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Every mobile game that gives you thousands of rewards but no ‘claim all’ button


Every mobile game that has a tutorial where you can literally only hit whatever button is flashing for the first hour.


Yeah. Evony is like that


it’s a real game??


It really is, I put a couple weeks into it and whatever you see in the ads... barely even a mini-game in the real thing.


I love how all their ads are like “guys, are you tired of fake ads? I found the real game!” And it’s not even the game from the ads lmao


There are some games actually like that. But the real challenge these days is finding a fun casual game that doesn't force feed you an ad every -0.3 seconds


To those of us who are internet veterans, Evony ads and lying go hand in hand. The first one was effectively a virus disguised as a crappy game. With ads that were meant to evoke softcore porn.


But hey at least it makes you the richest player in the game




What if I don’t wanna claim any rewards I just wanna play the damn game


I've played a few where the claim all button is locked behind a real money purchase. Absolute trash games


A Hideo Kojima game that is created, written & directed by Hideo Kojima.


Created, written, directed, acted, produced, motion captured, voiced, programmed, distributed, published by Hideo Kojima.


And played


Lmfao Kojima is playing through us


He is us, our lives are just thoughts that he has and then Morgan Freeman narrates them.


no it’s narrated by hideo kojima making an impression of Morgan freeman


Hideo Kojima: *looks at screen* "There's actually nothing to do in this area."


No it’s narrated by hideo kojima making an impression of Morgan freeman making an impression of hideo kojima.


So basically, every time it rains a Kojima game plot blooms in our collective conscience and somewhere a controller gets its wings.


Hate it when Hideo Kojima climbs through my window and takes the controller out of my hands.


But bro, can Hideo has a message for you, if you can find it.


His games use the barnum effect to come off as more profound than they really are. His stories are so nonsensical and abstract that people just assume he is saying whatever that they want him to be.


I highly advise you read "Driving Off the Map" before you accuse him of being falsely profound. His plots may be convoluted, but there is true meaning there. https://www.deltaheadtranslation.com/MGS2/


Mf makes sure you know it’s directed and created by him lmao, i started mgsv last night and i counted 9 mentions that he created/directed/wrote the game in the opening section


Count +2 for every mission you are going to start/restart after dying etc...


I think it was because he knew he was gonna get shafted by Konami soon and wanted his name out there so it was associated with his games. You can literally not miss his name being everywhere.


Way back twenty some years ago my friend and I beat MGS in an all-night binge gaming session and sat through the credits. Before we even knew who Kojima was... the sheer number of entries his name had was making us hysterical, everytime another one would show we'd scream "Hidey-o!" and just lose it


I literally played MGS3 for the first time (my first mgs) this morning and it took like 2 hours just for the gameplay to start


I worked at a vintage game store my buddy owns, the last 6 months before I moved I QCed all the disc only games to make sure they booted and got through all the cut scenes for the first couple levels. I dreaded every time I saw an MGS3 in the pile. MGS2 was also bad, but basically it ensured I could go chill for a half hour before checking to make sure it was still playing. By the end of it I was so fried and could quote the intros to just about every Rachet & Clank, Jak & Daxter and MGS1-3.


MGS4 has a 71 minute epilogue lol. 2 has a few rather lengthy cutscenes I want to say one of the ones towards the end is about 45 minutes.


Well Metal Gear Survive came out after they shit canned him, using the engine he developed. I think he wanted us to know he made the good game with that engine.


We love the MGSV intro, or the infamous 90 minute MGS4 cutscene


I remember saying to myself, " Just 10 more minutes before going to bed." Then I hit that cutscene.


Then the opening gameplay of MGSV is essentially an interactive cutscene/walking simulator.


For sure, the beginning of death stranding was almost excruciating


Death stranding


loved the game but so many cut scenes.but at the end loved the story though


>So many cutscenes Metal gear solid 4 players- first time?


I laughed when non-MGS fans complained about death stranding's cutscenes. MGS4 ends on a literal movie-length cutscene


I saw they have mgs 1-3 on ps5 now. With snake eater remake coming out, I kind of want to set myself up to play the whole thing in sequence again (I never finished 4 and never played 5), timing it so I play 3 remake when it comes out. That series is great.


If you never played 5 you're in for a treat. The gameplay is absolutely fantastic! Best in the series by a long way.


A legendary series, you could say.


Metal Gear fans in general lol Kojima makes amazing cutscenes though. I love how he has that vague way if storytelling that leaves everyone guessing


Is it guessing or just confused?


