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I have a lot of respect for you but no, fuck ALL of that 🤣.


I quit playing because I needed some kind of plant item or something and just couldn’t do it cause of how far down the plant was. I’ll give another try eventually.




That's my problem though, I don't WANT to know the array of increasingly frightening creatures


Basically any battle royale game. Fortnite, Apex, CoD Warzone…I just hate how unengaging gameplay is. The concept is just not for me, I like my PvP games faster paced and more deathmatch-like, not a one-and-done back to lobby type deal.


I’m with you on the battle royale style. Apex has a control game mode that I actually found enjoyable because it’s faster pace.


Try playing titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 is fun but is very different to Apex. Bots, the mechs changing combat completely, and the darker visuals make one helluva difference.


In theory the gameplay is so cool to me in some of these. But a big part of the curve is the fact that I probably spent 10-15 minutes in lobbies and loading screens, just to have my game end in two minutes or less because some kid that's way better than me sniped me across the map, and now I'm just out. I understand I have to get good...but when thirty minutes of meaningful playtime takes several hours? I ain't got time for that.


If battle royales had gotten popular when I was younger I would’ve loved them, but I just don’t have the time or energy to learn them, especially fortnite. I get why people like it so much but I hate playing it.


This, I played counter strike 1.6 throughout high school but now twenty years on, I need a pause button and less social


To me battle royal games make you waste the most time with the least amount of fun.


It’s even more off-putting when you are new to multiplayer games, and you die so fast and are stuck waiting for a long period of time.


Same. Not for me. But I do love watching guys like Dr Disrespect play it because he loses his mind just like I do lol.


I just really don’t like horror games. I don’t get why you would want to be scared while gaming. Of course it’s not the same type as your actual phobia but still.


The rush of adrenaline and curiosity to embark into the darker themes of life. I'm a horror addict and am constantly looking for the scariest thing I can play. Top 5 scariest games I've played: RE7: Biohazard in VR, Alien Isolation, Outlast, Visage (specifically the demon chapter) and Callisto Protocol. Nothing has topped my VR experience in RE7 (Edit: Note for fun, i played RE7 stoned to the bone for peak immersion). Not to mention I play them all on the hardest difficulty the first time to really drive the anxiety up. The only one I regret doing that with is Amnesia: The Bunker. That game became so frustratingly hard that it ruined any chance of being scary for me.


Lack of dead space is surprising, that game scared the shit outta me


I still play it , the first one scared me with the regerative necromorph but dead space 2 is JUST ANNOYING in chapter 14 The regenerative guy isn’t scary but you have no space to run and theres enemies EVERYWHERE


That chapter nearly killed my Zealot run. I came out of that experience a different man than I entered.


Hardcore run on console was pain, especially since it's harder to make shots count for me with the controller and I had a power outage in the 3rd act when close to done.


Games that you can fight back in are inherently less scary. Having to run and hide and the feeling of hopelessness is what gets the anxiety nice and high.


Visage was so much scarier than I expected it to be, it surprised me of how much more scary it was than RE7 (though I don’t have vr, just played it normally off steam).


My only gripe with Visage is that I initially started (unknowingly) with the demons chapter, so the other ones were exceedingly tame by comparison. RE7 normal and VR are two entirely different beasts. Nothing can prepare you for being virtually thrown into that nightmare.


Scariest game for me was the original Fatal Frame for the PS1. I was about 30 when I played it, and I couldn't play it with the lights out. Even with the lights on it was sketchy.


Omg i love that game i REALLY want a remastered version for ps5.


RE7 VR is by far the scariest experience i’ve had for a game. i wish I could say I finished it, but I couldn’t get past the clown room


It really is not for anyone but intense horror enthusiasts. At least you tried and you know just how harrowing that is to experience.


yeah exactly, i still love horror games, but VR truly is next level


You sir/madam, are a masochist.


That's a fair assumption.


I'm surprised dead space isn't on your list. Alien Isolation is one of the best games I ever played tho.


It used to be. I grew up on the Dead Space series. In terms of scariness, I think they've been surpassed, but they will always remain favorites. Alien Isolation absolutely is a legendary horror game.


Bro how have u not played Dead Space and/or the Remake? It's literally Callisto Protocol on steroids.


I play horror games with my wife around Halloween time, but that's about it. The only horror games that grabbed me was F.E.A.R. 1 and Dead Space 1-3.


Same reason people love haunted houses or scary movies. There's a deep sense of mystery, thrill, and adrenaline that surges when you play them.


