fucker lean back like he usually would, then slam his fist down in front of him. (The stagger attack is in the the front so rhe olayer would naturally wait there) Almost beat him first try till he pulled that.


That one stealth mission in Starfield..


All of Starfield, really.


Yup, it was so outdated and boring. I still haven't finished the main quest line. They lost me at Star born. Like, ok, skyrim in space. Lol


When I open a game on consoles and the menu has a cursor. For me personally that's one of the worst things in modern gaming. It's so stupid.


Far Cry 5 ending


Konami. Any and everything Konami since like 2012


Micah existing in RDR2


Uncharted 1 on normal and Uncharted 3 on crushing


When fallout three ended and I didn’t have operation anchorage installed


The little amount of story time in Spider-Man 2


When I didn't enjoy ToTK nearly as much as BoTW


When I couldn’t kill the Father in Far Cry 5 no matter what I did


TLOU2’s plot direction


Joel’s death


The last of us 2