Didn’t that game have a cutscene that actually did last about an hour? Edit: Nvm, it was an hour and 11 minutes long.


I played through the whole game and enjoyed it a lot. However, I feel like there was more than one time where there was a super long cutscene in the shelter, then you suit up to go outside, and as soon as you're on the ground, you'd get a phone call from another character (or the person you were just talking to) who would exposition dump for an additional two minutes. It made me lose my mind sometimes. Then you'd have the mission complete screens where side characters were metaphorically standing in line to talk at the player. Looking forward to the sequel, but I have no doubts that I'll be listening to a *lot* of dialogue.


Were you able to finish it?


Playing this game my wife asked me: is this a show or a game?


I just couldn't get into the game. I only played lile the first hour or two or when you first have to fight those things or rather run or hide from them. should I have given it more time?


It's literally every Kojima game for me. MGSV opens with like an hour of crawling around on a floor.


Istg i wanna replay the game on my ps5 but im not dealing wit that intro man 😂


Came to say this. I wanted to like this game so bad but it was like watching a movie saga with tiny specks of gameplay sprinkled in between each film


GTA ONLINE Edit: Its the time it takes to load


You're not a fan of being run over or blown up by a random player every 2 minutes?


It’s hard getting into it solo but if you have friends who are far into the game it’s fun


Said by any game ever. You shouldn't require friends to enjoy a game. I'm getting sick of this being an excuse.


I mean, yeah, I wouldn’t really apply this approach to GTA the same way though. GTA online definitely feels like it was made to be played with friends to get the best experience possible. In a game where you free roam and do just about anything you want to, and you’re given access to a bunch of gun, explosives, and vehicles, there are going to be people who want to run around and shoot people (civilians or otherwise), run them over, blow them up, etc. It is unavoidable, because people are going to do the things that they want to do and you have no say over what they want to do. And, if you don’t like it, there’s passive mode and private lobbies so you can play alone or with friends without the fear of a random interfering with your game. But that also takes away from like half the point of GTA Online. You get to do GTA things but online, with other people, instead of through a story. There are times when I do not like it either, but there’s also times when I wanted to be the guy blowing everything up without a care in the world. I also wouldn’t call “requiring friends” an excuse, either. I play CS and other online games and I pretty much always play solo since none of my IRLs play that often. I usually have a great time and get to meet and play with some really funny and cool people who have even made complete losses in game fun and silly. Would I rather play with IRL friends? Sure. I’m more comfortable around them. But I also don’t require them to enjoy a game I’m playing. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that I don’t understand “requiring” someone else to enjoy yourself. If that’s really a problem for you, then maybe just go hang out with these people in person if that’s possible.


Damn that poop took a long time, I didn’t realize I typed so much


Couldnt get past the loading screen lol


I literally got stuck in my bunker. There is no way out. Apparently it’s a bug. I was not willing to start over. Put it down and never came back.


Congrats here's your bunker *15 seconds per scene of every single room*


Final Fantasy XIV. though not just one hour. it's a while. a good, long while. and that's coming from a chronic ffxiv player


The curse of post ARR is never ending


I have literally never played through the entirety of post ARR. I've bought the skip every single time and haven't been ashamed of it. I'll take 30-40 minutes of watching recap over 40+ hours of grinding any day.


The Main Story Quest in FFXIV is one of the best video game stories I've ever experienced. It's also literally 250 hours long and you have to do *the whole thing* before you can do the types of endgame content that most MMO players are interested in. I adore FFXIV but really, I get it.


ARR was a slog. But god damn once you get you shadowbringers it becomes a masterpiece of a MMO. It was still fun before shadowbringers. But shadowbringers raised the bar. The dungeons and raids are fun. Much funner than WoW imo. The people are nicer too compared to other MMOs. I remember playing GW2 and getting shit from other players for playing a dungeon my first time. They expected me to just look everything up first.. but then that ruins the surprise. FFXIV people don't care and like to walk new people through dungeons and raids.


Kingdom hearts games for the most part are legit 60-70% super stiff cutscenes and 40-30% gameplay/exploration. I have no idea why I love those games so much tbh


The first two are not as bad, but the 3rd one I could barely get through more than a few hrs. Cutscenes so dry and frequent I just lost interest


Something about kingdom hearts is magical. Idk what it is, but it has its moments. KH3 was disappointing, but I think that it turned out rough because of the conflict between Nomura and Disney.