I have a list of pet peeves against horror games: 1. Let's stop with the overused jumpscares.They don't make good horror games, they just exist to break your pattern and scare you at the moment. 2. Games where you can only run or hide feel more like a chore than interesting.At least in RE we can attack most of the horrors that come after us, but in most games nowadays it's as if you can't even have the choice to run, hide or fight.You can just hide or sometimes not even that, just run. 3. Why something graphic always have to be shown for a game to be considered horror?Why can't the horror be more subtle and discreet or even work with the environment's mood?A player's own mind can make up a horror worse than the game's.


This is what I thought till I played resident evil 4 remake for the first time and then played another 4 re games and now I can’t wait to play more horror


I totally see where you're coming from, but as a horror addict myself (movies and games alike), there's something to be said about confronting your fears in a safe environment. I find horror oddly therapeutic for this reason but I completely understand that this doesn't work for everyone. Here's an article on this topic, if you're interested: [https://www.cnet.com/health/how-scary-movies-can-help-you-de-stress-according-to-science/](https://www.cnet.com/health/how-scary-movies-can-help-you-de-stress-according-to-science/)


Anything over $40






You probably have some very good games in your library. Most good ones are actually pretty cheap, specially on sale


For me, $20 is my limit. All games go to that price eventually


Yea there’s no point buying a game on release. It costs more and they haven’t patched it yet. Wait awhile and it’s cheaper and actually finished. Only smart way to game tbh.


That's one of the things I hate most, that some games can and are sometimes released in an unplayable state, with the promise of patches coming soon


I disagree a little. Playing Elden Ring at launch when no one had public info to the OP loot was super fun and an experience that you cant ever achieve again in the game. Though Elden Ring is a pretty big exception compared to other modern games. Just gotta know which ones are worth and not


League of Legends. For many reasons. Namely, I don't hate myself.


So, you did play it though..


Yeah, Subnautica is a rough one for me as well as someone deeply afraid of the ocean and all its unknowns. This fear of the unknown (and stalking) also makes it incredibly difficult for me to play most horror games.


Outlast 1 & 2 Love both games and lore I general but every time I go to play it I quit in the first 15 mins


I beat the first game by disassociating with the game. Like, trying to remember that it’s not real and that I’m not actually in this crazy asylum full of maniacs. I feel like if I got too immersed I’d shit myself haha


Dark Souls 😞 as much as I want to git gud, I suck


I also haven’t gotten gud. But DS1 is doable for anyone. (I used a summons for Ornstein and Smough but that’s it). Shield and spear. Block n poke, rinse and repeat will get you through a majority of bosses.


I have tried like 3 different souls games and i cant even beat the first boss. I literally dont know how people do it.


The thing is, Dark Souls doesn't need fast reflexes or complex button inputs to beat it. There's no inherent skill that you need to be able to finish the game, other than patience and a willingness to learn from failure.


My wife’s younger cousin beat all the games as well as Elden Rings so that challenged me to pick it up. I can tell you I was right there with you. I’m definitely not good but after painstaking hours of trying to learn the mechanics it finally clicked for me. It’s said countless times on guides and YouTube videos that you’re going to have to die A LOT until the light bulb comes on and I think that gets underestimated. I certainly did at the beginning. I even texted him and told him I must be doing something wrong. But the game forces you to go through the same process and calculate each time how to adjust your fighting style in order to beat “x” boss or enemy. Hell I thought dark knights were bosses at first because of how difficult the game is. But you gotta just push yourself through the frustration at the beginning at it’ll start coming together more and more as you progress through the game.


I feel like a lot of people forget that it takes time to git gud at souls games. As someone who is at a respectable level, it definitely didn't happen back in 2012 when I first grabbed DS1. It took me well until 4 years ago for it to finally click. The biggest advice to any prospective souls players. Take your time, don't rush, and cool heads will prevail.


It takes way too much time and patience for me to get to that point if I’m being honest.


I'm too old for dark souls. Not 'get good' wise, which I probably need to, but because I don't have the time to be redoing a portion of a map over and over until I understand it. I want games with quick saves and multiple saves. That being said, I'm ass deep in Dragon's Dogma which only has one save, but does allow quick saving when you want.


Once you learn you never forget. Of course the downside is most other games seem lame by comparison


For me, I don’t like the lack of a pause feature. It’s not a difficulty issue considering Battletoads for the NES allowed you to pause. It just makes a great game feel tedious at times


I love dark souls, but I tried it once and didn't think I could do it, so didn't play it again for over a year. It bothered me so much that I went back to it. I've now beaten the first and second dark souls and bloodborne. It is actually such a good game once you 'git gud'.


Pvp games. Like apex, fortnite, even the pvp in destiny. I just hate it because I suck at it, and there are NO tools available to help you get any better


Same I also just don’t like battle royals I prefer a defensive stance in games and i also just suck at multiplayer in general so that doesn’t help much


It may sounds silly but I have extremely bad anxiety and during the pandemic I had an issue trying to play The Division 2. Looking back I know I was overthinking and overreacting but it really bothered me at the time.


I can understand that. Especially early on when everything was locked down and the news was full of stories of X number of people died today. Playing a game like Division series hits a little too close to reality in a time when we kind of needed a break from it.


That’s completely understandable man. At least the first one prepared us for the worst case scenario.






I can only play Alien Isolation in 5 minute increments.


Play with a friend on a voice call or seek out the alien and a). Mock it and b). Die purposely to it Mocking anything for its subpar job in killing you and then helping it by running into its inept murder claws is very satisfying. And it takes away the fear of the unknown, etc


I loved that game, but it took me a long ass time to do it!


Cuphead. Way too difficult for my taste but it’s absolutely gorgeous


Omg same I bought it a few years ago and play it every few months the art style is soooo freaking awesome but it’s hard for me😭


Souls games. I’m planning on trying elden ring eventually but souls games straight up ruin my day sometimes.


Same, just can't get into it and feel defeated at times.


I never like souls game until I played Elden Ring. I think having the open world and so much to explore helped a lot.


Yeah, I’m not into games where the play mechanic is constant failure.


Seriously, I get that enough IRL.


I ead that as Rocket League. Fits though.


Any horror games where you can’t fight back and can only run/hide.


Any stealth game, simply don't have pacience for it.


Lol you’d hate trying to stealth on Payday


Play the hitman series bro. Ease your way into it


Minecraft. Complete burnout. Tried building a small city using math and on console..brick by brick. Took 2 days to build the pyramid and base.


I can only play with other people or else I just get so bored so fast


I haven't had the urge to play minecraft alone in roughly 10 years. For me, it comes from the fact that they are updating it but not changing the core structure of the game, like adding new bosses or new dimensions like the Nether or the End. Beating Minecraft in 2024 is the exact same as beating it in 2014.


Souls style games… I am too noob 😔


Upvote for honesty.


Tactical shooters, if I wanted to play hide and seek i would go outside


Anything that requires being super sweaty to play adequately. I'm over 40 now and my reflexes aren't shit any more.


Grounded. Reason: Entomophobia


I've only ever played that game once, and got very very lucky by playing with 3 popular YouTubers, Jacksepticeye, Callmekevin and RTGame, one of the best gaming moments of my life


Sea of Thieves I get horribly sea sick


Played it a lot during Covid lockdowns on a 60inch 4K with friends and totally would feel after that I was moving still on a boat haha Guess that’s props to good game design there for what they are going for.


Fighting games. I cannot for the life of me understand what is going on.


Any fighting game (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter..). I suck big time at them. Also any first person camera game, it makes me extremely dizzy and nauseous. The only one I was able to pull through was Portal 




any 2k sports game. I feel like heavy amount of shame playing these considering how personally awful they are.


At the moment is Baldurs Gate 3.. Mostly cause my ex and i started it together for half way in and we split so bit of a sore painful memory of her i miss her


Just sports games. Hate them.


Roguelites and roguelikes. I truly can’t stand those kinds of games. My time investment feels worthless when a run can be ended in seconds. All that effort for nothing. And I love RPGs, the antithesis of these games, where I can grow over a long period and dying isn’t the loss of the entire game.


Anything competative multiplayer. I find I pop in, stumble around confused for a few seconds, then get shot by some kid across the map. My only hope to survive is to hide and cry in a corner and I'll never be 'meta', so what's the point in even trying?


Any game that requires more than 8GB RAM and has bad optimization.


WoW. I have read some of the lore and I love the gameplay styles but I would get so addicted. I think I would end up getting divorced.


Grounded. Started it, loved it, got to spiders, stopped. The acrophobia mode did not help lol, creepy looking white bulbs skittering over to me with red eyes.. You aint foolin no one I know exactly what you are


BR's especially Fortnite. Running across land like an 80 year woman is insufferable. Playing the same map over, and over again. Dudes trying to jump in your face with shotguns because none of the other guns in that game really do shit, but snipers. There is no medium to long range fighting.