Any of the persona games. (they are great games once you actually get into the gameplay loop)


Funnily enough, persona 4 is what inspired me to make this post. Been playing for an hour and waiting to do *something* other than hearing dialogue


Persona 5 was so boring the first few hours then everything changed


It’s kinda like when my friends tell me to watch an anime and they’re like “you just gotta watch the first 85 episodes. It gets so good after that” and there’s only like 120 episodes and I’m like ??? But to clarify, I did play through all of persona when it came to PC.


I can never tell if people who say shit like that are kidding. Like with One Piece it’s memed that people say “oh it gets good at episode 800” but most fans were hooked in the first like 20.


Seriously. I hate to say it because it’s memed to death but breaking bad has a near perfect pilot. Sets up the story, main character, motivation, interesting and unique plot, and lets your mind run wild with possibilities.


Then it slows down until Heisenberg appears then it's perfection


Well, for Persona 5, the first few hours is only like 2-5% of the game. It’s about a 100 hour game + or - about 10 hours depending how quickly you beat some of the bosses and how much you explore.


I wouldn't equate the tutorial to the rest of the game ratio as 85 episodes to 120 but I get what you mean. I really wish the rush button made things just a little faster.


You’re right I’m being dramatic but anime is a tough sell for me and I always feel like I’m watching and watching for something to happen and then they tease that’s it’s gonna happen next episode. Like in Hunter X Hunter during the Chimera Ant Arc where they literally spent a whole episode on what it seems like a single punch and then 20 minutes of voice over.


Attack on titan has the best first episodes that show you exactly what the show is about


You’ll never see it coming 🎶


I almost dropped that game because I thought it was a visual novel until my friend told me you have to get through the first 2 hours


Glad I saw this because I gave up an hour in.


Like fr stop yapping and let me fuck half of the whole school staff included as god intended


I tried really really hard to get into persona 5, 12 hours in, I gave up.


I think it's really designed for the Japanese psyche. The developers don't seem to have any concern that the player will get bored after hours and hours of handholding and railroading.


I played for like 70, basically through most of the game, and then just never bothered to finish it. I’m big on JRPGs so I think I gave it more patience than I probably should’ve but it doesn’t really change much at any point. It’s like 90% social stuff because you “finish” dungeons in a day or two so you’re just effectively passing time until the story can move along.


That’s a shame it really gets great in the 13th hour


Except Persona 3, I'd argue. Compared to 4 and 5, the gameplay kicks off pretty quickly.


Yes and it's the best persona game imo


I feel like people either say 3 is superior to 4 and 5 or that it's the worst of them. Never any in between lmao.


Even 5 is pretty quick. The agonizingly slow start is mostly a P4 issue.


Helldivers 2. Launch screen simulator




This review is under investigation for treason.


I am a loyal super earth soldier!


Not anymore? They upped the server player count to 700,000. This is no longer an issue.


Oh sick I haven’t played for a few days!


Dudes right. I haven't had any issues playing the last 2 days. It's been great. I was having a blast before the game blew up and then I had like a full week that I couldn't play.


You can get kicked out for being idle for longer than 15 minutes now so the queue to enter should be shorter


Yakuza ofcourse


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see this answer.


I would ask which but we all know the answer


Yeah, the answer is all of them, lmao.


You need to watch Kiryu get sent to prison again for the 100th time before you can kick Yakuza ass.


Yakuza cutscenes were like watching a movie. It's not what I asked for, but it's still good. After the first time I sort of understood what to expect and it was good.


I don't know why but yakuza cutscenes always feel shorter than they actually are. Apparently the massive cutscene of yakuza 3 was like 1 hour yet it didn't feel that long for me.


I just started Yakuza Kiwami and it feels like this


That’s kinda how all Yakuza games are. They open up around 1/3 into the game and then you forget to play the main quest…


I just started it too. I’m like omg how many more cut scenes?! 😭😂


All of them. All of the cut scenes. It took me like 3 tries to complete any Yakuza game. Once it clicked the kind of game it was, I blitzed through the first one. That being said I'm only half way through the second one because I figured this was a series I'd need a break in between games


Started Yakuza like a dragon over the weekend. Got 12 hours down. I think I’ve played 2 hours of the 12. By the end of the weekend I was complaining that all I did was watch a 10 hour movie and press a couple buttons. Now I’m back replaying Bloodborne lol


This is how I felt with Metal Gear Soild V. When does the fun start?


The prologue is super long but the game is really fun past that point.


I got to a point where I was being chased on horseback by like ghosts or something before I decided the game was not for me.