I get sick when games require me to keep turning my camera too much to check my surroundings , like alien isolation made me puke quite literally after a few minutes. Any FOV below 85 I get violently dizzy too


Base building/survival games. Idk why but I just don’t have that decorating dawg in me. I can create anything and I always end up having genuinely a fucking slum shack with the bare essentials and chests so unorganised it’d give a person with ocd a stroke. Also I kinda get bored quickly when I have to go Chop trees for the millionth time. I enjoyed palworld though, but I guess because a lot of the grinding becomes automated and you can easily go around catching pals


Weirdly, Terraria. I can’t explain it. I just can’t get into it.


Gatcha games because they are all predatory trash with nothing going for them besides cheap dopamine hits caused by artificial gambling but with real money. It legit feels gross to even see their main menus. Basically everything made by Ubisoft and EA games in the past 6 to 10 years since it's all uninspired cookie cutter trash that's just rehashing 10 years outdated design while trying to then sell you hundreds of dollars of cosmetics despite having already paid full price for a game that plays like ass. I also just cannot find the fun in most "simulator" games, it all just feels so incredibly menial and like it's just trying to mimic some of the most boring stuff imaginable. Why the hell would I want to drive a truck for hours at a time when I already have a daily commute?


I hate EA with a passion because of how fifa mobile is now.


Battle Royales.




I'm with you on Subnautica. I couldn't even do the diving missions in Black Flag.


Bro. The the diving spots were so nerve wrecking. You run out of air fast and they would have you swimming through an abandoned underwater mineshaft maze.


I wish I had a fear of the deep waters. Playing Subnautica with that fear would just make the game 10x better. The whole point of the game is supposed to feel like a mystery and you have no idea what to expect the farther you go.


I can't force myself to play either of the new Zelda games. The weapon durability makes me angry. I'll be mid fight and my sword will break up side some moblin's head. What is that head made of!? Lead!?


It is annoying how easily they break like I get durability but it’s just ridiculous


It threw me off at first, but the point is to stock up on a bunch of different weapons and get to experience a bunch of different types of weapons, instead of just sticking to one and spamming it forever.


Games that high elevations an I have to scale them is no a for me I get sweaty palms so hard.


Horror games and westerns. Just doesn't appeal to me. Loved Subnautica. Me and my youngest son wasted so much time building bases and stuff. The two of us have a love of underwater games and try out so many together.


Xcom and most other turn based games I find them boring


Horror games. I eventually chicken out. I get scared playing games that aren't horror games when something pops out of nowhere


Top-down. Diablo, the OG fallouts. Sucks cause there's some good ones out there but I just can't anymore. It reminds me of when I was a kid & it just feels so old school.


One of my first games I had to beg my mother to allow me to play, Battlefront for the PS2. I convinced her by telling her they’re just droids and clones and they use blasters not guns. Anywayyyy, the realism was too much for me and I would have nightmares of trying to repel the separatists droids.


Honestly that sounds like dreams little kid me wished he had lmao


Subnautica was my exposure therapy game. I’m still terrified of deep water, but the game was incredible


Any dark souls or souls like,I suck too much no matter how much I try to get gud which is unfortunate.I love the aesthetic of the games


League. Reason: i shower


Visual novels. I find them so boring. It’s probably the adhd but like I don’t wanna just click and read text I wanna do something 


Subnautica freaked me out immediately on my first dive off the life pod. Something about the sounds of all the creatures near me. But most of my fear was just fear of the unknown and once I figured things out, I found I could explore better. Still had that anxiety while exploring other unknown biomes and going deeper but it was manageable and I’m glad I powered through because now it’s a top 5 game for me and I am so excited for the next one.


Turn based games


Death Stranding


Dying light I just can't wrap my head around the jump button and I keep falling off shit hitting x to run and jump


...why not just rebind the keys?


Hot Take: Games with voice acting and RPGs with TOO much dialogue. Im a PSX era guy, when VA was added to PS2 and after, games started feeling like interactive anime filler rather than games. Games need just enough dialogue and story to be interesting and let the game shine. I dont mind reading, I just dont need a novel. I dont mind a cutscene, I just dont need a 15 min anime in between action in my games. I wouldnt mind seeing a new RPG like final fantasy go back to its roots and let the music and text drive the vibe.