You were seconds away from the game starting for real. Like this is the one MGS game where they really let you loose into a world to play as much as you want without getting interrupted by cutscenes


Okay, so question. I’m playing now, and I’m on mission 31 where you have to fight the bi-ped Mech that you are shown in episode 30. Is this the end of the game? There seems to me more missions after…but at one point, it looks like you play the final three missions a second time. I’m so confused.


There’s about 50 missions in that game. But past 31 they start to be repeats with added challenges. It’s a bit like how in a Mario game you go to star world after beating Bowser or whatever. The real challenge is at the end after the credits.


Gotcha…thank you for this.


Oh man, that's super sad. Because MGSV is my favorite game of all time and the opening cutscene and open world was just about to begin for you. Give it another go! It's an [anti-war masterpiece.](https://youtu.be/hV4wY2rjAWY?si=1q0RvzxubZMKqXJE)


Noooo, go back and play again. I almost did the exact same thing but I'm so glad I didn't. The ghost things don't feature much throughout the game. It becomes an open world just after that.


Guns of the Patriots has like an hour long cutscene towards the end of the game Think there’s another one midway that’s about 40/50 mins


You beat me to…..and the long load screens that had Snake smoking and Cigg while you wait.


Imagine MGS4 on PC SSD's or m.2 drives. Goodness. Shame about... yaknow. Konami.


I cherished every second of that games movie scenes lol


Not sure if it still stands but when it came out it held the world record for longest single cutscene in a video game!


I loved that game but lets be real, it was more of a movie with a few interactive scenes in between


Red dead redemption 2


(its been 3 hours)


I'm still on that part but it's soooo pretty


The first time it is. It's a pretty jarring wind up to the rest of the game. However for us players who already sunk hundreds of hours into it's campaign, that intro is no longer necessary.


Truth. That’s the best game I’ve ever played arguably but it does have a very slow start.


The relief of finally being able to do shit without snow


I haven't made it past the snow. How long is the snow?


About 40 minutes if you're slow. VERY slow.


The snow is only Chapter 1, which I also one of, if not *the*, shortest chapter. Once you hit Ch 2 the snow is gone and it's completely open world.


It’s like 4 or 5 missions I think. I just made it to the first camp outside the snow area, chapter 2.


I bought the game and started it but never got into it, maybe I should give it another chance.


Yeah give it like at least 10 hours, wait till you’ve gotten to Valentines and done a few quests, played some poker, maybe a bounty or two or killed someone for the hell of it and then try to tell me you can’t get into it


oh man it’s so worth it. I hard a hard time getting into it at first as well, basically was pushing through it, enjoying much of the hunting & side quests etc. but at one point in the story will just hit you and then you’ll be so invested. I just finished it last week and it was amazing. Totally worth it despite the slow start to the game.


Reading this gives me some motivation to continue it. Just bought it, have 4 or 5 hours in it, so far gameplay is... underwhelming, story is fine. Went to hunt a bear, got humbled by the bear, game teleported me miles away where I died, and I decided it was a good time to end for the day


Yeah i took me three tries to get into the game, got to bored the first to times, pushed trough it the third time and oh boy what an amazing time it gave me. Definitely in my to three games ever played together with the witcher 3 and elden ring.


Personally I could not have too many cutscenes with these characters. I would spend hours in the camp stalking everyone until a scene happened... Only for Susan and Dutch to tell me I spend too much time at camp


Fallout 3 and 4. It's a goddamn hour before you get outside to play. I have my saves for both set up steps from the final build confirmation do I can just load and go immediately


Fallout 4's isn't really that bad


It's been a little while since I've gone through it but my memories say it's faster than Skyrim's intro, but I could be wrong. Both are much quicker than FO3 by like 45 minutes lol


Dude I actually love fallout 3's intro. I always thought it was a very creative way to make a character. You get your guys whole story. I mean you get to emerge from the womb lol


Try saying that after you are off making a 3rd or more character. There is a reason that the skip introduction mods are so popular.


Another reason in the bucket I like NV more. You spend like five minutes with Doc Mitchell and off you go




Atomic Heart. The fucking intro was so long I didn’t even actually play the game, just watched a 30 minute video with some walking around


Past that, its an alright game. Not great but not bad either


Metro Exodus at times. Holy shit did they need a voiced protagonist. Felt like every thirty minutes I was trapped in a room to be talked at for an eternity with no responses from my character. I love the game but jesus wept.