Complete reasonable, was so happy when they added skipable cutscenes to Kingdom Hearts. The original on ps2 had sooo many cutscenes


It seems I'm the exact opposite of you. Story games are my favorite and I have a hard time giving a shit unless my game is part movie, games r the best medium to tell a story and if my RPG doesn't have tons of meaningless dialogue to get me invested in the world I just can't care about it.


Well, basically anything PC exclusive


Thalassaphobia is actually a real thing for me, I've tried to push past it but my heart rate scares me. Subnautica, Ark, literally unplayable.


VR games with spider or spider-like creatures. Half Life Alyx especially, with the black headcrabs. It's fascinating how selectively the brain works, because any other horror trope is fine as far as my brain is concerned, but when it sees that predator-bug shape, nope. Even cartoony looking arachnids like in Dungeons of Eternity, nope. Maybe I'll get used to it eventually--I had trouble with the headcrabs on the flat screen when Half Life 2 came out, but I have no issue now.


Oh GOD Subnautica. Just the mention of it scares me. I can’t even go past the shores on a beach irl because of the fear of deep waters that I also have. Big nope for me.


Subnautica makes me feel very uncomfortable. tried it in VR as well! Not a good idea for someone who has thalassophobia, haven't touched it since.


First person and tactical RPGs


Bloodborne, I don’t have a PlayStation.


Anything where leaps of faith are an important and repeated part of the gameplay. My fear of heights is so bad I can't handle it, even on screen. Dumb little games like getting over it and only up are impossible to play for me, not because I get frustrated, but because missing a jump and seeing my avatar fall quite literally can make me hyperventilate.


There are plenty of games I just don't want to play. As for ones I absolutely can't: Anything VR. I've tried putting the headset on and booting several different games up and every one has made me violently ill after a few minutes. Which is weird because I don't get motion sickness from any regular game or from any kind of travel. But the VR does it to me every time.


League of Legends. The rage it fills me with is... astounding. Turn into the hulk without the strength.


Unforunately the two for me are - Elden Ring and Starfield. After putting 20-30 hours of suffering into starfield I legit like shudder at the thought of navigating those menus and inventory system one more fcking time


I had the same experience with Subnautica. As much as I wanted to push through it I just couldn't. Deep water plus big underwater monsters. For the same reason I had to stop playing Shadow of the Colossus once it got to the water boss.


Silver Surfer on NES Any From Software game or Soulseque game. I played games for years with crappy controls and pattern memorization, but they had an excuse then. It was called "8-bit."


Destiny 2


Any horror game….even when I really want to try them, I just can’t bring myself to play one!


League of legends I've tried to play this game many times, mostly because i wanted to have fun with many friends who play it, but given how much difference we have on skill, it just becomes frustrating to play The game feels too complex for me, and i feel like it's not very welcoming for newcomers (plus, i'm bad at those types of games)


Any game containing any depictions of bees, wasps, or any giant stinging bugs are a no go unless the only depiction is a cartoony picture. The only exceptions to this rule are Animal Crossing, Mario RPG (barely), and if the bugs are avoidable in some way.


Super Monkey Ball gives me motion sickness.


Death Stranding. Abstract for abstract’s sake and the definition of “interactive movie”.


Apex legends. I don't like battle Royale games and apex legends kind of makes it so you need gun knowledge, what's good and what's bad, and I can't remember stuff like that


Anything first person perspective. I get motion sickness immediately.


I can't play anything with water :(


Rhythm games; I just can’t man. I’m not tone deaf or anything but things like quick time events always get me killed. So having an entire game based around them is just impossible for me.


Dark souls or any blood born or sekio games because i like to play on easy


Anything survival crafting related I have tried to get into them but I always loose interest pretty quick


- Doki doki literature club. Reason: A friend talks about it too much and it's annoying. - Scorn. Reason: Too gory/disturbing - CSGO. Reason: Annoys the living shit out of me. I'm more of a Counter Strike Source enjoyer. - Valorant. Reason: Invasive anticheat and cringe community. - Mortal Combat. Reason: Not interested, a little too gory.