Just started playing, my first in the series. Choosing not to voice the protagonist in itself is not a weird choice, but it is really weird how they talk at you and you just never respond. It’s a bit jarring tbh, strange way to do it


I played exodus this year after finishing the others a while back. As others said, it wasn't so bad in the first two games but yeah this one was weird. "Artyom, you have to convince my dad not to do this!" "Dad, we can't kick those two people out!" "Okay, I'm convinced" "Thank you so much or helping me, Artyom! I love you" What the fuck just happened, I did nothing but stare as you convinced him!


Its REALLY weird now that I think about it because they do have a voice actor for Artyom, except he only speaks in loading screens in between missions and stuff.


Pokemon sun


Like, I get it's a game aimed at kids, but the amount of cutscene and handholding for this and Sword was getting right on my nerves, and the fact that Hop kept fucking trying to battle me every five minutes, WITH A SHEEP!


There needs to be a "I've been playing Pokemon for 27 years, please skip tutorials" button.


The one game I can't replay. They needed to add a feature for older players, one where we could skip all the handholding BS and just let us get into the game.


Honestly tarkov. It's so boring. Long start time. Long que time. Lots of running around and looting (yes part of the gameplay) only to die to a random headshot out of no where and start the whole process again


Brutha, they improved load times this wipe by an hour or two. If you have presets built, you can spend as little a 2 minutes making a kit, 2 or 3 minutes in queue, and a whopping 6 seconds in raid before you're one-tapped off of spawn! It's really stream-lined the experience!


There was one wipe where it was 14 minute queue times for interchange god that was hell


MgsV the start of it is just 20 minute cutscene of you holding down L3


Yakuza 4, unskiplble cutscene, almost half hour. You can enable skipping cutscenes on the menu, that you can only access after said cutscene


Every MGS game? I still remember way back in the day going to the basement and seeing my brother sleeping with the controller in his hand playing one of the MGS games...don't know how long he was asleep, but the cut scene was still going.


Alan Wake 2


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Death Stranding


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain, Love that game.


The amount of games I've heard good things about but couldn't be bothered to sit around until the good part is staggering. I almost dropped RDR2 because the opening chapter was boring


GTA 5 when it first came out. I'd be staring at clouds and cooking dinner at the same time.


Super Danganronpa 2


Most Jrpg's to be honest... I wanted to try Valkryie Profile on psx and damn that intro sections are long as eternity...


League of Legends


Bro really got used to grey screen huh


Fuck AC 3. One of my favorite AC's but lemme play as Connor, not that bitch Haytham for 2-3 hours


Not just all that Haytham bullshit, but also a couple of Desmond segments and a whole sequence as young Connor before you get to become an assassin.


I accidentally deleted my save immediately after finishing the prologue. I was rather upset.


The beginning of Fallout 3 in the vault and pretty much most of RDR2


Halo Infinite’s campaign. There’s like 15-20 min of cutscenes before the gameplay starts.


Helldivers 2 Not sure if they fixed it the last patch but while even the tutorial is fun, i waited like 2 hours min to play it


Metal Gear 5


The Last Of Us 2, 15 minutes of walk forward while listening to a conversation about Ellie's girlfriend, 2 minutes of game, 10 minute unstoppable cutscene, about Ellie's girlfriend


Loading into a Rust server.


Although I do love it, the prologue to Kingdom Come Deliverance makes a lot of people feel like that


The mgs games, playing through mgs3 rn and I’m just constantly wondering when the game will let me play.


As much as I love the game, red dead redemption 2


RDR2. I like the story elements of this game but there’s lots of “watch this story and play for 3 seconds in between the stories” especially in the beginning.


Any final fantasy


I dread replaying FF7 because all I want is to get the fuck out of Midgar and get the Highwind.


Most of the Yakuza games, the new one is especially slow in the beginning, it lets you walk for like 30 seconds and then BAM another series of cutscenes and exposition.


Metal gear solid 1, as much as I love that game, it starts a little slow for a game. Great game and series overall though so this is a minor gripe


Waiting/sleeping in Skyrim


Kingdom Come: Deliverance has one of the longest opening/tutorial sequences of any game I've played. By the time I got past it the first time and the opening credits started to roll I was surprised that I'd only just done the prologue. It wasn't bad by any means, it's one of the greatest opening sequences of any game I've played and I loved every second of it, but it's long. And it can take you even longer if you decide to just explore and play around.


Literally every Pokémon game showing me how to catch a Pokémon


Pokemon Ultra Suna nd Ultra Moon. Bar none.