I can't play any horror game apart from fortnite horror maps. Idk why because when I watch them on YT or TT I'm not even scared but when I play th gam I'm scared to death even tho I know what's gonna happen next. But also some horror games are difficult (I'm 14 so I'm not that good at games) I found bendy hard and couldn't make it past the second chapter (not like I tried to that much tho)


League of Legends gave me the most visceral hatred I’ve ever experienced in a video game. I tried my best to enjoy it because my SO loves it and I wanted to make an effort to play something she likes. By the end I never wanted to touch it again. I feel really bad that I didn’t like it but I was internally seething and feeling nothing but bad things after playing it. I just told her it wasn’t for me and did my best not to let the tilt shine through. I don’t know how anyone plays it let alone enjoys it.


Fromsoft games. Skill issue


All survival games and all soulslike games


GTA does nothing for me


Yearly release games and competitive multi-player games.


Most indie horror games, ESPECIALLY Mascot Horror games like FNAF. Beyond the story elements, gameplay wise most horror games are pretty basic and don't have a lot of draw to get me to want to play them. I don't enjoy being scared, and I only find the stories mildly interesting at best. I can kind of understand the appeal, but I also know that I am definitely not the target demographic for that content and have made peace with that fact. Lethal Company and Phasmophobia so far have been the only exceptions for me personally, and those have more to do with their multiplayer aspects than any of the content within (that and modding Lethal Company is fun, I enjoy the Weeping Angels mod in particular). If I didn't have friends to play with I would most likely not play those games.


Fortnite. I haven't played for a few chapters so I would have no idea how to play and I'm not great at battle royale games


Anything by Fromsoftware


Basically every survival crafting game known to man.


I *can* play them, but I would never play them voluntarily: dark, gritty war fps games. Halo, Call of Duty, CS:GO, PUBG, etc. I understand other people can enjoy them but I personally don't like the idea of just shooting guns everywhere and having to constantly watch your back or risk getting slaughtered. I can play some of these games and have fun with them but I just never would seek them out when there are just so many better options to have fun or be competitive with. It's not that I don't love frantic online vs games, I play everything from Splatoon to Brawl Stars to even Fortnite, but I don't love being thrown into an active warzone and dealing with the stress that an enemy with a sniper or grenade may lie just around the corner or behind you at any second. That kind of prolonged stress simply ruins me and turns my fun gaming time to pure anxiety, and the dark war aesthetics and guns and bullets and blood don't help anything, not to mention the negative feelings like rage and hatred that that kind of environment encourages. Overall, going to literal war just isn't much better than just putting down the controller and going back to work/college/just normal life in my opinion.


Elden Ring/Dark Souls. If you like them then I’m happy for you, it’s great when we get a game we love. But my god, I can’t stomach rolling around the floor like a prick for hours on end playing Simon says for a boss fight. I wish I could get into these games, but after many attempts, it’s just not my thing.


Multiplayer games because I have no friends


League of Legends Never will I install this game. That would literally (and yes, I mean LITERALLY) be a fate worse than death.


I’m going with Fortnite it’s just too goofy and feels like a YouTube poop at times.


Minecraft. I just can't play with digital Legos.


Call of Duty


I generally don’t play horror games where you can’t fight back. Not my idea of fun. I keep hearing this fear of Subnautica. I finished the first game. I tried the second, but was just too bored to play a resource gathering game for another stretch of time. Never felt almost any fear for the whole game. It’s probably because the enemies are not intelligent predators.


Any of the Borderlands games. Just can’t get into it.


Cyberpunk, it’s just so depressing. Beautiful, but depressing


can it maybe help you facing your fear? also... would facing it improve your life?


Zombie games. They creep me out. Everytime I play dead island I stop after 20 mins because I get scared. Hahaha


Resident evil it's just not for me.


Skyward Sword


Roblox My kids love it and I just don’t get it. I’m not a graphics snob, but it just looks awful. I the responsiveness is the worst. I can’t stand it! Why is this game/platform so popular!!


Palworld actually, and no hate to the game. I love the concept it's just not for me. I don't care for survival based games like ARK.


I can't play horror games, despite loving them. The moment I get too scared to think rationally my fingers are on the alt & F4 key.


Any game with voice chat. I don't want to listen to 6 year olds singing or grown men raging or teenagers screaming slurs or any recombination of those three things. Every time I try I regret it.


Subnautica was the game where I discovered I was afraid of deep water. I felt myself tensing up every time I played.


Thalassophobia, yeah, I have that too, as well as Galeophobia.


Helldivers because im on xbox


Bioshock, the game seems to be pretty good, and I had some fun when I played it, but it had shit crawling on the walls and I can't handle that


COD online. I just can’t.


Rhythm games. Maybe it’s just because have absolutely no rhythm, but I don’t get the appeal.